openxr/OpenXR.h File Reference

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 The namespace covering the entire Ocean framework.
 Namespace of the Platform library.
 Namespace of the Platform OpenXR library.


using Ocean::Platform::OpenXR::ScopedXrSpace = ScopedObjectCompileTimeT< XrSpace, XrSpace, XrResult, xrDestroySpaceOcean, XR_SUCCESS >
 Definition of a scoped object holding a XrSpace object. More...
using Ocean::Platform::OpenXR::XrVectors2f = std::vector< XrVector2f >
 Definition of a vector holding OpenXR XrVector2f objects. More...
using Ocean::Platform::OpenXR::XrVectors3f = std::vector< XrVector3f >
 Definition of a vector holding OpenXR XrVector3f objects. More...
using Ocean::Platform::OpenXR::XrVectors4f = std::vector< XrVector4f >
 Definition of a vector holding OpenXR XrVector4f objects. More...
using Ocean::Platform::OpenXR::XrVectors4sFB = std::vector< XrVector4sFB >
 Definition of a vector holding OpenXR XrVector4sFB objects. More...
using Ocean::Platform::OpenXR::XrPosesf = std::vector< XrPosef >
 Definition of a vector holding OpenXR XrPosef objects. More...
using Ocean::Platform::OpenXR::XrHandJointsEXT = std::vector< XrHandJointEXT >
 Definition of a vector holding OpenXR XrHandJointEXT objects. More...
using Ocean::Platform::OpenXR::XrPaths = std::vector< XrPath >
 Definition of a vector holding OpenXR XrPath objects. More...


XrResult Ocean::Platform::OpenXR::xrDestroySpaceOcean (XrSpace xrSpace)
 Wrapper function for xrDestroySpace. More...