Source code for rlstructures.rl_batchers.agent

# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from rlstructures import DictTensor, TemporalDictTensor, Trajectories
import torch

[docs]class RL_Agent: """Defines an agent representing policies """ def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def require_history(self): """ If the function returns true, then the __call__ function will received a not None history argument """ return False
[docs] def initial_state(self, agent_info: DictTensor, B: int): """ Returns the initial internal state of the agent Args: agent_info (DictTensor): the agent_info used to reset the agent B (int): the number of single environments the agent has to deal with Note that agent_info.n_ellems()==B or agent_info.empty() Returns: DicTensor """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def update(self, info): """ Update the agent (e.g the model) """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def seed(self,seed): """ Use to choose the seed of the agent """ return None
def __call__( self, state: DictTensor, input: DictTensor, agent_info: DictTensor, history: TemporalDictTensor = None, ): """ Execute the agent for one step Args: state (DictTensor): the internal state of the agent at time t input (DictTensor): the observation coming from the environment agent_info (DictTensor): the agent_info value currently used history (TemporalDictTensor, optional): [description]. The history of the agent (if require_history() is True) Defaults to None. Returns: A pair (DictTensot,DictTensor): actions, new state """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def call_replay(self, trajectories: Trajectories, t: int, state): """ A default function used when replaying an agent over trajectories Args: trajectories (Trajectories): The trajectories on which one wants to replay the agent t (int): The current timestep in the trajectories state ([type]): The current state of the replay process (or None if t==0) Returns: [TemporalDictTensor]: All the actions and internal state of the agents during the trajectories """ assert not self.require_history() info = if state is None: assert t == 0 state = info.truncate_key("agent_state/") agent_info = info.truncate_key("agent_info/").to("cpu") tslice = trajectories.trajectories.temporal_index(t) observation = tslice.truncate_key("observation/") action, state = self.__call__(state, observation, agent_info, None) return action, state
[docs] def close(self): pass
[docs]class RL_Agent_CheckDevice(RL_Agent): """This class is used to check that an Agent is working correctly on a particular device It does not modify the behaviour of the agent, but check that input/output are on the right devices """ def __init__(self,agent,device): self.agent=agent self.device=device
[docs] def require_history(self): return self.agent.require_history()
[docs] def initial_state(self, agent_info: DictTensor, B: int): assert agent_info.empty() or agent_info.device()==torch.device("cpu"),"agent_info has to be on CPU" i=self.agent.initial_state(agent_info,B) assert i.empty() or i.device()==self.device,"[RL_CheckDeviceAgent] initial_state on wrong device" return i
[docs] def update(self, info): self.agent.update(info)
def __call__( self, state: DictTensor, input: DictTensor, agent_info: DictTensor, history: TemporalDictTensor = None, ): assert state.empty() or state.device()==self.device,"[RL_CheckDeviceAgent] state on wrong device" assert input.empty() or input.device()==self.device,"[RL_CheckDeviceAgent] input on wrong device" assert agent_info.empty() or agent_info.device()==torch.device("cpu"),"agent_info has to be on CPU" assert history is None or history.empty() or history.device()==self.device,"[RL_CheckDeviceAgent] history on wrong device" action,new_state=self.agent(state,input,agent_info,history) assert action.device()==self.device,"[RL_CheckDeviceAgent] action on wrong device" assert new_state.empty() or new_state.device()==self.device,"[RL_CheckDeviceAgent] new_state on wrong device" return action,new_state
[docs] def call_replay(self, trajectories: Trajectories, t: int, state): assert trajectories.device()==self.device,"[RL_CheckDeviceAgent] trajectories on wrong device" return self.agent.call_replay(trajectories,t,state)
[docs] def close(self): self.agent.close()
[docs]def replay_agent_stateless(agent, trajectories: Trajectories, replay_method_name: str): """ Replay transitions all in one returns a TDT """ f = getattr(agent, replay_method_name) return f(trajectories)
[docs]def replay_agent( agent, trajectories: Trajectories, replay_method_name: str = "call_replay" ): """ Replay transitions one by one in the temporal order, passing a state between each call returns a TDT """ T = trajectories.trajectories.lengths.max().item() f = getattr(agent, replay_method_name) output, state = f(trajectories, 0, None) variables = {} for k in output.keys(): s = output[k].size() t = torch.zeros(s[0], T, *s[1:], dtype=output[k].dtype).to( trajectories.device() ) t[:, 0] = output[k] variables[k] = t for t in range(1, T): output, state = f(trajectories, t, state) for k in output.keys(): variables[k][:, t] = output[k] tdt = TemporalDictTensor( variables, lengths=trajectories.trajectories.lengths.clone() ) return tdt