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Getting started with mining

Welcome to stopes, this is a quickstart guide to discover how to run automated pipelines with stopes. In this example, you'll be running global mining with the stopes toolchain. (Inspired by CCMatrix).


Follow the installation steps from the project's README, we recommend doing this in a separate conda environment.

Getting Data

To run the global mining pipeline, you first need to get some monolingual data. The WMT22 Shared Task: Large-Scale Machine Translation Evaluation for African Languages has some interesting monolingual data for some African languages.

You also need some trained encoder, we usually use stopes with LASER and we can find such trained encoders for the languages in the WMT22 shared task too.

The demo/mining/ script will download the monolingual data and LASER encoders for you. Start by running this script and wait for the download to finish.

tip was built for the quickstart demo, it will only download the encoders and data released as part of the African Languages workshop. The NLLB project has released many encoders and data that you can leverage with stopes.

Configuring the pipeline

In stopes pipelines, we use hydra to configure the runs. With hydra, you can configure everything with "overrides" on the cli, but it's often easier to put the configurations in yaml files as there is a lot of things to setup.

stopes/pipelines/bitext/conf/preset/demo.yaml is a demo configuration for the data and encoders that we've downloaded in the previous steps. Check out the comments in that file.

The important parts of that preset config is:

  1. we setup the launcher to run on your local computer (no need for a cluster)
  2. we setup an alias for a demo_dir folder, so you can point to the data/models from the cli
  3. we setup some information about the data:
    • some naming, to get nice file names as outputs
    • where the data is found (with shard_glob)
  4. we tell the pipeline where to find the encoder and SentencePiece model (SPM) uses to embed the text. We do that for each lang in lang_configs. Practically, if you are only processing a few languages, you don't need so many entries, here we preset them for all languages from the WMT22 task

Speech Mining

If you are interested in SONAR multimodal mining, check the Speech Mining page for documentation.


Language codes are important, but not standardized everywhere. The stopes library does not make any assumptions to what codes you are using. As you will see in the configuration and the prepare script, codes are mostly important in naming data input files. If you want to use a different coding scheme, make sure that the files and config use the same naming conventions.

Run the Pipeline

You can now start the pipeline with:

python -m stopes.pipelines.bitext.global_mining_pipeline src_lang=fuv tgt_lang=zul demo_dir=.../stopes-repo/demo/mining +preset=demo output_dir=. embed_text=laser3
  • src_lang and tgt_lang specify the pair of languages we want to process,
  • demo_dir is the new variable we introduce in our preset/demo.yaml file, to point to where the script downloaded our data; make sure to specify an absolute path,
  • +preset=demo tells hydra to load the demo.yaml preset file to set our defaults (the + here is because we are telling hydra to append a group that doesn't exist in the default config, see the hydra doc for details),
  • output_dir specifies where we want the output (current run directory),
  • embed_text=laser3 tells the pipeline to use the laser3 encoding code to load the models and encode the text.

Try using a different encoder

In the previous run, we used embed_text=laser3, which will encode text with the language specific laser3, but you can also use other encoders. For instance, stopes ships with HuggingFace sentence-transformers, so you can use different encoders if you want to experiment.

You need to install sentence-transformers in your environment:

pip install --user sentence-transformers

Here is an example to run LaBSE:

python -m stopes.pipelines.bitext.global_mining_pipeline src_lang=fuv tgt_lang=zul demo_dir=.../stopes-repo/demo/mining +preset=demo output_dir=. embed_text=hf_labse lang_configs=null embedding_dimensions=768

Explore More

Check out these docs to learn more: