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OceanUSBManager.h File Reference

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Data Structures

class  Ocean::System::USB::Android::OceanUSBManager
 This class implements the native version of the USB manager for Android. More...
class  Ocean::System::USB::Android::OceanUSBManager::DeviceDescriptor
 This class holds the relevant information of a USB device. More...


namespace  Ocean
 The namespace covering the entire Ocean framework.
namespace  Ocean::System
 Namespace of the System library.
namespace  Ocean::System::USB
 Namespace of the System library USB.
namespace  Ocean::System::USB::Android
 Namespace of the System library USB Android.


bool Java_com_meta_ocean_system_usb_android_OceanUSBManager_initialize (JNIEnv *env, jobject javaThis)
 Native interface function to initialize the manager, this function should be called from the main thread.
void Java_com_meta_ocean_system_usb_android_OceanUSBManager_onDevicePermission (JNIEnv *env, jobject javaThis, jstring deviceName, jboolean granted)
 Native interface function for device permission events.

Function Documentation

◆ Java_com_meta_ocean_system_usb_android_OceanUSBManager_initialize()

bool Java_com_meta_ocean_system_usb_android_OceanUSBManager_initialize ( JNIEnv *  env,
jobject  javaThis 

Native interface function to initialize the manager, this function should be called from the main thread.

envNative interface environment, must be valid
javaThisJNI object, must be valid
True, if succeeded

◆ Java_com_meta_ocean_system_usb_android_OceanUSBManager_onDevicePermission()

void Java_com_meta_ocean_system_usb_android_OceanUSBManager_onDevicePermission ( JNIEnv *  env,
jobject  javaThis,
jstring  deviceName,
jboolean  granted 

Native interface function for device permission events.

envNative interface environment, must be valid
javaThisJNI object, must be valid
deviceNameThe name of the device, must be valid
grantedTrue, if the permission was granted; False, if the permission was denied