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Ocean System USB Library

The Ocean System USB Library provides access to USB functionalities. More...

Collaboration diagram for Ocean System USB Library:


 Ocean System USB Android Library
 The Ocean System USB Android Library provides access to devices via USB on Android platforms.
 Ocean System USB Video Library
 The Ocean System USB Video Library provides access to Video devices via USB.

Data Structures

class  Ocean::System::USB::Context
 This class wraps a libusb context. More...
class  Ocean::System::USB::Descriptor
 This class implements the base class for all interface descriptors. More...
class  Ocean::System::USB::Device
 This class wraps a libusb device. More...
class  Ocean::System::USB::Manager
 This class implements a manager for USB devices. More...
class  Ocean::System::USB::Utilities
 This class implements utility functions for USB devices. More...
class  Ocean::System::USB::Video::VCHeaderDescriptor
 Class-Specific VC Interface Descriptor (VC_HEADER). More...
class  Ocean::System::USB::Video::VCInputTerminalDescriptor
 Input Terminal Descriptor (VC_INPUT_TERMINAL) More...
class  Ocean::System::USB::Video::VCProcessingUnitDescriptor
 Processing Unit Descriptor (VC_PROCESSING_UNIT). More...
class  Ocean::System::USB::Video::VCSelectorUnitDescriptor
 Selector Unit Descriptor (VC_SELECTOR_UNIT). More...
class  Ocean::System::USB::Video::VCExtensionUnitDescriptor
 Extension Unit Descriptor (VC_EXTENSION_UNIT) More...


using Ocean::System::USB::SharedContext = std::shared_ptr< Context >
 Definition of a shared pointer holding a context.
using Ocean::System::USB::SharedDevice = std::shared_ptr< Device >
 Definition of a shared pointer holding a device.
using Ocean::System::USB::SharedDevices = std::vector< SharedDevice >
 Definition of a vector holding SharedDevice objects.
using Ocean::System::USB::ScopedTransfer = ScopedObjectCompileTimeVoidT< libusb_transfer *, releaseTransfer >
 Definition of a scoped libusb transfer object.
using Ocean::System::USB::ScopedTransfers = std::vector< ScopedTransfer >
 Definition of a vector holding scoped libusb transfer objects.


OCEAN_SYSTEM_USB_EXPORT void Ocean::System::USB::releaseTransfer (libusb_transfer *libusbTransfer)
 Helper function to free a libusb transfer.

Detailed Description

The Ocean System USB Library provides access to USB functionalities.

The library is platform independent.

Typedef Documentation

◆ ScopedTransfer

Definition of a scoped libusb transfer object.

◆ ScopedTransfers

Definition of a vector holding scoped libusb transfer objects.

◆ SharedContext

using Ocean::System::USB::SharedContext = typedef std::shared_ptr<Context>

Definition of a shared pointer holding a context.

See also

◆ SharedDevice

using Ocean::System::USB::SharedDevice = typedef std::shared_ptr<Device>

Definition of a shared pointer holding a device.

See also

◆ SharedDevices

using Ocean::System::USB::SharedDevices = typedef std::vector<SharedDevice>

Definition of a vector holding SharedDevice objects.

See also

Function Documentation

◆ releaseTransfer()

OCEAN_SYSTEM_USB_EXPORT void Ocean::System::USB::releaseTransfer ( libusb_transfer *  libusbTransfer)

Helper function to free a libusb transfer.

libusbTransferThe transfer to be release