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Ocean Test CV Advanced Library

The Ocean Test CV Advanced Library provides several function to test the performance and validation of the computer vision advanced functionalities. More...

Collaboration diagram for Ocean Test CV Advanced Library:

Data Structures

class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestAdvanced::TestAdvancedFrameChannels
 This class implements tests for AdvancedFrameChannels. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestAdvanced::TestAdvancedFrameFilterGaussian
 This class implements tests for the AdvancedFrameFilterGaussian class. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestAdvanced::TestAdvancedFrameFilterSeparable
 This class implements tests for the AdvancedFrameFilterSeparable class. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestAdvanced::TestAdvancedFrameFilterSobel
 This class implements an advanced sobel frame filter test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestAdvanced::TestAdvancedFrameInterpolatorBilinear
 This class implements a bilinear frame interpolator test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestAdvanced::TestAdvancedFrameShrinker
 This class implements an advanced frame shrinker test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestAdvanced::TestAdvancedMotion
 This class implements tests for AdvancedMotion. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestAdvanced::TestAdvancedSumSquareDifferences
 This class implements an advanced sum square differences test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestAdvanced::TestAdvancedZeroMeanSumSquareDifferences
 This class implements an advanced zero-mean sum square differences test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestAdvanced::TestFrameColorAdjustment
 This class implements a frame color adjustment test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestAdvanced::TestFrameRectification
 This class implements a frame rectification test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestAdvanced::TestPanoramaFrame
 This class implements a test for the panorama frame. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestAdvanced::TestSumSquareDifferencesNoCenter
 This class implements sum square differences omitting the center pixel tests. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestAdvanced::TestWhitePointDetector
 This class implements a white point detection test. More...


OCEAN_TEST_CV_ADVANCED_EXPORT bool Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestAdvanced::testCVAdvanced (const double testDuration, Worker &worker, const unsigned int width=1280u, const unsigned int height=720u, const std::string &testFunctions=std::string())
 Tests the entire Computer Vision Advanced library.
OCEAN_TEST_CV_ADVANCED_EXPORT void Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestAdvanced::testCVAdvancedAsynchron (const double testDuration, const unsigned int width=1280u, const unsigned int height=720u, const std::string &testFunctions=std::string())
 Tests the entire Computer Vision Advanced library.
OCEAN_TEST_CV_SEGMENTATION_EXPORT void Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestSegmentation::testCVSegmentationAsynchron (const double testDuration, const unsigned int width=1280u, const unsigned int height=720u, const std::string &testFunctions=std::string())
 Tests the entire Computer Vision Segmentation library.

Detailed Description

The Ocean Test CV Advanced Library provides several function to test the performance and validation of the computer vision advanced functionalities.

The library is platform independent.

Function Documentation

◆ testCVAdvanced()

OCEAN_TEST_CV_ADVANCED_EXPORT bool Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestAdvanced::testCVAdvanced ( const double  testDuration,
Worker worker,
const unsigned int  width = 1280u,
const unsigned int  height = 720u,
const std::string &  testFunctions = std::string() 

Tests the entire Computer Vision Advanced library.

testDurationNumber of seconds for each test, with range (0, infinity)
workerThe worker object to distribute some computation on as many CPU cores as defined in the worker object
widthThe width of the test frame in pixel, with range [32, infinity)
heightThe height of the test frame in pixel, with range [32, infinity)
testFunctionsOptional name of the functions to be tested
True, if the entire test succeeded

◆ testCVAdvancedAsynchron()

OCEAN_TEST_CV_ADVANCED_EXPORT void Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestAdvanced::testCVAdvancedAsynchron ( const double  testDuration,
const unsigned int  width = 1280u,
const unsigned int  height = 720u,
const std::string &  testFunctions = std::string() 

Tests the entire Computer Vision Advanced library.

This function returns directly as the actual test is invoked in an own thread.
Use this function in intendet for non-console applications like e.g., mobile devices.

testDurationNumber of seconds for each test, with range (0, infinity)
widthThe width of the test frame in pixel, with range [32, infinity)
heightThe height of the test frame in pixel, with range [32, infinity)
testFunctionsOptional name of the functions to be tested

◆ testCVSegmentationAsynchron()

OCEAN_TEST_CV_SEGMENTATION_EXPORT void Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestSegmentation::testCVSegmentationAsynchron ( const double  testDuration,
const unsigned int  width = 1280u,
const unsigned int  height = 720u,
const std::string &  testFunctions = std::string() 

Tests the entire Computer Vision Segmentation library.

This function returns directly as the actual test is invoked in an own thread.
Use this function in intendet for non-console applications like e.g., mobile devices.

testDurationNumber of seconds for each test, with range (0, infinity)
widthThe width of the test frame in pixel, with range [32, infinity)
heightThe height of the test frame in pixel, with range [32, infinity)
testFunctionsOptional name of the functions to be tested