Source code for kats.detectors.prophet_detector

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

This module contains code to implement the Prophet algorithm
as a Detector Model.

from enum import Enum
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from fbprophet import Prophet
from fbprophet.serialize import model_from_json, model_to_json
from kats.consts import TimeSeriesData
from kats.detectors.detector import DetectorModel
from kats.detectors.detector_consts import (


MIN_STDEV = 1e-9

[docs]def timeseries_to_prophet_df(ts_data: TimeSeriesData) -> pd.DataFrame: """Converts a object of TimeSeriesData to a dataframe, as expected by Prophet. Args: ts_data: object of class TimeSeriesData. Returns: pandas DataFrame expected by Prophet. """ if not ts_data.is_univariate(): raise ValueError("ProphetModel only works with univariate data") return pd.DataFrame( { PROPHET_TIME_COLUMN: ts_data.time, PROPHET_VALUE_COLUMN: ts_data.value, } )
def deviation_from_predicted_val( data: TimeSeriesData, predict_df: pd.DataFrame, ci_threshold: Optional[float] = None, uncertainty_samples: Optional[float] = None, ): return (data.value - predict_df[PROPHET_YHAT_COLUMN]) / predict_df[ PROPHET_YHAT_COLUMN ].abs() def z_score( data: TimeSeriesData, predict_df: pd.DataFrame, ci_threshold: float = 0.8, uncertainty_samples: float = 50, ): # asymmetric confidence band => points above the prediction use upper bound in calculation, points below the prediction use lower bound actual_upper_std = ( (uncertainty_samples ** 0.5) * (predict_df[PROPHET_YHAT_UPPER_COLUMN] - predict_df[PROPHET_YHAT_COLUMN]) / ci_threshold ) actual_lower_std = ( (uncertainty_samples ** 0.5) * (predict_df[PROPHET_YHAT_COLUMN] - predict_df[PROPHET_YHAT_LOWER_COLUMN]) / ci_threshold ) # if std is 0, set it to a very small value to prevent division by zero in next step upper_std = np.maximum(actual_upper_std, MIN_STDEV) lower_std = np.maximum(actual_lower_std, MIN_STDEV) upper_score = ( (data.value > predict_df[PROPHET_YHAT_COLUMN]) * (data.value - predict_df[PROPHET_YHAT_COLUMN]) / upper_std ) lower_score = ( (data.value < predict_df[PROPHET_YHAT_COLUMN]) * (data.value - predict_df[PROPHET_YHAT_COLUMN]) / lower_std ) return upper_score + lower_score
[docs]class ProphetScoreFunction(Enum): deviation_from_predicted_val = "deviation_from_predicted_val" z_score = "z_score"
SCORE_FUNC_DICT = { ProphetScoreFunction.deviation_from_predicted_val.value: deviation_from_predicted_val, ProphetScoreFunction.z_score.value: z_score, }
[docs]class ProphetDetectorModel(DetectorModel): """Prophet based anomaly detection model. A Detector Model that does anomaly detection, buy first using the Prophet library to forecast the interval for the next point, and comparing this to the actually observed data point. Attributes: strictness_factor: interval_width as required by Prophet. uncertainty_samples: Number of samples required by Prophet to calculate uncertainty. serialized_model: json, representing data from a previously serialized model. """ def __init__( self, strictness_factor: float = 0.8, uncertainty_samples: float = 50, serialized_model: Optional[bytes] = None, remove_outliers=False, score_func: ProphetScoreFunction = ProphetScoreFunction.deviation_from_predicted_val.value, ) -> None: if serialized_model: self.model = model_from_json(serialized_model) else: self.model = None self.strictness_factor = strictness_factor self.uncertainty_samples = uncertainty_samples self.remove_outliers = remove_outliers self.score_func = score_func
[docs] def serialize(self) -> bytes: """Serialize the model into a json. So it can be loaded later. Returns: json containing information of the model. """ return str.encode(model_to_json(self.model))
# pyre-fixme[14]: `fit_predict` overrides method defined in `DetectorModel` # inconsistently.
[docs] def fit_predict( self, data: TimeSeriesData, historical_data: Optional[TimeSeriesData] = None ) -> AnomalyResponse: """Trains a model, and returns the anomaly scores. Returns the AnomalyResponse, when data is passed to it. Args: data: TimeSeriesData on which detection is run. historical_data: TimeSeriesData corresponding to history. History ends exactly where the data begins. Returns: AnomalyResponse object. The length of this object is same as data. The score property gives the score for anomaly. """ # train on historical, then predict on all data. # pyre-fixme[6]: Expected `TimeSeriesData` for 1st param but got # `Optional[TimeSeriesData]`., historical_data=None) return self.predict(data)
# pyre-fixme[14]: `fit` overrides method defined in `DetectorModel` inconsistently.
[docs] def fit( self, data: TimeSeriesData, historical_data: Optional[TimeSeriesData] = None ) -> None: """Used to train a model. fit can be called during priming. We train a model using all the data passed in. Args: data: TimeSeriesData on which detection is run. historical_data: TimeSeriesData corresponding to history. History ends exactly where the data begins. Returns: None. """ if historical_data is None: total_data = data else: historical_data.extend(data) total_data = historical_data # No incremental training. Create a model and train from scratch self.model = Prophet( interval_width=self.strictness_factor, uncertainty_samples=self.uncertainty_samples, ) data_df = timeseries_to_prophet_df(total_data) if self.remove_outliers: data_df = self._remove_outliers(data_df)
# pyre-fixme[14]: `predict` overrides method defined in `DetectorModel` # inconsistently.
[docs] def predict( self, data: TimeSeriesData, historical_data: Optional[TimeSeriesData] = None, ) -> AnomalyResponse: """Predicts anomaly score for future data. Predict only expects anomaly score for data. Prophet doesn't need historical_data. Args: data: TimeSeriesData on which detection is run historical_data: TimeSeriesData corresponding to history. History ends exactly where the data begins. Returns: AnomalyResponse object. The length of this obj.ect is same as data. The score property gives the score for anomaly. """ time_df = pd.DataFrame({PROPHET_TIME_COLUMN: data.time}) predict_df = self.model.predict(time_df) zeros = np.zeros(len(data)) response = AnomalyResponse( scores=TimeSeriesData( time=data.time, value=SCORE_FUNC_DICT[self.score_func]( data=data, predict_df=predict_df, ci_threshold=self.model.interval_width, uncertainty_samples=self.uncertainty_samples, ), ), confidence_band=ConfidenceBand( upper=TimeSeriesData( time=data.time, value=predict_df[PROPHET_YHAT_UPPER_COLUMN] ), lower=TimeSeriesData( time=data.time, value=predict_df[PROPHET_YHAT_LOWER_COLUMN] ), ), predicted_ts=TimeSeriesData( time=data.time, value=predict_df[PROPHET_YHAT_COLUMN] ), anomaly_magnitude_ts=TimeSeriesData(time=data.time, value=pd.Series(zeros)), stat_sig_ts=TimeSeriesData(time=data.time, value=pd.Series(zeros)), ) return response
@staticmethod def _remove_outliers( ts_df: pd.DataFrame, outlier_ci_threshold: float = 0.99, uncertainty_samples: float = 50, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Remove outliers from the time series by fitting a Prophet model to the time series and stripping all points that fall outside the confidence interval of the predictions of the model. """ ts_dates_df = pd.DataFrame({PROPHET_TIME_COLUMN: ts_df.iloc[:, 0]}) model = Prophet( interval_width=outlier_ci_threshold, uncertainty_samples=uncertainty_samples ) model_pass1 = forecast = model_pass1.predict(ts_dates_df) is_outlier = ( ts_df[PROPHET_VALUE_COLUMN] < forecast[PROPHET_YHAT_LOWER_COLUMN] ) | (ts_df[PROPHET_VALUE_COLUMN] > forecast[PROPHET_YHAT_UPPER_COLUMN]) ts_df = ts_df[~is_outlier] return ts_df