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Ocean::CV::Synthesis Namespace Reference

Namespace of the CV Synthesis library. More...

Data Structures

class  Constraint
 This class is the base class for all constraints. More...
class  Constraints
 This class implements a container holding constraints. More...
class  Creator
 This class implements the base class for all creators. More...
class  Creator1
 This class implements the base class for all creators that support mappings for one frame. More...
class  CreatorF
 This class is the base class for all creators that support mappings with float accuracy. More...
class  CreatorFrame
 This class implements the base class for all creator objects that create a resulting frame as output. More...
class  CreatorI
 This class is the base class for all creators that support mappings with integer accuracy. More...
class  CreatorInformationCost4NeighborhoodI1
 This class implements a creator that determines the mapping cost for a four neighborhood for mappings with integer accuracy. More...
class  CreatorInformationSpatialCostI1
 This class implements a creator object that creates a visual representation of the spatial mapping cost. More...
class  CreatorInpaintingContentF1
 This class implements a creator object that creates the final synthesis image for a mapping with float accuracy and a mapping within the same frame. More...
class  CreatorInpaintingContentI1
 This class implements a creator object that creates the final synthesis image for a mapping with float accuracy and a mapping within the same frame. More...
class  CreatorSubset
 This class implements a creator that can be distributed to subsets of the synthesis layer. More...
class  FiniteLineConstraint
 This class implements a finite line constraint. More...
class  Initializer
 This class implements the base class for all synthesis initializers. More...
class  Initializer1
 This class is the base class for all initializers that are provided for a single frame only. More...
class  InitializerAppearanceMapping
 This class implements the abstract base class for all appearance initializers. More...
class  InitializerAppearanceMappingAreaConstrainedI1
 This class implements an initializer that uses appearance constraints for the mapping and further respects a filter that defines undesired source elements. More...
class  InitializerAppearanceMappingF1
 This class implements an initializer that initializes the mapping by appearance constraints for mappings with float accuracy. More...
class  InitializerAppearanceMappingI1
 This class implements an initializer that initializes the mapping by appearance constraints for mappings with integer accuracy. More...
class  InitializerAreaConstrained
 This class implements a base class for all initializers basing on area constraints. More...
class  InitializerCoarserMappingAdaptionAreaConstrainedI1
 This initializer creates an initial mapping by the adaption of an already existing mapping of a coarser synthesis layer, further a filter that defines undesired source elements is respected during the initialization. More...
class  InitializerCoarserMappingAdaptionF1
 This initializer creates an initial mapping by the adaption of an already existing mapping of a coarser synthesis layer. More...
class  InitializerCoarserMappingAdaptionI1
 This initializer creates an initial mapping by the adaption of an already existing mapping of a coarser synthesis layer. More...
class  InitializerCoarserMappingAdaptionSpatialCostMaskI1
 This initializer creates an initial mapping by the adaption of an already existing mapping of a coarser synthesis layer and further creates an inpainting mask for the finer layer holding the information of initial mappings with zero spatial costs. More...
class  InitializerContourMappingI1
 This class implements an initializer connecting the inpainting contour. More...
class  InitializerConvertMappingF1
 This class implements an initializer that converts the mapping of a layer with integer mapping to a layer with float mapping. More...
class  InitializerCopyMappingI1
 This initializer simply copies an existing mapping. More...
class  InitializerF
 This class implements the base class for all initializer objects that are applied for mappings with float accuracy. More...
class  InitializerHomographyMappingAdaptionF1
 This class implements an initializer that initializes the float mapping by the application of a previous mapping with corresponding homography. More...
class  InitializerI
 This class implements the base class for all initializer objects that are applied for mappings with integer accuracy. More...
class  InitializerMoveMappingI1
 This initializer undertakes an existing mapping by application of the move constructor. More...
class  InitializerRandomized
 This class is the base class for all initializers that mainly initialize the synthesis mapping by a heuristic (randomized) approach. More...
class  InitializerRandomMappingAreaConstrainedI1
 This initializer creates a random initial mapping and further respects a filter that defines undesired source elements. More...
class  InitializerRandomMappingI1
 This initializer creates a random initial mapping. More...
class  InitializerShrinkingErosionI1
 This class implements an initializer that initializes the mapping by shrinking the inpainting mask by an erosion filter. More...
class  InitializerShrinkingErosionRandomizedI1
 This class implements an initializer that initializes the mapping by shrinking the inpainting mask by a randomized erosion filter. More...
class  InitializerShrinkingPatchMatchingI1
 This class implements an initializer that shrinks the inpainting mask by the application of images patches. More...
class  InitializerSubset
 This class is the base class for all initializer objects that can separate the initialization process into individual subsets (of the mapping area). More...
class  Layer
 This class implements the base class for all inpainting layers. More...
class  LayerF
 This class implements the base class for all synthesis layers with float accuracy. More...
class  LayerF1
 This class implements a single layer for pixel synthesis within one frame and sub-pixel accuracy. More...
class  LayerI
 This class implements the base class for all synthesis layers with integer accuracy. More...
class  LayerI1
 This class implements a single layer for pixel synthesis within one frame and pixel accuracy. More...
class  LineConstraint
 This class implement a line constraint. More...
class  Mapping
 This class is the base class for all mappings. More...
class  MappingF
 This class implements a mapping with float accuracy. More...
class  MappingF1
 Cost function: More...
class  MappingI
 This class implements a mapping with integer accuracy. More...
class  MappingI1
 This class implements the pixel mapping between source and target frames. More...
class  MappingI2
 This class implements the pixel mapping between source and target frames. More...
class  Operator
 This class is the base class for all image synthesis operators. More...
class  Optimizer
 This class is the base class for all synthesis optimizers. More...
class  Optimizer1
 This class implements the base class for all synthesis optimizers that use one single frame. More...
class  Optimizer4NeighborhoodAreaConstrainedI1
 This optimizer uses a frame that defines undesired source elements that are avoided during the optimization. More...
class  Optimizer4NeighborhoodHighPerformanceF1
 This class implements a high performance mapping optimizer for float mappings that use one single frame. More...
class  Optimizer4NeighborhoodHighPerformanceI1
 This class implements a high performance mapping optimizer for integer mappings that use one single frame. More...
class  Optimizer4NeighborhoodHighPerformanceSkippingByCostMaskI1
 This class implements a high performance mapping optimizer for integer mappings. More...
class  Optimizer4NeighborhoodHighPerformanceSkippingI1
 This class implements a high performance mapping optimizer for integer mappings. More...
class  Optimizer4NeighborhoodReferenceFrameF1
 This class implements an optimizer for a mapping with float accuracy that uses a reference frame as additional optimization constraint. More...
class  Optimizer4NeighborhoodStructuralConstrainedI1
 This class implements a constrained mapping optimizer for integer mappings. More...
class  OptimizerF
 This class is the base class for all optimizers that use a mapping with float accuracy. More...
class  OptimizerI
 This class is the base class for all optimizers that use a mapping with integer accuracy. More...
class  OptimizerSubset
 This class is the base class for all optimizers that are able to optimize seperate subsets of the synthesis content. More...
class  StructureConstraint
 This class implements a structure constraint. More...
class  SynthesisPyramid
 This class implements the base class for all synthesis pyramids. More...
class  SynthesisPyramidF1
 This class implements the main pixel synthesis object holding several synthesis pyramid layers. More...
class  SynthesisPyramidI1
 This class implements the main pixel synthesis object holding several synthesis pyramid layers for one-frame synthesis. More...


typedef std::vector< LayerF1LayersF1
 Definition of a vector holding one-frame sub-pixel layer objects.
typedef std::vector< LayerI1LayersI1
 Definition of a vector holding one-frame pixel layer objects.

Detailed Description

Namespace of the CV Synthesis library.

The Namespace Ocean::CV::Synthesis is used in the entire Ocean CV Synthesis Library.