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Speech Mining Pipeline

With the Seamless Communication project, FAIR has introduced a new mechanism for speech mining. In the stopesV1, you could mine large text datasets to create aligned text accross languages. This was useful to train machine translation algorithms. From stopesV2 onwards, we introduce a mechanism that lets you mine speech and text together accross languages to create aligned multimodal datasets for training and evaluating speech tasks. This mining is based on the SONAR multimodal/multilingual embedding space.


Speech mining requires the installation of fairseq2 and SONAR. You can install these with:

pip install 'stopes[speech,mining,sonar_mining]'

or if you are installing a local checkout of this repository:

pip install '.[speech,mining,sonar_mining]'

The above message should install SONAR and fairseq2 with their default settings. If you want to install fairseq2 with custom support for your hardware (i.e. GPU suppport with different CUDA versions), see the installation instructions in the fairseq2 documentation to build the package for your own machine.

Preset configuration

The speech mining pipeline is an extension of the global mining pipeline. We recommend reading that page first to understand the base configuration for text to text mining.

While in the global mining, you run one encoder for all laguages, in speech mining, you can configure different encoders of different modalities (text or speech), depending on whether you want to mine text-text, speech-text, text-speech or speech-speech with the SONAR space encoders. You can do this within a language (e.g. to mine aligned text-speech in English), or accross languages (e.g. to mine aligned speech-speech between Catalan and Korean).

More specifically, in speech mining, we use a preset configuration to set up the embedding modules for each language under the lang_configs. Note that in your configuration, lang_configs might end up having multiple entries for the same language, but with different modalities.

Below is an example if you want to mine text-speech within French (i.e. aligning between French audios and text). You can just replace the lang_configs section in stopes/pipelines/bitext/conf/preset/demo.yaml with the following setting:

data_version: 23H1RCLSP
iteration: 1
data_shard_dir: /path/tothe/rawaudio/dataset
shard_type: speech
bname: speech
shard_list: null
shard_glob: ${.data_shard_dir}/speech/*.ogg
nl_file_template: "{lang}.nl"

preprocess: null
_target_: stopes.modules.preprocess.mining_speech_encoder.Sonar2MiningSpeechEncoder
_name: sonar2_speech_encoder
spm_model: null # unused
spm_vocab: null # unused
mini_batch_size: null
fp16: true
gpu: true
num_processes: 4
data_version: 23H1RCL
iteration: 1
data_shard_dir: /path/tothe/rawtext/dataset
shard_type: text
bname: text
shard_list: null
shard_glob: ${.data_shard_dir}/text/text.txt
meta_glob: ${.data_shard_dir}/text/meta.txt
nl_file_template: "{lang}.nl"

_target_: stopes.modules.preprocess.sonar_sentence_encoder.SonarTextEncoder
spm_model: null # unused
spm_vocab: null # unused

In this sample config, we have set a text data source fr and an audio data source frA. The example assumes they are the same language, but they could be different languages, or they could both be audio or text. The audio data source uses a SONAR speech encoder while the text source uses the text encoder. Make sure to refer to the SONAR model cards to choose the appropriate encoder model to specify in each config entry. Replace "NAME_OF_SONAR_ENCODER_MODEL" in the config above with the name of the SONAR model card (You can find the list of available model card in the SONAR Github repository).

Run the mining pipeline

The above setting is analog to the embed_text step in the global mining. The different here is that we can use either embed_speech or embed_text to encode the data of different modalities. The rest of the mining pipeline is similar to the one described on the global mining page.

We provide the example preset in stopes/pipelines/bitext/conf/preset/demo_speechmine.yaml, so you can simply run:

python -m stopes.pipelines.bitext.global_mining_pipeline src_lang=frA tgt_lang=fr demo_text_dir=.../stopes-repo/demo demo_audio_dir=[YOUR AUDIO DIR] +preset=demo_speechmine output_dir=.

Audio data format and segmentation

In order to run the above example, you would need to provide your own audio data. Note that the audio dataset shards are text files containing segmentation information about your raw audio. This follows the format:

audio_file_name start_timestamp end_timestamp batch_no

where start/end timestamps are timestamps of a speech segment within the audio file. batch_no is a batching number for this segment. You can use it to batch segments of similar length together for faster embedding, or just leave it set to 0.

This means that you need to run the speech segmentation separately. There are many ways to segment audio, one of them is to use our internal VADSegmentation, found in stopes.modules.speech.vad_segment_audio.VADSegmentAudioModule. Below is the example of the updated lang_configs for the audio data with segmentation option:

data_version: 23H1RCLSP
iteration: 1
data_shard_dir: /path/tothe/segmented_dataset
shard_type: speech
bname: speech
shard_list: null
shard_glob: ${.data_shard_dir}/speech/*.ogg
nl_file_template: "{lang}.nl"

_target_: stopes.modules.speech.vad_segment_audio.VADSegmentAudioModule
lang: fr
shards: /path/tothe/rawaudio/dataset
max_duration_in_seconds: null
output_dir: /path/tothe/segmented_dataset
hard_limit_min_length: 1.0

preprocess: null
_target_: stopes.modules.preprocess.mining_speech_encoder.Sonar2MiningSpeechEncoder
_name: sonar2_speech_encoder
spm_model: null # unused
spm_vocab: null # unused
mini_batch_size: null
fp16: true
gpu: true
num_processes: 4

Where the MODEL_TO_SILERO_VAD point to the silero VAD checkpoint found in e.g. Silero models hub.