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ScopedARObject.h File Reference

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Data Structures

class  Ocean::Devices::ARCore::ScopedARObject< T, tDestroyFunction >
 This class implements a scoped object for ARCore objects. More...


namespace  Ocean
 The namespace covering the entire Ocean framework.
namespace  Ocean::Devices
 Namespace of the Devices library.
namespace  Ocean::Devices::ARCore
 Namespace of the Devices ARCore library.


typedef ScopedARObject< ArSession, ArSession_destroy > Ocean::Devices::ARCore::ScopedARSession
 Definition of a scoped object for ArSession.
typedef ScopedARObject< ArConfig, ArConfig_destroy > Ocean::Devices::ARCore::ScopedARConfig
 Definition of a scoped object for ArConfig.
typedef ScopedARObject< ArPose, ArPose_destroy > Ocean::Devices::ARCore::ScopedARPose
 Definition of a scoped object for ArPose.
typedef ScopedARObject< ArImage, ArImage_release > Ocean::Devices::ARCore::ScopedARImage
 Definition of a scoped object for ArImage.
typedef ScopedARObject< ArCameraConfig, ArCameraConfig_destroy > Ocean::Devices::ARCore::ScopedARCameraConfig
 Definition of a scoped object for ArCameraConfig.
typedef ScopedARObject< ArCameraConfigList, ArCameraConfigList_destroy > Ocean::Devices::ARCore::ScopedARCameraConfigList
 Definition of a scoped object for ArCameraConfigList.
typedef ScopedARObject< ArCameraConfigFilter, ArCameraConfigFilter_destroy > Ocean::Devices::ARCore::ScopedARCameraConfigFilter
 Definition of a scoped object for ArCameraConfigFilter.
typedef ScopedARObject< ArCameraIntrinsics, ArCameraIntrinsics_destroy > Ocean::Devices::ARCore::ScopedARCameraIntrinsics
 Definition of a scoped object for ArCameraIntrinsics.
typedef ScopedARObject< ArTrackable, ArTrackable_release > Ocean::Devices::ARCore::ScopedARTrackable
 Definition of a scoped object for ArTrackable.
typedef ScopedARObject< ArTrackableList, ArTrackableList_destroy > Ocean::Devices::ARCore::ScopedARTrackableList
 Definition of a scoped object for ArTrackableList.
typedef ScopedARObject< ArPointCloud, ArPointCloud_release > Ocean::Devices::ARCore::ScopedARPointCloud
 Definition of a scoped object for ArPointCloud.