No Matches
Ocean Pattern Tracking Interface

The Ocean Pattern Tracker Library allows to track individual patterns. More...

Collaboration diagram for Ocean Pattern Tracking Interface:

Data Structures

class  Ocean::Tracking::Pattern::PatternTracker6DOF
 This class implements a 6DOF feature tracker for planar patterns. More...
class  Ocean::Tracking::Pattern::PatternTrackerCore6DOF
 This class implements the core of the 6DOF feature tracker for planar patterns. More...

Detailed Description

The Ocean Pattern Tracker Library allows to track individual patterns.

You can use the PatternTracker6DOF class which is derived from VisualTracker,
or you can use the actual implementation directly PatternTrackerCore6DOF if you want to get rid of the object oriented implementation.

The tracker provides camera poses for individual tracking patterns.
Each pattern is connected with an id allowing to distinguish between the individual patterns.
For each camera frame, the tracker determines pairs of pattern ids and camera poses (for all visible patterns).
Each resulting camera pose transforms points defined in the camera coordinate system to points defined in the coordinate system of the corresponding pattern (pTc).

Each pattern has an own coordinate system with origin in the upper left corner of the pattern image (the pattern is expected to be located e.g., on a table - not on a wall).
The x-axis is pointing along the horizontal border of the pattern (to the right),
the y-axis is pointing upwards towards the observer,
the z-axis is pointing along the vertical border of the pattern (downwards):

    Y |
      O ---------> ............. (pattern top right)
     /        X               .
    / Z                      .
   v                        .
  .                        .
 .                        .
. ........................ (pattern bottom right)
(pattern bottom left)

The coordinate system of the camera is defined such that the observer/camera is looking into the negative z-space, the origin is in the center of the image.
The x-axis points to the right of the camera, and the y-axis is identical to the up vector of the camera:

................................. (camera image top right)
.                               .
.            ^                  .
.          Y |                  .
.            |                  .
.            |                  .
.            O --------->       .
.           /        X          .
.          / Z                  .
.         v                     .
.                               .
................................. (camera image bottom right)
(camera image bottom left)
See also
PatternTracker6DOF, PatternTrackerCore6DOF.