The Ocean Test CV Library provides several function to test the performance and validation of the computer vision functionalities. More...
Modules | |
Ocean Test CV Advanced Library | |
The Ocean Test CV Advanced Library provides several function to test the performance and validation of the computer vision advanced functionalities. | |
Ocean Test CV Detector Library | |
The Ocean Test CV Detector Library provides several functions to test the performance and validation of the computer vision detector functionalities. | |
Ocean Test CV libyuv Library | |
The Ocean Test CV libyuv Library provides several functions to test the performance of the 3rdparty libyuv library. | |
Ocean Test CV OpenCV Library | |
The Ocean Test CV OpenCV Library provides several functions to test the performance of the 3rdparty OpenCV library. | |
Ocean Test CV Segmentation Library | |
The Ocean Test CV Segmentation Library provides several function to test the performance and validation of the computer vision segmentation functionalities. | |
Ocean Test CV Synthesis Library | |
The Ocean Test CV Synthesis Library provides several function to test the performance and validation of the computer vision synthesis functionalities. | |
Data Structures | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::FrameConverterTestUtilities |
This class implements frame converter test utilities. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestBresenham |
This class implements tests of the Bresenham implementation. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestCanvas |
This class implements tests for the Canvas class. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestEigenUtilities |
This class implements tests for the EigenUtilities class. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameBlender |
This class implements a test for the frame blender class. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameChannels |
This class implements a frame channels test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverter |
This class implements a frame converter test for the function of the basic frame converter. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterABGR32 |
This class implements a ABGR frame converter test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterARGB32 |
This class implements a ARGB frame converter test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterB_G_R24 |
This class implements a B_G_R 24 bit frame converter test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterBGR24 |
This class implements a BGR frame converter test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterBGR32 |
This class implements a BGR32 frame converter test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterBGR565 |
This class implements a BGR565 frame converter test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterBGRA32 |
This class implements a BGRA frame converter test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterR_G_B24 |
This class implements a R_G_B 24 bit frame converter test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterRGB24 |
This class implements a RGB frame converter test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterRGB32 |
This class implements a RGB32 frame converter test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterRGB565 |
This class implements a RGB565 frame converter test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterRGBA32 |
This class implements a RGBA frame converter test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterRGBA64 |
This class implements a RGBA64 frame converter test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterRGGB10_Packed |
This class implements a RGGB10_PACKED frame converter test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterThreshold |
This class implements a frame converter threshold test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterUYVY16 |
This class implements a UYVY16 bit frame converter test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterY10_Packed |
This class implements a Y10_PACKED frame converter test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterY32 |
This class implements a Y32 frame converter test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterY8 |
This class implements a Y8 frame converter test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterY_U_V12 |
This class implements a Y_U_V 12bit frame converter test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterY_U_V24 |
This class implements a Y_U_V 24 bit frame converter test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterY_UV12 |
This class implements a Y_UV 12bit frame converter test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterY_V_U12 |
This class implements a Y_V_U 12bit frame converter test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterY_VU12 |
This class implements a Y_VU 12bit frame converter test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterYA16 |
This class implements a YA16 frame converter test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterYUV24 |
This class implements a YUV 24bit frame converter test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterYUVA32 |
This class implements a YUVA 32 bit frame converter test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterYUYV16 |
This class implements a YUYV16 bit frame converter test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterYVU24 |
This class implements a YVU 24bit frame converter test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameEnlarger |
This class implements frame enlarger test functions. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameFilter |
This class implements a test for frame filter functions. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameFilterCanny |
This class implements a canny filter test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameFilterDilation |
This class implements a dilation filter test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameFilterErosion |
This class implements an erosion filter test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameFilterGaussian |
This class implements a test for the Gaussian image blur filter. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameFilterGradient |
This class implements a gradient filter test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameFilterLaplace |
This class implements a test for the Laplace frame filter. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameFilterMax |
This class implements frame max filter tests. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameFilterMean |
This class implements a mean filter test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameFilterMedian |
This class implements frame median filter tests. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameFilterMin |
This class implements frame min filter tests. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameFilterPrewitt |
This class implements a Prewitt filter test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameFilterScharr |
This class implements a Scharr filter test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameFilterScharrMagnitude |
This class implements a scharr magnitude filter test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameFilterSeparable |
This class implements a test for the separable filter. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameFilterSobel |
This class implements a Sobel filter test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameFilterSobelMagnitude |
This class implements a scharr magnitude filter test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameFilterSorted |
This class implements tests for the sorted frame filter. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameFilterTemplate |
This class implements a frame filter template test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameInterpolator |
This class implements a test for the FrameInterpolator class. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameInterpolatorBicubic |
This class implements a bicubic frame interpolator test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameInterpolatorBilinear |
This class implements a bilinear frame interpolation test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameInterpolatorBilinearAlpha |
This class implements a bilinear frame interpolator test for frames holding an alpha channel. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameInterpolatorNearestPixel |
This class implements a nearest pixel frame interpolator test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameInverter |
This class implements tests for the FrameInverter class. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameMean |
This class implements tests for the FrameMean class. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameMinMax |
This class implements tests for the FrameMinMax class. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameNorm |
This class implements tests for the FrameNorm class. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameNormalizer |
This class implements tests for the FrameNormalizer class. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameOperations |
This class implements a frame operations test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFramePyramid |
This class implements tests for the functionality of frame pyramids. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameShrinker |
This class implements tests for the frame downsizing functions. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameShrinkerAlpha |
This class implements tests for the frame downsizing functions with alpha channel. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameTransposer |
This class implements a test for the frame transposer class. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameVariance |
This class implements tests for the frame variance functions. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestHistogram |
This class implements a pixel bounding box test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestImageQuality |
This class implements tests for the ImageQuality class. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestIntegralImage |
This class implements an integral image tester. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestMaskAnalyzer |
This class implements a frame analyzer test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestMotion |
This class test the motion functions. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestNEON |
This class implements a Computer Vision NEON test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestNonMaximumSuppression |
This class tests the implementation of the NonMaximumSuppression class. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestPixelBoundingBox |
This class implements a pixel bounding box test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestPixelPosition |
This class implements a pixel position test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestSSE |
This class implements a Computer Vision SSE test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestSumAbsoluteDifferences |
This class implements sum absolute differences (SAD) tests. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestSumSquareDifferences |
This class implements sum square differences (SSD) tests. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestUtilities |
This class implements a Computer Vision utilities test. More... | |
class | Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestZeroMeanSumSquareDifferences |
This class implements zero-mean sum square differences (ZMSSD) tests. More... | |
Functions | |
OCEAN_TEST_CV_EXPORT bool | Ocean::Test::TestCV::testCV (const double testDuration, Worker &worker, const unsigned int testWidth=1280u, const unsigned int testHeight=720u, const std::string &testFunctions=std::string()) |
Tests the entire Computer Vision library. | |
OCEAN_TEST_CV_EXPORT void | Ocean::Test::TestCV::testCVAsynchron (const double testDuration, const unsigned int testWidth=1280u, const unsigned int testHeight=720u, const std::string &testFunctions=std::string()) |
Tests the entire Computer Vision library. | |
The Ocean Test CV Library provides several function to test the performance and validation of the computer vision functionalities.
The library is platform independent.
OCEAN_TEST_CV_EXPORT bool Ocean::Test::TestCV::testCV | ( | const double | testDuration, |
Worker & | worker, | ||
const unsigned int | testWidth = 1280u , |
const unsigned int | testHeight = 720u , |
const std::string & | testFunctions = std::string() |
) |
Tests the entire Computer Vision library.
testDuration | Number of seconds for each test, with range (0, infinity) |
worker | The worker object to distribute some computation on as many CPU cores as defined in the worker object |
testWidth | Width of the test frame in pixel, with range [32, infinity) |
testHeight | Height of the test frame in pixel, with range [32, infinity) |
testFunctions | Optional name of the functions to be tested |
OCEAN_TEST_CV_EXPORT void Ocean::Test::TestCV::testCVAsynchron | ( | const double | testDuration, |
const unsigned int | testWidth = 1280u , |
const unsigned int | testHeight = 720u , |
const std::string & | testFunctions = std::string() |
) |
Tests the entire Computer Vision library.
This function returns directly as the actual test is invoked in an own thread.
Use this function in intendet for non-console applications like e.g., mobile devices.
testDuration | Number of seconds for each test, with range (0, infinity) |
testWidth | Width of the test frame in pixel, with range [32, infinity) |
testHeight | Height of the test frame in pixel, with range [32, infinity) |
testFunctions | Optional name of the functions to be tested |