No Matches
Ocean::CV::NonMaximumSuppression< T > Class Template Reference

This class implements the possibility to find local maximum in a 2D array by applying a non-maximum-suppression search. More...

#include <NonMaximumSuppression.h>

Data Structures

class  StrengthCandidate
 This class holds the horizontal position and strength parameter of an interest pixel. More...
class  StrengthPosition
 This class extends a 2D position by a third parameter storing a strength value. More...

Public Types

template<typename TCoordinate , typename TStrength >
using StrengthPositions = std::vector< StrengthPosition< TCoordinate, TStrength > >
 Definition of a vector holding strength pixel positions.
template<typename TCoordinate , typename TStrength >
using PositionCallback = Callback< bool, const unsigned int, const unsigned int, const T, TCoordinate &, TCoordinate &, TStrength & >
 Definition of a callback function used to determine the precise sub-pixel position of a specific point.

Public Member Functions

 NonMaximumSuppression (NonMaximumSuppression< T > &&nonMaximumSuppression) noexcept
 Move constructor.
 NonMaximumSuppression (const NonMaximumSuppression< T > &nonMaximumSuppression) noexcept
 Copy constructor.
 NonMaximumSuppression (const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int yOffset=0u) noexcept
 Creates a new maximum suppression object with a predefined size.
unsigned int width () const
 Returns the width of this object.
unsigned int height () const
 Returns the height of this object.
unsigned int yOffset () const
 Returns the optional offset in the vertical direction.
void addCandidate (const unsigned int x, const unsigned int y, const T &strength)
 Adds a new candidate to this object.
void addCandidates (const T *values, const unsigned int valuesPaddingElements, const unsigned int firstColumn, const unsigned int numberColumns, const unsigned int firstRow, const unsigned int numberRows, const T &minimalThreshold, Worker *worker)
 Adds new candidates to this object from a given buffer providing one value for each bin/pixel of this object.
void removeCandidatesRightFrom (const unsigned int x, const unsigned int y)
 Removes all candidates from a specified row having a horizontal location equal or larger than a specified coordinate.
template<typename TCoordinate , typename TStrength , bool tStrictMaximum = true>
StrengthPositions< TCoordinate, TStrength > suppressNonMaximum (const unsigned int firstColumn, const unsigned int numberColumns, const unsigned int firstRow, const unsigned int numberRows, Worker *worker=nullptr, const PositionCallback< TCoordinate, TStrength > *positionCallback=nullptr) const
 Applies a non-maximum-suppression search on a given 2D frame in a 3x3 neighborhood (eight neighbors).
void reset ()
 Removes the gathered non-maximum suppression information so that this object can be reused again (for the same task with same resolution etc.).
NonMaximumSuppression< T > & operator= (NonMaximumSuppression< T > &&nonMaximumSuppression)
 Move operator.
NonMaximumSuppression< T > & operator= (const NonMaximumSuppression< T > &nonMaximumSuppression)
 Copy operator.
template<typename TCoordinate , typename TStrength , bool tStrictMaximum>
NonMaximumSuppression< T >::template StrengthPositions< TCoordinate, TStrength > suppressNonMaximum (const unsigned int firstColumn, const unsigned int numberColumns, const unsigned int firstRow, const unsigned int numberRows, Worker *worker, const PositionCallback< TCoordinate, TStrength > *positionCallback) const
template<typename TCoordinate , typename TStrength , bool tStrictMaximum>
NonMaximumSuppression< T >::template StrengthPositions< TCoordinate, TStrength > suppressNonMaximum (const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const StrengthPositions< TCoordinate, TStrength > &strengthPositions, const TCoordinate radius, Indices32 *validIndices)

Static Public Member Functions

template<typename TCoordinate , typename TStrength , bool tStrictMaximum>
static StrengthPositions< TCoordinate, TStrength > suppressNonMaximum (const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const StrengthPositions< TCoordinate, TStrength > &strengthPositions, const TCoordinate radius, Indices32 *validIndices=nullptr)
 Applies a non-maximum-suppression based on already existing strength positions (just with a custom suppression radius) e.g., as a post-processing step.
template<typename TFloat >
static bool determinePrecisePeakLocation1 (const T &leftValue, const T &middleValue, const T &rightValue, TFloat &location)
 Determines the precise peak location in 1D space for three discrete neighboring measurements at location x == 0.
template<typename TFloat >
static bool determinePrecisePeakLocation2 (const T *const topValues, const T *const centerValues, const T *const bottomValues, VectorT2< TFloat > &location)
 Determines the precise peak location in 2D space for nine discrete neighboring measurements at location x == 0, y == 0.

Private Types

typedef std::vector< StrengthCandidateStrengthCandidateRow
 Definition of a vector holding strength candidate objects.
typedef ShiftVector< StrengthCandidateRowStrengthCandidateRows
 Definition of a vector holding a vector of strength candidates.

Private Member Functions

void addCandidatesSubset (const T *values, const unsigned int valuesStrideElements, const unsigned int firstColumn, const unsigned int numberColumns, const T *minimalThreshold, const unsigned int firstRow, const unsigned int numberRows)
 Adds new candidates to this object from a subset of a given buffer providing one value for each bin/pixel of this object.
template<typename TCoordinate , typename TStrength , bool tStrictMaximum>
void suppressNonMaximumSubset (StrengthPositions< TCoordinate, TStrength > *strengthPositions, const unsigned int firstColumn, const unsigned int firstRow, Lock *lock, const PositionCallback< TCoordinate, TStrength > *positionCallback, const unsigned int numberColumns, const unsigned int numberRows) const
 Applies a non-maximum-suppression search on a subset of a given 2D frame in a 3x3 neighborhood (eight neighbors).

Private Attributes

unsigned int width_ = 0u
 Width of this object.
StrengthCandidateRows rows_
 All candidate rows.

Detailed Description

template<typename T>
class Ocean::CV::NonMaximumSuppression< T >

This class implements the possibility to find local maximum in a 2D array by applying a non-maximum-suppression search.

The search is done within a 3x3 neighborhood (centered around the point of interest).
Use this class to determine e.g. reliable feature points.
The class supports bin accuracy (pixel accuracy) and sub-bin accuracy (sub-pixel accuracy).

The non-maximum-suppression search is implemented by a vertical list holding maps of horizontal array elements.
The performance depends on the number of elements inserted into the individual maps.
Thus, do not add data elements with negligible value.

It should be mentioned that the application of this class should be restricted to situations in which the entire filter response values do not exist already.
The performance boost comes with a simultaneous determination of filter responses and the insertion of possible candidates for maximum locations.

Template Parameters
TThe data type of the individual elements that are applied for the non-maximum-suppression search.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ PositionCallback

template<typename T >
template<typename TCoordinate , typename TStrength >
using Ocean::CV::NonMaximumSuppression< T >::PositionCallback = Callback<bool, const unsigned int, const unsigned int, const T, TCoordinate&, TCoordinate&, TStrength&>

Definition of a callback function used to determine the precise sub-pixel position of a specific point.

The first parameter provides the horizontal position.
The second parameter provides the vertical position.
The third parameter provides the strength value.
The fourth parameter receives the precise horizontal position.
The fifth parameter receives the precise vertical position.
The sixth parameter receives the precise strength value.
The return parameter should be True if the precise position could be determined

◆ StrengthCandidateRow

template<typename T >
typedef std::vector<StrengthCandidate> Ocean::CV::NonMaximumSuppression< T >::StrengthCandidateRow

Definition of a vector holding strength candidate objects.

◆ StrengthCandidateRows

template<typename T >
typedef ShiftVector<StrengthCandidateRow> Ocean::CV::NonMaximumSuppression< T >::StrengthCandidateRows

Definition of a vector holding a vector of strength candidates.

◆ StrengthPositions

template<typename T >
template<typename TCoordinate , typename TStrength >
using Ocean::CV::NonMaximumSuppression< T >::StrengthPositions = std::vector<StrengthPosition<TCoordinate, TStrength> >

Definition of a vector holding strength pixel positions.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ NonMaximumSuppression() [1/3]

template<typename T >
Ocean::CV::NonMaximumSuppression< T >::NonMaximumSuppression ( NonMaximumSuppression< T > &&  nonMaximumSuppression)

Move constructor.

nonMaximumSuppressionThe object to be moved

◆ NonMaximumSuppression() [2/3]

template<typename T >
Ocean::CV::NonMaximumSuppression< T >::NonMaximumSuppression ( const NonMaximumSuppression< T > &  nonMaximumSuppression)

Copy constructor.

nonMaximumSuppressionThe object to be moved

◆ NonMaximumSuppression() [3/3]

template<typename T >
Ocean::CV::NonMaximumSuppression< T >::NonMaximumSuppression ( const unsigned int  width,
const unsigned int  height,
const unsigned int  yOffset = 0u 

Creates a new maximum suppression object with a predefined size.

widthThe width of this object in pixel, with range [3, infinity)
heightThe height of this object in pixel, with range [3, infinity)
yOffsetOptional offset in the vertical direction moving the suppression region by the specified number of rows, with range [0, infinity)

Member Function Documentation

◆ addCandidate()

template<typename T >
void Ocean::CV::NonMaximumSuppression< T >::addCandidate ( const unsigned int  x,
const unsigned int  y,
const T &  strength 

Adds a new candidate to this object.

Beware: Due to performance issues do no add candidates with negligible strength parameter.

xHorizontal position in pixel, with range [0, width() - 1]
yVertical position in pixel, with range [yOffset(), yOffset() + height() - 1]
strengthThe strength parameter
See also
addCandidates(), removeCandidatesFromRight().

◆ addCandidates()

template<typename T >
void Ocean::CV::NonMaximumSuppression< T >::addCandidates ( const T *  values,
const unsigned int  valuesPaddingElements,
const unsigned int  firstColumn,
const unsigned int  numberColumns,
const unsigned int  firstRow,
const unsigned int  numberRows,
const T &  minimalThreshold,
Worker worker 

Adds new candidates to this object from a given buffer providing one value for each bin/pixel of this object.

Beware: Due to performance reasons, you should use the addCandidate() function to add one single new candidate in the moment the filter response is larger than a specific threshold.

valuesThe from which candidates will be added, must be width() * height() elements
valuesPaddingElementsThe number of padding elements at the end of each values row, in elements, with range [0, infinity)
firstColumnFirst column to be handled, with range [0, width() - 1]
numberColumnsNumber of columns to be handled, with range [1, width() - firstColumn]
firstRowFirst row to be handled, with range [yOffset(), height() - 1]
numberRowsNumber of rows to be handled, with range [1, height() - firstRow]
minimalThresholdThe minimal threshold so that a value counts as candidate
workerOptional worker object to distribute the computation
See also
addCandidate(), removeCandidatesFromRight().

◆ addCandidatesSubset()

template<typename T >
void Ocean::CV::NonMaximumSuppression< T >::addCandidatesSubset ( const T *  values,
const unsigned int  valuesStrideElements,
const unsigned int  firstColumn,
const unsigned int  numberColumns,
const T *  minimalThreshold,
const unsigned int  firstRow,
const unsigned int  numberRows 

Adds new candidates to this object from a subset of a given buffer providing one value for each bin/pixel of this object.

valuesThe from which candidates will be added, must be width() * height() elements
valuesStrideElementsThe number of elements between two values rows, in elements, with range [0, infinity)
minimalThresholdThe minimal threshold so that a value counts as candidate
firstColumnFirst column to be handled, with range [0, width() - 1]
numberColumnsNumber of columns to be handled, with range [1, width() - firstColumn]
firstRowThe first row in the buffer from which the candidates will be added, with range [yOffset(), height())
numberRowsThe number of rows to be handled, with range [1, height() - firstRow]
See also

◆ determinePrecisePeakLocation1()

template<typename T >
template<typename TFloat >
bool Ocean::CV::NonMaximumSuppression< T >::determinePrecisePeakLocation1 ( const T &  leftValue,
const T &  middleValue,
const T &  rightValue,
TFloat &  location 

Determines the precise peak location in 1D space for three discrete neighboring measurements at location x == 0.

The precise peak is determined based on the first and second derivatives of the measurement values.

leftValueThe left discrete value, e.g., at location x - 1, with range (-infinity, middleValue]
middleValueThe middle discrete value, e.g., at location x, with range (-infinity, infinity)
rightValueThe discrete value, e.g., at location x + 1, with range (-infinity, middleValue]
locationThe location of the precise peak of all values, with range (-1, 1)
True, if succeeded
Template Parameters
TFloatThe floating point data type to be used for calculation, either 'float' or 'double'

◆ determinePrecisePeakLocation2()

template<typename T >
template<typename TFloat >
bool Ocean::CV::NonMaximumSuppression< T >::determinePrecisePeakLocation2 ( const T *const  topValues,
const T *const  centerValues,
const T *const  bottomValues,
VectorT2< TFloat > &  location 

Determines the precise peak location in 2D space for nine discrete neighboring measurements at location x == 0, y == 0.

The precise peak is determined based on the first and second derivatives of the measurement values.

topValuesThe three discrete values in the top row, must be valid
centerValuesThe three discrete values in the center row, must be valid
bottomValuesThe three discrete values in the bottom row, must be valid
locationThe location of the precise peak of all values, with range (-1, 1)
True, if succeeded
Template Parameters
TFloatThe floating point data type to be used for calculation, either 'float' or 'double'

◆ height()

template<typename T >
unsigned int Ocean::CV::NonMaximumSuppression< T >::height ( ) const

Returns the height of this object.

Height in pixel

◆ operator=() [1/2]

template<typename T >
NonMaximumSuppression< T > & Ocean::CV::NonMaximumSuppression< T >::operator= ( const NonMaximumSuppression< T > &  nonMaximumSuppression)

Copy operator.

nonMaximumSuppressionThe object to be copied
Reference to this object

◆ operator=() [2/2]

template<typename T >
NonMaximumSuppression< T > & Ocean::CV::NonMaximumSuppression< T >::operator= ( NonMaximumSuppression< T > &&  nonMaximumSuppression)

Move operator.

nonMaximumSuppressionObject to be moved
Reference to this object

◆ removeCandidatesRightFrom()

template<typename T >
void Ocean::CV::NonMaximumSuppression< T >::removeCandidatesRightFrom ( const unsigned int  x,
const unsigned int  y 

Removes all candidates from a specified row having a horizontal location equal or larger than a specified coordinate.

xThe horizontal coordinate specifying which candidates will be removed, all candidates with horizontal location >= x will be removed, with range [0, infinity)
yThe index of the row in which the candidates will be removed, with range [yOffset(), yOffset() + height() - 1]

◆ reset()

template<typename T >
void Ocean::CV::NonMaximumSuppression< T >::reset ( )

Removes the gathered non-maximum suppression information so that this object can be reused again (for the same task with same resolution etc.).

The allocated memory will remain so that reusing this object may improve performance.

◆ suppressNonMaximum() [1/4]

template<typename T >
template<typename TCoordinate , typename TStrength , bool tStrictMaximum>
NonMaximumSuppression< T >::template StrengthPositions< TCoordinate, TStrength > Ocean::CV::NonMaximumSuppression< T >::suppressNonMaximum ( const unsigned int  firstColumn,
const unsigned int  numberColumns,
const unsigned int  firstRow,
const unsigned int  numberRows,
Worker worker,
const PositionCallback< TCoordinate, TStrength > *  positionCallback 
) const

◆ suppressNonMaximum() [2/4]

template<typename T >
template<typename TCoordinate , typename TStrength , bool tStrictMaximum = true>
StrengthPositions< TCoordinate, TStrength > Ocean::CV::NonMaximumSuppression< T >::suppressNonMaximum ( const unsigned int  firstColumn,
const unsigned int  numberColumns,
const unsigned int  firstRow,
const unsigned int  numberRows,
Worker worker = nullptr,
const PositionCallback< TCoordinate, TStrength > *  positionCallback = nullptr 
) const

Applies a non-maximum-suppression search on a given 2D frame in a 3x3 neighborhood (eight neighbors).

This function allows to determine the precise position of the individual maximum value positions by application of a callback function determining the individual positions.

firstColumnFirst column to be handled, with range [1, width() - 1)
numberColumnsNumber of columns to be handled
firstRowFirst row to be handled, with range [yOffset() + 1, height() - 1)
numberRowsNumber of rows to be handled
workerOptional worker object to distribute the computation
positionCallbackOptional callback function allowing to determine the precise position of the individual maximum value positions
Resulting non maximum suppressed positions including the strength parameters
Template Parameters
TCoordinateThe data type of a scalar coordinate
TStrengthThe data type of the strength parameter
tStrictMaximumTrue, to search for a strict maximum (larger than all eight neighbors); False, to allow equal values in the upper left neighborhood

◆ suppressNonMaximum() [3/4]

template<typename T >
template<typename TCoordinate , typename TStrength , bool tStrictMaximum>
NonMaximumSuppression< T >::template StrengthPositions< TCoordinate, TStrength > Ocean::CV::NonMaximumSuppression< T >::suppressNonMaximum ( const unsigned int  width,
const unsigned int  height,
const StrengthPositions< TCoordinate, TStrength > &  strengthPositions,
const TCoordinate  radius,
Indices32 validIndices 

◆ suppressNonMaximum() [4/4]

template<typename T >
template<typename TCoordinate , typename TStrength , bool tStrictMaximum>
static StrengthPositions< TCoordinate, TStrength > Ocean::CV::NonMaximumSuppression< T >::suppressNonMaximum ( const unsigned int  width,
const unsigned int  height,
const StrengthPositions< TCoordinate, TStrength > &  strengthPositions,
const TCoordinate  radius,
Indices32 validIndices = nullptr 

Applies a non-maximum-suppression based on already existing strength positions (just with a custom suppression radius) e.g., as a post-processing step.

widthThe width of the image/domain in which the strength positions are located, e.g., in pixel, with range [1, infinity)
heightThe height of the image/domain in which the strength positions are located, e.g., in pixel, with range [1, infinity)
strengthPositionsThe strength positions for which a custom suppression-radius will be applied
radiusThe suppression radius to be applied, with range [1, infinity)
validIndicesOptional resulting indices of all strength positions which remain after suppression
The resulting strength positions
Template Parameters
TCoordinateThe data type of a scalar coordinate
TStrengthThe data type of the strength parameter
tStrictMaximumTrue, to search for a strict maximum (larger than all eight neighbors); False, to allow equal values in the upper left neighborhood

◆ suppressNonMaximumSubset()

template<typename T >
template<typename TCoordinate , typename TStrength , bool tStrictMaximum>
void Ocean::CV::NonMaximumSuppression< T >::suppressNonMaximumSubset ( StrengthPositions< TCoordinate, TStrength > *  strengthPositions,
const unsigned int  firstColumn,
const unsigned int  firstRow,
Lock lock,
const PositionCallback< TCoordinate, TStrength > *  positionCallback,
const unsigned int  numberColumns,
const unsigned int  numberRows 
) const

Applies a non-maximum-suppression search on a subset of a given 2D frame in a 3x3 neighborhood (eight neighbors).

This function allows to determine the precise position of the individual maximum value positions by application of a callback function determining the individual positions.

strengthPositionsResulting non maximum suppressed positions including the strength parameters
firstColumnFirst column to be handled
numberColumnsNumber of columns to be handled
lockThe lock object that must be defined if this function is executed in parallel on several threads
positionCallbackOptional callback function allowing to determine the precise position of the individual maximum value positions
firstRowFirst row to be handled
numberRowsNumber of rows to be handled
Template Parameters
tStrictMaximumTrue, to search for a strict maximum (larger than all eight neighbors); False, to allow equal values in the upper left neighborhood

◆ width()

template<typename T >
unsigned int Ocean::CV::NonMaximumSuppression< T >::width ( ) const

Returns the width of this object.

Width in pixel

◆ yOffset()

template<typename T >
unsigned int Ocean::CV::NonMaximumSuppression< T >::yOffset ( ) const

Returns the optional offset in the vertical direction.

Optional vertical direction offset, 0 by default

Field Documentation

◆ rows_

template<typename T >
StrengthCandidateRows Ocean::CV::NonMaximumSuppression< T >::rows_

All candidate rows.

◆ width_

template<typename T >
unsigned int Ocean::CV::NonMaximumSuppression< T >::width_ = 0u

Width of this object.

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