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Ocean Devices Android Library

The Ocean Devices Android Library provides device access for Android platforms. More...

Collaboration diagram for Ocean Devices Android Library:


 Ocean Devices Android JNI Library
 The Ocean Devices Android JNI Library provides a Java Native Interface for Android.

Data Structures

class  Ocean::Devices::Android::AndroidAccelerationSensor3DOF
 This class implements all 3DOF acceleration sensors (including the linear acceleration sensors). More...
class  Ocean::Devices::Android::AndroidDevice
 This class implements a device for the Android library. More...
class  Ocean::Devices::Android::AndroidFactory
 This class implements a device factory for the Android feature based tracking system. More...
class  Ocean::Devices::Android::AndroidGPSTracker
 This class implements a GPS tracker. More...
class  Ocean::Devices::Android::AndroidGravityTracker3DOF
 This class implements a tracker providing the gravity direction as 3-DOF orientation. More...
class  Ocean::Devices::Android::AndroidGyroSensor3DOF
 This class implements all 3DOF acceleration sensors (including the linear acceleration sensors). More...
class  Ocean::Devices::Android::AndroidHeadingTracker3DOF
 This class implements a tracker providing the heading/north direction as 3-DOF orientation. More...
class  Ocean::Devices::Android::AndroidOrientationTracker3DOF
 This class implements a 3DOF orientation tracker. More...
class  Ocean::Devices::Android::AndroidSensor
 This class implements a sensor for the Android library. More...


OCEAN_DEVICES_ANDROID_EXPORT std::string Ocean::Devices::Android::nameAndroidLibrary ()
 Returns the name of this devices library.
bool Ocean::Devices::Android::registerAndroidLibrary ()
 Registers this Android device library at the global device manager.
bool Ocean::Devices::Android::unregisterAndroidLibrary ()
 Unregisters this Android device library at the global device manager.
jboolean Java_com_meta_ocean_devices_android_DevicesAndroidJni_registerLibrary (JNIEnv *env, jobject javaThis)
 Java native interface function to register the Devices::Android component.
jboolean Java_com_meta_ocean_devices_android_DevicesAndroidJni_unregisterLibrary (JNIEnv *env, jobject javaThis)
 Java native interface function to unregister the Devices::Android component.
jboolean Java_com_meta_ocean_devices_android_DevicesAndroidJni_newGPSLocation (JNIEnv *env, jobject javaThis, jdouble latitude, jdouble longitude, jfloat altitude, jfloat direction, jfloat speed, jfloat accuracy, jfloat altitudeAccuracy, jfloat directionAccuracy, jfloat speedAccuracy, jdouble timestamp)
 Java native interface function to send a new GPS location to the native side.
 Tries to load the plugin and initializes all internal 3rd party libraries.
 Tries to unload the plugin and all internal resources of 3rd party libraries.

Detailed Description

The Ocean Devices Android Library provides device access for Android platforms.

The library is platform dependent.

Function Documentation

◆ Java_com_meta_ocean_devices_android_DevicesAndroidJni_newGPSLocation()

jboolean Java_com_meta_ocean_devices_android_DevicesAndroidJni_newGPSLocation ( JNIEnv *  env,
jobject  javaThis,
jdouble  latitude,
jdouble  longitude,
jfloat  altitude,
jfloat  direction,
jfloat  speed,
jfloat  accuracy,
jfloat  altitudeAccuracy,
jfloat  directionAccuracy,
jfloat  speedAccuracy,
jdouble  timestamp 

Java native interface function to send a new GPS location to the native side.

envThe JNI environment
javaThisThe JNI object
latitudeThe position's latitude, in degree, always valid, with range [-90, 90]
longitudeThe position's longitude, in degree, must be valid, with range [-180, 180]
altitudeThe position's altitude, in meter, NumericF::minValue() if unknown
directionThe travel direction of the device, relative to north, in degree, north is 0 degree, east is 90 degree, with range [0, 360], -1 if unknown
speedThe device's speed, in meter per second, with range [0, infinity), -1 if unknown
accuracyThe horizontal accuracy as radius, in meter, with range [0, infinity), -1 if unknown
altitudeAccuracyThe vertical accuracy in meter, with range [0, infinity), -1 if unknown
directionAccuracyThe direction accuracy, in degree, with range [0, 180], -1 if unknown
speedAccuracyThe speed accuracy, in meter per second, with range [0, infinity), -1 if unknown
timestampThe unix timestamp of the GPS location
True, if succeeded

◆ Java_com_meta_ocean_devices_android_DevicesAndroidJni_registerLibrary()

jboolean Java_com_meta_ocean_devices_android_DevicesAndroidJni_registerLibrary ( JNIEnv *  env,
jobject  javaThis 

Java native interface function to register the Devices::Android component.

envThe JNI environment
javaThisThe JNI object
True, if succeeded

◆ Java_com_meta_ocean_devices_android_DevicesAndroidJni_unregisterLibrary()

jboolean Java_com_meta_ocean_devices_android_DevicesAndroidJni_unregisterLibrary ( JNIEnv *  env,
jobject  javaThis 

Java native interface function to unregister the Devices::Android component.

envThe JNI environment
javaThisThe JNI object
True, if succeeded

◆ nameAndroidLibrary()

OCEAN_DEVICES_ANDROID_EXPORT std::string Ocean::Devices::Android::nameAndroidLibrary ( )

Returns the name of this devices library.

◆ pluginLoad()


Tries to load the plugin and initializes all internal 3rd party libraries.

Make sure that the plugin will be loaded only once!

True, if succeeded
See also

◆ pluginUnload()


Tries to unload the plugin and all internal resources of 3rd party libraries.

Make sure that all resources of this plugin has been released before!

True, if succeeded
See also

◆ registerAndroidLibrary()

bool Ocean::Devices::Android::registerAndroidLibrary ( )

Registers this Android device library at the global device manager.

This function calls AndroidFactory::registerFactory() only.

True, if succeeded

◆ unregisterAndroidLibrary()

bool Ocean::Devices::Android::unregisterAndroidLibrary ( )

Unregisters this Android device library at the global device manager.

This function calls AndroidFactory::unregisterFactory() only.

True, if succeeded