No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
3 *
4 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
6 */
23#include <map>
24#include <vector>
26namespace Ocean
29namespace SceneDescription
32// Forward declaration.
33class EventNode;
35// Forward declaration.
36class UpdateNode;
38// Forward declaration.
39class SDXEventNode;
41// Forward declaration.
42class SDXUpdateNode;
45 * This class implements the manager for all scene descriptions.
46 * The manager encapsulates all registered scene description libraries.<br>
47 * Use the load() function to load a new scene description object.<br>
48 *
49 * Example demonstrating the manager usage:
50 * @code
51 * // This example shows how to use the load() function and how to determine which type of scene description has been returned
52 *
53 * // Get the rendering engine from e.g. the application
54 * Rendering::EngineRef renderingEngine = application.getRenderingEngine();
55 * ocean_assert(renderingEngine);
56 *
57 * // Get the rendering framebuffer from e.g. the application
58 * Rendering::FramebufferRef renderingFramebuffer = application.getRenderingFramebuffer();
59 * ocean_assert(renderingFramebuffer);
60 *
61 * // Load a scene description file - a permanent scene description is preferred
62 * SceneRef scene = Manager::get().load("scenefile.x3dv", renderingEngine, SceneDescription::TYPE_PERMANENT);
63 *
64 * if (scene)
65 * {
66 * if (scene->descriptionType() == SceneDescription::TYPE_PERMANENT)
67 * {
68 * SDXSceneRef sdxScene(scene);
69 * ocean_assert(sdxScene);
70 *
71 * // The rendering scene object of the permanent scene description object can be added to the used rendering framebuffer directly
72 * renderingFramebuffer->addScene(sdxScene->renderingScene());
73 * }
74 * else
75 * {
76 * ocean_assert(scene->descriptionType() == SceneDescription::TYPE_TRANSIENT);
77 *
78 * SDLSceneRef sdlScene(scene);
79 * ocean_assert(sdlScene);
80 *
81 * // We have a transient scene description object, thus we have to apply the description to the rendering engine explicitly
82 * Rendering::SceneRef renderingScene = sdlScene->apply(renderingEngine);
83 *
84 * // If the created rendering scene object is valid is can be added to the used rendering framebuffer
85 * if (renderingScene)
86 * renderingFramebuffer->addScene(renderingScene);
87 * }
88 * }
89 * else
90 * {
91 * // The scene could not be loaded, e.g. the file did not exist, or an error occurred.
92 * Log::error() << "The scene description file could not be loaded.";
93 * }
94 *
95 * @endcode
96 * @ingroup scenedescription
97 */
99 public IO::FileManager,
100 public Singleton<Manager>
102 friend class Singleton<Manager>;
103 friend class Library;
104 friend class SDXEventNode;
105 friend class SDXUpdateNode;
107 public:
109 /**
110 * Definition of a vector holding library names.
111 */
112 typedef std::vector<std::string> LibraryNames;
114 protected:
116 /**
117 * Definition of a pair combining a library with a reference counter.
118 */
119 typedef std::pair<LibraryRef, unsigned int> LibraryCounterPair;
121 /**
122 * Definition of a vector holding library pairs.
123 */
124 typedef std::vector<LibraryCounterPair> Libraries;
126 /**
127 * Definition of a set holding library names.
128 */
129 typedef std::unordered_set<std::string> NameSet;
131 /**
132 * Definition of a map mapping scene description node ids to event nodes.
133 */
134 typedef std::unordered_map<NodeId, SDXEventNode*> EventNodes;
136 /**
137 * Definition of a map mapping scene description node ids to update nodes.
138 */
139 typedef std::unordered_map<NodeId, SDXUpdateNode*> UpdateNodes;
141 /**
142 * Definition of a set holding permanent scene description objects.
143 */
144 typedef std::map<SceneId, SDXSceneRef> PermanentSceneMap;
146 public:
148 /**
149 * Loads a new scene and creates a scene description hierarchy.
150 * Two different scene description types are available.<br>
151 * First: A transient scene description creates a scene and object hierarchy and must be applied to a rendering engine afterwards explicitly.<br>
152 * After that all scene description objects are not needed anymore and can be disposed.<br>
153 *
154 * Second: a permanent scene description creates a scene and object hierarchy and directly creates corresponding rendering engine objects.<br>
155 * Therefore, all rendering objects exist as long as the corresponding scene description object exist.<br>
156 * The scene description object allows for easy scene manipulation without knowledge of the underling rendering structure.<br>
157 * This manager will hold a copy of all permanent scene description objects as long as they are unloaded explicitly.<br>
158 *
159 * Beware: Check the type of returned scene description object.<br>
160 * Depending on the available scene description libraries the description type may vary.<br>
161 * To not hold a reference of the returned object longer than necessary!<br>
162 * @param filename The filename of the scene to load
163 * @param engine Rendering engine to be connected with the scene description, must be defined for permanent scene description objects only
164 * @param timestamp The current timestamp, must be valid
165 * @param preferredDescriptionType Preferred description type of the scene to load
166 * @param progress The progress state receiving recurrently information about the load state with range [0, 1]
167 * @param cancel The cancel state allows the cancellation of a load process while loading process hasn't finished, if the cancel state is used the load process stops if the value is set to True
168 * @return Resulting scene
169 * @see unload().
170 */
171 SceneRef load(const std::string& filename, const Rendering::EngineRef& engine, const Timestamp& timestamp, const DescriptionType preferredDescriptionType = TYPE_PERMANENT, float* progress = nullptr, bool* cancel = nullptr);
173 /**
174 * Unloads a given permanent scene description objects.
175 * Transient description objects must not be unloaded because the manager does not hold a copy of transient scene objects.<br>
176 * Beware: At the moment the scene is unloaded there should not be any other resource holding a reference to this object!
177 * @param sceneId Scene id of the permanent scene description object to be unloaded
178 * @return True, if succeeded
179 * @see load().
180 */
181 bool unload(const SceneId sceneId);
183 /**
184 * Unloads all permanent scene description objects.
185 */
188 /**
189 * Returns a list of all registered libraries.
190 * @return Registered libraries
191 */
194 /**
195 * Returns all currently supported file extensions.
196 * @see FileManager::supportedFormats().
197 */
200 /**
201 * Returns whether currently at least one scene description node handles mouse events.
202 * The state change with every new frame.<br>
203 * Because mouse events can produce high computational overhead this test can safe computational time.
204 * @return True, if so
205 */
206 inline bool handlesMouseEvents() const;
208 /**
209 * Sends a mouse event to be handled by the scene description.
210 * @param button The button type
211 * @param buttonEvent Type of the event
212 * @param screenPosition Screen device position
213 * @param objectPosition Object position
214 * @param objectId Id of a rendering object associated with the event
215 * @param timestamp Event timestamp
216 */
217 void mouseEvent(const ButtonType button, const ButtonEvent buttonEvent, const Vector2& screenPosition, const Vector3& objectPosition, const Rendering::ObjectId objectId, const Timestamp timestamp);
219 /**
220 * Sends a key event to be handled by the scene description.
221 * @param key The key type
222 * @param buttonEvent Type of the event
223 * @param objectId Id of a rendering object associated with the event
224 * @param timestamp Event timestamp
225 */
226 void keyEvent(const int key, const ButtonEvent buttonEvent, const Rendering::ObjectId objectId, const Timestamp timestamp);
228 /**
229 * Pre-updates all scene description objects needing regularly pre updates.
230 * @param view Rendering view to be used for rendering
231 * @param timestamp Preferred update timestamp
232 * @return Actually used update timestamp
233 */
234 Timestamp preUpdate(const Rendering::ViewRef& view, const Timestamp timestamp);
236 /**
237 * Pre-updates all scene description objects of a specified library only.
238 * @param library Name of the library
239 * @param view Rendering view to be used for rendering
240 * @param timestamp Preferred Update timestamp
241 * @return Actually used update timestamp
242 */
243 Timestamp preUpdate(const std::string& library, const Rendering::ViewRef& view, const Timestamp timestamp);
245 /**
246 * Updates all scene description objects needing regularly updates.
247 * @param view Rendering view to be used for rendering
248 * @param timestamp Update timestamp
249 */
250 void update(const Rendering::ViewRef& view, const Timestamp timestamp);
252 /**
253 * Updates all scene description objects of a specified library only.
254 * @param library Name of the library
255 * @param view Rendering view to be used for rendering
256 * @param timestamp Update timestamp
257 */
258 void update(const std::string& library, const Rendering::ViewRef& view, const Timestamp timestamp);
260 /**
261 * Returns the node reference of the first available scene description node with a specified name.
262 * This function searches in all libraries and all description types.
263 * @param name The name of the node to return
264 * @return Node reference of the node, the reference will be empty if the node does not exist
265 */
266 NodeRef node(const std::string& name) const;
268 /**
269 * Returns the node reference of the first available scene description node with a specified name defined inside a specific library.
270 * @param library The library to be searched
271 * @param name The name of the node to return
272 * @return Node reference of the node, the reference will be empty if the node does not exist
273 */
274 NodeRef node(const std::string& library, const std::string& name) const;
276 /**
277 * Returns all node references of all available scene description nodes with a specified name.
278 * This function searches in all libraries and all description types.
279 * @param name The name of the nodes to return
280 * @return All node references found
281 */
282 NodeRefs nodes(const std::string& name) const;
284 /**
285 * Returns all node references of all available scene description nodes with a specified name defined inside a specific library.
286 * @param library The library to be searched
287 * @param name The name of the nodes to return
288 * @return All node references found
289 */
290 NodeRefs nodes(const std::string& library, const std::string& name) const;
292 /**
293 * Releases all scene library.
294 */
295 void release();
297 /**
298 * Registers a new library.
299 * With each register call, the reference counter for a specific library will be incremented.
300 * Each call to registerLibrary() needs to be balanced with a corresponding call of unregisterLibrary() before shutting down.
301 * @param name The name of the library to register, must be valid
302 * @return True, if the library has not been registered before
303 * @tparam T The data type of the library to register
304 * @see unregisterLibrary().
305 */
306 template <typename T>
307 bool registerLibrary(const std::string& name);
309 /**
310 * Unregisters a library.
311 * With each unregister call, the reference counter for a specific library will be decremented and removed from the system if the counter reaches zero.
312 * Each call to registerLibrary() needs to be balanced with a corresponding call of unregisterLibrary() before shutting down.
313 * @param name The name of the library to unregister, must be valid
314 * @return True, if the library was actually removed from the system (as the reference counter reached zero); False, if the library is still used by someone else
315 * @see registerLibrary().
316 */
317 bool unregisterLibrary(const std::string& name);
319 protected:
321 /**
322 * Creates a new manager.
323 */
326 /**
327 * Destructs a manager.
328 */
329 virtual ~Manager();
331 /**
332 * Registers a new event node.
333 * @param node Event node to register
334 */
337 /**
338 * Unregisters an event node.
339 * @param node Event node to unregister
340 */
343 /**
344 * Registers a new update node.
345 * @param node Update node to register
346 */
349 /**
350 * Unregisters an update node.
351 * @param node Update node to unregister
352 */
355 protected:
357 /// The vector holding all registered scene description libraries.
360 /// Map holding all permanent scene description objects.
363 /// Map holding all event nodes.
366 /// Map holding all update nodes.
369 /// Manager lock.
372 /// Library lock.
378 const ScopedLock scopedLock(managerLock_);
380 return eventNodes_.empty() == false;
383template <typename T>
384bool Manager::registerLibrary(const std::string& name)
386 const ScopedLock mLock(managerLock_);
387 const ScopedLock lLock(libraryLock_);
389 // first we check whether the library has been registered already
391 for (Libraries::iterator i = libraries_.begin(); i != libraries_.end(); ++i)
392 {
393 ocean_assert(i->first);
395 if (i->first->name() == name)
396 {
397 ++i->second;
398 return false;
399 }
400 }
402 // the library has not been registered before, so we insert the library based on the priority
404 LibraryRef newLibrary = T::create();
406 for (Libraries::iterator i = libraries_.begin(); i != libraries_.end(); ++i)
407 {
408 ocean_assert(i->first);
410 if (i->first->priority() < newLibrary->priority())
411 {
412 libraries_.insert(i, std::make_pair(std::move(newLibrary), 1u));
413 return true;
414 }
415 }
417 // the library goes to the end
419 libraries_.emplace_back(std::make_pair(std::move(newLibrary), 1u));
420 return true;
This class is the base class for all plugin manager able to load and manager files.
Definition FileManager.h:26
std::map< std::string, std::string > FileExtensions
Definition of a map mapping supported file extensions to file type descriptions.
Definition FileManager.h:32
This class implements a recursive lock object.
Definition Lock.h:31
This class is the base class for all scene description libraries.
Definition scenedescription/Library.h:37
This class implements the manager for all scene descriptions.
Definition scenedescription/Manager.h:101
Lock managerLock_
Manager lock.
Definition scenedescription/Manager.h:370
Timestamp preUpdate(const std::string &library, const Rendering::ViewRef &view, const Timestamp timestamp)
Pre-updates all scene description objects of a specified library only.
Creates a new manager.
UpdateNodes updateNodes_
Map holding all update nodes.
Definition scenedescription/Manager.h:367
std::vector< std::string > LibraryNames
Definition of a vector holding library names.
Definition scenedescription/Manager.h:112
bool unload(const SceneId sceneId)
Unloads a given permanent scene description objects.
std::unordered_map< NodeId, SDXUpdateNode * > UpdateNodes
Definition of a map mapping scene description node ids to update nodes.
Definition scenedescription/Manager.h:139
std::unordered_set< std::string > NameSet
Definition of a set holding library names.
Definition scenedescription/Manager.h:129
std::pair< LibraryRef, unsigned int > LibraryCounterPair
Definition of a pair combining a library with a reference counter.
Definition scenedescription/Manager.h:119
bool unregisterLibrary(const std::string &name)
Unregisters a library.
void mouseEvent(const ButtonType button, const ButtonEvent buttonEvent, const Vector2 &screenPosition, const Vector3 &objectPosition, const Rendering::ObjectId objectId, const Timestamp timestamp)
Sends a mouse event to be handled by the scene description.
void registerEventNode(SDXEventNode &node)
Registers a new event node.
void unregisterUpdateNode(SDXUpdateNode &node)
Unregisters an update node.
void unregisterEventNode(SDXEventNode &node)
Unregisters an event node.
SceneRef load(const std::string &filename, const Rendering::EngineRef &engine, const Timestamp &timestamp, const DescriptionType preferredDescriptionType=TYPE_PERMANENT, float *progress=nullptr, bool *cancel=nullptr)
Loads a new scene and creates a scene description hierarchy.
PermanentSceneMap permanentSceneMap_
Map holding all permanent scene description objects.
Definition scenedescription/Manager.h:361
std::vector< LibraryCounterPair > Libraries
Definition of a vector holding library pairs.
Definition scenedescription/Manager.h:124
LibraryNames libraries()
Returns a list of all registered libraries.
NodeRef node(const std::string &library, const std::string &name) const
Returns the node reference of the first available scene description node with a specified name define...
void keyEvent(const int key, const ButtonEvent buttonEvent, const Rendering::ObjectId objectId, const Timestamp timestamp)
Sends a key event to be handled by the scene description.
std::unordered_map< NodeId, SDXEventNode * > EventNodes
Definition of a map mapping scene description node ids to event nodes.
Definition scenedescription/Manager.h:134
bool handlesMouseEvents() const
Returns whether currently at least one scene description node handles mouse events.
Definition scenedescription/Manager.h:376
NodeRefs nodes(const std::string &name) const
Returns all node references of all available scene description nodes with a specified name.
Libraries libraries_
The vector holding all registered scene description libraries.
Definition scenedescription/Manager.h:358
void unloadScenes()
Unloads all permanent scene description objects.
Timestamp preUpdate(const Rendering::ViewRef &view, const Timestamp timestamp)
Pre-updates all scene description objects needing regularly pre updates.
NodeRefs nodes(const std::string &library, const std::string &name) const
Returns all node references of all available scene description nodes with a specified name defined in...
FileExtensions supportedExtensions()
Returns all currently supported file extensions.
void update(const Rendering::ViewRef &view, const Timestamp timestamp)
Updates all scene description objects needing regularly updates.
EventNodes eventNodes_
Map holding all event nodes.
Definition scenedescription/Manager.h:364
Lock libraryLock_
Library lock.
Definition scenedescription/Manager.h:373
bool registerLibrary(const std::string &name)
Registers a new library.
Definition scenedescription/Manager.h:384
std::map< SceneId, SDXSceneRef > PermanentSceneMap
Definition of a set holding permanent scene description objects.
Definition scenedescription/Manager.h:144
void update(const std::string &library, const Rendering::ViewRef &view, const Timestamp timestamp)
Updates all scene description objects of a specified library only.
NodeRef node(const std::string &name) const
Returns the node reference of the first available scene description node with a specified name.
void registerUpdateNode(SDXUpdateNode &node)
Registers a new update node.
virtual ~Manager()
Destructs a manager.
void release()
Releases all scene library.
This class implements the base class for all nodes receiving event calls regularly.
Definition SDXEventNode.h:25
This class implements the base class for all nodes needing update calls regularly.
Definition SDXUpdateNode.h:25
This class implements a scoped lock object for recursive lock objects.
Definition Lock.h:135
This template class is the base class for all singleton objects.
Definition Singleton.h:71
This template class implements a smart object reference which is a specialization of an ObjectRef obj...
Definition SmartObjectRef.h:90
This class implements a timestamp.
Definition Timestamp.h:36
Definition of different device events.
Definition SceneDescription.h:92
Definition of different scene description types.
Definition SceneDescription.h:64
std::vector< NodeRef > NodeRefs
Definition of a vector holding scene description node references.
Definition scenedescription/Node.h:42
Definition of different button types.
Definition SceneDescription.h:76
The namespace covering the entire Ocean framework.
Definition Accessor.h:15