Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
3  *
4  * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5  * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
6  */
18 #include <openxr/openxr.h>
20 namespace Ocean
21 {
23 namespace Platform
24 {
26 namespace Meta
27 {
29 namespace Quest
30 {
32 namespace OpenXR
33 {
35 /**
36  * This class implements a wrapper for OpenXR-based hand tracking.
37  * This object uses the Android feature 'android.hardware.vr.headtracking'
38  * @ingroup platformmetaquestopenxr
39  */
41 {
42  public:
44  /**
45  * Definition of an unordered set holding strings.
46  */
47  typedef std::unordered_set<std::string> StringSet;
49  /// The number of supported hands.
50  static constexpr size_t numberHands_ = 2;
52  /// The index of the left hand.
53  static constexpr size_t leftHandIndex_ = 0;
55  /// The index of the right hand.
56  static constexpr size_t rightHandIndex_ = 1;
58  /**
59  * This class holds the relevant information for an OpenXR hand mesh.
60  */
62  {
63  friend class HandPoses;
65  public:
67  /**
68  * Definition of a vector holding radii.
69  */
70  typedef std::vector<float> Radii;
72  /**
73  * Definition of a vector holding signed 16-bit indices.
74  */
75  typedef std::vector<int16_t> SignedIndices16;
77  public:
79  /**
80  * Returns the vertices of the hand mesh.
81  * @return The hand mesh's vertices
82  */
83  Vectors3 vertices() const;
85  /**
86  * Returns the normals of the hand mesh.
87  * @return The hand mesh's per-vertex normals
88  */
89  Vectors3 normals() const;
91  /**
92  * Returns the blend indices of the individual hand joints.
93  * @return The hand joint's blend indices
94  */
95  inline const Platform::OpenXR::XrVectors4sFB& blendIndices() const;
97  /**
98  * Returns the blend weights of the individual hand joints.
99  * @return The hand joint's blend weights
100  */
101  inline const Platform::OpenXR::XrVectors4f& blendWeights() const;
103  /**
104  * Returns the vertex indices of the hand mesh triangles.
105  * @return The mesh triangle faces, three consecutive indices define one triangle
106  */
107  inline const SignedIndices16& indices() const;
109  /**
110  * Returns the transformations between bind joints and wrist.
111  * @return The bind joint transformations
112  * @tparam The data type of the scalar to be used either 'float' or 'double'
113  */
114  template <typename T = Scalar>
117  /**
118  * Returns whether this mesh is valid
119  * @return True, if so
120  */
121  inline bool isValid() const;
123  protected:
125  /**
126  * Protected default constructor.
127  */
128  Mesh() = default;
130  /**
131  * Initializes this mesh with a given tracker for one hand.
132  * @param xrHandTrackerEXT The hand tracker which will be associated with this mesh, must be valid
133  * @param xrGetHandMeshFB The OpenXR get hand mesh function, must be valid
134  * @return True, if succeeded
135  */
136  bool initialize(const XrHandTrackerEXT& xrHandTrackerEXT, const PFN_xrGetHandMeshFB& xrGetHandMeshFB);
138  protected:
140  /// The OpenXR hand tracking mesh.
141  XrHandTrackingMeshFB xrHandTrackingMeshFB_ = {XR_TYPE_HAND_TRACKING_MESH_FB};
143  /// The joint bind poses.
146  /// The radii of the individual hand joints.
149  /// The parents of the individual joints.
152  /// The positions of the individual vertices.
155  /// The normals of the individual vertices.
158  /// The texture coordinates of the individual vertices.
161  /// The blend indices of the individual vertices.
164  /// The blend weights of the individual vertices.
167  /// The vertex indices of the hand mesh triangles, must be a multiple of 3.
170  /// True, if the mesh is valid.
171  bool isValid_ = false;
172  };
174  /**
175  * This class holds the relevant information for an OpenXR hand pose.
176  */
178  {
179  friend class HandPoses;
181  public:
183  /// Default flags for valid hand locations.
184  static constexpr XrSpaceLocationFlags defaultLocationFlags_ = XR_SPACE_LOCATION_ORIENTATION_VALID_BIT | XR_SPACE_LOCATION_POSITION_VALID_BIT;
186  public:
188  /**
189  * Returns the 3D positions of the hand joints in relation to the hand pose's base space.
190  * @param baseSpaceJointPositions The resulting joint locations defined in the base space, either XR_HAND_JOINT_COUNT_EXT or zero
191  * @param xrSpaceLocationFlags The location flags all hand joints must satisfy
192  * @return True, if succeeded; False, if e.g., some hand joints don't satisfy the specified location flags
193  * @tparam T The data type of the scalar to be used either 'float' or 'double'
194  */
195  template <typename T = Scalar>
196  bool jointPositions(VectorsT3<T>& baseSpaceJointPositions, const XrSpaceLocationFlags xrSpaceLocationFlags = defaultLocationFlags_) const;
198  /**
199  * Returns the 6DOF transformations of the hand joints in relation to the hand pose's base space.
200  * The resulting transformations do not incorporate the mesh's joint bind poses.
201  * @param baseSpace_T_joints The resulting joint transformations, either XR_HAND_JOINT_COUNT_EXT or zero
202  * @param xrSpaceLocationFlags The location flags all hand joints must satisfy
203  * @return True, if succeeded; False, if e.g., some hand joints don't satisfy the specified location flags
204  * @tparam T The data type of the scalar to be used either 'float' or 'double'
205  */
206  template <typename T = Scalar>
207  bool jointTransformations(HomogenousMatricesT4<T>& baseSpace_T_joints, const XrSpaceLocationFlags xrSpaceLocationFlags = defaultLocationFlags_) const;
209  /**
210  * Returns the 6DOF transformations of the hand joints in relation to the hand pose's base space.
211  * The resulting transformations incorporate the mesh's joint bind poses and thus can be used to e.g., render a hand mesh.
212  * @param mesh The hand mesh providing the joint bind poses, must be valid
213  * @param baseSpace_T_joints The resulting joint transformations, either XR_HAND_JOINT_COUNT_EXT or zero
214  * @param xrSpaceLocationFlags The location flags all hand joints must satisfy
215  * @return True, if succeeded; False, if e.g., some hand joints don't satisfy the specified location flags
216  * @tparam T The data type of the scalar to be used either 'float' or 'double'
217  */
218  template <typename T = Scalar>
219  bool jointTransformations(const Mesh& mesh, HomogenousMatricesT4<T>& baseSpace_T_joints, const XrSpaceLocationFlags xrSpaceLocationFlags = defaultLocationFlags_) const;
221  /**
222  * Returns the vertices of the hand mesh in relation to the hand pose's base space.
223  * The resulting vertices incorporate the mesh's joint bind poses and thus can be used to e.g., render a hand mesh without any further transformations.
224  * @param mesh The hand mesh providing the joint bind poses, must be valid
225  * @param baseSpaceMeshVertices The resulting hand mesh vertices defined in the base space
226  * @param xrSpaceLocationFlags The location flags all hand joints must satisfy
227  * @return True, if succeeded; False, if e.g., some hand joints don't satisfy the specified location flags
228  * @tparam T The data type of the scalar to be used either 'float' or 'double'
229  */
230  template <typename T = Scalar>
231  bool meshVertices(const Mesh& mesh, VectorsT3<T>& baseSpaceMeshVertices, const XrSpaceLocationFlags xrSpaceLocationFlags = defaultLocationFlags_) const;
233  /**
234  * Returns the OpenXR space in which relation the hand pose is determined.
235  * @return The OpenXR space
236  */
237  inline XrSpace xrBaseSpace() const;
239  /**
240  * Returns the XR_HAND_JOINT_COUNT_EXT hand joint locations of this pose.
241  * @return The pose' hand joint locations
242  */
243  inline const XrHandJointLocationEXT* xrHandJointLocationsEXT() const;
245  /**
246  * Returns the XR_HAND_JOINT_COUNT_EXT hand joint velocities of this pose.
247  * @return The pose' hand joint velocities
248  */
249  inline const XrHandJointVelocityEXT* xrHandJointVelocitiesEXT() const;
251  /**
252  * Returns whether this hand pose is valid.
253  * @return True, if so
254  */
255  inline bool isValid() const;
257  protected:
259  /**
260  * Protected default constructor.
261  */
262  Pose() = default;
264  protected:
266  /// The OpenXR space in which relation the hand pose is determined.
267  XrSpace xrBaseSpace_ = XR_NULL_HANDLE;
269  /// The hand joint locations of this hand pose.
270  XrHandJointLocationEXT xrHandJointLocationsEXT_[XR_HAND_JOINT_COUNT_EXT];
272  /// The hand joint velocities of this hand pose.
273  XrHandJointVelocityEXT xrHandJointVelocitiesEXT_[XR_HAND_JOINT_COUNT_EXT];
274  };
276  public:
278  /**
279  * Default constructor
280  */
281  HandPoses() = default;
283  /**
284  * Move constructor.
285  * @param handPoses Object to be moved
286  */
287  HandPoses(HandPoses&& handPoses);
289  /**
290  * Initializes the hand tracking object.
291  * @param session The OpenxR session to be used, must be valid
292  * @return True, if succeeded
293  */
294  inline bool initialize(const Platform::OpenXR::Session& session);
296  /**
297  * Initializes the hand tracking object.
298  * @param xrInstance The instance for which the hand poses will be created, must be valid
299  * @param xrSession The session for which the hand poses will be created, must be valid
300  * @param xrSystemId The runtime's identifier, must be valid
301  * @return True, if succeeded
302  */
303  bool initialize(const XrInstance& xrInstance, const XrSession& xrSession, const XrSystemId& xrSystemId);
305  /**
306  * Explicitly releases the session and all associated resources.
307  * @see initialize().
308  */
309  void release();
311  /**
312  * Updates the pose of the left and right hands.
313  * @param xrBaseSpace The space in which the hands will be defined, must be valid
314  * @param predictedDisplayTime The predicted display time of the next frame
315  * @return True, if succeeded
316  */
317  bool update(const XrSpace& xrBaseSpace, const XrTime& predictedDisplayTime);
319  /**
320  * Returns the mesh of one hand.
321  * Lock this object's lock before calling this function.
322  * @param handIndex The index of the hand for which the mesh will be returned, with range [0, numberHands_ - 1]
323  * @return The requested mesh, may be invalid
324  * @see lock().
325  */
326  inline const Mesh& mesh(const size_t handIndex) const;
328  /**
329  * Returns the current pose of one hand.
330  * Lock this object's lock before calling this function.<br>
331  * Call update() to ensure that the latest hand pose is provided.
332  * @param handIndex The index of the hand for which the pose will be returned, with range [0, numberHands_ - 1]
333  * @return The requested mesh, may be invalid
334  * @see lock(), update().
335  */
336  inline const Pose& pose(const size_t handIndex) const;
338  /**
339  * Returns the 3D positions of the joints of one hand in relation to the hand pose's base space.
340  * The resulting positions are valid until the next 'update()' call.
341  * @param handIndex The index of the hand for which the pose will be returned, with range [0, numberHands_ - 1]
342  * @return The resulting joint locations define in the baseSpace, XR_HAND_JOINT_COUNT_EXT joint positions if succeeded
343  */
344  const Vectors3& jointPositions(const size_t handIndex) const;
346  /**
347  * Returns the lock of the hand poses.
348  * @return The hand poses' lock.
349  */
350  inline Lock& lock() const;
352  /**
353  * Returns whether this object holds initialized and valid OpenXR hand trackers.
354  * @return True, if so
355  */
356  inline bool isValid() const;
358  /**
359  * Move operator.
360  * @param handPoses The object to be moved
361  * @return Reference to this object
362  */
365  /**
366  * Returns the names of the necessary OpenXR extensions necessary for hand tracking.
367  * @return The necessary OpenXR extensions
368  */
371  /**
372  * Updates the current hand pose of one hand.
373  * @param xrHandTrackersEXT The hand tracker from which the hand pose will be extracted, must be valid
374  * @param xrLocateHandJointsEXT The OpenXR locate hand joint function, must be valid
375  * @param xrBaseSpace The OpenXR space in which relation the hand pose is determined, must be valid
376  * @param xrTime The OpenXR time for which the hand pose is requested, e.g. the predicted display time
377  * @param pose The hand pose receiving the updated information
378  * @return True, if succeeded
379  */
380  static bool updateHandPose(const XrHandTrackerEXT& xrHandTrackersEXT, const PFN_xrLocateHandJointsEXT xrLocateHandJointsEXT, const XrSpace& xrBaseSpace, const XrTime& xrTime, Pose& pose);
382  protected:
384  /**
385  * Disabled copy constructor.
386  */
387  HandPoses(const HandPoses&) = delete;
389  /**
390  * Disabled copy operator.
391  * @return Reference to this object
392  */
393  HandPoses& operator=(const HandPoses&) = delete;
395  protected:
397  /// The OpenXR instance for which hand tracking is created.
398  XrInstance xrInstance_ = XR_NULL_HANDLE;
400  /// The OpenXR function pointer to create a new hand tracker.
401  PFN_xrCreateHandTrackerEXT xrCreateHandTrackerEXT_ = nullptr;
403  /// The OpenXR function pointer to destroy a hand tracker.
404  PFN_xrDestroyHandTrackerEXT xrDestroyHandTrackerEXT_ = nullptr;
406  /// The OpenXR function to determine the hand joints.
407  PFN_xrLocateHandJointsEXT xrLocateHandJointsEXT_ = nullptr;
409  /// The OpenXR function to determine the hand mesh.
410  PFN_xrGetHandMeshFB xrGetHandMeshFB_ = nullptr;
412  /// The OpenXR handles to both hand trackers with order [left, right].
413  XrHandTrackerEXT xrHandTrackersEXT_[numberHands_] = {XR_NULL_HANDLE, XR_NULL_HANDLE};
415  /// The meshes for both hands.
416  Mesh meshes_[numberHands_];
418  /// The poses for both hands.
419  Pose poses_[numberHands_];
421  /// The cached positions of the joints of both hands.
422  mutable Vectors3 baseSpaceJointPositions_[numberHands_];
424  /// An empty vector with 3D vectors.
427  /// The lock of this object.
428  mutable Lock lock_;
429 };
432 {
433  return vertexBlendIndices_;
434 }
437 {
438  return vertexBlendWeights_;
439 }
442 {
443  return indices_;
444 }
446 inline bool HandPoses::Mesh::isValid() const
447 {
448  return isValid_;
449 }
451 inline XrSpace HandPoses::Pose::xrBaseSpace() const
452 {
453  return xrBaseSpace_;
454 }
456 inline const XrHandJointLocationEXT* HandPoses::Pose::xrHandJointLocationsEXT() const
457 {
458  return xrHandJointLocationsEXT_;
459 }
461 inline const XrHandJointVelocityEXT* HandPoses::Pose::xrHandJointVelocitiesEXT() const
462 {
463  return xrHandJointVelocitiesEXT_;
464 }
466 inline bool HandPoses::Pose::isValid() const
467 {
468  return xrBaseSpace_ != XR_NULL_HANDLE;
469 }
472 {
473  ocean_assert(session.isValid());
475  return initialize(session.xrInstance(), session, session.xrSystemId());
476 }
478 inline const HandPoses::Mesh& HandPoses::mesh(const size_t handIndex) const
479 {
480  ocean_assert(handIndex < numberHands_);
482  const ScopedLock scopedLock(lock_);
484  ocean_assert(isValid());
486  return meshes_[handIndex];
487 }
489 inline const HandPoses::Pose& HandPoses::pose(const size_t handIndex) const
490 {
491  ocean_assert(handIndex < numberHands_);
493  const ScopedLock scopedLock(lock_);
495  ocean_assert(isValid());
497  return poses_[handIndex];
498 }
500 inline Lock& HandPoses::lock() const
501 {
502  return lock_;
503 }
505 inline bool HandPoses::isValid() const
506 {
507  const ScopedLock scopedLock(lock_);
509  return xrInstance_ != XR_NULL_HANDLE;
510 }
512 }
514 }
516 }
518 }
520 }
This class implements a recursive lock object.
Definition: Lock.h:31
This class holds the relevant information for an OpenXR hand mesh.
Definition: HandPoses.h:62
Platform::OpenXR::XrVectors3f vertexPositions_
The positions of the individual vertices.
Definition: HandPoses.h:153
Protected default constructor.
bool initialize(const XrHandTrackerEXT &xrHandTrackerEXT, const PFN_xrGetHandMeshFB &xrGetHandMeshFB)
Initializes this mesh with a given tracker for one hand.
SignedIndices16 indices_
The vertex indices of the hand mesh triangles, must be a multiple of 3.
Definition: HandPoses.h:168
HomogenousMatricesT4< T > wrist_T_bindJoints() const
Returns the transformations between bind joints and wrist.
std::vector< float > Radii
Definition of a vector holding radii.
Definition: HandPoses.h:70
Vectors3 normals() const
Returns the normals of the hand mesh.
const Platform::OpenXR::XrVectors4f & blendWeights() const
Returns the blend weights of the individual hand joints.
Definition: HandPoses.h:436
std::vector< int16_t > SignedIndices16
Definition of a vector holding signed 16-bit indices.
Definition: HandPoses.h:75
bool isValid() const
Returns whether this mesh is valid.
Definition: HandPoses.h:446
Vectors3 vertices() const
Returns the vertices of the hand mesh.
const SignedIndices16 & indices() const
Returns the vertex indices of the hand mesh triangles.
Definition: HandPoses.h:441
Platform::OpenXR::XrVectors2f vertexUVs_
The texture coordinates of the individual vertices.
Definition: HandPoses.h:159
Platform::OpenXR::XrVectors3f vertexNormals_
The normals of the individual vertices.
Definition: HandPoses.h:156
Platform::OpenXR::XrVectors4f vertexBlendWeights_
The blend weights of the individual vertices.
Definition: HandPoses.h:165
Platform::OpenXR::XrPosesf jointBindPoses_
The joint bind poses.
Definition: HandPoses.h:144
const Platform::OpenXR::XrVectors4sFB & blendIndices() const
Returns the blend indices of the individual hand joints.
Definition: HandPoses.h:431
Platform::OpenXR::XrHandJointsEXT jointParents_
The parents of the individual joints.
Definition: HandPoses.h:150
Radii jointRadii_
The radii of the individual hand joints.
Definition: HandPoses.h:147
Platform::OpenXR::XrVectors4sFB vertexBlendIndices_
The blend indices of the individual vertices.
Definition: HandPoses.h:162
This class holds the relevant information for an OpenXR hand pose.
Definition: HandPoses.h:178
bool jointTransformations(const Mesh &mesh, HomogenousMatricesT4< T > &baseSpace_T_joints, const XrSpaceLocationFlags xrSpaceLocationFlags=defaultLocationFlags_) const
Returns the 6DOF transformations of the hand joints in relation to the hand pose's base space.
bool meshVertices(const Mesh &mesh, VectorsT3< T > &baseSpaceMeshVertices, const XrSpaceLocationFlags xrSpaceLocationFlags=defaultLocationFlags_) const
Returns the vertices of the hand mesh in relation to the hand pose's base space.
bool isValid() const
Returns whether this hand pose is valid.
Definition: HandPoses.h:466
bool jointTransformations(HomogenousMatricesT4< T > &baseSpace_T_joints, const XrSpaceLocationFlags xrSpaceLocationFlags=defaultLocationFlags_) const
Returns the 6DOF transformations of the hand joints in relation to the hand pose's base space.
bool jointPositions(VectorsT3< T > &baseSpaceJointPositions, const XrSpaceLocationFlags xrSpaceLocationFlags=defaultLocationFlags_) const
Returns the 3D positions of the hand joints in relation to the hand pose's base space.
const XrHandJointLocationEXT * xrHandJointLocationsEXT() const
Returns the XR_HAND_JOINT_COUNT_EXT hand joint locations of this pose.
Definition: HandPoses.h:456
const XrHandJointVelocityEXT * xrHandJointVelocitiesEXT() const
Returns the XR_HAND_JOINT_COUNT_EXT hand joint velocities of this pose.
Definition: HandPoses.h:461
XrSpace xrBaseSpace() const
Returns the OpenXR space in which relation the hand pose is determined.
Definition: HandPoses.h:451
Protected default constructor.
This class implements a wrapper for OpenXR-based hand tracking.
Definition: HandPoses.h:41
void release()
Explicitly releases the session and all associated resources.
Pose poses_[numberHands_]
The poses for both hands.
Definition: HandPoses.h:419
HandPoses & operator=(const HandPoses &)=delete
Disabled copy operator.
bool initialize(const XrInstance &xrInstance, const XrSession &xrSession, const XrSystemId &xrSystemId)
Initializes the hand tracking object.
static constexpr size_t numberHands_
The number of supported hands.
Definition: HandPoses.h:50
XrInstance xrInstance_
The OpenXR instance for which hand tracking is created.
Definition: HandPoses.h:398
HandPoses & operator=(HandPoses &&handPoses)
Move operator.
Mesh meshes_[numberHands_]
The meshes for both hands.
Definition: HandPoses.h:416
static const StringSet & necessaryOpenXRExtensionNames()
Returns the names of the necessary OpenXR extensions necessary for hand tracking.
bool isValid() const
Returns whether this object holds initialized and valid OpenXR hand trackers.
Definition: HandPoses.h:505
const Mesh & mesh(const size_t handIndex) const
Returns the mesh of one hand.
Definition: HandPoses.h:478
Lock & lock() const
Returns the lock of the hand poses.
Definition: HandPoses.h:500
const Pose & pose(const size_t handIndex) const
Returns the current pose of one hand.
Definition: HandPoses.h:489
static bool updateHandPose(const XrHandTrackerEXT &xrHandTrackersEXT, const PFN_xrLocateHandJointsEXT xrLocateHandJointsEXT, const XrSpace &xrBaseSpace, const XrTime &xrTime, Pose &pose)
Updates the current hand pose of one hand.
HandPoses(HandPoses &&handPoses)
Move constructor.
const Vectors3 & jointPositions(const size_t handIndex) const
Returns the 3D positions of the joints of one hand in relation to the hand pose's base space.
bool initialize(const Platform::OpenXR::Session &session)
Initializes the hand tracking object.
Definition: HandPoses.h:471
Default constructor.
const Vectors3 invalidResultVectors_
An empty vector with 3D vectors.
Definition: HandPoses.h:425
Lock lock_
The lock of this object.
Definition: HandPoses.h:428
std::unordered_set< std::string > StringSet
Definition of an unordered set holding strings.
Definition: HandPoses.h:47
HandPoses(const HandPoses &)=delete
Disabled copy constructor.
bool update(const XrSpace &xrBaseSpace, const XrTime &predictedDisplayTime)
Updates the pose of the left and right hands.
This class wraps an OpenXR session.
Definition: Session.h:32
XrInstance xrInstance() const
Returns the OpenXR instance associated with this session.
Definition: Session.h:359
XrSystemId xrSystemId() const
Returns the OpenXR runtime's identifier.
Definition: Session.h:366
bool isValid() const
Returns whether this object holds a valid OpenXR instance.
This class implements a scoped lock object for recursive lock objects.
Definition: Lock.h:135
std::vector< HomogenousMatrixT4< T > > HomogenousMatricesT4
Definition of a typename alias for vectors with HomogenousMatrixT4 objects.
Definition: HomogenousMatrix4.h:66
std::vector< VectorT3< T > > VectorsT3
Definition of a typename alias for vectors with VectorT3 objects.
Definition: Vector3.h:58
std::vector< Vector3 > Vectors3
Definition of a vector holding Vector3 objects.
Definition: Vector3.h:65
std::vector< XrVector4sFB > XrVectors4sFB
Definition of a vector holding OpenXR XrVector4sFB objects.
Definition: openxr/OpenXR.h:92
std::vector< XrPosef > XrPosesf
Definition of a vector holding OpenXR XrPosef objects.
Definition: openxr/OpenXR.h:99
std::vector< XrVector3f > XrVectors3f
Definition of a vector holding OpenXR XrVector3f objects.
Definition: openxr/OpenXR.h:78
std::vector< XrVector4f > XrVectors4f
Definition of a vector holding OpenXR XrVector4f objects.
Definition: openxr/OpenXR.h:85
std::vector< XrVector2f > XrVectors2f
Definition of a vector holding OpenXR XrVector2f objects.
Definition: openxr/OpenXR.h:71
std::vector< XrHandJointEXT > XrHandJointsEXT
Definition of a vector holding OpenXR XrHandJointEXT objects.
Definition: openxr/OpenXR.h:106
The namespace covering the entire Ocean framework.
Definition: Accessor.h:15