Ocean Test Tracking Oculus Tags Library

The Ocean Test Tracking Library implements tests for Ocean's Tracking Oculus Tag library. More...

Collaboration diagram for Ocean Test Tracking Oculus Tags Library:

Data Structures

class  Ocean::Test::TestTracking::TestOculusTags::TestOculusTagTracker
 This class implements tests for the Oculus Tag tracker class. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestTracking::TestOculusTags::TestUtilities
 This class implements tests for the Utilities class. More...


OCEAN_TEST_TRACKING_OCULUSTAGS_EXPORT bool Ocean::Test::TestTracking::TestOculusTags::test (const double testDuration, Worker &worker, const std::string &testFunctions=std::string())
 Tests the entire tracking Oculus Tags library. More...
OCEAN_TEST_TRACKING_OCULUSTAGS_EXPORT void Ocean::Test::TestTracking::TestOculusTags::testAsynchron (const double testDuration, const std::string &testFunctions=std::string())
 Tests the entire tracking Oculus Tags library. More...

Detailed Description

The Ocean Test Tracking Library implements tests for Ocean's Tracking Oculus Tag library.

The library is platform independent.

Function Documentation

◆ test()

OCEAN_TEST_TRACKING_OCULUSTAGS_EXPORT bool Ocean::Test::TestTracking::TestOculusTags::test ( const double  testDuration,
Worker worker,
const std::string &  testFunctions = std::string() 

Tests the entire tracking Oculus Tags library.

testDurationNumber of seconds for each test, with range (0, infinity)
workerThe worker object to distribute some computation on as many CPU cores as defined in the worker object.
testFunctionsOptional name of the functions to be tested
True, if the entire test succeeded

◆ testAsynchron()

OCEAN_TEST_TRACKING_OCULUSTAGS_EXPORT void Ocean::Test::TestTracking::TestOculusTags::testAsynchron ( const double  testDuration,
const std::string &  testFunctions = std::string() 

Tests the entire tracking Oculus Tags library.

This function returns directly as the actual test is invoked in an own thread.
This function in intended for non-console applications like e.g., mobile devices.

testDurationNumber of seconds for each test, with range (0, infinity)
testFunctionsOptional name of the functions to be tested