Class TransformerDecoderLayer

A layer of the Transformer decoder, as described by Vaswani et al, consisting of a masked multi-head self-attention layer, an unmasked multi-head cross-attention layer and a fully-connected feed forward network. All of these use residual connections and are normalised with LayerNorm.


  • Module
    • TransformerDecoderLayer


  • Parameters

    • dim: number

      Number of dimensions of the input embeddings

    • heads: number

      Number of heads for the multi-head attention

    • Optional attentionDim: number

      Number of dimensions of the embeddings used in the scaled dot-product attention, or dim if not specified

    • Optional feedForwardDim: number

      Number of dimensions in the hidden layer of the feed forward network, or dim if not specified

    Returns TransformerDecoderLayer


arguments: any
attentionDim: number
caller: Function
crossAttentionNorm: LayerNorm
dim: number
feedForwardDim: number
ff: FeedForward
ffNorm: LayerNorm
heads: number
length: number
maskedSelfAttention: TransformerMultiheadAttention
maskedSelfAttentionNorm: LayerNorm
name: string

Returns the name of the function. Function names are read-only and can not be changed.

prototype: any


  • Determines whether the given value inherits from this function if this function was used as a constructor function.

    A constructor function can control which objects are recognized as its instances by 'instanceof' by overriding this method.


    • value: any

    Returns boolean

  • Calls the function, substituting the specified object for the this value of the function, and the specified array for the arguments of the function.


    • this: Function
    • thisArg: any

      The object to be used as the this object.

    • Optional argArray: any

      A set of arguments to be passed to the function.

    Returns any

  • For a given function, creates a bound function that has the same body as the original function. The this object of the bound function is associated with the specified object, and has the specified initial parameters.


    • this: Function
    • thisArg: any

      An object to which the this keyword can refer inside the new function.

    • Rest ...argArray: any[]

      A list of arguments to be passed to the new function.

    Returns any

  • Calls a method of an object, substituting another object for the current object.


    • this: Function
    • thisArg: any

      The object to be used as the current object.

    • Rest ...argArray: any[]

      A list of arguments to be passed to the method.

    Returns any

  • Returns a string representation of a function.

    Returns string

  • Returns

    A Tensor mask of shape [sequenceLength, sequenceLength] where row $i$ should have 0s in positions up to $i$ and 1s everywhere else


    • sequenceLength: number

      Length of sequence for which the mask should be generated

    Returns Tensor

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