No Matches
Ocean::Interaction::JavaScript Namespace Reference

Namespace of the Interaction JavaScript library. More...

Data Structures

class  JSBase
 This class implements the base class for all JavaScript wrappers. More...
class  JSColor
 This class implements a wrapper for a JavaScript Color object. More...
class  JSContext
 This class implements a wrapper for a JavaScript context. More...
class  JSDevice
 This class is a lightweight helper class for device objects to allow event callback handling. More...
class  JSDeviceManager
 This class implements a wrapper for a JavaScript DeviceManager object. More...
class  JSDeviceObject
 This class implements a wrapper for a JavaScript DeviceObject object. More...
class  JSDeviceSample
 This class implements a wrapper for a JavaScript DeviceSample object. More...
class  JSEuler
 This class implements a wrapper for a JavaScript Euler object. More...
class  JSExternal
 This class implements a type-safe object wrapper for non-JavaScript objects. More...
class  JSHomogenousMatrix4
 This class implements a wrapper for a JavaScript HomogenousMatrix4 object. More...
class  JSLibrary
 This class implements the java script interaction library object. More...
class  JSLine3
 This class implements a wrapper for a JavaScript Line3 object. More...
class  JSMediaManager
 This class implements a wrapper for a JavaScript MediaManager object. More...
class  JSMediaObject
 This class implements a wrapper for a JavaScript MediaObject object. More...
class  JSObject
 This class implements the base class for all native wrapper of JavaScript objects. More...
class  JSOcean
 This class implements the JavaScript Ocean objevct. More...
class  JSPlane3
 This class implements a wrapper for a JavaScript Plane object. More...
class  JSQuaternion
 This class implements a wrapper for a JavaScript Quaternion object. More...
class  JSRenderingEngine
 This class implements a wrapper for a JavaScript RenderingEngine object. More...
class  JSRenderingObject
 This class implements a wrapper for a JavaScript RenderingObject object. More...
class  JSRotation
 This class implements a wrapper for a JavaScript Rotation object. More...
class  JSSceneDescriptionManager
 This class implements a wrapper for a JavaScript SceneDescriptionManager object. More...
class  JSSceneDescriptionNode
 This class implements a wrapper for a JavaScript SceneDescriptionNode object. More...
class  JSScript
 This class implements an object holding a JavaScript code. More...
class  JSSquareMatrix3
 This class implements a wrapper for a JavaScript SquareMatrix3 object. More...
class  JSSquareMatrix4
 This class implements a wrapper for a JavaScript SquareMatrix4 object. More...
class  JSVector2
 This class implements a wrapper for a JavaScript Vector2 object. More...
class  JSVector3
 This class implements a wrapper for a JavaScript Vector3 object. More...
class  JSVector4
 This class implements a wrapper for a JavaScript Vector4 object. More...


OCEAN_INTERACTION_JS_EXPORT std::string nameJavaScriptLibrary ()
 Returns the name of this interaction library.
void registerJavaScriptLibrary ()
 Registers this JavaScript interaction library at the global interaction manager.
bool unregisterJavaScriptLibrary ()
 Unregisters this JavaScript interaction library at the global interaction manager.
JSExternal::Type JSExternal::type< Devices::Measurement::SampleRef > ()
JSExternal::Type JSExternal::type< Rendering::EngineRef > ()
JSExternal::Type JSExternal::type< Rendering::ObjectRef > ()
JSExternal::Type JSExternal::type< Media::MediumRef > ()
JSExternal::Type JSExternal::type< SceneDescription::NodeRef > ()

Detailed Description

Namespace of the Interaction JavaScript library.

The Namespace Ocean::Interaction::JavaScript is used in the entire Ocean Interaction JavaScript Library.

Function Documentation

◆ JSExternal::type< Devices::Measurement::SampleRef >()

◆ JSExternal::type< Media::MediumRef >()

◆ JSExternal::type< Rendering::EngineRef >()

◆ JSExternal::type< Rendering::ObjectRef >()

◆ JSExternal::type< SceneDescription::NodeRef >()