Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
3  *
4  * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5  * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
6  */
13 #include "ocean/base/Frame.h"
15 #include "ocean/math/Vector2.h"
16 #include "ocean/math/Vector3.h"
18 namespace Ocean
19 {
21 namespace CV
22 {
24 namespace Synthesis
25 {
27 /**
28  * This class is the base class for all constraints.
29  * Constraints can be used to improve the image quality of a synthesized image.<br>
30  * Constraints cover e.g., geometrical structures, patterns or other kinds of visual information not entirely converted by a patch-based synthesis.
31  * @ingroup cvsynthesis
32  */
34 {
35  friend class Constraints;
37  public:
39  /**
40  * Destructs this constraint.
41  */
42  virtual ~Constraint() = default;
44  /**
45  * Creates an empty constraint.
46  * @param impact The impact factor, with range [0, infinity)
47  */
48  inline explicit Constraint(const Scalar impact);
50  /**
51  * Returns the impact factor of this constraint.
52  * @return Constraint impact factor
53  */
54  inline Scalar impact() const;
56  /**
57  * Returns the cost for a given for two given points.
58  * @param inside The inside point (point inside the mask to determine the cost for - according to the second point)
59  * @param outside The outside point (point outside the mask)
60  * @return Constraint cost
61  */
62  virtual Scalar cost(const Vector2& inside, const Vector2& outside) const = 0;
64  /**
65  * Returns the weight of this constraint according to a given point.
66  * @param point The point to determine the weight for
67  * @return Resulting weight
68  */
69  virtual Scalar weight(const Vector2& point) const = 0;
71  protected:
73  /**
74  * Creates an empty constraint.
75  */
76  Constraint() = default;
78  /**
79  * Creates a copy of this constraint by an optional scale parameter.
80  * A scale of 0.5 provide a constraint for an image with bisected dimensions.<br>
81  * The resulting object has to be released by the caller.<br>
82  * @param scale The scale to be used
83  */
84  virtual std::unique_ptr<Constraint> copy(const Scalar scale = Scalar(1)) const = 0;
86  protected:
88  /// Impact factor of this constraint.
89  Scalar impact_ = Scalar(0);
90 };
92 /**
93  * This class implements a structure constraint.
94  * @ingroup cvsynthesis
95  */
96 class OCEAN_CV_SYNTHESIS_EXPORT StructureConstraint : public Constraint
97 {
98  public:
100  /**
101  * Creates a new structure constraint object.
102  * @param impact The impact factor, with range [0, infinity)
103  * @param radius Impact radius of this constraint, with range (0, infinity)
104  */
105  inline explicit StructureConstraint(const Scalar impact, const Scalar radius);
107  /**
108  * Returns the radius of this constraint.
109  * @return Impact radius
110  */
111  inline Scalar radius() const;
113  /**
114  * Returns the weight of this constraint according to a given point.
115  * @param point The point to determine the weight for
116  * @return Resulting weight
117  */
118  virtual Scalar weight(const Vector2& point) const = 0;
120  protected:
122  /// Impact radius of this structure constraint.
123  Scalar radius_ = Scalar(0);
125  /// Radius parameter of this constraint: 1 / (1/4 * radius)
126  Scalar radiusParameter_ = Scalar(0);
127 };
129 /**
130  * This class implement a line constraint.
131  * @ingroup cvsynthesis
132  */
133 class OCEAN_CV_SYNTHESIS_EXPORT LineConstraint : public StructureConstraint
134 {
135  public:
137  /**
138  * Creates a new line constraint object for infinite lines.
139  * @param point0 First point of the infinite line
140  * @param point1 Second point of the infinite line
141  * @param impact The impact factor, with range [0, infinity)
142  * @param radius Impact radius of this constraint, with range (0, infinity)
143  */
144  inline LineConstraint(const Vector2& point0, const Vector2& point1, const Scalar impact, const Scalar radius);
146  /**
147  * Creates a new finite line constraint object by an already defined one.
148  * @param constraint Finite line constraint
149  * @param scale The scale factor to be applied
150  */
151  inline LineConstraint(const LineConstraint& constraint, const Scalar scale);
153  /**
154  * Returns the first point of this line.
155  * @return First point
156  */
157  inline const Vector2& point0() const;
159  /**
160  * Returns the second point of this line.
161  * @return First point
162  */
163  inline const Vector2& point1() const;
165  /**
166  * Returns the weight of this constraint according to a given point.
167  * @see StructureConstraint::weight().
168  */
169  Scalar weight(const Vector2& point) const override;
171  /**
172  * Returns the cost for a given for two given points.
173  * @see Constraint::cost().
174  */
175  Scalar cost(const Vector2& inside, const Vector2& outside) const override;
177  /**
178  * Returns the distance between a given point and this infinite line.
179  * @param point The point to determine the distance for
180  * @return Resulting distance
181  */
182  inline Scalar infiniteLineDistance(const Vector2& point) const;
184  /**
185  * Returns the weight of this constraint according to a given distance.
186  * @param distance Already determined distance of an arbitrary point
187  * @return Determined weight
188  */
189  inline Scalar weight(const Scalar distance) const;
191  protected:
193  /**
194  * Creates a copy of this constraint by an optional scale parameter.
195  * @see Constraint::copy().
196  */
197  std::unique_ptr<Constraint> copy(const Scalar scale = 1) const override;
199  protected:
201  /// First point of the line.
204  /// Second point of the line.
207  /// Normal (x, y) and distance (z) of the line.
209 };
211 /**
212  * This class implements a finite line constraint.
213  * @ingroup cvsynthesis
214  */
215 class OCEAN_CV_SYNTHESIS_EXPORT FiniteLineConstraint : public LineConstraint
216 {
217  public:
219  /**
220  * Creates a new finite line constraint object.
221  * @param point0 First point of the infinite line
222  * @param point1 Second point of the infinite line
223  * @param impact The impact factor, with range [0, infinity)
224  * @param radius Impact radius of this constraint, with range (0, infinity)
225  * @param penalty The penalty value if the point is outside the finite line
226  * @param finite0 State to finite the line at the first point
227  * @param finite1 State to finite the line at the second point
228  */
229  inline FiniteLineConstraint(const Vector2& point0, const Vector2& point1, const Scalar impact, const Scalar radius, const Scalar penalty, const bool finite0, const bool finite1);
231  /**
232  * Creates a new finite line constraint object by an already defined one.
233  * @param constraint Finite line constraint
234  * @param scale The scale factor to be applied
235  */
236  inline FiniteLineConstraint(const FiniteLineConstraint& constraint, const Scalar scale);
238  /**
239  * Returns the penalty factor of this line constraint.
240  * @return Penalty factor
241  */
242  inline Scalar penalty() const;
244  /**
245  * Returns the finite state of the first point.
246  * @return True, if the line is finite at the first point
247  */
248  inline bool finite0() const;
250  /**
251  * Returns the finite state of the second point.
252  * @return True, if the line is finite at the second point
253  */
254  inline bool finite1() const;
256  /**
257  * Returns the weight of this constraint according to a given point.
258  * @see StructureConstraint::weight().
259  */
260  Scalar weight(const Vector2& point) const override;
262  /**
263  * Returns the cost for a given for two given points.
264  * @see Constraint::cost().
265  */
266  Scalar cost(const Vector2& inside, const Vector2& outside) const override;
268  /**
269  * Returns the distance between a given point and this infinite line.
270  * @param point The point to determine the distance for
271  * @return Resulting distance
272  */
273  inline Scalar finiteLineDistance(const Vector2& point) const;
275  /**
276  * Creates a copy of this constraint by an optional scale parameter.
277  * @see Constraint::copy().
278  */
279  std::unique_ptr<Constraint> copy(const Scalar scale = 1) const override;
281  protected:
283  /// Offset vector between the first and the second point.
286  /// Square length of the offset vector.
287  Scalar offsetSquare_ = Scalar(-1);
289  /// Penalty value.
290  Scalar penalty_ = Scalar(-1);
292  /// State to finite the line at the first point.
293  bool finite0_ = false;
295  /// State to finite the line at the second point.
296  bool finite1_ = false;
297 };
299 /**
300  * This class implements a container holding constraints.
301  * @ingroup cvsynthesis
302  */
303 class OCEAN_CV_SYNTHESIS_EXPORT Constraints
304 {
305  public:
307  /**
308  * Definition of a vector holding constraints.
309  */
310  typedef std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Constraint>> ConstraintsVector;
312  public:
314  /**
315  * Creates a new constraint container.
316  */
317  Constraints() = default;
319  /**
320  * Copy constructor.
321  * @param constraints The constraints to be copied
322  */
323  Constraints(const Constraints& constraints);
325  /**
326  * Default move constructor.
327  * @param constraints The constraints to be moved
328  */
329  Constraints(Constraints&& constraints) = default;
331  /**
332  * Copies a constraint container and applies an explicit scale factor.
333  * @param constraints The constraints to be copied
334  * @param scale The scale factor to be applied for each constraint to be copied, with range (0, infinity)
335  */
336  Constraints(const Constraints& constraints, const Scalar scale);
338  /**
339  * Destructs the constraint container.
340  */
341  ~Constraints() = default;
343  /**
344  * Adds a new constraint.
345  * The given constraint will be released by the container.
346  * @param constraint The constraint to be added
347  */
348  inline void addConstraint(std::unique_ptr<Constraint> constraint);
350  /**
351  * Returns the number of constraints.
352  * The number of constraints
353  */
354  inline size_t size() const;
356  /**
357  * Initializes the constraint decisions.
358  * @param mask The mask to create the decisions for, must be valid
359  * @param width The width of the mask in pixel
360  * @param height The height of the mask in pixel
361  * @param maskPaddingElements The number of padding elements at the end of each mask row, in elements, with range [0, infinity)
362  */
363  void initializeDecisions(const uint8_t* mask, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int maskPaddingElements) const;
365  /**
366  * Returns the cost for one inside point and one outside point.
367  * @param insideX Horizontal inside position
368  * @param insideY Vertical inside position
369  * @param outside The outside point
370  * @return Resulting cost
371  */
372  inline Scalar cost(const unsigned int insideX, const unsigned int insideY, const Vector2& outside) const;
374  /**
375  * Returns the cost for one inside point and one outside point.
376  * @param insideX Horizontal inside position
377  * @param insideY Vertical inside position
378  * @param outsideX Horizontal outside point
379  * @param outsideY Vertical outside point
380  * @return Resulting cost
381  */
382  inline Scalar cost(const unsigned int insideX, const unsigned int insideY, const unsigned int outsideX, const unsigned int outsideY) const;
384  /**
385  * Returns whether this container does not hold any constraint.
386  * @return True, if so
387  */
388  inline bool isEmpty() const;
390  /**
391  * Returns whether this container holds at least one constraint.
392  * @return True, if so
393  */
394  explicit inline operator bool() const;
396  /**
397  * Default move operator.
398  * @param constraints The constraints to be moved
399  * @return Reference to this object
400  */
401  Constraints& operator=(Constraints&& constraints) = default;
403  private:
405  /**
406  * Disabled assign operator.
407  * @return Reference to this object
408  */
409  Constraints& operator=(const Constraints& constraints) = delete;
411  private:
413  /// Vector holding the internal constraints.
416  /// Decision frame.
418 };
420 inline Constraint::Constraint(const Scalar impact) :
421  impact_(impact)
422 {
423  ocean_assert(impact_ >= 0);
424 }
427 {
428  return impact_;
429 }
431 inline StructureConstraint::StructureConstraint(const Scalar impact, const Scalar radius) :
432  Constraint(impact),
433  radius_(radius),
434  radiusParameter_(1 / (radius * Scalar(0.25)))
435 {
436  // nothing to do here
437 }
440 {
441  return radius_;
442 }
444 inline LineConstraint::LineConstraint(const Vector2& point0, const Vector2& point1, const Scalar impact, const Scalar radius) :
445  StructureConstraint(impact, radius),
446  point0_(point0),
447  point1_(point1)
448 {
449  ocean_assert(point0 != point1);
450  const Vector2 direction(point1 - point0);
452  const Scalar length = direction.length();
453  ocean_assert(Numeric::isNotEqualEps(length));
455  const Vector2 normal = direction.perpendicular() / length;
456  ocean_assert(Numeric::isEqual(normal.length(), 1));
458  const Scalar distance = normal * point0_;
460  parameter_ = Vector3(normal, -distance);
461 }
463 inline LineConstraint::LineConstraint(const LineConstraint& constraint, const Scalar scale) :
464  StructureConstraint(constraint.impact(), constraint.radius() * scale),
465  point0_(constraint.point0() * scale),
466  point1_(constraint.point1() * scale)
467 {
468  ocean_assert(point0_ != point1_);
469  const Vector2 direction(point1_ - point0_);
471  const Scalar length = direction.length();
472  ocean_assert(Numeric::isNotEqualEps(length));
474  const Vector2 normal = direction.perpendicular() / length;
475  ocean_assert(Numeric::isEqual(normal.length(), 1));
477  const Scalar distance = normal * point0_;
479  parameter_ = Vector3(normal, -distance);
480 }
482 inline const Vector2& LineConstraint::point0() const
483 {
484  return point0_;
485 }
487 inline const Vector2& LineConstraint::point1() const
488 {
489  return point1_;
490 }
493 {
494  // lineParameter * Vector3(point, 1);
495  return parameter_.x() * point.x() + parameter_.y() * point.y() + parameter_.z();
496 }
498 inline Scalar LineConstraint::weight(const Scalar distance) const
499 {
500  if (Numeric::abs(distance) > radius_)
501  {
502  return 0;
503  }
505  // impact * e ^ (-1/2 * (distance / (1/4 * radius)))
506  return impact_ * Numeric::exp(Scalar(-0.5) * Numeric::sqr(distance * radiusParameter_));
507 }
509 inline FiniteLineConstraint::FiniteLineConstraint(const Vector2& point0, const Vector2& point1, const Scalar impact, const Scalar radius, const Scalar penalty, const bool finite0, const bool finite1) :
510  LineConstraint(point0, point1, impact, radius),
511  offset_(point1 - point0),
512  offsetSquare_(offset_.sqr()),
513  penalty_(penalty),
514  finite0_(finite0),
515  finite1_(finite1)
516 {
517  // nothing to do here
518 }
521  LineConstraint(constraint.point0() * scale, constraint.point1() * scale, constraint.impact(), max(Scalar(2), constraint.radius() * scale)),
522  offset_((constraint.point1() - constraint.point0()) * scale),
523  offsetSquare_(offset_.sqr()),
524  penalty_(constraint.penalty() * scale),
525  finite0_(constraint.finite0_),
526  finite1_(constraint.finite1_)
527 {
528  // nothing to do here
529 }
532 {
533  return penalty_;
534 }
536 inline bool FiniteLineConstraint::finite0() const
537 {
538  return finite0_;
539 }
541 inline bool FiniteLineConstraint::finite1() const
542 {
543  return finite1_;
544 }
547 {
548  if (!finite0_ && !finite1_)
549  {
551  }
553  const Scalar product = offset_ * (point - point0_);
554  return ((finite0_ && product < 0) || (finite1_ && product > offsetSquare_)) ? penalty_ : LineConstraint::infiniteLineDistance(point);
555 }
557 inline void Constraints::addConstraint(std::unique_ptr<Constraint> constraint)
558 {
559  constraints_.emplace_back(std::move(constraint));
560 }
562 inline size_t Constraints::size() const
563 {
564  return constraints_.size();
565 }
567 inline Scalar Constraints::cost(const unsigned int insideX, const unsigned int insideY, const Vector2& outside) const
568 {
569  ocean_assert(decisionFrame_.isValid());
571  ocean_assert(insideX < decisionFrame_.width());
572  ocean_assert(insideY < decisionFrame_.height());
574  const uint8_t decision = decisionFrame_.constpixel<uint8_t>(insideX, insideY)[0];
576  if (decision == 0xFFu)
577  {
578  return 0;
579  }
581  ocean_assert((size_t)decision < constraints_.size());
583  return constraints_[decision]->cost(Vector2(Scalar(insideX), Scalar(insideY)), outside);
584 }
586 inline Scalar Constraints::cost(const unsigned int insideX, const unsigned int insideY, const unsigned int outsideX, const unsigned int outsideY) const
587 {
588  return cost(insideX, insideY, Vector2(Scalar(outsideX), Scalar(outsideY)));
589 }
591 inline bool Constraints::isEmpty() const
592 {
593  return constraints_.empty();
594 }
596 inline Constraints::operator bool() const
597 {
598  return !constraints_.empty();
599 }
601 }
603 }
605 }
This class is the base class for all constraints.
Definition: Constraint.h:34
virtual std::unique_ptr< Constraint > copy(const Scalar scale=Scalar(1)) const =0
Creates a copy of this constraint by an optional scale parameter.
Creates an empty constraint.
virtual Scalar cost(const Vector2 &inside, const Vector2 &outside) const =0
Returns the cost for a given for two given points.
virtual ~Constraint()=default
Destructs this constraint.
virtual Scalar weight(const Vector2 &point) const =0
Returns the weight of this constraint according to a given point.
Scalar impact() const
Returns the impact factor of this constraint.
Definition: Constraint.h:426
Scalar impact_
Impact factor of this constraint.
Definition: Constraint.h:89
This class implements a container holding constraints.
Definition: Constraint.h:304
void initializeDecisions(const uint8_t *mask, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int maskPaddingElements) const
Initializes the constraint decisions.
Frame decisionFrame_
Decision frame.
Definition: Constraint.h:417
Constraints(const Constraints &constraints)
Copy constructor.
ConstraintsVector constraints_
Vector holding the internal constraints.
Definition: Constraint.h:414
void addConstraint(std::unique_ptr< Constraint > constraint)
Adds a new constraint.
Definition: Constraint.h:557
size_t size() const
Returns the number of constraints.
Definition: Constraint.h:562
Constraints & operator=(const Constraints &constraints)=delete
Disabled assign operator.
Destructs the constraint container.
Constraints(const Constraints &constraints, const Scalar scale)
Copies a constraint container and applies an explicit scale factor.
Creates a new constraint container.
Constraints & operator=(Constraints &&constraints)=default
Default move operator.
Constraints(Constraints &&constraints)=default
Default move constructor.
Scalar cost(const unsigned int insideX, const unsigned int insideY, const Vector2 &outside) const
Returns the cost for one inside point and one outside point.
Definition: Constraint.h:567
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Constraint > > ConstraintsVector
Definition of a vector holding constraints.
Definition: Constraint.h:310
bool isEmpty() const
Returns whether this container does not hold any constraint.
Definition: Constraint.h:591
This class implements a finite line constraint.
Definition: Constraint.h:216
Scalar penalty() const
Returns the penalty factor of this line constraint.
Definition: Constraint.h:531
FiniteLineConstraint(const Vector2 &point0, const Vector2 &point1, const Scalar impact, const Scalar radius, const Scalar penalty, const bool finite0, const bool finite1)
Creates a new finite line constraint object.
Definition: Constraint.h:509
std::unique_ptr< Constraint > copy(const Scalar scale=1) const override
Creates a copy of this constraint by an optional scale parameter.
Scalar offsetSquare_
Square length of the offset vector.
Definition: Constraint.h:287
Vector2 offset_
Offset vector between the first and the second point.
Definition: Constraint.h:284
Scalar penalty_
Penalty value.
Definition: Constraint.h:290
bool finite1_
State to finite the line at the second point.
Definition: Constraint.h:296
Scalar weight(const Vector2 &point) const override
Returns the weight of this constraint according to a given point.
bool finite1() const
Returns the finite state of the second point.
Definition: Constraint.h:541
bool finite0() const
Returns the finite state of the first point.
Definition: Constraint.h:536
Scalar cost(const Vector2 &inside, const Vector2 &outside) const override
Returns the cost for a given for two given points.
Scalar finiteLineDistance(const Vector2 &point) const
Returns the distance between a given point and this infinite line.
Definition: Constraint.h:546
bool finite0_
State to finite the line at the first point.
Definition: Constraint.h:293
This class implement a line constraint.
Definition: Constraint.h:134
LineConstraint(const Vector2 &point0, const Vector2 &point1, const Scalar impact, const Scalar radius)
Creates a new line constraint object for infinite lines.
Definition: Constraint.h:444
const Vector2 & point0() const
Returns the first point of this line.
Definition: Constraint.h:482
Vector3 parameter_
Normal (x, y) and distance (z) of the line.
Definition: Constraint.h:208
Scalar infiniteLineDistance(const Vector2 &point) const
Returns the distance between a given point and this infinite line.
Definition: Constraint.h:492
Scalar weight(const Vector2 &point) const override
Returns the weight of this constraint according to a given point.
Scalar cost(const Vector2 &inside, const Vector2 &outside) const override
Returns the cost for a given for two given points.
Vector2 point1_
Second point of the line.
Definition: Constraint.h:205
Vector2 point0_
First point of the line.
Definition: Constraint.h:202
const Vector2 & point1() const
Returns the second point of this line.
Definition: Constraint.h:487
std::unique_ptr< Constraint > copy(const Scalar scale=1) const override
Creates a copy of this constraint by an optional scale parameter.
This class implements a structure constraint.
Definition: Constraint.h:97
Scalar radius_
Impact radius of this structure constraint.
Definition: Constraint.h:123
Scalar radiusParameter_
Radius parameter of this constraint: 1 / (1/4 * radius)
Definition: Constraint.h:126
Scalar radius() const
Returns the radius of this constraint.
Definition: Constraint.h:439
StructureConstraint(const Scalar impact, const Scalar radius)
Creates a new structure constraint object.
Definition: Constraint.h:431
virtual Scalar weight(const Vector2 &point) const =0
Returns the weight of this constraint according to a given point.
This class implements Ocean's image class.
Definition: Frame.h:1760
bool isValid() const
Returns whether this frame is valid.
Definition: Frame.h:4416
const T * constpixel(const unsigned int x, const unsigned int y, const unsigned int planeIndex=0u) const
Returns the pointer to the constant data of a specific pixel.
Definition: Frame.h:4218
unsigned int width() const
Returns the width of the frame format in pixel.
Definition: Frame.h:3111
unsigned int height() const
Returns the height of the frame in pixel.
Definition: Frame.h:3116
static T exp(const T value)
Returns the base-e exponential function of a given value.
Definition: Numeric.h:1643
static T abs(const T value)
Returns the absolute value of a given value.
Definition: Numeric.h:1220
static bool isEqual(const T first, const T second)
Returns whether two values are equal up to a small epsilon.
Definition: Numeric.h:2386
static constexpr T sqr(const T value)
Returns the square of a given value.
Definition: Numeric.h:1495
static constexpr bool isNotEqualEps(const T value)
Returns whether a value is not smaller than or equal to a small epsilon.
Definition: Numeric.h:2237
const T & x() const noexcept
Returns the x value.
Definition: Vector2.h:698
const T & y() const noexcept
Returns the y value.
Definition: Vector2.h:710
T length() const
Returns the length of the vector.
Definition: Vector2.h:615
VectorT2< T > perpendicular() const
Returns a vector perpendicular to this vectors.
Definition: Vector2.h:550
const T & y() const noexcept
Returns the y value.
Definition: Vector3.h:812
const T & x() const noexcept
Returns the x value.
Definition: Vector3.h:800
const T & z() const noexcept
Returns the z value.
Definition: Vector3.h:824
unsigned int sqr(const char value)
Returns the square value of a given value.
Definition: base/Utilities.h:1029
float Scalar
Definition of a scalar type.
Definition: Math.h:128
VectorT3< Scalar > Vector3
Definition of a 3D vector.
Definition: Vector3.h:22
VectorT2< Scalar > Vector2
Definition of a 2D vector.
Definition: Vector2.h:21
The namespace covering the entire Ocean framework.
Definition: Accessor.h:15