PixelTriangle.h File Reference

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Data Structures

class  Ocean::CV::Advanced::PixelTriangleT< T >
 This class implements a 2D triangle with pixel precision. More...


 The namespace covering the entire Ocean framework.
 Namespace of the CV library.
 Namespace of the CV Advanced library.


typedef PixelTriangleT< unsigned int > Ocean::CV::Advanced::PixelTriangle
 Definition of the default PixelTriangle object with a data type allowing only positive coordinate values. More...
typedef PixelTriangleT< int > Ocean::CV::Advanced::PixelTriangleI
 Definition of a PixelTriangle object with a data type allowing positive and negative coordinate values. More...
typedef std::vector< PixelTriangle > Ocean::CV::Advanced::PixelTriangles
 Definition of a vector holding pixel triangles (with positive coordinate values). More...
typedef std::vector< PixelTriangleI > Ocean::CV::Advanced::PixelTrianglesI
 Definition of a vector holding pixel triangles (with positive and negative coordinate values). More...