
Source code for

# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from dataclasses import replace
from enum import Enum
from functools import partial
from typing import Any, Iterable, List, Mapping, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union

import torch

from ..common import get_xformers_operator, register_operator
from . import attn_bias
from .attn_bias import (
from .common import (

def _minimum_gemm_alignment(inp: Inputs) -> int:
    return 1

def _get_seqlen_info(
    inp: Inputs,
) -> Tuple[Optional[torch.Tensor], Optional[torch.Tensor], int]:
    attn_bias = inp.attn_bias
    if isinstance(
        attn_bias, (BlockDiagonalMask, BlockDiagonalCausalWithOffsetPaddedKeysMask)
        seqstart_k = attn_bias.k_seqinfo.seqstart
        seqstart_q = attn_bias.q_seqinfo.seqstart
        max_seqlen_q = attn_bias.q_seqinfo.max_seqlen
        seqstart_k = None
        seqstart_q = None
        max_seqlen_q = -1

    return (

def _get_tensor_bias(
    attn_bias: Optional[Union[torch.Tensor, AttentionBias]]
) -> Optional[torch.Tensor]:
    if isinstance(attn_bias, torch.Tensor):
        return attn_bias
    elif isinstance(attn_bias, LowerTriangularMaskWithTensorBias):
        return attn_bias._bias
    return None

def _check_bias_alignment(
    reasons: List[str], attn_bias: Optional[Union[torch.Tensor, AttentionBias]]
) -> None:
    attn_bias_tensor = _get_tensor_bias(attn_bias)
    if attn_bias_tensor is not None:
        alignment = 128 // torch.finfo(attn_bias_tensor.dtype).bits
        show_padding_hint = False
        for d in range(attn_bias_tensor.ndim - 1):
            if attn_bias_tensor.stride(d) % alignment != 0:
                    f"attn_bias.stride(-2) % {alignment} != 0 (attn_bias.stride() = {attn_bias_tensor.stride()})"
                show_padding_hint = True
        if show_padding_hint:
HINT: To use an `attn_bias` with a sequence length that is not a multiple of 8, \
you need to ensure memory is aligned by slicing a bigger tensor. \
Example: use `attn_bias = torch.zeros([1, 1, 5, 8])[:,:,:,:5]` instead of `torch.zeros([1, 1, 5, 5])`"""
        # We can have stride=0 sometimes if dimension=1
        if attn_bias_tensor.stride(-1) > 1:
                f"attn_bias.stride(-1) > 1 (attn_bias.stride() = {attn_bias_tensor.stride()}) - "
                "you should call `.contiguous()` on the bias"

def _check_large_shapes(reasons: List[str], inp: Inputs) -> None:
    """CK kernel throws "Memory access fault by GPU node-2" when B * T >= 2**20, might be some index overflow.
    To reproduce, remove this function and run benchmark_mem_eff_attention with ParlAI model shape (256, 4096, 16, 64).
    This needs further debugging, for now let's not support such shapes.
    b_t_limit = 1024**2
    q_too_large = inp.query.shape[0] * inp.query.shape[1] >= b_t_limit
    k_too_large = inp.key.shape[0] * inp.key.shape[1] >= b_t_limit
    v_too_large = inp.value.shape[0] * inp.value.shape[1] >= b_t_limit
    if q_too_large or k_too_large or v_too_large:
            "Input is too large: product of first two dimensions of q/k/v must be < 2**20"

class _CustomMaskType(int, Enum):
    (Matches CustomMaskType in C++.)

    NoCustomMask = 0
    CausalFromTopLeft = 1
    CausalFromBottomRight = 2

def _custom_mask_type(bias: Optional[Union[torch.Tensor, AttentionBias]]) -> int:
    if isinstance(
        return int(_CustomMaskType.CausalFromTopLeft)
    if isinstance(
        return int(_CustomMaskType.CausalFromBottomRight)
    return int(_CustomMaskType.NoCustomMask)

[docs]@register_operator class FwOp(AttentionFwOpBase): """xFormers' MHA kernel based on Composable Kernel.""" OPERATOR = get_xformers_operator("efficient_attention_forward_ck") SUPPORTED_DEVICES: Set[str] = {"cuda"} SUPPORTED_DTYPES: Set[torch.dtype] = {torch.half, torch.bfloat16} SUPPORTED_MAX_K = 256 SUPPORTED_ATTN_BIAS_TYPES: Iterable[Any] = ( type(None), torch.Tensor, LowerTriangularMask, LowerTriangularFromBottomRightMask, LowerTriangularFromBottomRightLocalAttentionMask, LowerTriangularMaskWithTensorBias, BlockDiagonalMask, BlockDiagonalCausalMask, BlockDiagonalCausalWithOffsetPaddedKeysMask, attn_bias.BlockDiagonalCausalFromBottomRightMask, attn_bias.BlockDiagonalCausalLocalAttentionMask, BlockDiagonalCausalLocalAttentionFromBottomRightMask, ) SUPPORTS_DROPOUT = False SUPPORTS_CUSTOM_SCALE = True SUPPORTS_DIFFERENT_VALUE_EMBED = True SUPPORTS_BMGHK = True NAME = "ckF" ERROR_ATOL: Mapping[torch.dtype, float] = { torch.float: 3e-4, torch.half: 4e-3, torch.bfloat16: 2.8e-2, } ERROR_RTOL: Mapping[torch.dtype, float] = { torch.float: 2e-5, torch.half: 4e-4, torch.bfloat16: 2e-2, } _TEST_K: List[int] = [ 32, # 64x64 kernel 128, # 64x128 kernel 256, # 64x128 with accumulation in gmem ] @classmethod def apply( cls, inp: Inputs, needs_gradient: bool ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, Optional[Context]]: if type(inp.attn_bias) not in FwOp.SUPPORTED_ATTN_BIAS_TYPES: raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported attn_bias type") if inp.query.ndim in [3, 4]: return cls.apply_bmhk(inp, needs_gradient=needs_gradient) assert inp.query.ndim == 5, f"query has shape {inp.query.shape}" ctx: Optional[Context] = None # XXX: Hackfix for BMGHK with H=1 # In that case we don't want to run G different streams because it adds # some overhead if inp.query.ndim == 5 and inp.query.shape[3] == 1: slice_op = partial(torch.squeeze, dim=3) inp = replace( inp, query=slice_op(inp.query), key=slice_op(inp.key), value=slice_op(inp.value), attn_bias=_attn_bias_apply( inp.attn_bias, partial(torch.squeeze, dim=2) ), ) out, ctx = cls.apply_bmhk(inp, needs_gradient=needs_gradient) out = out.unsqueeze(3) if ctx is not None: ctx = replace(ctx, lse=ctx.lse.unsqueeze(1), out=out) return out, ctx # Workaround until this is properly implemented in C++ # run each head group in a different stream n_groups = inp.key.shape[2] main_stream = torch.cuda.current_stream() streams = [main_stream] + [ torch.cuda.Stream(device=inp.query.device) for _ in range(n_groups - 1) ] outs = [] for group, stream in enumerate(streams): stream.wait_stream(main_stream) with query = inp.query[:, :, group] key = inp.key[:, :, group] value = inp.value[:, :, group] bias = _attn_bias_apply( inp.attn_bias, partial(, dim=1, index=group) ) outs.append( cls.apply_bmhk( replace(inp, query=query, key=key, value=value, attn_bias=bias), needs_gradient=needs_gradient, ) ) for s in streams[1:]: main_stream.wait_stream(s) out = torch.stack([o[0] for o in outs], dim=2) if needs_gradient: ctx = Context( out=out, lse=torch.stack([o[1].lse for o in outs], dim=1), # type: ignore op_bw=outs[0][1].op_bw, # type: ignore ) return out, ctx @classmethod def apply_bmhk( cls, inp: Inputs, needs_gradient: bool ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, Optional[Context]]: if type(inp.attn_bias) not in FwOp.SUPPORTED_ATTN_BIAS_TYPES: raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported attn_bias type") seqstart_k, seqstart_q, max_seqlen_q = _get_seqlen_info(inp) out, lse, rng_seed, rng_offset = cls.OPERATOR( query=inp.query, key=inp.key, value=inp.value, attn_bias=_get_tensor_bias(inp.attn_bias), seqstart_q=seqstart_q, seqstart_k=seqstart_k, max_seqlen_q=max_seqlen_q, dropout_p=inp.p, compute_logsumexp=needs_gradient, custom_mask_type=_custom_mask_type(inp.attn_bias), scale=inp.scale, seqlen_k=( inp.attn_bias.k_seqinfo.seqlen if isinstance( inp.attn_bias, BlockDiagonalCausalWithOffsetPaddedKeysMask ) else None ), window_size=( inp.attn_bias._window_size if isinstance( inp.attn_bias, ( BlockDiagonalCausalLocalAttentionMask, BlockDiagonalCausalLocalAttentionFromBottomRightMask, LowerTriangularFromBottomRightLocalAttentionMask, ), ) else None ), ) ctx: Optional[Context] = None if needs_gradient: ctx = Context( out=out, lse=lse, # cutlass forward is only compatible with cutlass backward if # dropout is used (because of the way RNG states are passed and the # way random numbers are generated during backward) op_bw=BwOp if inp.p != 0 else None, ) if inp.p != 0: ctx.rng_state = torch.tensor( [rng_seed, rng_offset], dtype=torch.int64, device="cpu" ) return out, ctx @classmethod def not_supported_reasons(cls, d: Inputs) -> List[str]: reasons = super(FwOp, cls).not_supported_reasons(d) matmul_alignment_mn = _minimum_gemm_alignment(d) check_lastdim_alignment_stride1(reasons, "query", d.query, matmul_alignment_mn) check_lastdim_alignment_stride1(reasons, "value", d.value, matmul_alignment_mn) _check_bias_alignment(reasons, d.attn_bias) _check_large_shapes(reasons, d) requires_grad = ( d.query.requires_grad or d.key.requires_grad or d.value.requires_grad ) if requires_grad: reasons.append("Gradience is currently not supported by ck-tiled!") return reasons @classmethod # type: ignore def operator_flop( cls, q, k, v, b, seqstart_q, seqstart_k, max_seqlen_q_, compute_lse, custom_mask_type, *a, ) -> int: return cls.attn_operator_flop( q, k, v, causal=custom_mask_type > 0, seqstart_k=seqstart_k, seqstart_q=seqstart_q, )
[docs]@register_operator class BwOp(AttentionBwOpBase): __doc__ = FwOp.__doc__ OPERATOR = get_xformers_operator("efficient_attention_backward_ck") SUPPORTED_DEVICES = FwOp.SUPPORTED_DEVICES SUPPORTED_DTYPES = FwOp.SUPPORTED_DTYPES SUPPORTED_MAX_K = FwOp.SUPPORTED_MAX_K SUPPORTED_ATTN_BIAS_TYPES: Iterable[Any] = ( type(None), torch.Tensor, LowerTriangularMask, # LowerTriangularFromBottomRightMask, # TODO: Still some infs/nans in the BW pass for # local + causal # LowerTriangularFromBottomRightLocalAttentionMask, # TODO: Fix handling of gradient through the fMHA autograd function # LowerTriangularMaskWithTensorBias, BlockDiagonalMask, BlockDiagonalCausalMask, attn_bias.BlockDiagonalCausalFromBottomRightMask, # attn_bias.BlockDiagonalCausalLocalAttentionMask, ) SUPPORTS_ATTN_BIAS_GRAD = True SUPPORTS_DROPOUT = FwOp.SUPPORTS_DROPOUT SUPPORTS_CUSTOM_SCALE = FwOp.SUPPORTS_CUSTOM_SCALE SUPPORTS_DIFFERENT_VALUE_EMBED = FwOp.SUPPORTS_DIFFERENT_VALUE_EMBED NAME = "ckB" _TEST_K: List[int] = [ 32, # 64x64 kernel 128, # 64x128/128x128 kernel 256, # 64x128 with accumulation in gmem ] @classmethod def not_supported_reasons(cls, d: Inputs) -> List[str]: reasons = super(BwOp, cls).not_supported_reasons(d) matmul_alignment_mn = _minimum_gemm_alignment(d) check_lastdim_alignment_stride1(reasons, "query", d.query, matmul_alignment_mn) check_lastdim_alignment_stride1(reasons, "key", d.key, matmul_alignment_mn) check_lastdim_alignment_stride1(reasons, "value", d.value, matmul_alignment_mn) _check_bias_alignment(reasons, d.attn_bias) attn_bias_tensor = _get_tensor_bias(d.attn_bias) # Backprop of gradient through broadcasted bias is not supported if attn_bias_tensor is not None and attn_bias_tensor.requires_grad: # Don't forget that inputs are either in BMK or BMHK! if d.query.ndim == 3 and attn_bias_tensor.ndim == 3: expected_bias_shape = (*d.query.shape[:2], d.key.shape[1]) else: # bias is B H Mq Mk expected_bias_shape = ( d.query.shape[0], d.query.shape[2] if d.query.ndim == 4 else 1, d.query.shape[1], d.key.shape[1], ) if tuple(attn_bias_tensor.shape) != expected_bias_shape: reasons.append( "Broadcasting the `attn_bias` tensor is not supported " f"(shape: {tuple(attn_bias_tensor.shape)}" f"/ expected: {expected_bias_shape})" ) _check_large_shapes(reasons, d) reasons.append("Backward is currently not supported by ck-tiled!") return reasons @classmethod def apply(cls, ctx: Context, inp: Inputs, grad: torch.Tensor) -> Gradients: if type(inp.attn_bias) not in BwOp.SUPPORTED_ATTN_BIAS_TYPES: raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported attn_bias type") seqstart_k, seqstart_q, max_seqlen_q = _get_seqlen_info(inp) dtype = inp.query.dtype rng_seed = rng_offset = 0 if inp.p != 0.0: if ( ctx.rng_state is None or ctx.rng_state.dtype != torch.int64 or ctx.rng_state.device.type != "cpu" or ctx.rng_state.shape != (2,) ): raise NotImplementedError(f"Invalid rng_state: {ctx.rng_state}") rng_seed, rng_offset = ctx.rng_state.tolist() (grad_q, grad_k, grad_v, grad_bias) = cls.OPERATOR(, inp.query, inp.key, inp.value, attn_bias=_get_tensor_bias(inp.attn_bias), seqstart_q=seqstart_q, seqstart_k=seqstart_k, max_seqlen_q=max_seqlen_q, seqlen_k=( inp.attn_bias.k_seqinfo.seqlen if isinstance( inp.attn_bias, BlockDiagonalCausalWithOffsetPaddedKeysMask ) else None ), logsumexp=ctx.lse,, dropout_p=inp.p, # if not using dropout, seed and offset are irrelevant but still expected # in function signature so just pass 0 # seed and offset could be None if a different FW op other than cutlass # was used. rng_seed=rng_seed, rng_offset=rng_offset, custom_mask_type=_custom_mask_type(inp.attn_bias), scale=inp.scale, ) # c++/CUDA implementation returns an uninitialized tensor if bias doesn't # require grad if not ( isinstance(inp.attn_bias, torch.Tensor) and inp.attn_bias.requires_grad ): grad_bias = None return Gradients(dq=grad_q, dk=grad_k, dv=grad_v, db=grad_bias) @classmethod # type: ignore def operator_flop( cls, dO, q, k, v, b, cu_seqlens_q, cu_seqlens_k, max_seqlen_q, max_seqlen_k, logsumexp, output, dropout_p, rng_seed, rng_offset, custom_mask_type, scale, ) -> int: return cls.attn_operator_flop( q, k, v, seqstart_q=cu_seqlens_q, seqstart_k=cu_seqlens_k, causal=custom_mask_type > 0, )