No Matches
Ocean::Test::TestTracking Namespace Reference

Namespace of the Tracking Test library. More...


namespace  TestOculusTag
 Namespace of the Tracking Oculus Tag Test library.
namespace  TestOculusTags

Data Structures

class  TestDatabase
 This class implements tests for the Database class. More...
class  TestHomographyImageAlignmentDense
 This class implements a test for the dense homography image alignment. More...
class  TestPatternTracker
 This class implements a test for pattern tracker. More...
class  TestSimilarityTracker
 This class implements tests for the SimilarityTracker class. More...
class  TestSmoothedTransformation
 This class implements tests for the SmoothedTransformation class. More...
class  TestVocabularyTree
 This class implements a test for the VocabularyTree class. More...


OCEAN_TEST_TRACKING_EXPORT bool testTracking (const double testDuration, Worker &worker, const std::string &testFunctions=std::string())
 Tests the entire tracking library.
OCEAN_TEST_TRACKING_EXPORT void testTrackingAsynchron (const double testDuration, const std::string &testFunctions=std::string())
 Tests the entire tracking library.

Detailed Description

Namespace of the Tracking Test library.

The Namespace Ocean::Test::TestTracking is used in the entire Ocean Tracking Test Library.