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File Structure

File Tags

VRS files contain file tags. File tags are a set of name/value pairs, both of which are text strings. File tags may be set to any text string, but VRS provides some tag conventions to represent a few common concepts in VRS.


VRS files contain multiple streams, each associated with a device type, defined by a RecordableTypeId enum value.

A subset of RecordableTypeId values represent generic devices, which we called «Recordable Class» IDs. «Recordable Class» IDs must be paired with «Recordable Flavor» values to identify a user-specific type of device or data contained in that stream.

A device type can also represent a virtual device, such as the output of a vision algorithm, or an event, such as a keyboard, mouse, or orientation event, that can be used to exercise code.

Stream Tags

Streams also have tags, which are also a set of name/value pairs, both of which are text strings. Stream tags may be set to any string value, but VRS provides some tag conventions for streams to represent a few common concepts.


Streams contain a time-sorted sequence of records. Records have the following metadata:

Timestamps are double type values that count the number of seconds from a point in time, such as EPOCH, boot time, or any other fixed point.


All records in a VRS file must use timestamps in the same time domain. VRS sorts the records in the file and in playback in that order. If your data has device-specific timestamps you need to keep, you must save those timestamps inside the records. Images and IMU samples may have their own device-specific timestamps.

Timestamps are double type values, to be compatible with how time is represented in the Oculus world. Frequently, devices such as cameras and IMUs use their own internal clocks or counters, which are not synchronized. Using the double type can now help distinguish VRS timestamps from device specific timestamps.


When recording audio, be aware that audio devices are de facto clocks; they produce data at a specific sample rate. If you use a system clock for your VRS records, that clock and your audio clock will drift. This will make it difficult to accurately synchronize audio data with your other data, especially images.

It’s reasonably easy to establish a correspondence between your system clock and the first audio sample when you start recording. After that, the count of the audio samples produced, divided by the sample rate, determines the actual duration of time as seen by the audio device, and that duration will not match the duration of time measured by your system clock. Ten minutes after that, your system clock and the audio clock will no longer be in sync and the gap will be visually noticeable.

Therefore, be extremely careful when trying to find which audio sample corresponds to a particular image. This is very challenging to accomplish and is seldom very accurate.