No Matches
Ocean::System::USB Namespace Reference

Namespace of the System library USB. More...


namespace  Android
 Namespace of the System library USB Android.
namespace  Video
 Namespace of the System library USB Video.

Data Structures

class  Context
 This class wraps a libusb context. More...
class  Descriptor
 This class implements the base class for all interface descriptors. More...
class  Device
 This class wraps a libusb device. More...
class  Manager
 This class implements a manager for USB devices. More...
class  Utilities
 This class implements utility functions for USB devices. More...


using SharedContext = std::shared_ptr< Context >
 Definition of a shared pointer holding a context.
using SharedDevice = std::shared_ptr< Device >
 Definition of a shared pointer holding a device.
using SharedDevices = std::vector< SharedDevice >
 Definition of a vector holding SharedDevice objects.
using ScopedTransfer = ScopedObjectCompileTimeVoidT< libusb_transfer *, releaseTransfer >
 Definition of a scoped libusb transfer object.
using ScopedTransfers = std::vector< ScopedTransfer >
 Definition of a vector holding scoped libusb transfer objects.
using TransferIndexMap = std::unordered_map< libusb_transfer *, size_t >
 Definition of an unordered map mapping libusb transfer points to indices.


OCEAN_SYSTEM_USB_EXPORT void releaseTransfer (libusb_transfer *libusbTransfer)
 Helper function to free a libusb transfer.


constexpr uint8_t CS_INTERFACE = 0x24u

Detailed Description

Namespace of the System library USB.

The Namespace Ocean::System::USB is used in the entire Ocean System USB Library.

Typedef Documentation

◆ TransferIndexMap

using Ocean::System::USB::TransferIndexMap = typedef std::unordered_map<libusb_transfer*, size_t>

Definition of an unordered map mapping libusb transfer points to indices.

Variable Documentation


constexpr uint8_t Ocean::System::USB::CS_INTERFACE = 0x24u