DevicesAndroidJni.h File Reference

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jboolean Java_com_meta_ocean_devices_android_DevicesAndroidJni_registerLibrary (JNIEnv *env, jobject javaThis)
 Java native interface function to register the Devices::Android component. More...
jboolean Java_com_meta_ocean_devices_android_DevicesAndroidJni_unregisterLibrary (JNIEnv *env, jobject javaThis)
 Java native interface function to unregister the Devices::Android component. More...
jboolean Java_com_meta_ocean_devices_android_DevicesAndroidJni_newGPSLocation (JNIEnv *env, jobject javaThis, jdouble latitude, jdouble longitude, jfloat altitude, jfloat direction, jfloat speed, jfloat accuracy, jfloat altitudeAccuracy, jfloat directionAccuracy, jfloat speedAccuracy, jdouble timestamp)
 Java native interface function to send a new GPS location to the native side. More...