Ocean::Test::TestBase Namespace Reference

Namespace of the Base Test library. More...

Data Structures

class  TestBinary
 This class implements a test for the Binary class. More...
class  TestCallback
 This class implements a callback test. More...
class  TestCaller
 This class implements a caller test. More...
class  TestCommandArguments
 This class implements test for CommandArguments. More...
class  TestDataType
 This class implements a basic data type test. More...
class  TestDateTime
 This class implements a DateTime test. More...
class  TestFrame
 This class implements tests for the Frame class. More...
class  TestHashMap
 This class implements a hash map test. More...
class  TestHashSet
 This class implements a hash set test. More...
class  TestHighPerformanceTimer
 This class implements a test for the HighPerformanceTimer class. More...
class  TestHighPerformanceStatistic
 This class implements a test for the HighPerformanceStatistic class. More...
class  TestInheritance
 This class implements an inheritance test of classes. More...
class  TestKdTree
 This class implements a k-d tree test. More...
class  TestLock
 This class tests lock functions. More...
class  TestMedian
 This class implements a median test. More...
class  TestMemory
 This class implements a memory test. More...
class  TestMoveBehavior
 This class tests the move behavior of the underlying C++ std implementation. More...
class  TestRandomI
 This class implements a integer random test. More...
class  TestRingMap
 This class implement a test for the ring map class. More...
class  TestScopedFunction
 This class implement a test for the TestScopedFunction class. More...
class  TestScopedObject
 This class implement a test for the ScopedObject class. More...
class  TestSegmentUnion
 This class implement a test for the SegmentUnion class. More...
class  TestSignal
 This class implements signal tests. More...
class  TestSingleton
 This class implements a singleton test. More...
class  TestStackHeapVector
 This class implements tests for StackHeapVector. More...
class  TestStaticBuffer
 This class implements tests for StaticBuffer. More...
class  TestStaticVector
 This class implements tests for StaticVector. More...
class  TestSTL
 This class implements tests for c++ functions. More...
class  TestString
 This class implements a test for the string class. More...
class  TestSubset
 This class implements tests for the Subset class. More...
class  TestThread
 This class implements tests for the Thread class. More...
class  TestThreadPool
 This class implements tests for the ThreadPool class. More...
class  TestTimestamp
 This class implements a timestamp test. More...
class  TestUtilities
 This class implements utilities tests. More...
class  TestValue
 This class implements a Value test. More...
class  TestWorker
 This class implements worker tests. More...
class  TestWorkerPool
 This class implements tests for the WorkerPool class. More...


OCEAN_TEST_BASE_EXPORT bool testBase (const double testDuration, Worker &worker, const std::string &testFunctions=std::string())
 Tests the entire base library. More...
OCEAN_TEST_BASE_EXPORT void testBaseAsynchron (const double testDuration, const std::string &testFunctions=std::string())
 Tests the entire base library. More...

Detailed Description

Namespace of the Base Test library.

The Namespace Ocean::Test::TestBase is used in the entire Ocean Base Test Library.