Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
3  *
4  * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5  * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
6  */
11 #include "ocean/platform/win/Win.h"
15 namespace Ocean
16 {
18 namespace Platform
19 {
21 namespace Win
22 {
24 /**
25  * This class implements keyboard functionalities.
26  * @ingroup platformwin
27  */
28 class OCEAN_PLATFORM_WIN_EXPORT Keyboard : Platform::Keyboard
29 {
30  public:
32  /**
33  * Translates a virtual key code to the corresponsing character key and key description.
34  * @param vKey Virtual key code to translate
35  * @param key Resulting key character or name
36  * @return True, if succeeded
37  */
38  static bool translateVirtualkey(const unsigned int vKey, std::string& key);
40  /**
41  * Returns whether all specified keys of the keyboard are currently pushed (down) or not.
42  * @param keys The keys for that the states are requested (may be a combination of several keys)
43  * @param synchron True, to request the state synchronously with the message queue; False, to request the state in the current moment
44  * @return True, if so; also True if no key is provided
45  */
46  static bool allKeysDown(const Key keys, const bool synchron = true);
48  /**
49  * Returns whether at least one key of the specified keys of the keyboard is currently pushed (down) or not.
50  * @param keys The keys for that the states are requested (may be a combination of several keys)
51  * @param synchron True, to request the state synchronously with the message queue; False, to request the state in the current moment
52  * @return True, if so; also True if no key is provided
53  */
54  static bool oneKeyDown(const Key keys, const bool synchron = true);
56  /**
57  * Returns wheater exactly one (specified key) is currently pushed (down) or not.
58  * @param key One unique key for that the state is requested, must not be a combination of several keys
59  * @param synchron True, to request the state synchronously with the message queue; False, to request the state in the current moment
60  * @return True, if so
61  */
62  static bool isKeyDown(const Key key, const bool synchron = true);
64  /**
65  * Returns the current key state for the shift, control and menu keys.
66  * This function does not distinguish between the left and a right key version.
67  * @return Current key state
68  */
69  static Key currentKeyState(const bool synchron = true);
71  protected:
73  /**
74  * Returns wheater exactly one (specified key) is currently pushed (down) or not.
75  * @param nVirtualKey The virtual key code for that the state is requested
76  * @param synchron True, to request the state synchronously with the message queue; False, to request the state in the current moment
77  * @return True, if so
78  */
79  static inline bool keyState(const int nVirtualKey, const bool synchron);
80 };
82 inline bool Keyboard::keyState(const int nVirtualKey, const bool synchron)
83 {
84  if (synchron)
85  {
86  // MSDN: If the high-order bit is 1, the key is down; otherwise, it is up
87  return (GetKeyState(nVirtualKey) & 0xF0) != 0;
88  }
89  else
90  {
91  return GetAsyncKeyState(nVirtualKey) != 0;
92  }
93 }
95 }
97 }
99 }
This class implements keyboard functionalities.
Definition: Keyboard.h:25
Definition of individual keyboard keys.
Definition: Keyboard.h:32
This class implements keyboard functionalities.
Definition: win/Keyboard.h:29
static bool keyState(const int nVirtualKey, const bool synchron)
Returns wheater exactly one (specified key) is currently pushed (down) or not.
Definition: win/Keyboard.h:82
static bool allKeysDown(const Key keys, const bool synchron=true)
Returns whether all specified keys of the keyboard are currently pushed (down) or not.
static bool oneKeyDown(const Key keys, const bool synchron=true)
Returns whether at least one key of the specified keys of the keyboard is currently pushed (down) or ...
static bool isKeyDown(const Key key, const bool synchron=true)
Returns wheater exactly one (specified key) is currently pushed (down) or not.
static Key currentKeyState(const bool synchron=true)
Returns the current key state for the shift, control and menu keys.
static bool translateVirtualkey(const unsigned int vKey, std::string &key)
Translates a virtual key code to the corresponsing character key and key description.
The namespace covering the entire Ocean framework.
Definition: Accessor.h:15