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Ocean Platform Android Library

The Ocean Android Platform Library provides specific functionalities for Android platforms. More...

Collaboration diagram for Ocean Platform Android Library:


 Ocean Platform Android Application Library
 The Ocean Android Platform Application Library provides specific functionalities for applications on Android platforms.

Data Structures

class  Ocean::Platform::Android::Battery
 This class implements battery functions. More...
class  Ocean::Platform::Android::Bitmap
 This class implements bitmap functions. More...
class  Ocean::Platform::Android::NativeInterfaceManager
 This class implements the manager of the java native interface as singleton. More...
class  Ocean::Platform::Android::Permission
 This class implements functions for Android application permissions. More...
class  Ocean::Platform::Android::Processor
 This class implements processor functions. More...
class  Ocean::Platform::Android::ProcessorMonitor
 This class implements a processor monitor. More...
class  Ocean::Platform::Android::ProcessorStatistic
 This class implements a processor statistic object. More...
class  Ocean::Platform::Android::ResourceManager
 This class implements a manager for resource data. More...
class  Ocean::Platform::Android::ScopedJNIEnvironment
 This class implements a scoped access to a JNI environment with attached current thread. More...
class  Ocean::Platform::Android::ScopedJNIObject< T >
 This class implements a scoped JNI jobject/jclass/jstring. More...
class  Ocean::Platform::Android::Utilities
 This class implements helper functions for android platforms. More...


typedef ScopedJNIObject< jclass > Ocean::Platform::Android::ScopedJClass
 Definition of a scoped object encapsulating a jclass object.
typedef ScopedJNIObject< jobjectOcean::Platform::Android::ScopedJObject
 Definition of a scoped object encapsulating a jobject object.
typedef ScopedJNIObject< jobjectArray > Ocean::Platform::Android::ScopedJObjectArray
 Definition of a scoped object encapsulating a jobjectArray object.
typedef ScopedJNIObject< jstring > Ocean::Platform::Android::ScopedJString
 Definition of a scoped object encapsulating a jstring object.


jboolean Java_com_meta_ocean_network_NetworkJni_setCurrentLocalIPAddress (JNIEnv *env, jobject javaThis, jint localIPAddress)
 Java native interface function to set the current local IP address.

Detailed Description

The Ocean Android Platform Library provides specific functionalities for Android platforms.

The library is available on android platforms only.

Typedef Documentation

◆ ScopedJClass

Definition of a scoped object encapsulating a jclass object.

See also

◆ ScopedJObject

Definition of a scoped object encapsulating a jobject object.

See also

◆ ScopedJObjectArray

Definition of a scoped object encapsulating a jobjectArray object.

See also

◆ ScopedJString

Definition of a scoped object encapsulating a jstring object.

See also

Function Documentation

◆ Java_com_meta_ocean_network_NetworkJni_setCurrentLocalIPAddress()

jboolean Java_com_meta_ocean_network_NetworkJni_setCurrentLocalIPAddress ( JNIEnv *  env,
jobject  javaThis,
jint  localIPAddress 

Java native interface function to set the current local IP address.

envThe JNI environment, must be valid
javaThisThe NetworkJni JNI object
localIPAddressThe current local IP address, in big endian notation
True, if succeeded