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Ocean::CV::Advanced Namespace Reference

Namespace of the CV Advanced library. More...

Data Structures

class  AdvancedFrameChannels
 This class implements advanced frame channel conversion, transformation and extraction functions. More...
class  AdvancedFrameConverter
 This class implements a frame converter creating advanced and artificial pixel formats. More...
class  AdvancedFrameFilterGaussian
 This class implements an advanced Gaussian filter. More...
class  AdvancedFrameFilterSeparable
 This class implements an advanced separable filter. More...
class  AdvancedFrameFilterSobel
 This class implements an advanced sobel frame filter allowing to filter 3D image content. More...
class  AdvancedFrameInterpolatorBilinear
 This class implements an advanced bilinear frame interpolator. More...
class  AdvancedFrameInterpolatorBilinearBase
 This class implements several advanced bilinear frame interpolator functions based e.g., on template parameters. More...
class  AdvancedFrameInterpolatorBilinearNEON
 This class implements advanced bilinear frame interpolation functions using NEON extensions. More...
class  AdvancedFrameInterpolatorBilinearSSE
 This class implements advanced bilinear frame interpolation functions using SSE extensions. More...
class  AdvancedFrameShrinker
 This class implements an advanced frame shrinker e.g., not simply combining visual information from the finer layer but also taking a corresponding mask into account. More...
class  AdvancedMotion
 This class implements advanced motion techniques (mainly with sub-pixel accuracy or binary masks) allowing to determine the motion (movement) of individual image points between two frames. More...
class  AdvancedSumSquareDifferences
 This class implements sum of square difference calculation functions allowing to determine the ssd with sub-pixel accuracy. More...
class  AdvancedSumSquareDifferencesBase
 This class implements functions calculating the sum of square differences and omit center pixel. More...
class  AdvancedSumSquareDifferencesSSE
 This class implements sum of square difference calculation functions allowing to determine the SSE with sub-pixel accuracy using SSD SIMD instructions. More...
class  AdvancedZeroMeanSumSquareDifferences
 This class implements zero-mean sum of square difference calculation functions. More...
class  AdvancedZeroMeanSumSquareDifferencesBase
 This class implements functions calculating the zero-mean sum of square differences. More...
class  BlackPointDetector
 Provides functions for black point detection in a frame. More...
class  ColorChannelCurve
 Implements a look-up table to perform fast transformations on a single color channel. More...
class  ColorChannelMapper
 Provides methods for fast remapping of colors inside frames. More...
class  FrameColorAdjustment
 This class implements color adjustment functions between frames. More...
class  FrameRectification
 This class implements functions creating rectified images from frame areas or objects located in a frame. More...
class  PanoramaFrame
 This class implements a panorama frame with spherical projection model. More...
class  PixelLineT
 This class implements a 2D line with pixel precision. More...
class  PixelTriangleT
 This class implements a 2D triangle with pixel precision. More...
class  PoissonBlending
 Provides image blending based on Poisson Blending, a seamless image composition algorithm from Perez, et al. More...
class  ScaleOffsetMapping
 Defines a scaling and offset color channel mapping. More...
class  SumSquareDifferencesNoCenter
 This class implements functions calculating the sum of square differences and omit center pixel. More...
class  SumSquareDifferencesNoCenterBase
 This class implements functions calculating the sum of square differences and omits center pixel. More...
class  SumSquareDifferencesNoCenterNEON
 This class implements functions calculating the sum of square differences and omit center pixel. More...
class  SumSquareDifferencesNoCenterSSE
 This class implements functions calculating the sum of square differences and omits center pixel using SSE instructions. More...
class  WhitePointDetector
 Provides functions for white point detection and correction. More...


typedef AdvancedMotion< SumSquareDifferences, AdvancedSumSquareDifferencesAdvancedMotionSSD
 Definition of an AdvancedMotion class that applies sum square difference calculations as metric.
typedef AdvancedMotion< ZeroMeanSumSquareDifferences, AdvancedZeroMeanSumSquareDifferencesAdvancedMotionZeroMeanSSD
 Definition of an AdvancedMotion class that applies zero-mean sum square difference calculations as metric.
typedef PixelLineT< unsigned int > PixelLine
 Definition of the default PixelLine object with a data type allowing only positive coordinate values.
typedef PixelLineT< int > PixelLineI
 Definition of a PixelLine object with a data type allowing positive and negative coordinate values.
typedef std::vector< PixelLinePixelLines
 Definition of a vector holding pixel lines (with positive coordinate values).
typedef std::vector< PixelLineIPixelLinesI
 Definition of a vector holding pixel lines (with positive and negative coordinate values).
typedef PixelTriangleT< unsigned int > PixelTriangle
 Definition of the default PixelTriangle object with a data type allowing only positive coordinate values.
typedef PixelTriangleT< int > PixelTriangleI
 Definition of a PixelTriangle object with a data type allowing positive and negative coordinate values.
typedef std::vector< PixelTrianglePixelTriangles
 Definition of a vector holding pixel triangles (with positive coordinate values).
typedef std::vector< PixelTriangleIPixelTrianglesI
 Definition of a vector holding pixel triangles (with positive and negative coordinate values).

Detailed Description

Namespace of the CV Advanced library.

The Namespace Ocean::CV::Advanced is used in the entire Ocean CV Advanced Library.