Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
3  *
4  * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5  * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
6  */
13 #include "ocean/math/Triangle2.h"
14 #include "ocean/math/Triangle3.h"
15 #include "ocean/math/Line2.h"
17 #include <list>
19 namespace Ocean
20 {
22 namespace Geometry
23 {
25 /**
26  * This class implements Delaunay triangulation functions.
27  * @ingroup geometry
28  */
30 {
31  public:
33  /**
34  * This class holds three indices of points representing a triangle.
35  */
37  {
38  public:
40  /**
41  * Creates an invalid index triangle object.
42  */
43  inline IndexTriangle();
45  /**
46  * Creates a new index triangle object.
47  * @param index0 First index
48  * @param index1 Second index
49  * @param index2 Third index
50  */
51  inline IndexTriangle(const unsigned int index0, const unsigned int index1, const unsigned int index2);
53  /**
54  * Returns the first index.
55  * First triangle index
56  */
57  inline unsigned int index0() const;
59  /**
60  * Returns the second index.
61  * Second triangle index
62  */
63  inline unsigned int index1() const;
65  /**
66  * Returns the third index.
67  * Third triangle index
68  */
69  inline unsigned int index2() const;
71  /**
72  * Returns whether three individual indices are stored.
73  * @return True, if so
74  */
75  inline bool isValid() const;
77  /**
78  * Returns one index of this triangle.
79  * @param n The (corner) index of the triangle for which the index is returned, with range [0, 2]
80  * @return The requested index
81  */
82  inline unsigned int operator[](const unsigned int n) const;
84  /**
85  * Returns whether two triangles are equal (i.e. whether both triangles are composed with the same indices, independent of their order).
86  * @param second The second triangle to test
87  * @return True, if both triangles are equal
88  */
89  inline bool operator==(const IndexTriangle &second) const;
91  /**
92  * Creates a 2D triangle with positions as corners from this index triangle.
93  * Beware: The number of points in the provided set, must exceed the maximal index, no check is done!
94  * @param points The set of points from which the corners are taken
95  */
96  inline Triangle2 triangle2(const Vector2* points) const;
98  /**
99  * Creates a 3D triangle with positions as corners from this index triangle.
100  * Beware: The number of points in the provided set, must exceed the maximal index, not check is done!
101  * @param points The set of points from which the corners are taken
102  */
103  inline Triangle3 triangle3(const Vector3* points) const;
105  protected:
107  /// Triangle indices;
108  unsigned int indices_[3];
109  };
111  /**
112  * Definition of a vector holding index triangles.
113  */
114  typedef std::vector<IndexTriangle> IndexTriangles;
116  protected:
118  /**
119  * This class extends the IndexTriangle class by an additional circumcircle as the Delaunay triangulation is based on this information.
120  */
122  {
123  public:
125  /**
126  * Creates a new index triangle object and calculates circumcenter and radius.
127  * Beware: The number of points in the provided set, must exceed the maximal index, no range check is done!
128  * @param index0 First index
129  * @param index1 Second index
130  * @param index2 Third index
131  * @param points The set of points from which the corners are taken, must be valid
132  */
133  inline CircumCricleIndexTriangle(const unsigned int index0, const unsigned int index1, const unsigned int index2, const Vector2* points);
135  /**
136  * Creates a new index triangle object and calculates circumcenter and radius.
137  * This constructor takes either the corners from the set of provided points or from a second set of points defining the super triangle.<br>
138  * The indices of the three corners of the super triangle are considered to be [size, size + 1, size + 2], while 'size' will be subtracted from those indices before accessing the corresponding point from 'pointsSuperTriangle'.
139  * @param index0 First index, with range [0, size + 3)
140  * @param index1 Second index, with range [0, size + 3)
141  * @param index2 Third index, with range [0, size + 3)
142  * @param points The set of points from which the corners are taken, must be valid
143  * @param size The number of points not including points from the super triangle
144  * @param pointsSuperTriangle The three points from the super triangle
145  */
146  inline CircumCricleIndexTriangle(const unsigned int index0, const unsigned int index1, const unsigned int index2, const Vector2* points, const size_t size, const Vector2* pointsSuperTriangle);
148  /**
149  * Swaps the order of the indices from a counter clockwise order to a clockwise order or vice versa.
150  */
151  inline void swap();
153  /**
154  * Returns whether a point is within the circumcircle of the triangle.
155  * @param point The point to evaluate if inside circumcircle
156  * @param epsilon The epsilon value used for a slightly more generous comparison, with range [0, infinity)
157  * @return True, if so
158  */
159  inline bool isInsideCircumCircle(const Vector2 &point, const Scalar epsilon = Numeric::eps()) const;
161  /**
162  * Returns whether a point is outside the circumcircle of the triangle.
163  * @param point The point to evaluate if outside circumcircle
164  * @param epsilon The epsilon value used for a slightly more generous comparison, with range [0, infinity)
165  * @return True, if so
166  */
167  inline bool isOutsideCircumCircle(const Vector2 &point, const Scalar epsilon = Numeric::eps()) const;
169  /**
170  * Returns whether a point is completely right of the circumcircle (i.e. point.x > circle.center + circle radius).
171  * This IndexTriangle must be initialized with a defined point set (i.e. circumcenter and circumradius must be calculated during initialization).
172  * @param point The point to evaluate if completely left of circumcircle
173  * @return True, if so
174  */
175  inline bool isRightOfCircumCircle(const Vector2 &point) const;
177  private:
179  /// 2D (Cartesian) circumcenter.
180  Vector2 circumcenter_ = Vector2(0, 0);
182  /// Radius of the circumcircle, with range [0, infinity), -1 for and invalid triangle object.
183  Scalar circumcircleRadius_ = -1;
184  };
186  /**
187  * Definition of a vector holding extended index triangles.
188  */
189  typedef std::vector<CircumCricleIndexTriangle> CircumCricleIndexTriangles;
191  /**
192  * Definition of a list holding extended index triangles.
193  */
194  typedef std::list<CircumCricleIndexTriangle> CircumCricleIndexTriangleList;
196  /**
197  * This class implements the lesser operator for indices of points.
198  * The sorting will be applied according to x coordinates of points, but instead of modifying the order of points, this class modifies the order of indices of points.
199  */
201  {
202  public:
204  /**
205  * Creates a new comparison object by a set of given points.
206  * @param points The points to be used for sorting, must be valid
207  */
208  explicit inline ComparePointsX(const Vector2* points);
210  /**
211  * Compares two point indices and returns whether the x coordinate of the first point is below the x coordinate of the second point.
212  * @param a The index of the first point
213  * @param b The index of the second point
214  * @return True, if so
215  */
216  inline bool operator()(const unsigned int a, const unsigned int b) const;
218  protected:
220  /// The points to be compared.
221  const Vector2* dataPoints_ = nullptr;
222  };
224  /**
225  * This class stores the sorted indices of an edge.
226  */
227  class IndexEdge
228  {
229  public:
231  /**
232  * Creates a new edge object and sorts the provided two point indices to ensure that the first index is smaller than the second index.
233  * @param indexFirst The index of the first point
234  * @param indexSecond The index of the second point, must be different from indexFirst
235  */
236  inline IndexEdge(const unsigned int indexFirst, const unsigned int indexSecond);
238  /**
239  * Creates a new edge object and sorts the provided two point indices to ensure that the point of the first index is 'smaller' than the point of the second index.
240  * @param indexFirst The index of the first point
241  * @param indexSecond The index of the second point, must be different from indexFirst
242  * @param points The points to be used for sorting, must be valid, ensure that enough points are provided
243  */
244  inline IndexEdge(const unsigned int indexFirst, const unsigned int indexSecond, const Vector2* points);
246  /**
247  * Returns the index of the first point.
248  * @return The point's first index
249  */
250  inline unsigned int firstIndex() const;
252  /**
253  * Returns the index of the second point.
254  * @return The point's second index
255  */
256  inline unsigned int secondIndex() const;
258  /**
259  * Lesser operator for two edge objects.
260  * @param right The second edge object to compare
261  * @return True, if this edge object is 'lesser' than the second one
262  */
263  inline bool operator<(const IndexEdge& right) const;
265  protected:
267  /// The index of the first point.
268  unsigned int firstIndex_ = (unsigned int)(-1);
270  /// The index of the second point.
271  unsigned int secondIndex_ = (unsigned int)(-1);
272  };
274  /**
275  * Definition of a map mapping edge pairs to a counter.
276  */
277  typedef std::map<IndexEdge, unsigned int> EdgeMap;
279  public:
281  /**
282  * Determines the delaunay triangulation for a given 2D point set.
283  * The implementation is based on the Bowyer-Watson algorithm.
284  * @param points 2D point set to be triangulated, at least three
285  * @return Resulting triangulation
286  */
287  static IndexTriangles triangulation(const Vectors2& points);
289  /**
290  * Checks a Delaunay triangulation for integrity: no points are allowed within the circumcircle of a triangle.
291  * @param triangles Delaunay triangulation
292  * @param points Vector with points coordinates
293  * @param epsilon The epsilon value used for a slightly more generous comparison, with range [0, infinity)
294  * @return True, if the provided triangulation is a valid Delaunay triangulation
295  */
296  static bool checkTriangulation(const IndexTriangles& triangles, const Vectors2& points, const Scalar epsilon = Numeric::eps());
298  protected:
300  /**
301  * Checks a Delaunay triangulation for integrity: no points are allowed within the circumcircle of a triangle.
302  * @param triangles Delaunay triangulation
303  * @param points Vector with points coordinates
304  * @param epsilon The epsilon value used for a slightly more generous comparison, with range [0, infinity)
305  * @return True, if the provided triangulation is a valid Delaunay triangulation
306  */
307  static bool checkTriangulation(const CircumCricleIndexTriangles& triangles, const Vectors2& points, const Scalar epsilon = Numeric::eps());
308 };
311 {
312  indices_[0] = (unsigned int)(-1);
313  indices_[1] = (unsigned int)(-1);
314  indices_[2] = (unsigned int)(-1);
316  ocean_assert(!isValid());
317 }
319 inline Delaunay::IndexTriangle::IndexTriangle(const unsigned int index0, const unsigned int index1, const unsigned int index2)
320 {
321  indices_[0] = index0;
322  indices_[1] = index1;
323  indices_[2] = index2;
325  ocean_assert(isValid());
326 }
328 inline unsigned int Delaunay::IndexTriangle::index0() const
329 {
330  return indices_[0];
331 }
333 inline unsigned int Delaunay::IndexTriangle::index1() const
334 {
335  return indices_[1];
336 }
338 inline unsigned int Delaunay::IndexTriangle::index2() const
339 {
340  return indices_[2];
341 }
344 {
345  return indices_[0] != indices_[1] && indices_[0] != indices_[2] && indices_[1] != indices_[2];
346 }
348 inline unsigned int Delaunay::IndexTriangle::operator[](const unsigned int n) const
349 {
350  ocean_assert(n < 3u);
351  return indices_[n];
352 }
354 inline bool Delaunay::IndexTriangle::operator==(const IndexTriangle &second) const
355 {
356  ocean_assert(isValid() && second.isValid());
358  return (index0() == second.index0() || index0() == second.index1() || index0() == second.index2())
359  && (index1() == second.index0() || index1() == second.index1() || index1() == second.index2())
360  && (index2() == second.index0() || index2() == second.index1() || index2() == second.index2());
361 }
364 {
365  ocean_assert(isValid() && points);
367  return Triangle2(points[indices_[0]], points[indices_[1]], points[indices_[2]]);
368 }
371 {
372  ocean_assert(isValid() && points);
374  return Triangle3(points[indices_[0]], points[indices_[1]], points[indices_[2]]);
375 }
377 inline Delaunay::CircumCricleIndexTriangle::CircumCricleIndexTriangle(const unsigned int index0, const unsigned int index1, const unsigned int index2, const Vector2* points) :
378  IndexTriangle(index0, index1, index2),
379  circumcenter_(0, 0),
380  circumcircleRadius_(-1)
381 {
382  ocean_assert(points);
384  // make sure points are not co-linear
385  ocean_assert(points[index0] != points[index1] && points[index0] != points[index2] && points[index1] != points[index2]);
387  if constexpr (std::is_same<double, Scalar>::value)
388  {
389  ocean_assert(!Line2(points[index0], (points[index1] - points[index0]).normalizedOrZero()).isOnLine(points[index2]));
390  }
392  const Triangle2 triangle = triangle2(points);
393  ocean_assert(triangle.isValid());
397  // radius is equivalent to the distance between the circumcenter and all corners
400 #ifdef OCEAN_DEBUG
402  if constexpr (std::is_same<double, Scalar>::value)
403  {
404  // sanity check, all distances should be equal
407  ocean_assert(Numeric::isEqual(circumcenter_.distance(triangle.point1()), circumcenter_.distance(triangle.point2()), Numeric::weakEps()));
408  }
410 #endif
411 }
413 inline Delaunay::CircumCricleIndexTriangle::CircumCricleIndexTriangle(const unsigned int index0, const unsigned int index1, const unsigned int index2, const Vector2* points, const size_t size, const Vector2* pointsSuperTriangle) :
414  IndexTriangle(index0, index1, index2),
415  circumcenter_(0, 0),
416  circumcircleRadius_(-1)
417 {
418  ocean_assert(points && pointsSuperTriangle);
420  const Vector2& point0 = size_t(index0) < size ? points[index0] : pointsSuperTriangle[size_t(index0) - size];
421  const Vector2& point1 = size_t(index1) < size ? points[index1] : pointsSuperTriangle[size_t(index1) - size];
422  const Vector2& point2 = size_t(index2) < size ? points[index2] : pointsSuperTriangle[size_t(index2) - size];
424  // make sure points are not co-linear
425  ocean_assert(point0 != point1 && point0 != point2 && point1 != point2);
427  if constexpr (std::is_same<double, Scalar>::value)
428  {
429  ocean_assert(!Line2(point0, (point1 - point0).normalizedOrZero()).isOnLine(point2));
430  }
432  const Triangle2 triangle(point0, point1, point2);
433  ocean_assert(triangle.isValid());
437  // radius is equivalent to the distance between the circumcenter and all corners
440 #ifdef OCEAN_DEBUG
442  if constexpr (std::is_same<double, Scalar>::value)
443  {
444  // sanity check, all distances should be equal
447  ocean_assert(Numeric::isEqual(circumcenter_.distance(triangle.point1()), circumcenter_.distance(triangle.point2()), Numeric::weakEps()));
448  }
450 #endif
451 }
454 {
455  std::swap(indices_[1], indices_[2]);
456 }
458 inline bool Delaunay::CircumCricleIndexTriangle::isInsideCircumCircle(const Vector2 &point, const Scalar epsilon) const
459 {
460  ocean_assert(isValid());
461  ocean_assert(circumcircleRadius_ >= 0);
462  ocean_assert(epsilon >= 0);
464  // make radius slightly higher in order to catch co-circular points
465  return circumcenter_.sqrDistance(point) <= Numeric::sqr(circumcircleRadius_ + epsilon);
466 }
468 inline bool Delaunay::CircumCricleIndexTriangle::isOutsideCircumCircle(const Vector2 &point, const Scalar epsilon) const
469 {
470  ocean_assert(isValid());
471  ocean_assert(circumcircleRadius_ >= 0);
472  ocean_assert(epsilon >= 0);
474  // make radius slightly smaller in order to catch co-circular points
475  return circumcenter_.sqrDistance(point) + Numeric::sqr(epsilon) >= Numeric::sqr(circumcircleRadius_);
476 }
479 {
480  ocean_assert(isValid());
481  ocean_assert(circumcircleRadius_ >= 0);
483  return (circumcenter_.x() + circumcircleRadius_) < point.x();
484 }
487  dataPoints_(points)
488 {
489  ocean_assert(dataPoints_);
490 }
492 inline bool Delaunay::ComparePointsX::operator()(const unsigned int a, const unsigned int b) const
493 {
494  ocean_assert(dataPoints_);
496  return dataPoints_[a].x() < dataPoints_[b].x();
497 }
499 inline Delaunay::IndexEdge::IndexEdge(const unsigned int indexFirst, const unsigned int indexSecond) :
500  firstIndex_(indexFirst < indexSecond ? indexFirst : indexSecond),
501  secondIndex_(indexFirst < indexSecond ? indexSecond : indexFirst)
502 {
503  ocean_assert(firstIndex_ != secondIndex_);
504  ocean_assert(firstIndex_ < secondIndex_);
505 }
507 inline Delaunay::IndexEdge::IndexEdge(const unsigned int indexFirst, const unsigned int indexSecond, const Vector2* points) :
508  firstIndex_(points[indexFirst] < points[indexSecond] ? indexFirst : indexSecond),
509  secondIndex_(points[indexFirst] < points[indexSecond] ? indexSecond : indexFirst)
510 {
511  ocean_assert(firstIndex_ != secondIndex_);
512  ocean_assert(firstIndex_ < secondIndex_);
513 }
515 inline unsigned int Delaunay::IndexEdge::firstIndex() const
516 {
517  return firstIndex_;
518 }
520 inline unsigned int Delaunay::IndexEdge::secondIndex() const
521 {
522  return secondIndex_;
523 }
525 inline bool Delaunay::IndexEdge::operator<(const IndexEdge& right) const
526 {
527  return firstIndex_ < right.firstIndex_ || (firstIndex_ == right.firstIndex_ && secondIndex_ < right.secondIndex_);
528 }
530 }
532 }
This class extends the IndexTriangle class by an additional circumcircle as the Delaunay triangulatio...
Definition: Delaunay.h:122
Scalar circumcircleRadius_
Radius of the circumcircle, with range [0, infinity), -1 for and invalid triangle object.
Definition: Delaunay.h:183
CircumCricleIndexTriangle(const unsigned int index0, const unsigned int index1, const unsigned int index2, const Vector2 *points)
Creates a new index triangle object and calculates circumcenter and radius.
Definition: Delaunay.h:377
bool isOutsideCircumCircle(const Vector2 &point, const Scalar epsilon=Numeric::eps()) const
Returns whether a point is outside the circumcircle of the triangle.
Definition: Delaunay.h:468
bool isInsideCircumCircle(const Vector2 &point, const Scalar epsilon=Numeric::eps()) const
Returns whether a point is within the circumcircle of the triangle.
Definition: Delaunay.h:458
bool isRightOfCircumCircle(const Vector2 &point) const
Returns whether a point is completely right of the circumcircle (i.e.
Definition: Delaunay.h:478
Vector2 circumcenter_
2D (Cartesian) circumcenter.
Definition: Delaunay.h:180
void swap()
Swaps the order of the indices from a counter clockwise order to a clockwise order or vice versa.
Definition: Delaunay.h:453
This class implements the lesser operator for indices of points.
Definition: Delaunay.h:201
bool operator()(const unsigned int a, const unsigned int b) const
Compares two point indices and returns whether the x coordinate of the first point is below the x coo...
Definition: Delaunay.h:492
const Vector2 * dataPoints_
The points to be compared.
Definition: Delaunay.h:221
ComparePointsX(const Vector2 *points)
Creates a new comparison object by a set of given points.
Definition: Delaunay.h:486
This class stores the sorted indices of an edge.
Definition: Delaunay.h:228
bool operator<(const IndexEdge &right) const
Lesser operator for two edge objects.
Definition: Delaunay.h:525
unsigned int firstIndex_
The index of the first point.
Definition: Delaunay.h:268
unsigned int secondIndex() const
Returns the index of the second point.
Definition: Delaunay.h:520
unsigned int secondIndex_
The index of the second point.
Definition: Delaunay.h:271
IndexEdge(const unsigned int indexFirst, const unsigned int indexSecond)
Creates a new edge object and sorts the provided two point indices to ensure that the first index is ...
Definition: Delaunay.h:499
unsigned int firstIndex() const
Returns the index of the first point.
Definition: Delaunay.h:515
This class holds three indices of points representing a triangle.
Definition: Delaunay.h:37
unsigned int index2() const
Returns the third index.
Definition: Delaunay.h:338
Triangle3 triangle3(const Vector3 *points) const
Creates a 3D triangle with positions as corners from this index triangle.
Definition: Delaunay.h:370
Creates an invalid index triangle object.
Definition: Delaunay.h:310
Triangle2 triangle2(const Vector2 *points) const
Creates a 2D triangle with positions as corners from this index triangle.
Definition: Delaunay.h:363
bool operator==(const IndexTriangle &second) const
Returns whether two triangles are equal (i.e.
Definition: Delaunay.h:354
bool isValid() const
Returns whether three individual indices are stored.
Definition: Delaunay.h:343
unsigned int index1() const
Returns the second index.
Definition: Delaunay.h:333
unsigned int operator[](const unsigned int n) const
Returns one index of this triangle.
Definition: Delaunay.h:348
unsigned int indices_[3]
Triangle indices;.
Definition: Delaunay.h:108
unsigned int index0() const
Returns the first index.
Definition: Delaunay.h:328
This class implements Delaunay triangulation functions.
Definition: Delaunay.h:30
static bool checkTriangulation(const CircumCricleIndexTriangles &triangles, const Vectors2 &points, const Scalar epsilon=Numeric::eps())
Checks a Delaunay triangulation for integrity: no points are allowed within the circumcircle of a tri...
std::map< IndexEdge, unsigned int > EdgeMap
Definition of a map mapping edge pairs to a counter.
Definition: Delaunay.h:277
std::vector< CircumCricleIndexTriangle > CircumCricleIndexTriangles
Definition of a vector holding extended index triangles.
Definition: Delaunay.h:189
std::vector< IndexTriangle > IndexTriangles
Definition of a vector holding index triangles.
Definition: Delaunay.h:114
static bool checkTriangulation(const IndexTriangles &triangles, const Vectors2 &points, const Scalar epsilon=Numeric::eps())
Checks a Delaunay triangulation for integrity: no points are allowed within the circumcircle of a tri...
std::list< CircumCricleIndexTriangle > CircumCricleIndexTriangleList
Definition of a list holding extended index triangles.
Definition: Delaunay.h:194
static IndexTriangles triangulation(const Vectors2 &points)
Determines the delaunay triangulation for a given 2D point set.
static constexpr T weakEps()
Returns a weak epsilon.
static constexpr T eps()
Returns a small epsilon.
static bool isEqual(const T first, const T second)
Returns whether two values are equal up to a small epsilon.
Definition: Numeric.h:2386
static constexpr T sqr(const T value)
Returns the square of a given value.
Definition: Numeric.h:1495
This class implements a 2D triangle with Cartesian coordinates.
Definition: Triangle2.h:81
const VectorT2< T > & point2() const
Returns the third triangle corner.
Definition: Triangle2.h:415
const VectorT2< T > & point0() const
Returns the first triangle corner.
Definition: Triangle2.h:403
VectorT2< T > cartesianCircumcenter() const
Returns the circumcenter for this triangle in Cartesian coordinates.
Definition: Triangle2.h:792
const VectorT2< T > & point1() const
Returns the second triangle corner.
Definition: Triangle2.h:409
bool isValid() const
Returns whether this triangle can provide valid barycentric coordinates (for 64 bit floating point va...
Definition: Triangle2.h:806
This class implements a 3D triangle.
Definition: Triangle3.h:80
const T & x() const noexcept
Returns the x value.
Definition: Vector2.h:698
T distance(const VectorT2< T > &right) const
Returns the distance between this 2D position and a second 2D position.
Definition: Vector2.h:627
TriangleT3< Scalar > Triangle3
Definition of the Triangle3 object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with sing...
Definition: Triangle3.h:21
float Scalar
Definition of a scalar type.
Definition: Math.h:128
LineT2< Scalar > Line2
Definition of the Line2 object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with single o...
Definition: Line2.h:21
TriangleT2< Scalar > Triangle2
Definition of the Triangle2 object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with sing...
Definition: Triangle2.h:21
std::vector< Vector2 > Vectors2
Definition of a vector holding Vector2 objects.
Definition: Vector2.h:64
VectorT2< Scalar > Vector2
Definition of a 2D vector.
Definition: Vector2.h:21
The namespace covering the entire Ocean framework.
Definition: Accessor.h:15