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Video Input

PyTouch provides a video handler class which loads videos obtained from sensors.

It allows for some basic functionality such as:

  • Resizing video
  • Video information (frame position, and total frame count)
  • Stepping through the video by consecutive frames
  • Skipping frames or extract specific frames


An example is shown below on the usage of VideoHandler

from pytouch.handlers import VideoHandler
my_video = VideoHandler("/path/to/video.mp4")

Consecutive frames from the video can be obtained by,

# Both frame and curent frame position are returned
frame, pos = my_video.get_frame()

The frame information can be queried and frame position set,

current_frame, total_frames = my_video.frame
skip_frames = 10
next_frame = current_frame + skip_frames
if next_frame <= total_frames:

The video can be resized to return frames with a custom (Width, Height),

new_width = 64
new_height = 64
my_video = VideoHandler("/path/to/video.mp4", resize=(new_width, new_height))