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Ocean::CV::NEON Class Reference

This class implements computer vision functions using NEON extensions. More...

#include <NEON.h>

Static Public Member Functions

static void prefetchT0 (const void *const data)
 Prefetches a block of temporal memory into all cache levels.
static void prefetchT1 (const void *const data)
 Prefetches a block of temporal memory in all cache levels except 0th cache level.
static void prefetchT2 (const void *const data)
 Prefetches a block of temporal memory in all cache levels, except 0th and 1st cache levels.
static void prefetchNTA (const void *const data)
 Prefetches a block of non-temporal memory into non-temporal cache structure.
static uint32x4_t sumSquareDifferences8BitBack9Elements (const uint8_t *const image0, const uint8_t *const image1)
 Sum square differences determination for the last 9 elements of an 16 elements buffer with 8 bit precision.
static uint32x4_t sumSquareDifferences8BitBack10Elements (const uint8_t *const image0, const uint8_t *const image1)
 Sum square differences determination for the last 10 elements of an 16 elements buffer with 8 bit precision.
static uint32x4_t sumSquareDifferences8BitBack11Elements (const uint8_t *const image0, const uint8_t *const image1)
 Sum square differences determination for the last 11 elements of an 16 elements buffer with 8 bit precision.
static uint32x4_t sumSquareDifferences8BitBack12Elements (const uint8_t *const image0, const uint8_t *const image1)
 Sum square differences determination for the last 12 elements of an 16 elements buffer with 8 bit precision.
static uint32x4_t sumSquareDifferences8BitBack13Elements (const uint8_t *const image0, const uint8_t *const image1)
 Sum square differences determination for the last 13 elements of an 16 elements buffer with 8 bit precision.
static uint32x4_t sumSquareDifferences8BitBack14Elements (const uint8_t *const image0, const uint8_t *const image1)
 Sum square differences determination for the last 14 elements of an 16 elements buffer with 8 bit precision.
static uint32x4_t sumSquareDifferences8BitBack15Elements (const uint8_t *const image0, const uint8_t *const image1)
 Sum square differences determination for the last 15 elements of an 16 elements buffer with 8 bit precision.
static uint32x4_t sumSquareDifference8BitFront9Elements (const uint8_t *const image0, const uint8_t *const image1)
 Sum square difference determination for the first 9 elements of an 16 elements buffer with 8 bit precision.
static uint32x4_t sumSquareDifference8BitFront10Elements (const uint8_t *const image0, const uint8_t *const image1)
 Sum square difference determination for the first 10 elements of an 16 elements buffer with 8 bit precision.
static uint32x4_t sumSquareDifference8BitFront11Elements (const uint8_t *const image0, const uint8_t *const image1)
 Sum square difference determination for the first 11 elements of an 16 elements buffer with 8 bit precision.
static uint32x4_t sumSquareDifference8BitFront12Elements (const uint8_t *const image0, const uint8_t *const image1)
 Sum square difference determination for the first 12 elements of an 16 elements buffer with 8 bit precision.
static uint32x4_t sumSquareDifference8BitFront13Elements (const uint8_t *const image0, const uint8_t *const image1)
 Sum square difference determination for the first 13 elements of an 16 elements buffer with 8 bit precision.
static uint32x4_t sumSquareDifference8BitFront14Elements (const uint8_t *const image0, const uint8_t *const image1)
 Sum square difference determination for the first 14 elements of an 16 elements buffer with 8 bit precision.
static uint32x4_t sumSquareDifference8BitFront15Elements (const uint8_t *const image0, const uint8_t *const image1)
 Sum square difference determination for the first 15 elements of an 16 elements buffer with 8 bit precision.
static uint32x4_t sumSquareDifference8Bit16Elements (const uint8_t *const image0, const uint8_t *const image1)
 Sum square difference determination for 16 elements with 8 bit precision.
static uint32x4_t sumSquareDifference8Bit16Elements (const uint8x16_t &row0, const uint8x16_t &row1)
 Sum square difference determination for 16 elements with 8 bit precision.
static OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE void average16Elements1Channel8Bit2x2 (const uint8_t *const row0, const uint8_t *const row1, uint8_t *const result)
 Averages 16 elements of 2x2 blocks for 1 channel 8 bit frames.
static OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE void average32Elements1Channel8Bit2x2 (const uint8_t *const row0, const uint8_t *const row1, uint8_t *const result)
 Averages 32 elements of 2x2 blocks for 1 channel 8 bit frames.
static void average16ElementsBinary1Channel8Bit2x2 (const uint8_t *const image0, const uint8_t *const image1, uint8_t *const result, const uint8_t threshold=192u)
 Averages 16 elements of 2x2 blocks for 1 binary (x00 or 0xFF) frames.
static OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE void average32Elements2Channel16Bit2x2 (const uint8_t *const row0, const uint8_t *const row1, uint8_t *const result)
 Averages 32 elements of 2x2 blocks for 2 channel 16 bit frames.
static OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE void average64Elements2Channel16Bit2x2 (const uint8_t *const row0, const uint8_t *const row1, uint8_t *const result)
 Averages 64 elements of 2x2 blocks for 2 channel 16 bit frames.
static OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE void average48Elements3Channel24Bit2x2 (const uint8_t *const row0, const uint8_t *const row1, uint8_t *const result)
 Averages 48 elements of 2x2 blocks for 3 channel 24 bit frames.
static OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE void average64Elements4Channel32Bit2x2 (const uint8_t *const row0, const uint8_t *const row1, uint8_t *const result)
 Averages 64 elements of 2x2 blocks for 4 channel 32 bit frames.
static void average24Elements1Channel8Bit3x3 (const uint8_t *const image0, const uint8_t *const image1, const uint8_t *const image2, uint8_t *const result)
 Averages 24 elements of 3x3 blocks for 1 channel 8 bit frames.
static void average48Elements1Channel8Bit3x3Approximation (const uint8_t *const image0, const uint8_t *const image1, const uint8_t *const image2, uint8_t *const result)
 Averages 48 elements of 3x3 blocks for 1 channel 8 bit frames.
static void gradientHorizontalVertical8Elements1Channel8Bit (const uint8_t *source, int8_t *response, const unsigned int width)
 Determines the horizontal and the vertical gradients for 8 following pixels for a given 1 channel 8 bit frame.
static void gradientHorizontalVertical8Elements3Products1Channel8Bit (const uint8_t *source, int16_t *response, const unsigned int width)
 Determines the squared horizontal and vertical gradients and the product of both gradients for 8 following pixels for a given 1 channel 8 bit frame.
static uint32x4_t sumSquareDifference8Bit8Elements (const uint8_t *const image0, const uint8_t *const image1)
 Sum square difference determination for 8 elements with 8 bit precision.
static uint32x4_t sumSquareDifference8Bit8Elements (const uint8x8_t &row0, const uint8x8_t &row1)
 Sum square difference determination for 8 elements with 8 bit precision.
static uint32x4_t sumAbsoluteDifference8Bit16Elements (const uint8_t *const image0, const uint8_t *const image1)
 Sum absolute difference determination for 16 elements with 8 bit precision.
static uint32x4_t sumAbsoluteDifference8Bit16Elements (const uint8x16_t &row0, const uint8x16_t &row1)
 Sum absolute difference determination for 16 elements with 8 bit precision.
static OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE unsigned int sum32x4ByLanes (const uint32x4_t &value)
 Sums the four 32 bit values and returns the result.
static OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE uint32x4_t removeHighBits32_16 (const uint32x4_t &value)
 Removes (sets to zero) the high 16 bits of four 32 bit elements.
static OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE uint16x4_t removeHighBits16_8 (const uint16x4_t &value)
 Removes (sets to zero) the high 8 bits of four 16 bit elements.
static OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE uint16x8_t removeHighBits16_8 (const uint16x8_t &value)
 Removes (sets to zero) the high 8 bits of eight 16 bit elements.
static OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE uint32x4_t moveHighBits32_16 (const uint32x4_t &value)
 Moves the high 16 bits of four 32 bit elements to the low 16 bits and fill the high bits with 0.
static OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE uint16x4_t moveHighBits16_8 (const uint16x4_t &value)
 Moves the high 8 bits of four 16 bit elements to the low 8 bits and fill the high bits with 0.
static OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE uint16x8_t moveHighBits16_8 (const uint16x8_t &value)
 Moves the high 8 bits of eight 16 bit elements to the low 8 bits and fill the high bits with 0.
static OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE uint16x8_t combineLowBits32x4to16x8 (const uint32x4_t &low, const uint32x4_t &high)
 Combines eight 32 bit values (holding 16 bit information) two eight 16 bit values.
static OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE uint8x16_t combineLowBits16x8to8x16 (const uint16x8_t &low, const uint16x8_t &high)
 Combines sixteen 16 bit values (holding 8 bit information) two sixteen 8 bit values.
static OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE int32x4_t sum16Bit4Blocks3x3 (const short *const rowTop, const short *const rowCenter, const short *const rowBottom)
 Determines the four sums of four successive (overlapping) 3x3 blocks of signed 16 bit integer values.
static OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE uint64x2_t multiply (const uint64x2_t &value_u_64x2, const uint32x2_t &value_u_32x2)
 Multiplies an two uint64_t value with two uint32_t value and stores the results in two uint64_t values.
static OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE int32x4_t copySign (const uint32x4_t &signReceiver, const int32x4_t &signProvider)
 Copies the sign of a given value to another one.
static OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE uint8x16_t cast16ElementsNEON (const float32x4_t &sourceA_f_32x4, const float32x4_t &sourceB_f_32x4, const float32x4_t &sourceC_f_32x4, const float32x4_t &sourceD_f_32x4)
 Casts 16 float elements to 16 uint8_t elements.
static OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE uint8x16_t cast16ElementsNEON (const float *const source)
 Casts 16 float elements to 16 uint8_t elements.
static OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE float32x4x4_t cast16ElementsNEON (const uint8x16_t &source_u_8x16)
 Casts 16 uint8_t elements to 16 float elements.
static OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE float32x4x4_t cast16ElementsNEON (const uint8_t *const source)
 Casts 16 uint8_t elements to 16 float elements.

Static Private Member Functions

static unsigned int interpolation2Channel16Bit1x1 (const uint8_t *const pixel, const unsigned int size, const unsigned int fx_y_, const unsigned int fxy_, const unsigned int fx_y, const unsigned int fxy)
 Returns the interpolated pixel values for one 2 channel 16 bit pixel.
static unsigned int ssd2Channel16Bit1x1 (const uint8_t *const pixel0, const uint8_t *const pixel1, const unsigned int size0, const unsigned int size1, const unsigned int f1x_y_, const unsigned int f1xy_, const unsigned int f1x_y, const unsigned int f1xy)
 Returns the interpolated sum of square difference for one 2 channel 16 bit pixel.
static unsigned int ssd2Channel16Bit1x1 (const uint8_t *const pixel0, const uint8_t *const pixel1, const unsigned int size0, const unsigned int size1, const unsigned int f0x_y_, const unsigned int f0xy_, const unsigned int f0x_y, const unsigned int f0xy, const unsigned int f1x_y_, const unsigned int f1xy_, const unsigned int f1x_y, const unsigned int f1xy)
 Returns the interpolated sum of square difference for one 2 channel 16 bit pixel.

Detailed Description

This class implements computer vision functions using NEON extensions.

Member Function Documentation

◆ average16Elements1Channel8Bit2x2()

OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE void Ocean::CV::NEON::average16Elements1Channel8Bit2x2 ( const uint8_t *const  row0,
const uint8_t *const  row1,
uint8_t *const  result 

Averages 16 elements of 2x2 blocks for 1 channel 8 bit frames.

The function takes two rows of 16 elements and returns 8 average elements (8 averaged pixels, each with 1 channels).

row0First row of 16 elements (16 pixels), must be valid
row1Second row of 16 elements (16 pixels), must be valid
resultResulting 8 average elements (8 pixels), must be valid

◆ average16ElementsBinary1Channel8Bit2x2()

void Ocean::CV::NEON::average16ElementsBinary1Channel8Bit2x2 ( const uint8_t *const  image0,
const uint8_t *const  image1,
uint8_t *const  result,
const uint8_t  threshold = 192u 

Averages 16 elements of 2x2 blocks for 1 binary (x00 or 0xFF) frames.

The function takes two rows of 16 elements and returns 8 average elements (8 averaged pixels, each with 1 channels).

image0First row of 16 elements
image1Second row of 16 elements
thresholdMinimal threshold to result in a pixel with value 255
resultResulting 8 average elements

◆ average24Elements1Channel8Bit3x3()

void Ocean::CV::NEON::average24Elements1Channel8Bit3x3 ( const uint8_t *const  image0,
const uint8_t *const  image1,
const uint8_t *const  image2,
uint8_t *const  result 

Averages 24 elements of 3x3 blocks for 1 channel 8 bit frames.

The function takes two rows of 24 elements and returns 8 average elements (8 averaged pixels, each with 1 channels).

image0First row of 24 elements
image1Second row of 24 elements
image2Third row of 24 elements
resultResulting 8 average elements
 | 1 2 1 |

1/16 | 2 4 2 | | 1 2 1 |

◆ average32Elements1Channel8Bit2x2()

OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE void Ocean::CV::NEON::average32Elements1Channel8Bit2x2 ( const uint8_t *const  row0,
const uint8_t *const  row1,
uint8_t *const  result 

Averages 32 elements of 2x2 blocks for 1 channel 8 bit frames.

The function takes two rows of 32 elements and returns 16 average elements (16 averaged pixels, each with 1 channels).

row0First row of 32 elements (32 pixels), must be valid
row1Second row of 32 elements (32 pixels), must be valid
resultResulting 16 average elements (16 pixels), must be valid

◆ average32Elements2Channel16Bit2x2()

OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE void Ocean::CV::NEON::average32Elements2Channel16Bit2x2 ( const uint8_t *const  row0,
const uint8_t *const  row1,
uint8_t *const  result 

Averages 32 elements of 2x2 blocks for 2 channel 16 bit frames.

The function takes two rows of 32 elements and returns 16 average elements (8 averaged pixels, each with 2 channels).

row0First row of 32 elements (16 pixels), must be valid
row1Second row of 32 elements (16 pixels), must be valid
resultResulting 16 average elements (8 pixels), must be valid

◆ average48Elements1Channel8Bit3x3Approximation()

void Ocean::CV::NEON::average48Elements1Channel8Bit3x3Approximation ( const uint8_t *const  image0,
const uint8_t *const  image1,
const uint8_t *const  image2,
uint8_t *const  result 

Averages 48 elements of 3x3 blocks for 1 channel 8 bit frames.

The function takes two rows of 48 elements and returns 16 average elements (16 averaged pixels, each with 1 channels).
Beware: This function calculates an approximation only.

image0First row of 48 elements
image1Second row of 48 elements
image2Third row of 48 elements
resultResulting 16 average elements
 | 1 2 1 |

1/16 | 2 4 2 | | 1 2 1 |

◆ average48Elements3Channel24Bit2x2()

OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE void Ocean::CV::NEON::average48Elements3Channel24Bit2x2 ( const uint8_t *const  row0,
const uint8_t *const  row1,
uint8_t *const  result 

Averages 48 elements of 2x2 blocks for 3 channel 24 bit frames.

The function takes two rows of 48 elements and returns 24 average elements (8 averaged pixels, each with 3 channels).

row0First row of 48 elements (16 pixels), must be valid
row1Second row of 48 elements (16 pixels), must be valid
resultResulting 24 average elements (8 pixels), must be valid

◆ average64Elements2Channel16Bit2x2()

OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE void Ocean::CV::NEON::average64Elements2Channel16Bit2x2 ( const uint8_t *const  row0,
const uint8_t *const  row1,
uint8_t *const  result 

Averages 64 elements of 2x2 blocks for 2 channel 16 bit frames.

The function takes two rows of 64 elements and returns 32 average elements (16 averaged pixels, each with 2 channels).

row0First row of 64 elements (32 pixels), must be valid
row1Second row of 64 elements (32 pixels), must be valid
resultResulting 32 average elements (16 pixels), must be valid

◆ average64Elements4Channel32Bit2x2()

OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE void Ocean::CV::NEON::average64Elements4Channel32Bit2x2 ( const uint8_t *const  row0,
const uint8_t *const  row1,
uint8_t *const  result 

Averages 64 elements of 2x2 blocks for 4 channel 32 bit frames.

The function takes two rows of 64 elements and returns 32 average elements (16 averaged pixels, each with 4 channels).

row0First row of 64 elements (16 pixels), must be valid
row1Second row of 64 elements (16 pixels), must be valid
resultResulting 32 average elements (8 pixels), must be valid

◆ cast16ElementsNEON() [1/4]

OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE uint8x16_t Ocean::CV::NEON::cast16ElementsNEON ( const float *const  source)

Casts 16 float elements to 16 uint8_t elements.

sourceThe 16 float elements, must be valid
The resulting 16 uint8_t elements

◆ cast16ElementsNEON() [2/4]

OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE uint8x16_t Ocean::CV::NEON::cast16ElementsNEON ( const float32x4_t &  sourceA_f_32x4,
const float32x4_t &  sourceB_f_32x4,
const float32x4_t &  sourceC_f_32x4,
const float32x4_t &  sourceD_f_32x4 

Casts 16 float elements to 16 uint8_t elements.

sourceA_f_32x4The first 4 float elements
sourceB_f_32x4The second 4 float elements
sourceC_f_32x4The third 4 float elements
sourceD_f_32x4The fourth 4 float elements
The resulting 16 uint8_t elements

◆ cast16ElementsNEON() [3/4]

OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE float32x4x4_t Ocean::CV::NEON::cast16ElementsNEON ( const uint8_t *const  source)

Casts 16 uint8_t elements to 16 float elements.

sourceThe 16 uint8_t elements, must be valid
The resulting 16 float elements

◆ cast16ElementsNEON() [4/4]

OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE float32x4x4_t Ocean::CV::NEON::cast16ElementsNEON ( const uint8x16_t &  source_u_8x16)

Casts 16 uint8_t elements to 16 float elements.

source_u_8x16The 16 uint8_t elements, must be valid
The resulting 16 float elements

◆ combineLowBits16x8to8x16()

OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE uint8x16_t Ocean::CV::NEON::combineLowBits16x8to8x16 ( const uint16x8_t &  low,
const uint16x8_t &  high 

Combines sixteen 16 bit values (holding 8 bit information) two sixteen 8 bit values.

Further, the combination is done with saturation (the 16 bit values will be clamped to 8 bit values before the combination is done). Given: 0H0G-0F0E-0D0C-0B0A (low)
Given: 0P0O-0N0M-0L0K-0J0I (high)
Result: P-O-N-M-L-K-J-I-H-G-F-E-D-C-B-A

lowThe 128 bit register with the (resulting) lower 8 bit values
highThe 128 bit register with the (resulting) higher 8 bit values
The resulting 128 bit register with 16 bit values

◆ combineLowBits32x4to16x8()

OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE uint16x8_t Ocean::CV::NEON::combineLowBits32x4to16x8 ( const uint32x4_t &  low,
const uint32x4_t &  high 

Combines eight 32 bit values (holding 16 bit information) two eight 16 bit values.

Further, the combination is done with saturation (the 32 bit values will be clamped to 16 bit values before the combination is done). Given: 00DD-00CC-00BB-00AA (low)
Given: 00HH-00GG-00FF-00EE (high)

lowThe 128 bit register with the (resulting) lower 16 bit values
highThe 128 bit register with the (resulting) higher 16 bit values
The resulting 128 bit register with 16 bit values

◆ copySign()

OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE int32x4_t Ocean::CV::NEON::copySign ( const uint32x4_t &  signReceiver,
const int32x4_t &  signProvider 

Copies the sign of a given value to another one.

signReceiverFirst value receiving the sign from the second value
signProviderSecond value providing the sign for the first one
First value with the sign of the second one

◆ gradientHorizontalVertical8Elements1Channel8Bit()

void Ocean::CV::NEON::gradientHorizontalVertical8Elements1Channel8Bit ( const uint8_t *  source,
int8_t *  response,
const unsigned int  width 

Determines the horizontal and the vertical gradients for 8 following pixels for a given 1 channel 8 bit frame.

The resulting gradients are interleaved and each response is inside the range [-127, 127] as the standard response is divided by two.

sourceThe source position of the first pixel to determine the gradient for, this pixel must not be a border pixel in the original frame
responseResulting gradient responses, first the horizontal response then the vertical response (zipped) for 8 pixels
widthThe width of the original frame in pixel, with range [10, infinity)

◆ gradientHorizontalVertical8Elements3Products1Channel8Bit()

void Ocean::CV::NEON::gradientHorizontalVertical8Elements3Products1Channel8Bit ( const uint8_t *  source,
int16_t *  response,
const unsigned int  width 

Determines the squared horizontal and vertical gradients and the product of both gradients for 8 following pixels for a given 1 channel 8 bit frame.

The resulting gradients are interleaved and each response is inside the range [-(127 * 127), 127 * 127] as the standard response is divided by two.

sourceThe source position of the first pixel to determine the gradient for, this pixel must not be a border pixel in the original frame
responseResulting gradient responses, first the horizontal response then the vertical response and afterwards the product of horizontal and vertical response (zipped) for 8 pixels
widthThe width of the original frame in pixel, with range [10, infinity)

◆ interpolation2Channel16Bit1x1()

unsigned int Ocean::CV::NEON::interpolation2Channel16Bit1x1 ( const uint8_t *const  pixel,
const unsigned int  size,
const unsigned int  fx_y_,
const unsigned int  fxy_,
const unsigned int  fx_y,
const unsigned int  fxy 

Returns the interpolated pixel values for one 2 channel 16 bit pixel.

pixelUppler left pixel in the frame
sizeSize of one frame row in bytes
fx_y_Product of the inverse fx and the inverse fy interpolation factor
fxy_Product of the fx and the inverse fy interpolation factor
fx_yProduct of the inverse fx and the fy interpolation factor
fxyProduct of the fx and the fy interpolation factor
Interpolated pixel values

◆ moveHighBits16_8() [1/2]

OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE uint16x4_t Ocean::CV::NEON::moveHighBits16_8 ( const uint16x4_t &  value)

Moves the high 8 bits of four 16 bit elements to the low 8 bits and fill the high bits with 0.

Result: 0H0F-0D0B

valueThe value to remove the high bits for

◆ moveHighBits16_8() [2/2]

OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE uint16x8_t Ocean::CV::NEON::moveHighBits16_8 ( const uint16x8_t &  value)

Moves the high 8 bits of eight 16 bit elements to the low 8 bits and fill the high bits with 0.

Result: 0P0N-0L0J-0H0F-0D0B

valueThe value to remove the high bits for

◆ moveHighBits32_16()

OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE uint32x4_t Ocean::CV::NEON::moveHighBits32_16 ( const uint32x4_t &  value)

Moves the high 16 bits of four 32 bit elements to the low 16 bits and fill the high bits with 0.

Result: 00PO-00LK-00HG-00DC

valueThe value to remove the high bits for

◆ multiply()

OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE uint64x2_t Ocean::CV::NEON::multiply ( const uint64x2_t &  value_u_64x2,
const uint32x2_t &  value_u_32x2 

Multiplies an two uint64_t value with two uint32_t value and stores the results in two uint64_t values.

This function does not check whether the multiplication results in an overflow.

value_u_64x2The uint64x2_t value to multiply
value_u_32x2The uint32x2_t value to multiply
The resulting multiplication result

◆ prefetchNTA()

void Ocean::CV::NEON::prefetchNTA ( const void *const  data)

Prefetches a block of non-temporal memory into non-temporal cache structure.

dataData to be prefetched

◆ prefetchT0()

void Ocean::CV::NEON::prefetchT0 ( const void *const  data)

Prefetches a block of temporal memory into all cache levels.

dataData to be prefetched

◆ prefetchT1()

void Ocean::CV::NEON::prefetchT1 ( const void *const  data)

Prefetches a block of temporal memory in all cache levels except 0th cache level.

dataData to be prefetched

◆ prefetchT2()

void Ocean::CV::NEON::prefetchT2 ( const void *const  data)

Prefetches a block of temporal memory in all cache levels, except 0th and 1st cache levels.

dataData to be prefetched

◆ removeHighBits16_8() [1/2]

OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE uint16x4_t Ocean::CV::NEON::removeHighBits16_8 ( const uint16x4_t &  value)

Removes (sets to zero) the high 8 bits of four 16 bit elements.

Result: 0G0E-0C0A

valueThe value to remove the high bits for

◆ removeHighBits16_8() [2/2]

OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE uint16x8_t Ocean::CV::NEON::removeHighBits16_8 ( const uint16x8_t &  value)

Removes (sets to zero) the high 8 bits of eight 16 bit elements.

Result: 0O0M-0K0I-0G0E-0C0A

valueThe value to remove the high bits for

◆ removeHighBits32_16()

OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE uint32x4_t Ocean::CV::NEON::removeHighBits32_16 ( const uint32x4_t &  value)

Removes (sets to zero) the high 16 bits of four 32 bit elements.

Result: 00NM-00JI-00FE-00BA

valueThe value to remove the high bits for

◆ ssd2Channel16Bit1x1() [1/2]

unsigned int Ocean::CV::NEON::ssd2Channel16Bit1x1 ( const uint8_t *const  pixel0,
const uint8_t *const  pixel1,
const unsigned int  size0,
const unsigned int  size1,
const unsigned int  f0x_y_,
const unsigned int  f0xy_,
const unsigned int  f0x_y,
const unsigned int  f0xy,
const unsigned int  f1x_y_,
const unsigned int  f1xy_,
const unsigned int  f1x_y,
const unsigned int  f1xy 

Returns the interpolated sum of square difference for one 2 channel 16 bit pixel.

pixel0Uppler left pixel in the first frame
pixel1Uppler left pixel in the second frame
size0Size of one frame row in bytes
size1Size of one frame row in bytes
f0x_y_Product of the inverse fx and the inverse fy interpolation factor for the first image
f0xy_Product of the fx and the inverse fy interpolation factor for the first image
f0x_yProduct of the inverse fx and the fy interpolation factor for the first image
f0xyProduct of the fx and the fy interpolation factor for the first image
f1x_y_Product of the inverse fx and the inverse fy interpolation factor for the second image
f1xy_Product of the fx and the inverse fy interpolation factor for the second image
f1x_yProduct of the inverse fx and the fy interpolation factor for the second image
f1xyProduct of the fx and the fy interpolation factor for the second image
Interpolated sum of square difference

◆ ssd2Channel16Bit1x1() [2/2]

unsigned int Ocean::CV::NEON::ssd2Channel16Bit1x1 ( const uint8_t *const  pixel0,
const uint8_t *const  pixel1,
const unsigned int  size0,
const unsigned int  size1,
const unsigned int  f1x_y_,
const unsigned int  f1xy_,
const unsigned int  f1x_y,
const unsigned int  f1xy 

Returns the interpolated sum of square difference for one 2 channel 16 bit pixel.

pixel0Uppler left pixel in the first frame
pixel1Uppler left pixel in the second frame
size0Size of one frame row in bytes
size1Size of one frame row in bytes
f1x_y_Product of the inverse fx and the inverse fy interpolation factor for the second image
f1xy_Product of the fx and the inverse fy interpolation factor for the second image
f1x_yProduct of the inverse fx and the fy interpolation factor for the second image
f1xyProduct of the fx and the fy interpolation factor for the second image
Interpolated sum of square difference

◆ sum16Bit4Blocks3x3()

OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE int32x4_t Ocean::CV::NEON::sum16Bit4Blocks3x3 ( const short *const  rowTop,
const short *const  rowCenter,
const short *const  rowBottom 

Determines the four sums of four successive (overlapping) 3x3 blocks of signed 16 bit integer values.

rowTopThe top row containing 6 short values, must be valid
rowCenterThe center row containing 6 short values, must be valid
rowBottomThe bottom row containing 6 short values, must be valid
The resulting four sums of the four 3x3 blocks

◆ sum32x4ByLanes()

OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE unsigned int Ocean::CV::NEON::sum32x4ByLanes ( const uint32x4_t &  value)

Sums the four 32 bit values and returns the result.

Beware: This function is slow due the usage of the individual lanes, providing a large target buffer is much faster.

valueThe value holding the four 32 bit values
Sum result

◆ sumAbsoluteDifference8Bit16Elements() [1/2]

uint32x4_t Ocean::CV::NEON::sumAbsoluteDifference8Bit16Elements ( const uint8_t *const  image0,
const uint8_t *const  image1 

Sum absolute difference determination for 16 elements with 8 bit precision.

image0First 16 elements to determine the ssd for, may be non aligned
image1Second 16 elements to determine the ssd for, may be non aligned
SSD result distributed over four terms of the sum

◆ sumAbsoluteDifference8Bit16Elements() [2/2]

uint32x4_t Ocean::CV::NEON::sumAbsoluteDifference8Bit16Elements ( const uint8x16_t &  row0,
const uint8x16_t &  row1 

Sum absolute difference determination for 16 elements with 8 bit precision.

row0First 16 elements to determine the ssd for
row1Second 16 elements to determine the ssd for
SSD result distributed over four terms of the sum

◆ sumSquareDifference8Bit16Elements() [1/2]

uint32x4_t Ocean::CV::NEON::sumSquareDifference8Bit16Elements ( const uint8_t *const  image0,
const uint8_t *const  image1 

Sum square difference determination for 16 elements with 8 bit precision.

image0First 16 elements to determine the ssd for, may be non aligned
image1Second 16 elements to determine the ssd for, may be non aligned
SSD result distributed over four terms of the sum

◆ sumSquareDifference8Bit16Elements() [2/2]

uint32x4_t Ocean::CV::NEON::sumSquareDifference8Bit16Elements ( const uint8x16_t &  row0,
const uint8x16_t &  row1 

Sum square difference determination for 16 elements with 8 bit precision.

row0First 16 elements to determine the ssd for
row1Second 16 elements to determine the ssd for
SSD result distributed over four terms of the sum

◆ sumSquareDifference8Bit8Elements() [1/2]

uint32x4_t Ocean::CV::NEON::sumSquareDifference8Bit8Elements ( const uint8_t *const  image0,
const uint8_t *const  image1 

Sum square difference determination for 8 elements with 8 bit precision.

image0First 16 elements to determine the ssd for, may be non aligned
image1Second 16 elements to determine the ssd for, may be non aligned
SSD result distributed over four terms of the sum

◆ sumSquareDifference8Bit8Elements() [2/2]

uint32x4_t Ocean::CV::NEON::sumSquareDifference8Bit8Elements ( const uint8x8_t &  row0,
const uint8x8_t &  row1 

Sum square difference determination for 8 elements with 8 bit precision.

row0First 16 elements to determine the ssd for
row1Second 16 elements to determine the ssd for
SSD result distributed over four terms of the sum

◆ sumSquareDifference8BitFront10Elements()

uint32x4_t Ocean::CV::NEON::sumSquareDifference8BitFront10Elements ( const uint8_t *const  image0,
const uint8_t *const  image1 

Sum square difference determination for the first 10 elements of an 16 elements buffer with 8 bit precision.

image0First 10 elements to determine the ssd for, may be non aligned
image1Second 10 elements to determine the ssd for, may be non aligned
SSD result distributed over four terms of the sum

◆ sumSquareDifference8BitFront11Elements()

uint32x4_t Ocean::CV::NEON::sumSquareDifference8BitFront11Elements ( const uint8_t *const  image0,
const uint8_t *const  image1 

Sum square difference determination for the first 11 elements of an 16 elements buffer with 8 bit precision.

image0First 11 elements to determine the ssd for, may be non aligned
image1Second 11 elements to determine the ssd for, may be non aligned
SSD result distributed over four terms of the sum

◆ sumSquareDifference8BitFront12Elements()

uint32x4_t Ocean::CV::NEON::sumSquareDifference8BitFront12Elements ( const uint8_t *const  image0,
const uint8_t *const  image1 

Sum square difference determination for the first 12 elements of an 16 elements buffer with 8 bit precision.

image0First 12 elements to determine the ssd for, may be non aligned
image1Second 12 elements to determine the ssd for, may be non aligned
SSD result distributed over four terms of the sum

◆ sumSquareDifference8BitFront13Elements()

uint32x4_t Ocean::CV::NEON::sumSquareDifference8BitFront13Elements ( const uint8_t *const  image0,
const uint8_t *const  image1 

Sum square difference determination for the first 13 elements of an 16 elements buffer with 8 bit precision.

image0First 13 elements to determine the ssd for, may be non aligned
image1Second 13 elements to determine the ssd for, may be non aligned
SSD result distributed over four terms of the sum

◆ sumSquareDifference8BitFront14Elements()

uint32x4_t Ocean::CV::NEON::sumSquareDifference8BitFront14Elements ( const uint8_t *const  image0,
const uint8_t *const  image1 

Sum square difference determination for the first 14 elements of an 16 elements buffer with 8 bit precision.

image0First 14 elements to determine the ssd for, may be non aligned
image1Second 14 elements to determine the ssd for, may be non aligned
SSD result distributed over four terms of the sum

◆ sumSquareDifference8BitFront15Elements()

uint32x4_t Ocean::CV::NEON::sumSquareDifference8BitFront15Elements ( const uint8_t *const  image0,
const uint8_t *const  image1 

Sum square difference determination for the first 15 elements of an 16 elements buffer with 8 bit precision.

image0First 15 elements to determine the ssd for, may be non aligned
image1Second 15 elements to determine the ssd for, may be non aligned
SSD result distributed over four terms of the sum

◆ sumSquareDifference8BitFront9Elements()

uint32x4_t Ocean::CV::NEON::sumSquareDifference8BitFront9Elements ( const uint8_t *const  image0,
const uint8_t *const  image1 

Sum square difference determination for the first 9 elements of an 16 elements buffer with 8 bit precision.

image0First 9 elements to determine the ssd for, may be non aligned
image1Second 9 elements to determine the ssd for, may be non aligned
SSD result distributed over four terms of the sum

◆ sumSquareDifferences8BitBack10Elements()

uint32x4_t Ocean::CV::NEON::sumSquareDifferences8BitBack10Elements ( const uint8_t *const  image0,
const uint8_t *const  image1 

Sum square differences determination for the last 10 elements of an 16 elements buffer with 8 bit precision.

image0First 10 elements to determine the ssd for, may be non aligned
image1Second 10 elements to determine the ssd for, may be non aligned
SSD result distributed over four terms of the sum

◆ sumSquareDifferences8BitBack11Elements()

uint32x4_t Ocean::CV::NEON::sumSquareDifferences8BitBack11Elements ( const uint8_t *const  image0,
const uint8_t *const  image1 

Sum square differences determination for the last 11 elements of an 16 elements buffer with 8 bit precision.

image0First 11 elements to determine the ssd for, may be non aligned
image1Second 11 elements to determine the ssd for, may be non aligned
SSD result distributed over four terms of the sum

◆ sumSquareDifferences8BitBack12Elements()

uint32x4_t Ocean::CV::NEON::sumSquareDifferences8BitBack12Elements ( const uint8_t *const  image0,
const uint8_t *const  image1 

Sum square differences determination for the last 12 elements of an 16 elements buffer with 8 bit precision.

image0First 12 elements to determine the ssd for, may be non aligned
image1Second 12 elements to determine the ssd for, may be non aligned
SSD result distributed over four terms of the sum

◆ sumSquareDifferences8BitBack13Elements()

uint32x4_t Ocean::CV::NEON::sumSquareDifferences8BitBack13Elements ( const uint8_t *const  image0,
const uint8_t *const  image1 

Sum square differences determination for the last 13 elements of an 16 elements buffer with 8 bit precision.

image0First 13 elements to determine the ssd for, may be non aligned
image1Second 13 elements to determine the ssd for, may be non aligned
SSD result distributed over four terms of the sum

◆ sumSquareDifferences8BitBack14Elements()

uint32x4_t Ocean::CV::NEON::sumSquareDifferences8BitBack14Elements ( const uint8_t *const  image0,
const uint8_t *const  image1 

Sum square differences determination for the last 14 elements of an 16 elements buffer with 8 bit precision.

image0First 14 elements to determine the ssd for, may be non aligned
image1Second 14 elements to determine the ssd for, may be non aligned
SSD result distributed over four terms of the sum

◆ sumSquareDifferences8BitBack15Elements()

uint32x4_t Ocean::CV::NEON::sumSquareDifferences8BitBack15Elements ( const uint8_t *const  image0,
const uint8_t *const  image1 

Sum square differences determination for the last 15 elements of an 16 elements buffer with 8 bit precision.

image0First 15 elements to determine the ssd for, may be non aligned
image1Second 15 elements to determine the ssd for, may be non aligned
SSD result distributed over four terms of the sum

◆ sumSquareDifferences8BitBack9Elements()

uint32x4_t Ocean::CV::NEON::sumSquareDifferences8BitBack9Elements ( const uint8_t *const  image0,
const uint8_t *const  image1 

Sum square differences determination for the last 9 elements of an 16 elements buffer with 8 bit precision.

image0First 9 elements to determine the ssd for, may be non aligned
image1Second 9 elements to determine the ssd for, may be non aligned
SSD result distributed over four terms of the sum

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