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Ocean Test CV Library

The Ocean Test CV Library provides several function to test the performance and validation of the computer vision functionalities. More...

Collaboration diagram for Ocean Test CV Library:


 Ocean Test CV Advanced Library
 The Ocean Test CV Advanced Library provides several function to test the performance and validation of the computer vision advanced functionalities.
 Ocean Test CV Detector Library
 The Ocean Test CV Detector Library provides several functions to test the performance and validation of the computer vision detector functionalities.
 Ocean Test CV libyuv Library
 The Ocean Test CV libyuv Library provides several functions to test the performance of the 3rdparty libyuv library.
 Ocean Test CV OpenCV Library
 The Ocean Test CV OpenCV Library provides several functions to test the performance of the 3rdparty OpenCV library.
 Ocean Test CV Segmentation Library
 The Ocean Test CV Segmentation Library provides several function to test the performance and validation of the computer vision segmentation functionalities.
 Ocean Test CV Synthesis Library
 The Ocean Test CV Synthesis Library provides several function to test the performance and validation of the computer vision synthesis functionalities.

Data Structures

class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::FrameConverterTestUtilities
 This class implements frame converter test utilities. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestBresenham
 This class implements tests of the Bresenham implementation. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestCanvas
 This class implements tests for the Canvas class. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestEigenUtilities
 This class implements tests for the EigenUtilities class. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameBlender
 This class implements a test for the frame blender class. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameChannels
 This class implements a frame channels test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverter
 This class implements a frame converter test for the function of the basic frame converter. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterABGR32
 This class implements a ABGR frame converter test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterARGB32
 This class implements a ARGB frame converter test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterB_G_R24
 This class implements a B_G_R 24 bit frame converter test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterBGR24
 This class implements a BGR frame converter test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterBGR32
 This class implements a BGR32 frame converter test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterBGR565
 This class implements a BGR565 frame converter test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterBGRA32
 This class implements a BGRA frame converter test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterR_G_B24
 This class implements a R_G_B 24 bit frame converter test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterRGB24
 This class implements a RGB frame converter test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterRGB32
 This class implements a RGB32 frame converter test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterRGB565
 This class implements a RGB565 frame converter test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterRGBA32
 This class implements a RGBA frame converter test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterRGBA64
 This class implements a RGBA64 frame converter test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterRGGB10_Packed
 This class implements a RGGB10_PACKED frame converter test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterThreshold
 This class implements a frame converter threshold test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterUYVY16
 This class implements a UYVY16 bit frame converter test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterY10_Packed
 This class implements a Y10_PACKED frame converter test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterY32
 This class implements a Y32 frame converter test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterY8
 This class implements a Y8 frame converter test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterY_U_V12
 This class implements a Y_U_V 12bit frame converter test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterY_U_V24
 This class implements a Y_U_V 24 bit frame converter test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterY_UV12
 This class implements a Y_UV 12bit frame converter test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterY_V_U12
 This class implements a Y_V_U 12bit frame converter test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterY_VU12
 This class implements a Y_VU 12bit frame converter test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterYA16
 This class implements a YA16 frame converter test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterYUV24
 This class implements a YUV 24bit frame converter test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterYUVA32
 This class implements a YUVA 32 bit frame converter test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterYUYV16
 This class implements a YUYV16 bit frame converter test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameConverterYVU24
 This class implements a YVU 24bit frame converter test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameEnlarger
 This class implements frame enlarger test functions. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameFilter
 This class implements a test for frame filter functions. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameFilterCanny
 This class implements a canny filter test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameFilterDilation
 This class implements a dilation filter test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameFilterErosion
 This class implements an erosion filter test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameFilterGaussian
 This class implements a test for the Gaussian image blur filter. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameFilterGradient
 This class implements a gradient filter test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameFilterLaplace
 This class implements a test for the Laplace frame filter. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameFilterMax
 This class implements frame max filter tests. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameFilterMean
 This class implements a mean filter test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameFilterMedian
 This class implements frame median filter tests. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameFilterMin
 This class implements frame min filter tests. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameFilterPrewitt
 This class implements a Prewitt filter test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameFilterScharr
 This class implements a Scharr filter test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameFilterScharrMagnitude
 This class implements a scharr magnitude filter test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameFilterSeparable
 This class implements a test for the separable filter. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameFilterSobel
 This class implements a Sobel filter test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameFilterSobelMagnitude
 This class implements a scharr magnitude filter test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameFilterSorted
 This class implements tests for the sorted frame filter. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameFilterTemplate
 This class implements a frame filter template test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameInterpolator
 This class implements a test for the FrameInterpolator class. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameInterpolatorBicubic
 This class implements a bicubic frame interpolator test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameInterpolatorBilinear
 This class implements a bilinear frame interpolation test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameInterpolatorBilinearAlpha
 This class implements a bilinear frame interpolator test for frames holding an alpha channel. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameInterpolatorNearestPixel
 This class implements a nearest pixel frame interpolator test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameInverter
 This class implements tests for the FrameInverter class. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameMean
 This class implements tests for the FrameMean class. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameMinMax
 This class implements tests for the FrameMinMax class. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameNorm
 This class implements tests for the FrameNorm class. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameNormalizer
 This class implements tests for the FrameNormalizer class. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameOperations
 This class implements a frame operations test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFramePyramid
 This class implements tests for the functionality of frame pyramids. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameShrinker
 This class implements tests for the frame downsizing functions. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameShrinkerAlpha
 This class implements tests for the frame downsizing functions with alpha channel. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameTransposer
 This class implements a test for the frame transposer class. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestFrameVariance
 This class implements tests for the frame variance functions. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestHistogram
 This class implements a pixel bounding box test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestImageQuality
 This class implements tests for the ImageQuality class. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestIntegralImage
 This class implements an integral image tester. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestMaskAnalyzer
 This class implements a frame analyzer test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestMotion
 This class test the motion functions. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestNEON
 This class implements a Computer Vision NEON test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestNonMaximumSuppression
 This class tests the implementation of the NonMaximumSuppression class. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestPixelBoundingBox
 This class implements a pixel bounding box test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestPixelPosition
 This class implements a pixel position test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestSSE
 This class implements a Computer Vision SSE test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestSumAbsoluteDifferences
 This class implements sum absolute differences (SAD) tests. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestSumSquareDifferences
 This class implements sum square differences (SSD) tests. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestUtilities
 This class implements a Computer Vision utilities test. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestZeroMeanSumSquareDifferences
 This class implements zero-mean sum square differences (ZMSSD) tests. More...


OCEAN_TEST_CV_EXPORT bool Ocean::Test::TestCV::testCV (const double testDuration, Worker &worker, const unsigned int testWidth=1280u, const unsigned int testHeight=720u, const std::string &testFunctions=std::string())
 Tests the entire Computer Vision library.
OCEAN_TEST_CV_EXPORT void Ocean::Test::TestCV::testCVAsynchron (const double testDuration, const unsigned int testWidth=1280u, const unsigned int testHeight=720u, const std::string &testFunctions=std::string())
 Tests the entire Computer Vision library.

Detailed Description

The Ocean Test CV Library provides several function to test the performance and validation of the computer vision functionalities.

The library is platform independent.

Function Documentation

◆ testCV()

OCEAN_TEST_CV_EXPORT bool Ocean::Test::TestCV::testCV ( const double  testDuration,
Worker worker,
const unsigned int  testWidth = 1280u,
const unsigned int  testHeight = 720u,
const std::string &  testFunctions = std::string() 

Tests the entire Computer Vision library.

testDurationNumber of seconds for each test, with range (0, infinity)
workerThe worker object to distribute some computation on as many CPU cores as defined in the worker object
testWidthWidth of the test frame in pixel, with range [32, infinity)
testHeightHeight of the test frame in pixel, with range [32, infinity)
testFunctionsOptional name of the functions to be tested
True, if the entire test succeeded

◆ testCVAsynchron()

OCEAN_TEST_CV_EXPORT void Ocean::Test::TestCV::testCVAsynchron ( const double  testDuration,
const unsigned int  testWidth = 1280u,
const unsigned int  testHeight = 720u,
const std::string &  testFunctions = std::string() 

Tests the entire Computer Vision library.

This function returns directly as the actual test is invoked in an own thread.
Use this function in intendet for non-console applications like e.g., mobile devices.

testDurationNumber of seconds for each test, with range (0, infinity)
testWidthWidth of the test frame in pixel, with range [32, infinity)
testHeightHeight of the test frame in pixel, with range [32, infinity)
testFunctionsOptional name of the functions to be tested