This class implements Ocean's image class.
Definition Frame.h:1808
This class implements a 6DOF feature tracker for planar patterns.
Definition tracking/pattern/PatternTracker6DOF.h:34
unsigned int addPattern(const std::string &filename, const Vector2 &dimension, Worker *worker=nullptr)
Adds a new 2D tracking pattern (an image) to the tracker.
Frame yFrame_
Intermediate grayscale frame (used to avoid frame buffer re-allocations).
Definition tracking/pattern/PatternTracker6DOF.h:94
bool determinePoses(const Frame &frame, const PinholeCamera &pinholeCamera, const bool frameIsUndistorted, TransformationSamples &transformations, const Quaternion &world_R_camera=Quaternion(false), Worker *worker=nullptr) override
Executes the 6DOF tracking for a given frame.
unsigned int addPattern(const Frame &frame, const Vector2 &dimension, Worker *worker=nullptr)
Adds a new 2D tracking pattern (an image) to the tracker.
PatternTracker6DOF(const Options &options=Options())
Creates a new feature tracker object.
bool removePattern(const unsigned int patternId)
Removes a pattern from this tracker.
~PatternTracker6DOF() override
Destructs a feature tracker object.
bool removePatterns()
Removes all patterns from this tracker.
Set of configurable parameters for the tracker.
Definition PatternTrackerCore6DOF.h:56
This class implements the core of the 6DOF feature tracker for planar patterns.
Definition PatternTrackerCore6DOF.h:49
This class implements a base class for all visual tracker objects.
Definition tracking/VisualTracker.h:45
std::vector< TransformationSample > TransformationSamples
Definition of a vector holding a transformation sample object.
Definition tracking/VisualTracker.h:98
This class implements a worker able to distribute function calls over different threads.
Definition Worker.h:33
The namespace covering the entire Ocean framework.
Definition Accessor.h:15