kats.detectors.seasonality module¶

This module is for seasonality detection.

We provide two seasonality detector: ACFDetector and FFTDetector. ACFDetector uses autocorrelation function to find seasonality, while FFTDetector uses Fast Fourier Transform to detect seasonality.

Typical usage example:

>>> timeseries = TimeSeriesData(...)
>>> # initialize detector
>>> detector = ACFDetector(timeseries)
>>> # run detector
>>> detector.detector(diff=1, alpha = 0.01)
>>> # seasonality decomposition, returns trend, seasonal, residual term
>>> detector.remover()
>>> # plot acf and decompsition results
>>> detector.plot()
class kats.detectors.seasonality.ACFDetector(data: kats.consts.TimeSeriesData)[source]¶

Bases: kats.detectors.detector.Detector

Autocorrelation function seasonality detector.

Use acf to detect seasonality, and find out the potential cycle lengths


The input time series data from TimeSeriesData


A bool indicate if we decomposed the time series into trend, seasonal and residual.

detector(lags: Optional[int] = None, diff: int = 1, alpha: Optional[float] = 0.01)Dict[str, Any][source]¶

Detect seasonality

This method runs acf and returns if seasonality detected in the given time series and potential cycle lengths

  • lags – Optional; int; the maximum lags we used in acf.

  • diff – Optional; int; times of diff run on timeseries to remove trend before apply acf.

  • alpha – Optional; float; significant level we use the calcualte autocorrelation confidence interval.


A dict contains
  • seasonality_presence: bool, if seasonality detected

  • seasonalities: List[int], potential seasonlities cycle length(s)


Plot detection results.


None –



remover(decom: Type = <class 'kats.utils.decomposition.TimeSeriesDecomposition'>, model: str = 'additive', decompose_any_way: bool = False)Optional[Dict[str, Any]][source]¶

Remove the seasonality in the time series

  • decom – Optional; decomposition method.

  • model – Optional; model used for decomposition.

  • decompose_any_way – Optional; bool; decompose the time series even when seasonality is not detected in the time series.


decomposition results of the decomposition method.

class kats.detectors.seasonality.FFTDetector(data: kats.consts.TimeSeriesData)[source]¶

Bases: kats.detectors.detector.Detector

Fast Fourier Transform Seasoanlity detector

Use Fast Fourier Transform to detect seasonality, and find out the potential cycle’s length.


The input time series data from TimeSeriesData.

detector(sample_spacing: float = 1.0, mad_threshold: float = 6.0)Dict[source]¶

Detect seasonality with FFT

  • sample_spacing – Optional; float; scaling FFT for a different time unit. I.e. for hourly time series, sample_spacing=24.0, FFT x axis will be 1/day.

  • mad_threshold – Optional; float; constant for the outlier algorithm for peak detector. The larger the value the less sensitive the outlier algorithm is.


FFT Plot with peaks, selected peaks, and outlier boundary line.

get_fft(sample_spacing: float = 1.0)pandas.core.frame.DataFrame[source]¶

Computes FFT


sample_spacing – Optional; scaling FFT for a different time unit. I.e. for hourly time series, sample_spacing=24.0 FFT x axis will be 1/day.


DataFrame with columns ‘freq’ and ‘ampl’.

get_fft_peaks(fft: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, mad_threshold: float = 6.0)Tuple[float, List[float], List[float]][source]¶
Computes peaks in fft, selects the highest peaks (outliers) and

removes the harmonics (multiplies of the base harmonics found)

  • fft – FFT computed by FFTDetector.get_fft

  • sample_spacing – Optional; scaling FFT for a different time unit. I.e. for hourly time series, sample_spacing=24.0 FFT x axis will be 1/day.

  • mad_threshold – Optional; constant for the outlier algorithm for peak detector. The larger the value the less sensitive the outlier algorithm is.


outlier threshold, peaks, selected peaks.

plot(time_unit: str, sample_spacing: float = 1.0, title: str = 'FFT', mad_threshold: float = 6.0)plotly.graph_objs._figure.Figure[source]¶

Plots an FFT plot as a plotly figure

  • time_unit – string containing the unit of time (displayed on x axis). E.g. ‘Hour’.

  • sample_spacing – Optional; scaling FFT for a different time unit. I.e. for hourly time series, sample_spacing=24.0, FFT x axis will be 1/day.

  • title – Optional; title of the plot.

  • mad_threshold – Optional; constant for the outlier algorithm for peak detector. The larger the value the less sensitive the outlier algorithm is.


FFT Plot with peaks, selected peaks, and outlier boundary line.

plot_fft(time_unit: str, sample_spacing: float = 1.0, title: str = 'FFT', mad_threshold: float = 6.0)plotly.graph_objs._figure.Figure[source]¶

Plots an FFT plot as a plotly figure

  • time_unit – string containing the unit of time (displayed on x axis). E.g. ‘Hour’

  • sample_spacing – Optional; scaling FFT for a different time unit. I.e. for hourly time series, sample_spacing=24.0, FFT x axis will be 1/day

  • title – Optional; title of the plot

  • mad_threshold – Optional; constant for the outlier algorithm for peak detector. The larger the value the less sensitive the outlier algorithm is.


FFT Plot with peaks, selected peaks, and outlier boundary line