Ocean::Platform::OpenXR Namespace Reference

Namespace of the Platform OpenXR library. More...

Data Structures

class  ActionSet
 This class implements a wrapper for an OpenXR action set. More...
class  Instance
 This class wraps an OpenXR instance. More...
class  Session
 This class wraps an OpenXR session. More...
class  Utilities
 This class implements utility functions for OpenXR. More...


typedef std::shared_ptr< ActionSetSharedActionSet
 Definition of a shared pointer holding an ActionSet object. More...
typedef std::vector< ActionSetActionSets
 Definition of a vector holding ActionSet objects. More...
typedef std::vector< SharedActionSetSharedActionSets
 Definition of a vector holding a SharedActionSet object. More...
using ScopedXrSpace = ScopedObjectCompileTimeT< XrSpace, XrSpace, XrResult, xrDestroySpaceOcean, XR_SUCCESS >
 Definition of a scoped object holding a XrSpace object. More...
using XrVectors2f = std::vector< XrVector2f >
 Definition of a vector holding OpenXR XrVector2f objects. More...
using XrVectors3f = std::vector< XrVector3f >
 Definition of a vector holding OpenXR XrVector3f objects. More...
using XrVectors4f = std::vector< XrVector4f >
 Definition of a vector holding OpenXR XrVector4f objects. More...
using XrVectors4sFB = std::vector< XrVector4sFB >
 Definition of a vector holding OpenXR XrVector4sFB objects. More...
using XrPosesf = std::vector< XrPosef >
 Definition of a vector holding OpenXR XrPosef objects. More...
using XrHandJointsEXT = std::vector< XrHandJointEXT >
 Definition of a vector holding OpenXR XrHandJointEXT objects. More...
using XrPaths = std::vector< XrPath >
 Definition of a vector holding OpenXR XrPath objects. More...


XrResult xrDestroySpaceOcean (XrSpace xrSpace)
 Wrapper function for xrDestroySpace. More...

Detailed Description

Namespace of the Platform OpenXR library.

The Namespace Ocean::Platform::OpenXR is used in the entire Ocean Platform OpenXR Library.