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Ocean::Platform::WxWidgets Namespace Reference

Namespace of the Platform WxWidgets library. More...

Data Structures

class  Bitmap
 This class implements a bitmap. More...
class  BitmapWindow
 This class implements the main window. More...
class  FileDropTarget
 This class implements a drop target. More...
class  FrameMediumWindow
 This class implements the main window. More...
class  FramePreviewWindow
 This class implements a frame preview window. More...
class  FrameWindow
 This class implements the main window. More...
class  ImageList
 This class implements an image list. More...
class  Screen
 This class implements functions allowing to control screens and windows on screens. More...
class  System
 This class provides basic system functionalities on wxwidgets platforms. More...
class  Utilities
 This class implemnets utility functions for WxWidgets. More...
class  WxDialog
 This class implements a modal dialog for WxWidgets which in addition to the standard wxDialog implementation forces the modal-event-loop to stop if the dialog ends (the modal state). More...
class  WxPopupMenu
 This class implements a popup menu. More...
class  WxScopedBusyCursor
 This class implements a scoped busy cursor object. More...
class  WxScopedDisableWindow
 This class implements a scoped object which disables a window object until the scope ends (or until the object is released explicitly). More...
class  WxScopedParentWindow
 This class implements a parent window taking on an already existing window handle as long as the instance of the scoped window exists. More...
class  WxScopedRemoveStyle
 This class implements a scoped object which removes a given style from a given window until the scope ends (or until the object is released explicitly). More...
class  WxStaticBitmap
 This class implements a static bitmap. More...
class  WxWidgetsApplication
 This class implements a very simple WxWidgets application not registering for any kind of application event like e.g., file drag&drop events. More...

Detailed Description

Namespace of the Platform WxWidgets library.

The Namespace Ocean::Platform::WxWidgets is used in the entire Ocean Platform WxWidgets Library.