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Ocean::Platform::Android Namespace Reference

Namespace of the Platform Android library. More...


namespace  Application
 Namespace of the Platform Android Application library.

Data Structures

class  Battery
 This class implements battery functions. More...
class  Bitmap
 This class implements bitmap functions. More...
class  NativeInterfaceManager
 This class implements the manager of the java native interface as singleton. More...
class  Permission
 This class implements functions for Android application permissions. More...
class  PowerMonitor
class  Processor
 This class implements processor functions. More...
class  ProcessorMonitor
 This class implements a processor monitor. More...
class  ProcessorStatistic
 This class implements a processor statistic object. More...
class  ResourceManager
 This class implements a manager for resource data. More...
class  ScopedJNIEnvironment
 This class implements a scoped access to a JNI environment with attached current thread. More...
class  ScopedJNIObject
 This class implements a scoped JNI jobject/jclass/jstring. More...
class  Utilities
 This class implements helper functions for android platforms. More...


typedef ScopedJNIObject< jclass > ScopedJClass
 Definition of a scoped object encapsulating a jclass object.
typedef ScopedJNIObject< jobjectScopedJObject
 Definition of a scoped object encapsulating a jobject object.
typedef ScopedJNIObject< jobjectArray > ScopedJObjectArray
 Definition of a scoped object encapsulating a jobjectArray object.
typedef ScopedJNIObject< jstring > ScopedJString
 Definition of a scoped object encapsulating a jstring object.

Detailed Description

Namespace of the Platform Android library.

The Namespace Ocean::Platform::Android is used in the entire Ocean Platform Android Library.