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PatternTrackerCore6DOF.h File Reference

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Data Structures

class  Ocean::Tracking::Pattern::PatternTrackerCore6DOF
 This class implements the core of the 6DOF feature tracker for planar patterns. More...
class  Ocean::Tracking::Pattern::PatternTrackerCore6DOF::Options
 Set of configurable parameters for the tracker. More...
class  Ocean::Tracking::Pattern::PatternTrackerCore6DOF::FeatureMap
 Definition of a lightweight 3D feature map holding 3D object points and descriptors for all features in the map. More...
class  Ocean::Tracking::Pattern::PatternTrackerCore6DOF::Pattern
 This class stores the information necessary for one tracking pattern. More...


namespace  Ocean
 The namespace covering the entire Ocean framework.
namespace  Ocean::Tracking
 Namespace of the Tracker library.
namespace  Ocean::Tracking::Pattern
 Namespace of the Pattern Tracker library.