Scorer APIs

Parent Class: vizseq.scorer.VizSeqScorer

All scorers are inherited from this class and implement the score() interface. See here for the list of built-in scorers.



  • corpus_level: bool = True: calculating corpus-level score. Default to True.
  • sent_level: bool = False: calculating sentence-level score. Default to False.
  • n_workers: Optional[int] = None: the number of processes to be used. None for automatic configuration. Default to None.
  • verbose: bool = False: printing detailed logs.
  • extra_args: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None: a key-value dictionary for metric-specific parameters. Default to None.



  • hypothesis: List[str]: The model predictions.
  • references: List[List[str]]: The references. Inner list #1 for the 1st set of references, #2 for the 2nd set of references, and so on. (See also the example.)
  • tags: Optional[List[List[str]]] = None: The sentence tags. Inner list #1 for the 1st set of tags, #2 for the 2nd set of tags, and so on. Default to None.


  • score: vizseq.scorers.VizSeqScore: VizSeqScore is a namedtuple, whose definition is as follows:
class VizSeqScore(NamedTuple):
corpus_score: Optional[float] = None
sent_scores: Optional[List[float]] = None
group_scores: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None