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Ocean Test CV Detector QR Codes Library

The Ocean Test CV Detector QR Codes Library provides several functions to test the performance and validation of the QR code detection and generation functionalities. More...

Collaboration diagram for Ocean Test CV Detector QR Codes Library:

Data Structures

class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestDetector::TestQRCodes::TestAlignmentPatternDetector
 This class implements tests for the alignment pattern detector. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestDetector::TestQRCodes::TestFinderPatternDetector
 This class implements a test for the QR code detector. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestDetector::TestQRCodes::TestLegacyQRCodeDetector2D
 This class implements a test for the QR code detector. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestDetector::TestQRCodes::TestMicroQRCodeDecoder
 This class implements tests for the Micro QR code features. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestDetector::TestQRCodes::TestMicroQRCodeDetector2D
 This class implements a test for the Micro QR code detector. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestDetector::TestQRCodes::TestMicroQRCodeEncoder
 This class implements tests for the Micro QR code features. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestDetector::TestQRCodes::TestQRCodeDecoder
 This class implements tests for the QR code features. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestDetector::TestQRCodes::TestQRCodeDetector2D
 This class implements a test for the QR code detector. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestDetector::TestQRCodes::TestQRCodeEncoder
 This class implements tests for the QR code features. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestDetector::TestQRCodes::TestUtilities
 This class implements tests for the utility functions of the QR code library. More...
class  Ocean::Test::TestCV::TestDetector::TestQRCodes::Utilities
 This class implements utility functions for the QR code tests. More...

Detailed Description

The Ocean Test CV Detector QR Codes Library provides several functions to test the performance and validation of the QR code detection and generation functionalities.

The library is platform independent.