Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
3  *
4  * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5  * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
6  */
14 #include "ocean/base/Accessor.h"
16 #include "ocean/base/Worker.h"
18 #include "ocean/math/Matrix.h"
22 namespace Ocean
23 {
25 namespace Geometry
26 {
28 /**
29  * This class implements the basic functions for least square or robust optimization algorithms for non linear functions.
30  * The actual optimization algorithms are located in derived functions.
31  * @ingroup geometry
32  */
33 class OCEAN_GEOMETRY_EXPORT NonLinearOptimization
34 {
35  template <unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int> friend class NonLinearUniversalOptimizationDense;
37  public:
39  /**
40  * This class implements the base class for an accessor of groups of pairs.
41  * Each group of pairs may have an arbitrary number of elements.
42  * @tparam TFirst The data type of the first element of each pair
43  * @tparam TSecond The data type of the second element of each pair
44  */
45  template <typename TFirst, typename TSecond>
47  {
48  protected:
50  /**
51  * Definition of a pair combining an object point id with an image point.
52  */
53  typedef std::pair<Index32, Vector2> Element;
55  /**
56  * Definition of a vector holding elements.
57  */
58  typedef std::vector<Element> Elements;
60  /**
61  * Definition of a vector holding a group of elements.
62  */
63  typedef std::vector<Elements> ElementGroups;
65  public:
67  /**
68  * Copy constructor.
69  * @param accessor Accessor to copy
70  */
73  /**
74  * Move constructor.
75  * @param accessor Accessor to move
76  */
79  /**
80  * Returns the number of groups of this accessor.
81  * @return The number of groups
82  */
83  inline size_t groups() const;
85  /**
86  * Returns the number of elements within a specified group.
87  * @param groupIndex The index of the group for which the number of elements is requested, with range [0, groups())
88  * @return The number of elements within the specified group
89  */
90  inline size_t groupElements(const size_t groupIndex) const;
92  /**
93  * Returns one pair of a specific group of this object.
94  * @param groupIndex The index of the group, with range [0, groups())
95  * @param elementIndex The index of the element within the specified group, with range [0, groupElements(groupIndex))
96  * @param first The resulting first element of the specified pair
97  * @param second The resulting second element of the specified pair
98  */
99  inline void element(const size_t groupIndex, const size_t elementIndex, TFirst& first, TSecond& second) const;
101  /**
102  * Returns the first element of a pair of a specific group of this object.
103  * @param groupIndex The index of the group, with range [0, groups())
104  * @param elementIndex The index of the element within the specified group, with range [0, groupElements(groupIndex))
105  * @return The first element of the specified pair
106  */
107  inline const TFirst& firstElement(const size_t groupIndex, const size_t elementIndex) const;
109  /**
110  * Returns the first element of a pair of a specific group of this object.
111  * @param groupIndex The index of the group, with range [0, groups())
112  * @param elementIndex The index of the element within the specified group, with range [0, groupElements(groupIndex))
113  * @return The second element of the specified pair
114  */
115  inline const TSecond& secondElement(const size_t groupIndex, const size_t elementIndex) const;
117  /**
118  * Copy constructor.
119  * @param accessor Accessor to copy
120  */
123  /**
124  * Move constructor.
125  * @param accessor Accessor to move
126  */
129  protected:
131  /**
132  * Creates a new accessor object.
133  */
136  /**
137  * Creates a new accessor object.
138  * @param elementGroups The element groups of the object
139  */
140  inline CorrespondenceGroupsAccessor(const ElementGroups& elementGroups);
142  /**
143  * Creates a new accessor object.
144  * @param elementGroups The element groups of the object to move
145  */
148  protected:
150  /// The groups of elements of this accessor.
152  };
154  /**
155  * This class implements an abstract specialization of the accessor for groups of pairs for object points.
156  * The accessor provides one group for each object point while each group holds pairs of correspondences between poses and image points.
157  */
159  {
160  protected:
162  /**
163  * Creates a new accessor object.
164  */
165  inline ObjectPointGroupsAccessor();
167  /**
168  * Creates a new accessor object.
169  * @param elementGroups The element groups of the object
170  */
171  inline ObjectPointGroupsAccessor(const ElementGroups& elementGroups);
173  /**
174  * Creates a new accessor object.
175  * @param elementGroups The element groups of the object to move
176  */
177  inline ObjectPointGroupsAccessor(ElementGroups&& elementGroups);
178  };
180  /**
181  * This class implements an abstract specialization of the accessor for groups of pairs for poses.
182  * The accessor provides one group for each pose while each group holds pairs of correspondences between object points and image points.
183  */
184  class PoseGroupsAccessor : public CorrespondenceGroupsAccessor<Index32, Vector2>
185  {
186  protected:
188  /**
189  * Creates a new accessor object.
190  */
191  inline PoseGroupsAccessor();
193  /**
194  * Creates a new accessor object.
195  * @param elementGroups The element groups of the object
196  */
197  inline PoseGroupsAccessor(const ElementGroups& elementGroups);
199  /**
200  * Creates a new accessor object.
201  * @param elementGroups The element groups of the object to move
202  */
203  inline PoseGroupsAccessor(ElementGroups&& elementGroups);
204  };
206  /**
207  * This class implements a group accessor providing access to pairs of poses and image points.
208  * The groups of pairs have the following structure, each object point can have an arbitrary number of pairs:
209  * <pre>
210  * objectpoint_0 -> (pose_0, imagePoint_0)
211  * -> (pose_1, imagePoint_4)
212  * -> (pose_5, imagePoint_9)
213  *
214  * objectPoint_1 -> (pose_0, imagePoint_2)
215  *
216  * objectPoint_2 -> (pose_2, imagePoint_3)
217  * (pose_1, imagePoint_8)
218  *
219  * objectPoint_3 -> (pose_9, imagePoint_5)
220  * </pre>
221  */
223  {
224  public:
226  /**
227  * Default constructor.
228  */
231  /**
232  * Creates a new accessor object for two sets of image points which are the observations of the same object points in two individual camera frames.
233  * @param imagePoints0 The first set of image points which are the observations of the object points in the first pose
234  * @param imagePoints1 The second set of image points which are the observations of the object points in the second pose
235  * @tparam TAccessor The data type of the accessor providing the image points
236  */
237  template <typename TAccessor>
238  ObjectPointToPoseIndexImagePointCorrespondenceAccessor(const TAccessor& imagePoints0, const TAccessor& imagePoints1);
240  /**
241  * Creates a new accessor object for a set of object points all observed by the same number of image points in a set of camera poses.
242  * Thus, the number of corresponding image points for one object points is identical to the number of camera poses.
243  * @param imagePointGroups The group of image points observing the object points, one group for each object point, the indices of the image points are identical to the indices of the corresponding camera poses
244  * @tparam TAccessor The data type of the accessor providing the image points
245  */
246  template <typename TAccessor>
247  explicit ObjectPointToPoseIndexImagePointCorrespondenceAccessor(const std::vector<TAccessor>& imagePointGroups);
249  /**
250  * Creates a new accessor object for a set of object points all observed by the same number of image points in a set of camera poses.
251  * Thus, the number of corresponding image points for one object points is identical to the number of camera poses.<br>
252  * The provided image points have the following pattern for n object points:<br>
253  * <pre>
254  * Group 0 / Object Point 0 , Group 1 / Object Point 1 , Group 2 / Object Point2 ...
255  * i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, ..., in, in+1, in+2, in+3, in+5, ..., in+n+1, in+n+2, ...
256  * </pre>
257  * where i0, in+1, in+n+1 ... are the image points located in the first camera frame; i1, in+2, in+n+2 ... are image points located in the second frame a.s.o.
258  * @param sequentialImagePointGroups The group of image points observing the object points provided sequentially, one sequential group for each object point, the indices of the image points (within the sequential groups) are identical to the indices of the corresponding camera poses, while imagePointGroups.size() is a multiple of numberObjectPoints
259  * @param numberObjectPoints The number of object points (the number of sequential groups of image points), with range [1, infinity)
260  * @tparam TAccessor The data type of the accessor providing the image points
261  */
262  template <typename TAccessor>
263  ObjectPointToPoseIndexImagePointCorrespondenceAccessor(const TAccessor& sequentialImagePointGroups, const size_t numberObjectPoints);
265  /**
266  * Creates a new accessor object for a set of object points all observed by the same number of image points in a set of camera poses.
267  * Thus, the number of corresponding image points for one object points is identical to the number of camera poses.<br>
268  * The provided image points have the following pattern for n object points:<br>
269  * <pre>
270  * Camera pose 0 , Camera pose 1 , Camera pose 2 ...
271  * i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, ..., in, in+1, in+2, in+3, in+5, ..., in+n+1, in+n+2, ...
272  * </pre>
273  * where i0, in+1, in+n+1 ... are the image points observing the first object point; i1, in+2, in+n+2 ... are image points observing the second object point a.s.o.
274  * @param numberObjectPoints The number of object points, with range [1, infinity)
275  * @param imagePoints The set of image points observing the object points provided in sequential groups, each group holds all image points for one camera pose, while imagePoint.size() is a multiple of numberObjectPoints
276  * @tparam TAccessor The data type of the accessor providing the image points
277  */
278  template <typename TAccessor>
279  ObjectPointToPoseIndexImagePointCorrespondenceAccessor(const size_t numberObjectPoints, const TAccessor& imagePoints);
281  /**
282  * Adds the observations of a new object point to this accessor.
283  * @param poseIdImagePointPairs The pairs combining the pose id and the image point locations, at least one
284  * @return The index of the new object point which has been added, with range [0, infinity)
285  */
286  inline size_t addObjectPoint(Elements&& poseIdImagePointPairs);
287  };
289  /**
290  * This class implements the base optimization provider.
291  */
293  {
294  public:
296  /**
297  * Returns whether the provider comes with an own solver for the linear equation.
298  * @return True, if so
299  */
300  inline bool hasSolver() const;
302  /**
303  * Solves the linear equation JTJ * deltas = jErrors.
304  * @param JTJ The Hesse matrix (transposed jacobian multiplied by the jacobian)
305  * @param jErrors The individual error values
306  * @param deltas The resulting individual delta values
307  * @return True, if the equation could be solved
308  */
309  inline bool solve(const Matrix& JTJ, const Matrix& jErrors, Matrix& deltas) const;
311  /**
312  * Solves the linear equation JTJ * deltas = jErrors.
313  * @param JTJ The Hesse matrix (transposed jacobian multiplied by the jacobian)
314  * @param jErrors The individual error values
315  * @param deltas The resulting individual delta values
316  * @return True, if the equation could be solved
317  */
318  inline bool solve(const SparseMatrix& JTJ, const Matrix& jErrors, Matrix& deltas) const;
319  };
321  /**
322  * This class implements the base for an advanced dense optimization provider.
323  * The advanced optimization provider is able to determine an overall error as well as the entire Hessian matrix and Jacobian-Error vector for any intermediate Levenberg-Marquardt optimization step.
324  * @see OptimizationProvider
325  */
327  {
328  public:
330  /**
331  * Determines the error for the current model candidate (not the actual model).
332  * Needs to be implemented in the actual provider.
333  * @return The error for the current model candidate
334  */
335  inline Scalar determineError();
337  /**
338  * Determines the Hessian matrix and the Error-Jacobian vector based on the actual/current model (the transposed jacobian multiplied with the individual errors).
339  * Needs to be implemented in the actual provider.
340  * @param hessian The resulting (n x n) Hessian matrix for a model with dimension n, which is the transposed Jacobian multiplied with the Jacobian, may be the approximated Hessian
341  * @param jacobianError The resulting (n x 1) Error-Jacobian vector
342  * @return True, if succeeded
343  */
344  inline bool determineHessianAndErrorJacobian(Matrix& hessian, Matrix& jacobianError);
346  /**
347  * Creates a new model candidate by adjusting the current model with delta values.
348  * Needs to be implemented in the actual provider.
349  * @param deltas The delta values to be used applied
350  */
351  inline void applyCorrection(const Matrix& deltas);
353  /**
354  * Accepts the current model candidate a new (better) model than the previous one.
355  * Needs to be implemented in the actual provider.
356  */
357  inline void acceptCorrection();
359  /**
360  * Returns whether the optimization process should stop e.g., due to an external event.
361  * Needs to be implemented in the actual provider.
362  * @return True, to stop the optimization process
363  */
364  inline bool shouldStop();
366  /**
367  * Returns whether the provider comes with an own solver for the linear equation.
368  * @return True, if so
369  */
370  inline bool hasSolver() const;
372  /**
373  * Solves the linear equation Hessian * deltas = -jacobianError.
374  * @param hessian The Hesse matrix (transposed jacobian multiplied by the jacobian)
375  * @param jacobianError The transposed jacobian multiplied with the individual errors
376  * @param deltas The resulting individual delta values
377  * @return True, if the equation could be solved
378  */
379  inline bool solve(const Matrix& hessian, const Matrix& jacobianError, Matrix& deltas) const;
381  protected:
383  /**
384  * Protected default constructor.
385  */
387  };
389  /**
390  * This class implements the base class for an advanced sparse optimization provider.
391  * @see AdvancedDenseOptimizationProvider, OptimizationProvider
392  */
394  {
395  public:
397  /**
398  * Determines the error for the current model candidate (not the actual/actual model).
399  * Needs to be implemented in the actual provider.
400  * @return The error for the current model candidate
401  */
402  inline Scalar determineError();
404  /**
405  * Determines any kind of (abstract) parameters based on the current/actual model (not the model candidate) e.g., the Jacobian parameters and/or a Hessian matrix.
406  * The provide is responsible for the actual data.<br>
407  * Needs to be implemented in the actual provider.
408  * @return True, if succeeded
409  */
410  inline bool determineParameters();
412  /**
413  * Creates a new model candidate by adjusting the current/actual model with delta values.
414  * Needs to be implemented in the actual provider.
415  * @param deltas The delta values to be used applied
416  */
417  inline void applyCorrection(const Matrix& deltas);
419  /**
420  * Accepts the current model candidate a new (better) model than the previous one.
421  * Needs to be implemented in the actual provider.
422  */
423  inline void acceptCorrection();
425  /**
426  * Returns whether the optimization process should stop e.g., due to an external event.
427  * Needs to be implemented in the actual provider.
428  * @return True, to stop the optimization process
429  */
430  inline bool shouldStop();
432  /**
433  * Solves the linear equation Hessian * deltas = -jacobianError based on the internal data.
434  * The diagonal of the Hessian matrix will be multiplied by (1 + lambda) before the actual solving starts.<br>
435  * This function may be invoked several times before determineParameters() is invoked again so that the diagonal of the original Hessian matrix should be copied.
436  * @param deltas The resulting individual delta values
437  * @param lambda Optional lambda value for a Levenberg-Marquardt optimization, with range [0, infinity)
438  * @return True, if the equation could be solved
439  */
440  inline bool solve(Matrix& deltas, const Scalar lambda = Scalar(0));
442  protected:
444  /**
445  * Protected default constructor.
446  */
448  };
450  public:
452  /**
453  * Invokes the optimization of a dense (matrix) optimization problem.
454  * @param provider The optimization provider that is used during the optimization
455  * @param iterations Number of optimization iterations
456  * @param estimator Robust estimator to be applied
457  * @param lambda Initial Levenberg-Marquardt damping value which may be changed after each iteration using the damping factor, with range [0, infinity)
458  * @param lambdaFactor Levenberg-Marquardt damping factor to be applied to the damping value, with range [1, infinity)
459  * @param initialError Optional resulting averaged robust (depending on estimator) pixel error for the given initial parameters
460  * @param finalError Optional resulting averaged robust (depending on estimator) pixel error for the final optimized parameters
461  * @param invertedCovariances Optional set of inverted covariances that define the individual uncertainties of the measurements
462  * @param intermediateErrors Optional resulting intermediate (improving) errors in relation to the defined estimator
463  * @return True, if at least one successful optimization iteration has been executed
464  * @tparam T Data type of the optimization provider
465  */
466  template <typename T>
467  static inline bool denseOptimization(T& provider, const unsigned int iterations = 5u, const Estimator::EstimatorType estimator = Estimator::ET_SQUARE, Scalar lambda = Scalar(0.001), const Scalar lambdaFactor = Scalar(5), Scalar* initialError = nullptr, Scalar* finalError = nullptr, const Matrix* invertedCovariances = nullptr, Scalars* intermediateErrors = nullptr);
469  /**
470  * Invokes the optimization of a dense (matrix) optimization problem.
471  * @param provider The optimization provider that is used during the optimization
472  * @param iterations Number of optimization iterations
473  * @param lambda Initial Levenberg-Marquardt damping value which may be changed after each iteration using the damping factor, with range [0, infinity)
474  * @param lambdaFactor Levenberg-Marquardt damping factor to be applied to the damping value, with range [1, infinity)
475  * @param initialError Optional resulting averaged robust (depending on estimator) pixel error for the given initial parameters
476  * @param finalError Optional resulting averaged robust (depending on estimator) pixel error for the final optimized parameters
477  * @param invertedCovariances Optional set of inverted covariances that define the individual uncertainties of the measurements
478  * @param intermediateErrors Optional resulting intermediate (improving) errors
479  * @return True, if at least one successful optimization iteration has been executed
480  * @tparam T Data type of the optimization provider
481  * @tparam tEstimator Type of the robust estimator to be applied
482  */
483  template <typename T, Estimator::EstimatorType tEstimator>
484  static bool denseOptimization(T& provider, const unsigned int iterations = 5u, Scalar lambda = Scalar(0.001), const Scalar lambdaFactor = Scalar(5), Scalar* initialError = nullptr, Scalar* finalError = nullptr, const Matrix* invertedCovariances = nullptr, Scalars* intermediateErrors = nullptr);
486  /**
487  * Invokes the optimization of a sparse (matrix) optimization problem.
488  * @param provider The optimization provider that is used during the optimization
489  * @param iterations Number of optimization iterations
490  * @param estimator Robust estimator to be applied
491  * @param lambda Initial Levenberg-Marquardt damping value which may be changed after each iteration using the damping factor, with range [0, infinity)
492  * @param lambdaFactor Levenberg-Marquardt damping factor to be applied to the damping value, with range [1, infinity)
493  * @param initialError Optional resulting averaged robust (depending on estimator) pixel error for the given initial parameters
494  * @param finalError Optional resulting averaged robust (depending on estimator) pixel error for the final optimized parameters
495  * @param invertedCovariances Optional set of inverted covariances that define the individual uncertainties of the measurements
496  * @param intermediateErrors Optional resulting intermediate (improving) errors
497  * @return True, if at least one successful optimization iteration has been executed
498  * @tparam T Data type of the optimization provider
499  */
500  template <typename T>
501  static bool sparseOptimization(T& provider, const unsigned int iterations = 5u, const Estimator::EstimatorType estimator = Estimator::ET_SQUARE, Scalar lambda = Scalar(0.001), const Scalar lambdaFactor = Scalar(5), Scalar* initialError = nullptr, Scalar* finalError = nullptr, const Matrix* invertedCovariances = nullptr, Scalars* intermediateErrors = nullptr);
503  /**
504  * Invokes the optimization of a sparse (matrix) optimization problem.
505  * @param provider The optimization provider that is used during the optimization
506  * @param iterations Number of optimization iterations
507  * @param lambda Initial Levenberg-Marquardt damping value which may be changed after each iteration using the damping factor, with range [0, infinity)
508  * @param lambdaFactor Levenberg-Marquardt damping factor to be applied to the damping value, with range [1, infinity)
509  * @param initialError Optional resulting averaged robust (depending on estimator) pixel error for the given initial parameters
510  * @param finalError Optional resulting averaged robust (depending on estimator) pixel error for the final optimized parameters
511  * @param invertedCovariances Optional set of inverted covariances that define the individual uncertainties of the measurements
512  * @param intermediateErrors Optional resulting intermediate (improving) errors
513  * @return True, if at least one successful optimization iteration has been executed
514  * @tparam T Data type of the optimization provider
515  * @tparam tEstimator Type of the robust estimator to be applied
516  */
517  template <typename T, Estimator::EstimatorType tEstimator>
518  static bool sparseOptimization(T& provider, const unsigned int iterations = 5u, Scalar lambda = Scalar(0.001), const Scalar lambdaFactor = Scalar(5), Scalar* initialError = nullptr, Scalar* finalError = nullptr, const Matrix* invertedCovariances = nullptr, Scalars* intermediateErrors = nullptr);
520  /**
521  * Invokes the optimization of a dense (matrix) optimization problem using an advanced optimization provider.
522  * The optimization can use a Levenberg-Marquardt approach or a Gauss-Newton approach.
523  * @param advancedDenseProvider The advanced dense optimization provider that is used during the optimization
524  * @param iterations Number of optimization iterations
525  * @param lambda Initial Levenberg-Marquardt damping value which may be changed after each iteration using the damping factor, with range [0, infinity), 0 to apply a Gauss-Netwton optimization approach
526  * @param lambdaFactor Levenberg-Marquardt damping factor to be applied to the damping value, with range [1, infinity), 1 to apply a Gauss-Newton optimization approach
527  * @param initialError Optional resulting averaged robust (depending on estimator) pixel error for the given initial parameters
528  * @param finalError Optional resulting averaged robust (depending on estimator) pixel error for the final optimized parameters
529  * @param intermediateErrors Optional resulting intermediate (improving) errors
530  * @return True, if at least one successful optimization iteration has been executed
531  * @tparam T Data type of the advanced dense optimization provider, must be derived from AdvancedDenseOptimizationProvider
532  */
533  template <typename T>
534  static bool advancedDenseOptimization(T& advancedDenseProvider, const unsigned int iterations, Scalar lambda, const Scalar lambdaFactor, Scalar* initialError = nullptr, Scalar* finalError = nullptr, Scalars* intermediateErrors = nullptr);
536  /**
537  * Invokes the optimization of a sparse (matrix) optimization problem using an advanced optimization provider.
538  * The optimization can use a Levenberg-Marquardt approach or a Gauss-Newton approach.
539  * @param advancedSparseProvider The advanced sparse optimization provider that is used during the optimization
540  * @param iterations Number of optimization iterations
541  * @param lambda Initial Levenberg-Marquardt damping value which may be changed after each iteration using the damping factor, with range [0, infinity), 0 to apply a Gauss-Netwton optimization approach
542  * @param lambdaFactor Levenberg-Marquardt damping factor to be applied to the damping value, with range [1, infinity), 1 to apply a Gauss-Newton optimization approach
543  * @param initialError Optional resulting averaged robust (depending on estimator) pixel error for the given initial parameters
544  * @param finalError Optional resulting averaged robust (depending on estimator) pixel error for the final optimized parameters
545  * @param intermediateErrors Optional resulting intermediate (improving) errors
546  * @return True, if at least one successful optimization iteration has been executed
547  * @tparam T Data type of the advanced sparse optimization provider, must be derived from AdvancedSparseOptimizationProvider
548  */
549  template <typename T>
550  static bool advancedSparseOptimization(T& advancedSparseProvider, const unsigned int iterations, Scalar lambda, const Scalar lambdaFactor, Scalar* initialError = nullptr, Scalar* finalError = nullptr, Scalars* intermediateErrors = nullptr);
552  /**
553  * Translates the n/2 squared errors that correspond to n elements in the error vector to robust errors.
554  * @param sqrErrors The n/2 squared errors
555  * @param modelParameters Number of parameters that define the model that has to be optimized
556  * @param weightedErrors Initial n errors that will be translated to robust errors
557  * @param weightVectors The n individual weights that have been applied to the errors
558  * @param transposedInvertedCovariances Optional transposed 2x2 inverted covariance matrices, one for each pair of errors
559  * @return Resulting averaged robust error of the entire data set
560  * @tparam tEstimator Robust error estimator to be used
561  */
562  template <Estimator::EstimatorType tEstimator>
563  static Scalar sqrErrors2robustErrors2(const Scalars& sqrErrors, const size_t modelParameters, Vector2* weightedErrors, Vector2* weightVectors, const SquareMatrix2* transposedInvertedCovariances);
565  /**
566  * Translates the n/i squared errors that correspond to n elements in the error vector to robust errors.
567  * @param sqrErrors The n/i squared errors
568  * @param modelParameters Number of parameters that define the model that has to be optimized
569  * @param weightedErrors Initial n errors that will be translated to robust errors
570  * @param weightVectors The n individual weights that have been applied to the errors
571  * @param transposedInvertedCovariances Optional transposed ixi inverted covariance matrices, one for each pair of errors
572  * @return Resulting averaged robust error of the entire data set
573  * @tparam tEstimator Robust error estimator to be used
574  * @tparam tDimension Dimension of one error element
575  */
576  template <Estimator::EstimatorType tEstimator, size_t tDimension>
577  static Scalar sqrErrors2robustErrors(const Scalars& sqrErrors, const size_t modelParameters, StaticBuffer<Scalar, tDimension>* weightedErrors, StaticBuffer<Scalar, tDimension>* weightVectors, const Matrix* transposedInvertedCovariances);
579  /**
580  * Translates the n/i squared errors that correspond to n elements in the error vector to robust errors.
581  * @param sqrErrors The n/i squared errors
582  * @param modelParameters Number of parameters that define the model that has to be optimized
583  * @param dimension The dimension of one error element, with range [1, infinity)
584  * @param weightedErrors_i Initial n errors that will be translated to robust errors
585  * @param weightVectors_i The n individual weights that have been applied to the errors
586  * @param transposedInvertedCovariances_i Optional transposed ixi inverted covariance matrices, one for each pair of errors
587  * @return Resulting averaged robust error of the entire data set
588  * @tparam tEstimator Robust error estimator to be used
589  */
590  template <Estimator::EstimatorType tEstimator>
591  static Scalar sqrErrors2robustErrors_i(const Scalars& sqrErrors, const size_t modelParameters, const size_t dimension, Scalar* weightedErrors_i, Scalar* weightVectors_i, const Matrix* transposedInvertedCovariances_i);
593  /**
594  * Translates the n/2 squared errors that correspond to n elements in the error vector to robust errors.
595  * @param estimator Robust error estimator to be used
596  * @param sqrErrors The n/2 squared errors
597  * @param modelParameters Number of parameters that define the model that has to be optimized
598  * @param weightedErrors Initial n errors that will be translated to robust errors
599  * @param weightVectors The n individual weights that have been applied to the errors
600  * @param transposedInvertedCovariances Optional transposed 2x2 inverted covariance matrices, one for each pair of errors
601  * @return Resulting averaged robust error of the entire data set
602  */
603  static inline Scalar sqrErrors2robustErrors2(const Estimator::EstimatorType estimator, const Scalars& sqrErrors, const size_t modelParameters, Vector2* weightedErrors, Vector2* weightVectors, const SquareMatrix2* transposedInvertedCovariances);
605  /**
606  * Translates the n/i squared errors that correspond to n elements in the error vector to robust errors.
607  * @param estimator Robust error estimator to be used
608  * @param sqrErrors The n/i squared errors
609  * @param modelParameters Number of parameters that define the model that has to be optimized
610  * @param weightedErrors Initial n errors that will be translated to robust errors
611  * @param weightVectors The n individual weights that have been applied to the errors
612  * @param transposedInvertedCovariances Optional transposed ixi inverted covariance matrices, one for each pair of errors
613  * @return Resulting averaged robust error of the entire data set
614  * @tparam tDimension Dimension of one error element
615  */
616  template <size_t tDimension>
617  static inline Scalar sqrErrors2robustErrors(const Estimator::EstimatorType estimator, const Scalars& sqrErrors, const size_t modelParameters, StaticBuffer<Scalar, tDimension>* weightedErrors, StaticBuffer<Scalar, tDimension>* weightVectors, const Matrix* transposedInvertedCovariances);
619  /**
620  * Translates the n/i squared errors that correspond to n elements in the error vector to robust errors.
621  * @param estimator Robust error estimator to be used
622  * @param sqrErrors The n/i squared errors
623  * @param modelParameters Number of parameters that define the model that has to be optimized
624  * @param dimension The dimension of one error element, with range [1, infinity)
625  * @param weightedErrors_i Initial n errors that will be translated to robust errors
626  * @param weightVectors_i The n individual weights that have been applied to the errors
627  * @param transposedInvertedCovariances_i Optional transposed ixi inverted covariance matrices, one for each pair of errors
628  * @return Resulting averaged robust error of the entire data set
629  */
630  static inline Scalar sqrErrors2robustErrors_i(const Estimator::EstimatorType estimator, const Scalars& sqrErrors, const size_t modelParameters, const size_t dimension, Scalar* weightedErrors_i, Scalar* weightVectors_i, const Matrix* transposedInvertedCovariances_i);
631 };
633 template <typename TFirst, typename TSecond>
635 {
636  // nothing to do here
637 }
639 template <typename TFirst, typename TSecond>
641  elementGroups_(elementGroups)
642 {
643  // nothing to do here
644 }
646 template <typename TFirst, typename TSecond>
648  elementGroups_(std::move(elementGroups))
649 {
650  // nothing to do here
651 }
653 template <typename TFirst, typename TSecond>
655  elementGroups_(accessor.elementGroups_)
656 {
657  // nothing to do here
658 }
660 template <typename TFirst, typename TSecond>
662  elementGroups_(std::move(accessor.elementGroups_))
663 {
664  // nothing to do here
665 }
667 template <typename TFirst, typename TSecond>
669 {
670  return elementGroups_.size();
671 }
673 template <typename TFirst, typename TSecond>
675 {
676  ocean_assert(groupIndex < groups());
678  return elementGroups_[groupIndex].size();
679 }
681 template <typename TFirst, typename TSecond>
682 inline void NonLinearOptimization::CorrespondenceGroupsAccessor<TFirst, TSecond>::element(const size_t groupIndex, const size_t elementIndex, TFirst& first, TSecond& second) const
683 {
684  ocean_assert(groupIndex < groups());
685  ocean_assert(elementIndex < groupElements(groupIndex));
687  const Element& element = elementGroups_[groupIndex][elementIndex];
689  first = element.first;
690  second = element.second;
691 }
693 template <typename TFirst, typename TSecond>
694 inline const TFirst& NonLinearOptimization::CorrespondenceGroupsAccessor<TFirst, TSecond>::firstElement(const size_t groupIndex, const size_t elementIndex) const
695 {
696  ocean_assert(groupIndex < groups());
697  ocean_assert(elementIndex < groupElements(groupIndex));
699  return elementGroups_[groupIndex][elementIndex].first;
700 }
702 template <typename TFirst, typename TSecond>
703 inline const TSecond& NonLinearOptimization::CorrespondenceGroupsAccessor<TFirst, TSecond>::secondElement(const size_t groupIndex, const size_t elementIndex) const
704 {
705  ocean_assert(groupIndex < groups());
706  ocean_assert(elementIndex < groupElements(groupIndex));
708  return elementGroups_[groupIndex][elementIndex].second;
709 }
711 template <typename TFirst, typename TSecond>
713 {
714  elementGroups_ = accessor.elementGroups_;
715  return *this;
716 }
718 template <typename TFirst, typename TSecond>
720 {
721  if (this != &accessor)
722  {
723  elementGroups_ = std::move(accessor.elementGroups_);
724  }
726  return *this;
727 }
730 {
731  // nothing to do here
732 }
736 {
737  // nothing to do here
738 }
741  CorrespondenceGroupsAccessor<Index32, Vector2>(std::move(elementGroups))
742 {
743  // nothing to do here
744 }
747 {
748  // nothing to do here
749 }
751 inline NonLinearOptimization::PoseGroupsAccessor::PoseGroupsAccessor(const ElementGroups& elementGroups) :
753 {
754  // nothing to do here
755 }
758  CorrespondenceGroupsAccessor<Index32, Vector2>(std::move(elementGroups))
759 {
760  // nothing to do here
761 }
764 {
765  return false;
766 }
768 inline bool NonLinearOptimization::OptimizationProvider::solve(const Matrix& /*JTJ*/, const Matrix& /*jErrors*/, Matrix& /*deltas*/) const
769 {
770  ocean_assert(false && "Must be implemented in a derived class!");
771  return false;
772 }
774 inline bool NonLinearOptimization::OptimizationProvider::solve(const SparseMatrix& /*JTJ*/, const Matrix& /*jErrors*/, Matrix& /*deltas*/) const
775 {
776  ocean_assert(false && "Must be implemented in a derived class!");
777  return false;
778 }
781 {
782  // nothing to do here
783 }
786 {
787  ocean_assert(false && "Must be implemented in a derived class!");
788  return Numeric::maxValue();
789 }
792 {
793  ocean_assert(false && "Must be implemented in a derived class!");
794  return false;
795 }
798 {
799  ocean_assert(false && "Must be implemented in a derived class!");
800 }
803 {
804  ocean_assert(false && "Must be implemented in a derived class!");
805 }
808 {
809  ocean_assert(false && "Must be implemented in a derived class!");
810  return true;
811 }
814 {
815  return false;
816 }
818 inline bool NonLinearOptimization::AdvancedDenseOptimizationProvider::solve(const Matrix& /*hessian*/, const Matrix& /*jacobianError*/, Matrix& /*deltas*/) const
819 {
820  ocean_assert(false && "Must be implemented in a derived class!");
821  return false;
822 }
825 {
826  // nothing to do here
827 }
830 {
831  ocean_assert(false && "Must be implemented in a derived class!");
832  return Numeric::maxValue();
833 }
836 {
837  ocean_assert(false && "Must be implemented in a derived class!");
838  return false;
839 }
842 {
843  ocean_assert(false && "Must be implemented in a derived class!");
844 }
847 {
848  ocean_assert(false && "Must be implemented in a derived class!");
849 }
852 {
853  ocean_assert(false && "Must be implemented in a derived class!");
854  return true;
855 }
858 {
859  ocean_assert(false && "Must be implemented in a derived class!");
860  return true;
861 }
863 template <typename TAccessor>
865  ObjectPointGroupsAccessor(ElementGroups(imagePoints0.size(), Elements(2)))
866 {
867  ocean_assert(imagePoints0.size() == imagePoints1.size());
869  for (size_t n = 0; n < imagePoints0.size(); ++n)
870  {
871  elementGroups_[n][0].first = 0;
872  elementGroups_[n][0].second = imagePoints0[n];
874  elementGroups_[n][1].first = 1;
875  elementGroups_[n][1].second = imagePoints1[n];
876  }
877 }
879 template <typename TAccessor>
881  ObjectPointGroupsAccessor(ElementGroups(imagePointGroups.size()))
882 {
883  ocean_assert(elementGroups_.size() == imagePointGroups.size());
885  for (size_t n = 0; n < imagePointGroups.size(); ++n)
886  {
887  const ConstIndexedAccessor<Vector2>& imagePoints = imagePointGroups[n];
888  ocean_assert(imagePoints.size() >= 2);
890  Elements poseIndexImagePoints;
891  poseIndexImagePoints.reserve(imagePoints.size());
893  for (size_t i = 0; i < imagePoints.size(); ++i)
894  {
895  poseIndexImagePoints.emplace_back(Index32(i), imagePoints[i]);
896  }
898  elementGroups_[n] = std::move(poseIndexImagePoints);
899  }
900 }
902 template <typename TAccessor>
904  ObjectPointGroupsAccessor(ElementGroups(numberObjectPoints))
905 {
906  ocean_assert(elementGroups_.size() == numberObjectPoints);
907  ocean_assert(sequentialImagePointGroups.size() % numberObjectPoints == 0);
909  const unsigned int numberImagePoints = (unsigned int)(sequentialImagePointGroups.size() / numberObjectPoints);
911  unsigned int index = 0u;
913  for (size_t n = 0; n < numberObjectPoints; ++n)
914  {
915  Elements poseIndexImagePoints;
916  poseIndexImagePoints.reserve(numberImagePoints);
918  for (unsigned int i = 0u; i < numberImagePoints; ++i)
919  {
920  poseIndexImagePoints.emplace_back(Index32(i), sequentialImagePointGroups[index++]);
921  }
923  elementGroups_[n] = std::move(poseIndexImagePoints);
924  }
925 }
927 template <typename TAccessor>
929  ObjectPointGroupsAccessor(ElementGroups(numberObjectPoints, Elements(numberObjectPoints == 0 ? 0 : (imagePoints.size() / numberObjectPoints))))
930 {
931  ocean_assert(elementGroups_.size() == numberObjectPoints);
932  ocean_assert(imagePoints.size() % numberObjectPoints == 0);
934  ocean_assert(numberObjectPoints != 0);
935  const unsigned int numberImagePoints = (unsigned int)(imagePoints.size() / numberObjectPoints);
937  unsigned int poseIndex = 0u;
938  unsigned int index = 0u;
940  for (size_t n = 0; n < numberImagePoints; ++n)
941  {
942  for (size_t i = 0; i < numberObjectPoints; ++i)
943  {
944  ocean_assert(elementGroups_[i].size() == numberImagePoints);
945  elementGroups_[i][poseIndex] = Element(poseIndex, imagePoints[index++]);
946  }
948  poseIndex++;
949  }
950 }
953 {
954  ocean_assert(!poseIdImagePointPairs.empty());
956  const size_t objectPointIndex = elementGroups_.size();
958  elementGroups_.emplace_back(std::move(poseIdImagePointPairs));
960  return objectPointIndex;
961 }
963 template <typename T>
964 inline bool NonLinearOptimization::denseOptimization(T& provider, const unsigned int iterations, const Estimator::EstimatorType estimator, Scalar lambda, const Scalar lambdaFactor, Scalar* initialError, Scalar* finalError, const Matrix* invertedCovariances, Scalars* intermediateErrors)
965 {
966  switch (estimator)
967  {
969  return denseOptimization<T, Estimator::ET_SQUARE>(provider, iterations, lambda, lambdaFactor, initialError, finalError, invertedCovariances, intermediateErrors);
972  return denseOptimization<T, Estimator::ET_LINEAR>(provider, iterations, lambda, lambdaFactor, initialError, finalError, invertedCovariances, intermediateErrors);
974  case Estimator::ET_HUBER:
975  return denseOptimization<T, Estimator::ET_HUBER>(provider, iterations, lambda, lambdaFactor, initialError, finalError, invertedCovariances, intermediateErrors);
977  case Estimator::ET_TUKEY:
978  return denseOptimization<T, Estimator::ET_TUKEY>(provider, iterations, lambda, lambdaFactor, initialError, finalError, invertedCovariances, intermediateErrors);
981  return denseOptimization<T, Estimator::ET_CAUCHY>(provider, iterations, lambda, lambdaFactor, initialError, finalError, invertedCovariances, intermediateErrors);
983  default:
984  ocean_assert(false && "Invalid estimator!");
985  return false;
986  }
987 }
989 template <typename T, Estimator::EstimatorType tEstimator>
990 bool NonLinearOptimization::denseOptimization(T& provider, const unsigned int iterations, Scalar lambda, const Scalar lambdaFactor, Scalar* initialError, Scalar* finalError, const Matrix* invertedCovariances, Scalars* intermediateErrors)
991 {
992  constexpr Scalar maxLambda = Scalar(1e8);
994  ocean_assert(lambda >= Numeric::eps() && lambda <= maxLambda);
996  Matrix jacobian;
998  // the error vectors are weighted for non-square estimators only
999  Matrix weightedErrorVector, swapWeightedErrorVector;
1000  // the weight vectors are used for non-square estimators only
1001  Matrix weightVector, swapWeightVector;
1003  Matrix JTJ, jErrors, deltas;
1005  // intermediate matrices that are used if a covariance matrix is provided
1006  Matrix intermediateCovarianceJacobian;
1007  Matrix intermediateWeightedErrorVector;
1009  Scalar bestError = provider.template determineRobustError<tEstimator>(weightedErrorVector, weightVector, invertedCovariances);
1011  if (bestError == Numeric::maxValue())
1012  {
1013  ocean_assert(false && "The initial model was invalid and thus the optimization cannot be applied!");
1014  return false;
1015  }
1017  if (initialError != nullptr)
1018  {
1019  *initialError = bestError;
1020  }
1022  if (intermediateErrors != nullptr)
1023  {
1024  ocean_assert(intermediateErrors->empty());
1025  intermediateErrors->push_back(bestError);
1026  }
1028  bool oneValidIteration = false;
1030  unsigned int i = 0u;
1031  while (i < iterations)
1032  {
1033  provider.determineJacobian(jacobian);
1035  // if inverted covariance matrices are provided a further matrix multiplication must be respected
1036  if (invertedCovariances)
1037  {
1038  if constexpr (tEstimator == Estimator::ET_SQUARE)
1039  {
1040  // J^+ = (J^T * iCV * J + lambda * diag(J^T * J))^-1 * J^T, dimension: m x dn
1042  invertedCovariances->selfSquareDiagonalMatrixMultiply(jacobian, intermediateCovarianceJacobian);
1043  jacobian.transposedMultiply(intermediateCovarianceJacobian, JTJ);
1044  ocean_assert(JTJ.columns() == JTJ.rows());
1045  }
1046  else
1047  {
1048  // J^+ = (J^T * iCV * diag(weights) * J + lambda * diag(J^T * J))^-1 * J^T, dimension: m x dn
1050  invertedCovariances->selfSquareDiagonalMatrixMultiply(weightVector, jacobian, intermediateCovarianceJacobian);
1051  jacobian.transposedMultiply(intermediateCovarianceJacobian, JTJ);
1052  ocean_assert(JTJ.columns() == JTJ.rows());
1053  }
1055  // J^T * iCV * diag(weights) * error
1057  invertedCovariances->selfSquareDiagonalMatrixMultiply(weightedErrorVector, intermediateWeightedErrorVector);
1058  jacobian.transposedMultiply(intermediateWeightedErrorVector, jErrors);
1060  ocean_assert(jErrors.rows() == JTJ.rows() && jErrors.columns() == 1);
1061  }
1062  else
1063  {
1064  if constexpr (tEstimator == Estimator::ET_SQUARE)
1065  {
1066  // J^+ = (J^T * J + lambda * diag(J^T * J))^-1 * J^T, dimension: m x dn
1067  jacobian.selfTransposedSquareMatrix(JTJ);
1068  ocean_assert(JTJ.columns() == JTJ.rows());
1069  }
1070  else
1071  {
1072  // J^+ = (J^T * diag(weights) * J + lambda * diag(J^T * J))^-1 * J^T, dimension: m x dn
1073  jacobian.weightedSelfTransposedSquareMatrix(weightVector, JTJ);
1074  ocean_assert(JTJ.columns() == JTJ.rows());
1075  }
1077  // error = J^T * diag(weights)
1078  jacobian.transposedMultiply(weightedErrorVector, jErrors);
1079  ocean_assert(jErrors.rows() == JTJ.rows() && jErrors.columns() == 1);
1080  }
1082  const Matrix JTJdiagonal(JTJ.diagonal());
1084  while (i < iterations)
1085  {
1086  ++i;
1088  // J^T * J = J^T * J + lambda * diag(J^T * J)
1089  if (lambda > Numeric::eps())
1090  {
1091  for (unsigned int n = 0; n < JTJ.columns(); ++n)
1092  {
1093  JTJ(n, n) = JTJdiagonal(n, 0) * (Scalar(1) + lambda);
1094  }
1095  }
1097  // JTJ * deltas = -J^T * error
1098  // however, we determine JTJ * deltas = J^T * error and thus receive negative deltas (which then need to be subracted from the current model/parameter configuration)
1100  bool solved = false;
1102  if (provider.hasSolver())
1103  {
1104  solved = provider.solve(JTJ, jErrors, deltas);
1105  }
1106  else
1107  {
1108  solved = JTJ.solve<Matrix::MP_SYMMETRIC>(jErrors, deltas);
1109  }
1111  if (solved)
1112  {
1113  oneValidIteration = true;
1115  // check whether the offset has been converged
1116  if (Numeric::isEqualEps(deltas.norm() / Scalar(deltas.elements())))
1117  {
1118  i = iterations;
1119  }
1121  // we apply the deltas by: new = old - deltas (due to the solved equation: JTJ * deltas = J^T * error)
1122  provider.applyCorrection(deltas);
1124  const Scalar iterationError = provider.template determineRobustError<tEstimator>(swapWeightedErrorVector, swapWeightVector, invertedCovariances);
1126  // check whether the new error is not better than the best one
1127  if (iterationError >= bestError)
1128  {
1129  // modify the lambda parameter and start a new optimization, as long as the lambda is not zero already or too large
1130  if (lambdaFactor > Numeric::eps() && lambda > 0 && lambda <= maxLambda)
1131  {
1132  lambda *= lambdaFactor;
1133  }
1134  else
1135  {
1136  ocean_assert(oneValidIteration && "At this moment we should have at least one valid iteration!");
1138  // no further improvement can be applied
1139  i = iterations;
1140  }
1142  continue;
1143  }
1145  // we have an improvement
1146  bestError = iterationError;
1148  if (intermediateErrors != nullptr)
1149  {
1150  intermediateErrors->push_back(bestError);
1151  }
1153  provider.acceptCorrection();
1155  std::swap(swapWeightedErrorVector, weightedErrorVector);
1156  std::swap(swapWeightVector, weightVector);
1158  if (Numeric::isNotEqualEps(lambdaFactor))
1159  {
1160  // we do not decrease lambda if lambda is already near to zero so that we simply should stop optimization if we fail to reduce the error
1161  if (lambda > Numeric::eps())
1162  {
1163  lambda /= lambdaFactor;
1164  }
1165  }
1167  // skip this inner loop here as a new jacobian has to be calculated
1168  break;
1169  }
1170  else if (lambda > Numeric::eps() && lambda <= maxLambda)
1171  {
1172  lambda *= lambdaFactor;
1173  }
1174  else
1175  {
1176  ocean_assert(oneValidIteration && "At this moment we should have at least one valid iteration!");
1178  // no further improvement can be applied
1179  i = iterations;
1180  }
1181  }
1182  }
1184  if (finalError)
1185  {
1186  *finalError = bestError;
1187  }
1189  return oneValidIteration;
1190 }
1192 template <typename T>
1193 bool NonLinearOptimization::sparseOptimization(T& provider, const unsigned int iterations, const Estimator::EstimatorType estimator, Scalar lambda, const Scalar lambdaFactor, Scalar* initialError, Scalar* finalError, const Matrix* invertedCovariances, Scalars* intermediateErrors)
1194 {
1195  switch (estimator)
1196  {
1197  case Estimator::ET_SQUARE:
1198  return sparseOptimization<T, Estimator::ET_SQUARE>(provider, iterations, lambda, lambdaFactor, initialError, finalError, invertedCovariances, intermediateErrors);
1200  case Estimator::ET_LINEAR:
1201  return sparseOptimization<T, Estimator::ET_LINEAR>(provider, iterations, lambda, lambdaFactor, initialError, finalError, invertedCovariances, intermediateErrors);
1203  case Estimator::ET_HUBER:
1204  return sparseOptimization<T, Estimator::ET_HUBER>(provider, iterations, lambda, lambdaFactor, initialError, finalError, invertedCovariances, intermediateErrors);
1206  case Estimator::ET_TUKEY:
1207  return sparseOptimization<T, Estimator::ET_TUKEY>(provider, iterations, lambda, lambdaFactor, initialError, finalError, invertedCovariances, intermediateErrors);
1209  case Estimator::ET_CAUCHY:
1210  return sparseOptimization<T, Estimator::ET_CAUCHY>(provider, iterations, lambda, lambdaFactor, initialError, finalError, invertedCovariances, intermediateErrors);
1212  default:
1213  ocean_assert(false && "Invalid estimator!");
1214  return false;
1215  }
1216 }
1218 template <typename T, Estimator::EstimatorType tEstimator>
1219 bool NonLinearOptimization::sparseOptimization(T& provider, const unsigned int iterations, Scalar lambda, const Scalar lambdaFactor, Scalar* initialError, Scalar* finalError, const Matrix* invertedCovariances, Scalars* intermediateErrors)
1220 {
1221  constexpr Scalar maxLambda = Scalar(1e8);
1223  ocean_assert(lambda >= Numeric::eps() && lambda <= maxLambda);
1225  SparseMatrix jacobian;
1227  // the error vectors are weighted for non-square estimators only
1228  Matrix weightedErrorVector, swapWeightedErrorVector;
1229  // the weight vectors are used for non-square estimators only
1230  Matrix weightVector, swapWeightVector;
1232  const SparseMatrix invertedCovarianceMatrix = invertedCovariances ? SparseMatrix(invertedCovariances->rows(), invertedCovariances->rows(), *invertedCovariances) : SparseMatrix();
1234  SparseMatrix JTJ;
1235  Matrix jErrors, deltas;
1237  Scalar bestError = provider.template determineRobustError<tEstimator>(weightedErrorVector, weightVector, invertedCovariances);
1239  if (bestError == Numeric::maxValue())
1240  {
1241  ocean_assert(false && "The initial model was invalid and thus the optimization cannot be applied!");
1242  return false;
1243  }
1245  if (initialError)
1246  {
1247  *initialError = bestError;
1248  }
1250  if (intermediateErrors != nullptr)
1251  {
1252  ocean_assert(intermediateErrors->empty());
1253  intermediateErrors->push_back(bestError);
1254  }
1256  bool oneValidIteration = false;
1258  unsigned int i = 0u;
1259  while (i < iterations)
1260  {
1261  provider.determineJacobian(jacobian);
1263  // if inverted covariance matrices are provided a further matrix multiplication must be respected
1264  if (invertedCovariances)
1265  {
1266  // delta = -(J^T * iCV * diag(weights) * J + lambda * diag(J^T * J)^-1 * J^T * iCV * diag(weights) * error
1267  // (J^T * iCV * diag(weights) * J + lambda * diag(J^T * J) * delta = -J^T * iCV * diag(weights) * error
1268  // (J^T * iCV * diag(weights) * J + lambda * diag(J^T * J) * -delta = J^T * iCV * diag(weights) * error
1270  // J^T
1271  const SparseMatrix jacobianTransposed(jacobian.transposed());
1273  if constexpr (tEstimator == Estimator::ET_SQUARE)
1274  {
1275  // J^T * iCV * J
1276  JTJ = jacobianTransposed * (invertedCovarianceMatrix * jacobian);
1277  ocean_assert(JTJ.columns() == JTJ.rows());
1278  }
1279  else
1280  {
1281  // J^T * ICV * diag(weights) * J
1282  JTJ = jacobianTransposed * (invertedCovarianceMatrix * (SparseMatrix(weightVector.rows(), weightVector.rows(), weightVector, true) * jacobian));
1283  ocean_assert(JTJ.columns() == JTJ.rows());
1284  }
1286  // J^T * iCV * diag(weights) * error
1287  jErrors = jacobianTransposed * (invertedCovarianceMatrix * weightedErrorVector);
1288  ocean_assert(jErrors.rows() == JTJ.rows() && jErrors.columns() == 1);
1289  }
1290  else
1291  {
1292  // delta = -(J^T * diag(weights) * J + lambda * diag(J^T * J)^-1 * J^T * diag(weights) * error
1293  // (J^T * diag(weights) * J + lambda * diag(J^T * J) * delta = -J^T * diag(weights) * error
1294  // (J^T * diag(weights) * J + lambda * diag(J^T * J) * -delta = J^T * diag(weights) * error
1296  // J^T
1297  const SparseMatrix jacobianTransposed(jacobian.transposed());
1299  if constexpr (tEstimator == Estimator::ET_SQUARE)
1300  {
1301  // J^T * J
1302  JTJ = jacobianTransposed * jacobian;
1303  ocean_assert(JTJ.columns() == JTJ.rows());
1304  }
1305  else
1306  {
1307  // J^T * diag(weights) * J
1308  JTJ = jacobianTransposed * SparseMatrix(weightVector.rows(), weightVector.rows(), weightVector, true) * jacobian;
1309  ocean_assert(JTJ.columns() == JTJ.rows());
1310  }
1312  // J^T * diag(weights) * error
1313  jErrors = jacobianTransposed * weightedErrorVector;
1314  ocean_assert(jErrors.rows() == JTJ.rows() && jErrors.columns() == 1);
1315  }
1317  const Matrix JTJdiagonal(JTJ.diagonal());
1319  while (i < iterations)
1320  {
1321  ++i;
1323  // J^T * J = J^T * J + lambda * diag(J^T * J)
1324  if (lambda > Numeric::eps())
1325  {
1326  for (unsigned int n = 0; n < JTJ.columns(); ++n)
1327  {
1328  if (JTJdiagonal(n, 0) != Scalar(0))
1329  {
1330  ocean_assert(!JTJ.isZero(n, n));
1331  JTJ(n, n) = JTJdiagonal(n, 0) * (Scalar(1) + lambda);
1332  }
1333  }
1334  }
1336  // JTJ * deltas = -J^T * error
1337  // however, we determine JTJ * deltas = J^T * error and thus receive negative deltas (which then need to be subracted from the current model/parameter configuration)
1339  bool solved = false;
1341  if (provider.hasSolver())
1342  {
1343  solved = provider.solve(JTJ, jErrors, deltas);
1344  }
1345  else
1346  {
1347  solved = JTJ.solve(jErrors, deltas);
1348  }
1350  if (solved)
1351  {
1352  oneValidIteration = true;
1354  // check whether the offset has been converted
1355  if (Numeric::isEqual(deltas.norm() / Scalar(deltas.elements()), 0, Numeric::weakEps() * Scalar(0.01)))
1356  {
1357  i = iterations;
1358  }
1360  // we apply the deltas by: new = old - deltas (due to the solved equation: JTJ * deltas = J^T * error)
1361  provider.applyCorrection(deltas);
1363  const Scalar iterationError = provider.template determineRobustError<tEstimator>(swapWeightedErrorVector, swapWeightVector, invertedCovariances);
1365  // check whether the new error is not better than the best one
1366  if (iterationError >= bestError)
1367  {
1368  // modify the lambda parameter and start a new optimization, as long as the lambda is not zero already or too large
1369  if (lambdaFactor > Numeric::eps() && lambda > 0 && lambda <= maxLambda)
1370  {
1371  lambda *= lambdaFactor;
1372  }
1373  else
1374  {
1375  ocean_assert(oneValidIteration && "At this moment we should have at least one valid iteration!");
1377  // no further improvement can be applied
1378  i = iterations;
1379  }
1381  continue;
1382  }
1384  // we have an improvement
1385  bestError = iterationError;
1387  if (intermediateErrors != nullptr)
1388  {
1389  intermediateErrors->push_back(bestError);
1390  }
1392  provider.acceptCorrection();
1394  std::swap(swapWeightedErrorVector, weightedErrorVector);
1395  std::swap(swapWeightVector, weightVector);
1397  if (Numeric::isNotEqualEps(lambdaFactor))
1398  {
1399  // we do not decrease lambda if lambda is already near to zero so that we simply should stop optimization if we fail to reduce the error
1400  if (lambda > Numeric::eps())
1401  {
1402  lambda /= lambdaFactor;
1403  }
1404  }
1406  // skip this inner loop here as a new jacobian has to be calculated
1407  break;
1408  }
1409  else if (lambda > Numeric::eps() && lambda <= maxLambda)
1410  {
1411  lambda *= lambdaFactor;
1412  }
1413  else
1414  {
1415  ocean_assert(oneValidIteration && "At this moment we should have at least one valid iteration!");
1417  // no further improvement can be applied
1418  i = iterations;
1419  }
1420  }
1421  }
1423  if (finalError)
1424  {
1425  *finalError = bestError;
1426  }
1428  return oneValidIteration;
1429 }
1431 template <typename T>
1432 bool NonLinearOptimization::advancedDenseOptimization(T& advancedDenseProvider, const unsigned int iterations, Scalar lambda, const Scalar lambdaFactor, Scalar* initialError, Scalar* finalError, Scalars* intermediateErrors)
1433 {
1434  constexpr Scalar maxLambda = Scalar(1e8);
1436  ocean_assert(lambda >= Scalar(0) && lambda <= maxLambda);
1437  ocean_assert((lambda == Scalar(0) && lambdaFactor == Scalar(1)) || (lambda > Scalar(0) && lambdaFactor > Scalar(1)));
1439  const bool useLevenbergMarquardt = (lambda > 0 && lambdaFactor > 1);
1441  // we determine the initial error only for the Levenberg-Marquardt optimization of if the user explicitly requests that value
1442  Scalar bestError = (useLevenbergMarquardt || initialError) ? advancedDenseProvider.determineError() : Numeric::minValue();
1444  if (bestError == Numeric::maxValue())
1445  {
1446  ocean_assert(false && "The initial model was invalid and thus the optimization cannot be applied!");
1447  return false;
1448  }
1450  if (initialError)
1451  {
1452  *initialError = bestError;
1453  }
1455  if (intermediateErrors != nullptr)
1456  {
1457  ocean_assert(intermediateErrors->empty());
1458  intermediateErrors->push_back(bestError);
1459  }
1461  bool oneValidIteration = false;
1463  Matrix hessian, jacobianError, deltas;
1465  unsigned int i = 0u;
1466  while (!advancedDenseProvider.shouldStop() && i < iterations)
1467  {
1468  /**
1469  * Now the provider will determine the (n x n) Hessian matrix and the (n x 1) Jacobian-Error matrix, may be the approximated Hessian.
1470  * The Hessian matrix is calculated by J^T * J.
1471  * The Jacobian-Error matrix is calculated by J^T * E, with E the error vector.
1472  * The model has dimension n.
1473  */
1474  if (!advancedDenseProvider.determineHessianAndErrorJacobian(hessian, jacobianError))
1475  {
1476  ocean_assert(false && "The Hessian and the Jacobian with combined error values could not be determined!");
1477  return false;
1478  }
1480  ocean_assert(hessian.rows() == hessian.columns());
1481  ocean_assert(hessian.rows() == jacobianError.rows() && jacobianError.columns() == 1);
1483  // now we store the diagonal of the Hessian allowing to apply a Levenberg-Marquardt later
1485  const Matrix hessianDiagonal(hessian.diagonal());
1486  ocean_assert(hessianDiagonal.rows() == hessian.rows() && hessianDiagonal.columns() == 1);
1488  while (!advancedDenseProvider.shouldStop() && i++ < iterations)
1489  {
1490  // we apply the lambda value for the Levenberg-Marquardt:
1491  // Hessian + lambda * diag(Hessian)
1492  if (lambda > Numeric::eps())
1493  {
1494  for (unsigned int n = 0; n < hessian.columns(); ++n)
1495  {
1496  hessian(n, n) = hessianDiagonal(n, 0) * (Scalar(1) + lambda);
1497  }
1498  }
1500  // now we solve: Hessian * deltas = -JacobianErrors, (we will subtract the deltas later so that we now can solve Hessian * deltas = +JacobianErrors)
1502  bool solved = false;
1504  if (advancedDenseProvider.hasSolver())
1505  {
1506  solved = advancedDenseProvider.solve(hessian, jacobianError, deltas);
1507  }
1508  else
1509  {
1510  solved = hessian.solve<Matrix::MP_SYMMETRIC>(jacobianError, deltas);
1511  }
1513  if (solved)
1514  {
1515  oneValidIteration = true;
1517  // check whether the offset has been converted
1518  if (Numeric::isWeakEqualEps(deltas.norm() / Scalar(deltas.elements())))
1519  {
1520  i = iterations;
1521  }
1523  // we apply the deltas by: new = old - deltas
1524  advancedDenseProvider.applyCorrection(deltas);
1526  const Scalar iterationError = (useLevenbergMarquardt || intermediateErrors) ? advancedDenseProvider.determineError() : Numeric::minValue();
1528  // check whether a Levenberg-Marquardt approach is intended and then check whether the new error is not better than the best one
1529  if (useLevenbergMarquardt && iterationError >= bestError)
1530  {
1531  // modify the lambda parameter and start a new optimization
1532  if (lambda > 0 && lambda <= maxLambda)
1533  {
1534  lambda *= lambdaFactor;
1535  }
1536  else
1537  {
1538  ocean_assert(oneValidIteration && "At this moment we should have at least one valid iteration!");
1540  // no further improvement can be applied
1541  i = iterations;
1542  }
1544  continue;
1545  }
1547  // we have an improvement, or we have a Gauss-Newton optimization so that we do not store the previous iteration
1548  bestError = iterationError;
1550  if (intermediateErrors != nullptr)
1551  {
1552  intermediateErrors->push_back(bestError);
1553  }
1555  advancedDenseProvider.acceptCorrection();
1557  if (useLevenbergMarquardt && Numeric::isNotEqualEps(lambdaFactor))
1558  {
1559  // we do not decrease lambda if lambda is already near to zero so that we simply should stop optimization if we fail to reduce the error
1560  if (lambda > Numeric::eps())
1561  {
1562  lambda /= lambdaFactor;
1563  }
1564  }
1566  // skip this inner loop here as a new jacobian has to be calculated
1567  break;
1568  }
1569  else if (lambda > Numeric::eps() && lambda <= maxLambda)
1570  {
1571  lambda *= lambdaFactor;
1572  }
1573  else
1574  {
1575  ocean_assert(oneValidIteration && "At this moment we should have at least one valid iteration!");
1577  // no further improvement can be applied
1578  i = iterations;
1579  }
1580  }
1581  }
1583  if (finalError)
1584  {
1585  // if Levenberg-Marquardt is not intended we have to determine the error as we did not do it before
1586  if (!useLevenbergMarquardt && !intermediateErrors)
1587  {
1588  bestError = advancedDenseProvider.determineError();
1589  }
1591  *finalError = bestError;
1592  }
1594  return oneValidIteration;
1595 }
1597 template <typename T>
1598 bool NonLinearOptimization::advancedSparseOptimization(T& advancedSparseProvider, const unsigned int iterations, Scalar lambda, const Scalar lambdaFactor, Scalar* initialError, Scalar* finalError, Scalars* intermediateErrors)
1599 {
1600  constexpr Scalar maxLambda = Scalar(1e8);
1602  ocean_assert(lambda >= Scalar(0) && lambda <= maxLambda);
1603  ocean_assert((lambda == Scalar(0) && lambdaFactor == Scalar(1)) || (lambda > Scalar(0) && lambdaFactor > Scalar(1)));
1605  const bool useLevenbergMarquardt = (lambda > 0 && lambdaFactor > 1);
1607  // we determine the initial error only for the Levenberg-Marquardt optimization of if the user explicitly requests that value
1608  Scalar bestError = (useLevenbergMarquardt || initialError) ? advancedSparseProvider.determineError() : Numeric::minValue();
1610  if (bestError == Numeric::maxValue())
1611  {
1612  ocean_assert(false && "The initial model was invalid and thus the optimization cannot be applied!");
1613  return false;
1614  }
1616  if (initialError)
1617  {
1618  *initialError = bestError;
1619  }
1621  if (intermediateErrors != nullptr)
1622  {
1623  ocean_assert(intermediateErrors->empty());
1624  intermediateErrors->push_back(bestError);
1625  }
1627  bool oneValidIteration = false;
1629  Matrix deltas;
1631  unsigned int i = 0u;
1632  while (!advancedSparseProvider.shouldStop() && i < iterations)
1633  {
1634  /**
1635  * Now the provider will determine all parameters like the Jacobian, the transposed Jacobian, the Hessian and the Jacobian-Error matrix.
1636  * However, the provider may also determine parts of the values or abstract information as long as the provider is able to solve the linear equation later.
1637  */
1638  if (!advancedSparseProvider.determineParameters())
1639  {
1640  ocean_assert(false && "The provider failed to determine the abstract parameters.");
1641  return false;
1642  }
1644  while (!advancedSparseProvider.shouldStop() && i++ < iterations)
1645  {
1646  ocean_assert(lambda >= Scalar(0));
1647  if (advancedSparseProvider.solve(deltas, lambda))
1648  {
1649  oneValidIteration = true;
1651  // check whether the offset has been converted
1652  if (Numeric::isEqualEps(deltas.norm() / Scalar(deltas.elements())))
1653  {
1654  i = iterations;
1655  }
1657  // we apply the deltas by: new = old - deltas
1658  advancedSparseProvider.applyCorrection(deltas);
1660  const Scalar iterationError = (useLevenbergMarquardt || intermediateErrors) ? advancedSparseProvider.determineError() : Numeric::minValue();
1662  // check whether a Levenberg-Marquardt approach is intended and then check whether the new error is not better than the best one
1663  if (useLevenbergMarquardt && iterationError >= bestError)
1664  {
1665  // modify the lambda parameter and start a new optimization
1666  if (lambda > 0 && lambda <= maxLambda)
1667  {
1668  lambda *= lambdaFactor;
1669  }
1670  else
1671  {
1672  ocean_assert(oneValidIteration && "At this moment we should have at least one valid iteration!");
1674  // no further improvement can be applied
1675  i = iterations;
1676  }
1678  continue;
1679  }
1681  // we have an improvement, or we have a Gauss-Newton optimization so that we do not store the previous iteration
1682  bestError = iterationError;
1684  if (intermediateErrors != nullptr)
1685  {
1686  intermediateErrors->push_back(bestError);
1687  }
1689  advancedSparseProvider.acceptCorrection();
1691  if (useLevenbergMarquardt && Numeric::isNotEqualEps(lambdaFactor))
1692  {
1693  // we do not decrease lambda if lambda is already near to zero so that we simply should stop optimization if we fail to reduce the error
1694  if (lambda > Numeric::eps())
1695  {
1696  lambda /= lambdaFactor;
1697  }
1698  }
1700  // skip this inner loop here as a new jacobian has to be calculated
1701  break;
1702  }
1703  else if (lambda > Numeric::eps() && lambda <= maxLambda)
1704  {
1705  lambda *= lambdaFactor;
1706  }
1707  else
1708  {
1709  ocean_assert(oneValidIteration && "At this moment we should have at least one valid iteration!");
1711  // no further improvement can be applied
1712  i = iterations;
1713  }
1714  }
1715  }
1717  if (finalError)
1718  {
1719  // if Levenberg-Marquardt is not intended we have to determine the error as we did not do it before
1720  if (!useLevenbergMarquardt && !intermediateErrors)
1721  {
1722  bestError = advancedSparseProvider.determineError();
1723  }
1725  *finalError = bestError;
1726  }
1728  return oneValidIteration;
1729 }
1731 template <Estimator::EstimatorType tEstimator>
1732 Scalar NonLinearOptimization::sqrErrors2robustErrors2(const Scalars& sqrErrors, const size_t modelParameters, Vector2* weightedErrors, Vector2* weightVectors, const SquareMatrix2* transposedInvertedCovariances)
1733 {
1734  // determine the sigma ideal for the square errors
1735  const Scalar sqrSigma = Estimator::needSigma<tEstimator>() ? Numeric::sqr(Estimator::determineSigmaSquare<tEstimator>(sqrErrors.data(), sqrErrors.size(), modelParameters)) : 0;
1737  Scalar robustError = 0;
1739  for (size_t n = 0; n < sqrErrors.size(); ++n)
1740  {
1741  ocean_assert(Numeric::isEqual(weightedErrors[n].sqr(), sqrErrors[n]));
1743  // determine the weight for each individual image point, however as e.g., the tukey estimator may return a weight of 0 we have to clamp the weight to ensure that we still can solve the equation
1744  // **NOTE** the much better way would be to remove the entry from the equation and to solve it
1745  const Scalar weight = max(Numeric::weakEps(), Estimator::robustWeightSquare<tEstimator>(sqrErrors[n], sqrSigma));
1747  // increase the total robust error
1748  if (transposedInvertedCovariances)
1749  {
1750  robustError += (transposedInvertedCovariances[n].transposed() * weightedErrors[n]).sqr() * weight;
1751  }
1752  else
1753  {
1754  robustError += sqrErrors[n] * weight;
1755  }
1757  weightedErrors[n] *= weight;
1759  weightVectors[n] = Vector2(weight, weight);
1760  }
1762  // return the averaged robust error
1763  return robustError / Scalar(sqrErrors.size());
1764 }
1766 template <Estimator::EstimatorType tEstimator, size_t tDimension>
1767 Scalar NonLinearOptimization::sqrErrors2robustErrors(const Scalars& sqrErrors, const size_t modelParameters, StaticBuffer<Scalar, tDimension>* weightedErrors, StaticBuffer<Scalar, tDimension>* weightVectors, const Matrix* transposedInvertedCovariances)
1768 {
1769  ocean_assert(transposedInvertedCovariances == nullptr && "Currently not implemenated");
1770  OCEAN_SUPPRESS_UNUSED_WARNING(transposedInvertedCovariances);
1772  // determine the sigma ideal for the square errors
1773  const Scalar sqrSigma = Estimator::needSigma<tEstimator>() ? Numeric::sqr(Estimator::determineSigmaSquare<tEstimator>(sqrErrors.data(), sqrErrors.size(), modelParameters)) : 0;
1775  Scalar robustError = 0;
1777  for (size_t n = 0; n < sqrErrors.size(); ++n)
1778  {
1779  StaticBuffer<Scalar, tDimension>& weightedErrorsPointer = weightedErrors[n];
1780  StaticBuffer<Scalar, tDimension>& weightVectorsPointer = weightVectors[n];
1782  ocean_assert(Numeric::isEqual(Numeric::summedSqr(weightedErrorsPointer.data(), tDimension), sqrErrors[n]));
1784  // determine the weight for each individual image point, however as e.g., the tukey estimator may return a weight of 0 we have to clamp the weight to ensure that we still can solve the equation
1785  // **NOTE** the much better way would be to remove the entry from the equation and to solve it
1786  const Scalar weight = max(Numeric::weakEps(), Estimator::robustWeightSquare<tEstimator>(sqrErrors[n], sqrSigma));
1788  // increase the total robust error
1789  robustError += sqrErrors[n] * weight;
1791  for (size_t d = 0; d < tDimension; ++d)
1792  {
1793  weightedErrorsPointer[d] *= weight;
1794  weightVectorsPointer[d] = weight;
1795  }
1796  }
1798  // return the averaged robust error
1799  return robustError / Scalar(sqrErrors.size());
1800 }
1802 template <Estimator::EstimatorType tEstimator>
1803 Scalar NonLinearOptimization::sqrErrors2robustErrors_i(const Scalars& sqrErrors, const size_t modelParameters, const size_t dimension, Scalar* weightedErrors_i, Scalar* weightVectors_i, const Matrix* transposedInvertedCovariances_i)
1804 {
1805  ocean_assert(transposedInvertedCovariances_i == nullptr && "Currently not implemenated");
1806  OCEAN_SUPPRESS_UNUSED_WARNING(transposedInvertedCovariances_i);
1808  // determine the sigma ideal for the square errors
1809  const Scalar sqrSigma = Estimator::needSigma<tEstimator>() ? Numeric::sqr(Estimator::determineSigmaSquare<tEstimator>(sqrErrors.data(), sqrErrors.size(), modelParameters)) : 0;
1811  Scalar robustError = 0;
1813  for (size_t n = 0; n < sqrErrors.size(); ++n)
1814  {
1815  Scalar* const weightedErrorsPointer = weightedErrors_i + n * dimension;
1816  Scalar* const weightVectorsPointer = weightVectors_i + n * dimension;
1818  ocean_assert(Numeric::isEqual(Numeric::summedSqr(weightedErrorsPointer, dimension), sqrErrors[n]));
1820  // determine the weight for each individual image point
1821  const Scalar weight = Estimator::robustWeightSquare<tEstimator>(sqrErrors[n], sqrSigma);
1823  // increase the total robust error
1824  robustError += sqrErrors[n] * weight;
1826  for (size_t d = 0; d < dimension; ++d)
1827  {
1828  weightedErrorsPointer[d] *= weight;
1829  weightVectorsPointer[d] = weight;
1830  }
1831  }
1833  // return the averaged robust error
1834  return robustError / Scalar(sqrErrors.size());
1835 }
1837 inline Scalar NonLinearOptimization::sqrErrors2robustErrors2(const Estimator::EstimatorType estimator, const Scalars& sqrErrors, const size_t modelParameters, Vector2* weightedErrors, Vector2* weightVectors, const SquareMatrix2* transposedInvertedCovariances)
1838 {
1839  switch (estimator)
1840  {
1841  case Estimator::ET_SQUARE:
1842  return sqrErrors2robustErrors2<Estimator::ET_SQUARE>(sqrErrors, modelParameters, weightedErrors, weightVectors, transposedInvertedCovariances);
1844  case Estimator::ET_LINEAR:
1845  return sqrErrors2robustErrors2<Estimator::ET_LINEAR>(sqrErrors, modelParameters, weightedErrors, weightVectors, transposedInvertedCovariances);
1847  case Estimator::ET_HUBER:
1848  return sqrErrors2robustErrors2<Estimator::ET_HUBER>(sqrErrors, modelParameters, weightedErrors, weightVectors, transposedInvertedCovariances);
1850  case Estimator::ET_TUKEY:
1851  return sqrErrors2robustErrors2<Estimator::ET_TUKEY>(sqrErrors, modelParameters, weightedErrors, weightVectors, transposedInvertedCovariances);
1853  case Estimator::ET_CAUCHY:
1854  return sqrErrors2robustErrors2<Estimator::ET_CAUCHY>(sqrErrors, modelParameters, weightedErrors, weightVectors, transposedInvertedCovariances);
1856  default:
1857  ocean_assert(false && "Invalid estimator!");
1858  return Numeric::maxValue();
1859  }
1860 }
1862 template <size_t tDimension>
1863 inline Scalar NonLinearOptimization::sqrErrors2robustErrors(const Estimator::EstimatorType estimator, const Scalars& sqrErrors, const size_t modelParameters, StaticBuffer<Scalar, tDimension>* weightedErrors, StaticBuffer<Scalar, tDimension>* weightVectors, const Matrix* transposedInvertedCovariances)
1864 {
1865  switch (estimator)
1866  {
1867  case Estimator::ET_SQUARE:
1868  return sqrErrors2robustErrors<Estimator::ET_SQUARE, tDimension>(sqrErrors, modelParameters, weightedErrors, weightVectors, transposedInvertedCovariances);
1870  case Estimator::ET_LINEAR:
1871  return sqrErrors2robustErrors<Estimator::ET_LINEAR, tDimension>(sqrErrors, modelParameters, weightedErrors, weightVectors, transposedInvertedCovariances);
1873  case Estimator::ET_HUBER:
1874  return sqrErrors2robustErrors<Estimator::ET_HUBER, tDimension>(sqrErrors, modelParameters, weightedErrors, weightVectors, transposedInvertedCovariances);
1876  case Estimator::ET_TUKEY:
1877  return sqrErrors2robustErrors<Estimator::ET_TUKEY, tDimension>(sqrErrors, modelParameters, weightedErrors, weightVectors, transposedInvertedCovariances);
1879  case Estimator::ET_CAUCHY:
1880  return sqrErrors2robustErrors<Estimator::ET_CAUCHY, tDimension>(sqrErrors, modelParameters, weightedErrors, weightVectors, transposedInvertedCovariances);
1882  default:
1883  ocean_assert(false && "Invalid estimator!");
1884  return Numeric::maxValue();
1885  }
1886 }
1888 inline Scalar NonLinearOptimization::sqrErrors2robustErrors_i(const Estimator::EstimatorType estimator, const Scalars& sqrErrors, const size_t modelParameters, const size_t dimension, Scalar* weightedErrors_i, Scalar* weightVectors_i, const Matrix* transposedInvertedCovariances_i)
1889 {
1890  switch (estimator)
1891  {
1892  case Estimator::ET_SQUARE:
1893  return sqrErrors2robustErrors_i<Estimator::ET_SQUARE>(sqrErrors, modelParameters, dimension, weightedErrors_i, weightVectors_i, transposedInvertedCovariances_i);
1895  case Estimator::ET_LINEAR:
1896  return sqrErrors2robustErrors_i<Estimator::ET_LINEAR>(sqrErrors, modelParameters, dimension, weightedErrors_i, weightVectors_i, transposedInvertedCovariances_i);
1898  case Estimator::ET_HUBER:
1899  return sqrErrors2robustErrors_i<Estimator::ET_HUBER>(sqrErrors, modelParameters, dimension, weightedErrors_i, weightVectors_i, transposedInvertedCovariances_i);
1901  case Estimator::ET_TUKEY:
1902  return sqrErrors2robustErrors_i<Estimator::ET_TUKEY>(sqrErrors, modelParameters, dimension, weightedErrors_i, weightVectors_i, transposedInvertedCovariances_i);
1904  case Estimator::ET_CAUCHY:
1905  return sqrErrors2robustErrors_i<Estimator::ET_CAUCHY>(sqrErrors, modelParameters, dimension, weightedErrors_i, weightVectors_i, transposedInvertedCovariances_i);
1907  default:
1908  ocean_assert(false && "Invalid estimator!");
1909  return Numeric::maxValue();
1910  }
1911 }
1913 }
1915 }
virtual size_t size() const =0
Returns the number of accessible elements of this accessor object.
Definition of individual robust estimator types.
Definition: Estimator.h:34
The Huber estimator type.
Definition: Estimator.h:84
The Tukey estimator.
Definition: Estimator.h:102
The standard square error estimator (L2).
Definition: Estimator.h:52
The linear estimator (L1).
Definition: Estimator.h:66
The Cauchy estimator.
Definition: Estimator.h:118
This class implements the base for an advanced dense optimization provider.
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:327
void acceptCorrection()
Accepts the current model candidate a new (better) model than the previous one.
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:802
Scalar determineError()
Determines the error for the current model candidate (not the actual model).
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:785
bool determineHessianAndErrorJacobian(Matrix &hessian, Matrix &jacobianError)
Determines the Hessian matrix and the Error-Jacobian vector based on the actual/current model (the tr...
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:791
bool hasSolver() const
Returns whether the provider comes with an own solver for the linear equation.
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:813
bool shouldStop()
Returns whether the optimization process should stop e.g., due to an external event.
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:807
bool solve(const Matrix &hessian, const Matrix &jacobianError, Matrix &deltas) const
Solves the linear equation Hessian * deltas = -jacobianError.
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:818
Protected default constructor.
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:780
void applyCorrection(const Matrix &deltas)
Creates a new model candidate by adjusting the current model with delta values.
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:797
This class implements the base class for an advanced sparse optimization provider.
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:394
void acceptCorrection()
Accepts the current model candidate a new (better) model than the previous one.
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:846
bool determineParameters()
Determines any kind of (abstract) parameters based on the current/actual model (not the model candida...
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:835
bool shouldStop()
Returns whether the optimization process should stop e.g., due to an external event.
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:851
Scalar determineError()
Determines the error for the current model candidate (not the actual/actual model).
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:829
bool solve(Matrix &deltas, const Scalar lambda=Scalar(0))
Solves the linear equation Hessian * deltas = -jacobianError based on the internal data.
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:857
void applyCorrection(const Matrix &deltas)
Creates a new model candidate by adjusting the current/actual model with delta values.
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:841
Protected default constructor.
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:824
This class implements the base class for an accessor of groups of pairs.
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:47
CorrespondenceGroupsAccessor(CorrespondenceGroupsAccessor< TFirst, TSecond > &&accessor)
Move constructor.
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:661
size_t groupElements(const size_t groupIndex) const
Returns the number of elements within a specified group.
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:674
size_t groups() const
Returns the number of groups of this accessor.
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:668
const TSecond & secondElement(const size_t groupIndex, const size_t elementIndex) const
Returns the first element of a pair of a specific group of this object.
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:703
CorrespondenceGroupsAccessor< TFirst, TSecond > & operator=(CorrespondenceGroupsAccessor< TFirst, TSecond > &&accessor)
Move constructor.
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:719
CorrespondenceGroupsAccessor(const ElementGroups &elementGroups)
Creates a new accessor object.
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:640
CorrespondenceGroupsAccessor< TFirst, TSecond > & operator=(const CorrespondenceGroupsAccessor< TFirst, TSecond > &accessor)
Copy constructor.
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:712
void element(const size_t groupIndex, const size_t elementIndex, TFirst &first, TSecond &second) const
Returns one pair of a specific group of this object.
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:682
std::vector< Elements > ElementGroups
Definition of a vector holding a group of elements.
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:63
const TFirst & firstElement(const size_t groupIndex, const size_t elementIndex) const
Returns the first element of a pair of a specific group of this object.
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:694
std::vector< Element > Elements
Definition of a vector holding elements.
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:58
Creates a new accessor object.
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:634
CorrespondenceGroupsAccessor(const CorrespondenceGroupsAccessor< TFirst, TSecond > &accessor)
Copy constructor.
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:654
CorrespondenceGroupsAccessor(ElementGroups &&elementGroups)
Creates a new accessor object.
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:647
ElementGroups elementGroups_
The groups of elements of this accessor.
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:151
std::pair< Index32, Vector2 > Element
Definition of a pair combining an object point id with an image point.
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:53
This class implements an abstract specialization of the accessor for groups of pairs for object point...
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:159
Creates a new accessor object.
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:729
This class implements a group accessor providing access to pairs of poses and image points.
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:223
size_t addObjectPoint(Elements &&poseIdImagePointPairs)
Adds the observations of a new object point to this accessor.
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:952
This class implements the base optimization provider.
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:293
bool solve(const Matrix &JTJ, const Matrix &jErrors, Matrix &deltas) const
Solves the linear equation JTJ * deltas = jErrors.
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:768
bool hasSolver() const
Returns whether the provider comes with an own solver for the linear equation.
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:763
This class implements an abstract specialization of the accessor for groups of pairs for poses.
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:185
Creates a new accessor object.
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:746
This class implements the basic functions for least square or robust optimization algorithms for non ...
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:34
static bool denseOptimization(T &provider, const unsigned int iterations=5u, const Estimator::EstimatorType estimator=Estimator::ET_SQUARE, Scalar lambda=Scalar(0.001), const Scalar lambdaFactor=Scalar(5), Scalar *initialError=nullptr, Scalar *finalError=nullptr, const Matrix *invertedCovariances=nullptr, Scalars *intermediateErrors=nullptr)
Invokes the optimization of a dense (matrix) optimization problem.
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:964
static bool sparseOptimization(T &provider, const unsigned int iterations=5u, const Estimator::EstimatorType estimator=Estimator::ET_SQUARE, Scalar lambda=Scalar(0.001), const Scalar lambdaFactor=Scalar(5), Scalar *initialError=nullptr, Scalar *finalError=nullptr, const Matrix *invertedCovariances=nullptr, Scalars *intermediateErrors=nullptr)
Invokes the optimization of a sparse (matrix) optimization problem.
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:1193
static Scalar sqrErrors2robustErrors_i(const Scalars &sqrErrors, const size_t modelParameters, const size_t dimension, Scalar *weightedErrors_i, Scalar *weightVectors_i, const Matrix *transposedInvertedCovariances_i)
Translates the n/i squared errors that correspond to n elements in the error vector to robust errors.
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:1803
static Scalar sqrErrors2robustErrors2(const Scalars &sqrErrors, const size_t modelParameters, Vector2 *weightedErrors, Vector2 *weightVectors, const SquareMatrix2 *transposedInvertedCovariances)
Translates the n/2 squared errors that correspond to n elements in the error vector to robust errors.
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:1732
static bool advancedDenseOptimization(T &advancedDenseProvider, const unsigned int iterations, Scalar lambda, const Scalar lambdaFactor, Scalar *initialError=nullptr, Scalar *finalError=nullptr, Scalars *intermediateErrors=nullptr)
Invokes the optimization of a dense (matrix) optimization problem using an advanced optimization prov...
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:1432
static Scalar sqrErrors2robustErrors(const Scalars &sqrErrors, const size_t modelParameters, StaticBuffer< Scalar, tDimension > *weightedErrors, StaticBuffer< Scalar, tDimension > *weightVectors, const Matrix *transposedInvertedCovariances)
Translates the n/i squared errors that correspond to n elements in the error vector to robust errors.
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:1767
static bool advancedSparseOptimization(T &advancedSparseProvider, const unsigned int iterations, Scalar lambda, const Scalar lambdaFactor, Scalar *initialError=nullptr, Scalar *finalError=nullptr, Scalars *intermediateErrors=nullptr)
Invokes the optimization of a sparse (matrix) optimization problem using an advanced optimization pro...
Definition: NonLinearOptimization.h:1598
This class implements an optimization for universal dense problems with one model (optimization probl...
Definition: NonLinearUniversalOptimizationDense.h:32
void weightedSelfTransposedSquareMatrix(const MatrixT< T > &weightDiagonal, MatrixT< T > &result) const
Returns the matrix product of transposed matrix of this matrix and this matrix and applies a further ...
MatrixT< T > diagonal() const
Returns a vector containing the values of the diagonal.
size_t columns() const
Returns the count of columns.
Definition: Matrix.h:698
MatrixT< T > selfTransposedSquareMatrix() const
Returns the matrix product of transposed matrix of this matrix and this matrix.
MatrixT< T > transposedMultiply(const MatrixT< T > &right) const
Multiplies this transposed matrix with a second matrix.
size_t elements() const
Returns the number of entire elements, which is the product of rows and columns.
Definition: Matrix.h:704
T norm() const
Determines the L1 norm (sum of absolute elements) of this matrix.
Definition: Matrix.h:772
The matrix is symmetric.
Definition: Matrix.h:79
size_t rows() const
Returns the count of rows.
Definition: Matrix.h:692
bool selfSquareDiagonalMatrixMultiply(const MatrixT< T > &right, MatrixT< T > &result) const
Interprets this matrix as diagonal matrix and multiplies a second matrix on the right of the interpre...
bool solve(const MatrixT< T > &b, MatrixT< T > &x, const MatrixProperty matrixProperty=MP_UNKNOWN) const
Solves the given linear system.
Definition: Matrix.h:710
static constexpr T minValue()
Returns the min scalar value.
Definition: Numeric.h:3250
static constexpr T weakEps()
Returns a weak epsilon.
static constexpr bool isWeakEqualEps(const T value)
Returns whether a value is smaller than or equal to a weak epsilon.
Definition: Numeric.h:2162
static constexpr T eps()
Returns a small epsilon.
static bool isEqual(const T first, const T second)
Returns whether two values are equal up to a small epsilon.
Definition: Numeric.h:2386
static constexpr T sqr(const T value)
Returns the square of a given value.
Definition: Numeric.h:1495
static constexpr bool isEqualEps(const T value)
Returns whether a value is smaller than or equal to a small epsilon.
Definition: Numeric.h:2087
static constexpr bool isNotEqualEps(const T value)
Returns whether a value is not smaller than or equal to a small epsilon.
Definition: Numeric.h:2237
static T summedSqr(const T *values, const size_t number)
Returns the summed squares of a given values.
Definition: Numeric.h:1514
static constexpr T maxValue()
Returns the max scalar value.
Definition: Numeric.h:3244
This class implements a sparse matrix using a float type for its elements that is specified by T.
Definition: SparseMatrix.h:61
bool isZero(const size_t row, const size_t column) const
Returns whether a specified elements is zero.
size_t rows() const
Returns the number of rows this matrix has.
size_t columns() const
Returns the number of columns this matrix has.
bool solve(const MatrixT< T > &b, MatrixT< T > &x) const
Solves the given linear system.
MatrixT< T > diagonal() const
Returns a vector containing the values of the diagonal.
SparseMatrixT< T > transposed() const
Returns the transposes matrix of this matrix.
This class implements a 2x2 square matrix.
Definition: SquareMatrix2.h:73
SquareMatrixT2< T > transposed() const
Returns the transposed of this matrix.
Definition: SquareMatrix2.h:663
This class implements a static buffer that has a fixed capacity.
Definition: StaticBuffer.h:24
const T * data() const
Returns the buffer data pointer.
Definition: StaticBuffer.h:240
unsigned int sqr(const char value)
Returns the square value of a given value.
Definition: base/Utilities.h:1029
uint32_t Index32
Definition of a 32 bit index value.
Definition: Base.h:84
SparseMatrixT< Scalar > SparseMatrix
Definition of the SparseMatrix object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with s...
Definition: SparseMatrix.h:23
float Scalar
Definition of a scalar type.
Definition: Math.h:128
std::vector< Scalar > Scalars
Definition of a vector holding Scalar objects.
Definition: Math.h:144
VectorT2< Scalar > Vector2
Definition of a 2D vector.
Definition: Vector2.h:21
The namespace covering the entire Ocean framework.
Definition: Accessor.h:15