No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
3 *
4 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
6 */
11#include "ocean/media/Media.h"
12#include "ocean/media/Movie.h"
14#include "ocean/base/Callback.h"
15#include "ocean/base/Frame.h"
16#include "ocean/base/RingMap.h"
17#include "ocean/base/Thread.h"
19#include <list>
21namespace Ocean
24namespace Media
27// Forward declaration.
28class MovieFrameProvider;
31 * Definition of an object reference holding a frame provider.
32 * @see MovieFrameProvider.
33 * @ingroup media
34 */
38 * This class implements a frame provider for movie mediums.
39 * In addition to allowing access to the movie's frame, this provider also allows access to smaller preview frames.
40 * @ingroup media
41 */
42class OCEAN_MEDIA_EXPORT MovieFrameProvider : protected Thread
44 public:
46 /**
47 * Definition of individual event types.
48 */
50 {
51 /// Invalid event type.
53 /// New media object assigned, the parameter is zero.
55 /// The determination of all preview frames has been completed, the parameter stores the number of frames.
57 /// The size of the frames has been changed, the parameters stores the width in the upper 32 bit and the height in the lower 32 bit.
59 /// A requested frame cannot be delivered, the parameter stores the index of the frame.
61 };
63 /**
64 * Definition of frame callback function.
65 * The first parameter defines the index of the frame.<br>
66 * The second parameter states whether the frames has been explicitly requested.
67 */
70 /**
71 * Definition of a preview frame callback function.
72 * The first parameter defines the index of the preview frame.<br>
73 */
76 /**
77 * Definition of an event callback function.
78 * The first parameter specifies the event type.<br>
79 * The second parameter holds an optional event parameter.<br>
80 */
83 /**
84 * Definition of a pair of sizes.
85 */
88 private:
90 /**
91 * Definition of a non-thread-safe ring map mapping frame indices to frame references.
92 */
95 /**
96 * Definition of a preview frame composed of a finished-state and the frame data.
97 */
98 typedef std::pair<bool, FrameRef> PreviewFrame;
100 /**
101 * Definition of a vector holding preview frames.
102 */
103 typedef std::vector<PreviewFrame> PreviewFrames;
105 /**
106 * Definition of a queue holding frames.
107 */
108 typedef std::queue<FrameRef> FrameQueue;
110 /**
111 * Definition of a list holding frame indices.
112 */
113 typedef std::list<unsigned int> RequestList;
115 /**
116 * Definition of a callback container storing frame callbacks.
117 */
120 /**
121 * Definition of a callback container storing preview frame callbacks.
122 */
125 /**
126 * Definition of a callback container storing event callbacks.
127 */
130 public:
132 /**
133 * Creates a new movie frame provider.
134 * @param enabled True, to enable the provider directly
135 * @param maximalFrameStorage The maximal number of frames that will be stored inside the frame provider concurrently
136 * @param maximalQueueStorage The maximal number of frames that will be queued inside the frame provider concurrently
137 */
138 explicit MovieFrameProvider(const bool enabled = true, const unsigned int maximalFrameStorage = 150u, const unsigned int maximalQueueStorage = 50u);
140 /**
141 * Destructs the movie frame provider.
142 */
145 /**
146 * Returns whether the provider is enabled.
147 * @return True, if so
148 */
149 inline bool isEnabled() const;
151 /**
152 * Enables or disables the provider.
153 * @param state True, to enable the provider
154 * @return True, if succeeded
155 */
156 bool setEnabled(const bool state);
158 /**
159 * Returns the url of the media.
160 * @return Media url of the media
161 */
162 std::string url() const;
164 /**
165 * Sets the movie providing the frames.
166 * The movie must be exclusive so that the frame provider can use the movie's resources alone.<br>
167 * @param movie The movie to set
168 * @return True, if succeeded
169 * @see Medium::isExlusive(), Manager::newMedium().
170 */
171 bool setMovie(const MovieRef& movie);
173 /**
174 * Sets the preferred frame type of the frames of this provider.
175 * However, there is no guarantee that this interface will be able to provided the requested frame type.<br>
176 * @param pixelFormat The preferred pixel format
177 * @param pixelOrigin The preferred pixel origin
178 * @return True, if succeeded
179 */
180 bool setPreferredFrameType(const FrameType::PixelFormat pixelFormat, const FrameType::PixelOrigin pixelOrigin);
182 /**
183 * Sets the dimension of the preview frames.
184 * Only one parameter has to be provided, either the width or the size.<br>
185 * The other parameter has to be zero.
186 * @param width The width of each preview frame in pixel, with range [0u, infinity)
187 * @param height the height of each preview frame in pixel, with range [0u, infinity)
188 * @return True, if succeeded
189 */
190 bool setPreferredPreviewDimension(const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height);
192 /**
193 * Returns the current duration of the media in seconds.
194 * @return Duration time in seconds
195 */
196 inline double duration() const;
198 /**
199 * Returns the frame dimension of the frames of this provider.
200 * @return Frame dimension, width and height in pixel
201 */
202 inline Dimension frameDimension() const;
204 /**
205 * Returns the frame type of the frames of this provider.
206 * @return Frame type
207 */
208 inline const FrameType& frameType() const;
210 /**
211 * Returns the preferred frame dimension of the preview frames.
212 * @return Preferred frame dimension, width and high in pixel
213 */
216 /**
217 * Returns the capacity of frames that can be stored concurrently.
218 * The capacity does not reflect the preview frames.<br>
219 * @return Number of frames
220 * @see setFrameCapacity().
221 */
222 inline size_t frameCapacity() const;
224 /**
225 * Sets or changes the capacity of the frames to be stored concurrently.
226 * The capacity does not reflect the preview frames.
227 * @param capacity The capacity to be set, with range [1, infinity)
228 * @return True, if succeeded
229 * @see frameCapacity().
230 */
231 bool setFrameCapacity(const size_t capacity);
233 /**
234 * Adds a new frame callback event function.
235 * Each callback has to be removed before this frame provider is disposed.<br>
236 * @param callback The callback function to be added
237 * @see removeFrameCallback().
238 */
239 inline void addFrameCallback(const FrameCallback& callback);
241 /**
242 * Adds a new preview frame callback event function.
243 * Each callback has to be removed before this frame provider is disposed.<br>
244 * @param callback The callback function to be added
245 * @see removePreviewFrameCallback().
246 */
247 inline void addPreviewFrameCallback(const PreviewFrameCallback& callback);
249 /**
250 * Adds a new event callback event function.
251 * Each callback has to be removed before this frame provider is disposed.<br>
252 * @param callback The callback function to be added
253 * @see removeEventCallback().
254 */
255 inline void addEventCallback(const EventCallback& callback);
257 /**
258 * Removes a frame callback event function.
259 * @param callback The callback function to be removed
260 * @see addFrameCallback().
261 */
262 inline void removeFrameCallback(const FrameCallback& callback);
264 /**
265 * Removes a preview frame callback event function.
266 * @param callback The callback function to be removed
267 * @see addPreviewFrameCallback().
268 */
269 inline void removePreviewFrameCallback(const PreviewFrameCallback& callback);
271 /**
272 * Removes an event callback event function.
273 * @param callback The callback function to be removed
274 * @see addEventCallback().
275 */
276 inline void removeEventCallback(const EventCallback& callback);
278 /**
279 * Returns the number of frames the media actually provides.
280 * The number of actual frames is unknown until all preview frames have been determined.<br>
281 * @return Number of actual frames
282 * @see estimatedFrameNumber(), currentFrameNumber(), frameNumber().
283 */
284 unsigned int actualFrameNumber();
286 /**
287 * Returns the estimated number of frames that can be provided.
288 * This number is an estimation due to the media information and may be an approximation only.<br>
289 * @return Number of estimated frames
290 * @see actualFrameNumber(), currentFrameNumber(), frameNumber().
291 */
292 unsigned int estimatedFrameNumber();
294 /**
295 * Returns the current number of frames that can be provided.
296 * This number is identical to the number of existing preview frames.<br>
297 * @return Number of current frames
298 * @see actualFrameNumber(), estimatedFrameNumber(), frameNumber().
299 */
300 unsigned int currentFrameNumber();
302 /**
303 * Returns the best guess of the number of frames of this provider.
304 * If the actual number of frames is known, this number is returned.<br>
305 * Otherwise the highest value of estimatedFrameNumber() and currentFrameNumber() is returned.<br>
306 * @return Number of frames
307 * @see actualFrameNumber(), estimatedFrameNumber(), currentFrameNumber().
308 */
309 unsigned int frameNumber();
311 /**
312 * Requests a frame synchronously.
313 * The function blocks until the requested frame can be provided.<br>
314 * If the frame cannot be provided, the function returns directly after the timeout has been reached or the abort statement has been set.
315 * @param index The index of the frame that is requested
316 * @param timeout Time period in that the function will wait if the requested frame cannot be provided directly, with range [0, infinity)
317 * @param abort Optional abort statement allowing to abort the frame request at any time; set the value True to abort the request
318 * @return Requested frame, if it can be provided within the specified timeout period
319 * @see asynchronFrameRequest().
320 */
321 FrameRef synchronFrameRequest(const unsigned int index, const double timeout = 10.0, bool* abort = nullptr);
323 /**
324 * Requests a frame asynchronously.
325 * If the frame is available the frame can be accessed by e.g. the frame() or frameRequest() function.<br>
326 * If a frame event callback has been defined, an event will occur if the requested frame is available.<br>
327 * @param index The index of the frame that is requested
328 * @param priority True, to receive the frame as fast as possible
329 * @see frame(), frameRequest(), synchronFrameRequest().
330 */
331 void asynchronFrameRequest(const unsigned int index, const bool priority = true);
333 /**
334 * Returns a frame directly if the frame is currently available.
335 * If the frame does not exist, nothing happens.<br>
336 * @param index The index of the frame that is requested
337 * @return Resulting frame, if it currently exists
338 * @see frameRequest()
339 */
340 FrameRef frame(const unsigned index);
342 /**
343 * Returns a frame directly if the frame is currently available, otherwise the frame will be requested asynchronously (by internally calling asynchronously).
344 * If the frame is requested asynchronously the frame will be provided after this function returns.<br>
345 * If the frame is provided asynchronously, the an event will occur if the requested frame is available.<br>
346 * @param index The index of the frame that is requested
347 * @return Resulting frame, if it currently exists
348 * @see frame(), asynchronFrameRequest().
349 */
350 FrameRef frameRequest(const unsigned int index);
352 /**
353 * Returns a preview frame.
354 * The provided index should lie inside the number of expected media frame.<br>
355 * @param index The index of the preview frame, with range [0, infinity)
356 * @return Resulting preview frame, if it does exist already
357 */
358 FrameRef previewFrame(const unsigned int index);
360 /**
361 * Returns several preview frames.
362 * The provided index should lie inside the number of expected media frame.<br>
363 * A zooming factor may be used to return e.g. each 2nd, 3rd or each 10th preview frame (beginning at the specified index).<br>
364 * @param index The index of the first preview frame to be returned
365 * @param size Number of preview frames to be returned
366 * @param zoom The zoom factor, with range [1, infinity)
367 * @return Resulting preview frames
368 */
369 FrameRefs previewFrames(const unsigned int index, const unsigned int size, const unsigned int zoom = 1u);
371 /**
372 * Determines the current preview dimension for the current frame size and specified preferred preview dimension.
373 * @return Resulting preview dimension, zero if invalid
374 */
377 /**
378 * Returns the preview progress of this frame provider.
379 * @return Preview progress in percent
380 */
381 unsigned int previewProgress() const;
383 protected:
385 /**
386 * Releases the frame provider.
387 */
388 void release();
390 /**
391 * Thread run function.
392 */
393 void threadRun() override;
395 /**
396 * Internal event function for new preview frames.
397 * @param frame The new preview frame, will be valid
398 * @param camera The camera profile associated with the frame, invalid if unknown
399 */
400 void onPreviewFrame(const Frame& frame, const SharedAnyCamera& camera);
402 /**
403 * Internal event function for new frames.
404 * @param frame The new frame, will be valid
405 * @param camera The camera profile associated with the frame, invalid if unknown
406 */
407 void onFrame(const Frame& frame, const SharedAnyCamera& camera);
409 /**
410 * Creates a new preview frame by a given original frame.
411 * @param frame The frame for that a preview frame has to be created
412 * @param index The index of the given frame
413 * @param previewWidth Width of the resulting preview frame in pixel, with range [1, infinity)
414 * @param previewHeight Height of the resulting preview frame in pixel, with range [1, infinity)
415 * @return True, if succeeded
416 */
417 bool handlePreviewFrame(const Frame& frame, unsigned int index, const unsigned int previewWidth, const unsigned int previewHeight);
419 /**
420 * Determines the frame index for a given timestamp.
421 * If the frame preview creation has not been completed yet, the index is incremented with each new function call.
422 * @param timestamp Timestamp for that the index has to be determined
423 * @param lookup True, ensure that the index is returned only if a corresponding preview frame exists already
424 * @return Resulting frame index
425 */
426 unsigned int timestamp2index(const double timestamp, const bool lookup = false);
428 /**
429 * Converts the index of a frame into the corresponding timestamp.
430 * @param index The index for that the timestamp has to be found
431 * @return Resulting timestamp, -1 if the index is invalid
432 */
433 double index2timestamp(const unsigned int index);
435 protected:
437 /// Provider enabled state.
438 bool enabled_ = false;
440 /// State that is set directly if the provider has been invoked to be disposed.
441 bool released_ = false;
443 /// Movie providing the preview frames.
446 /// Movie providing the frames.
449 /// The subscription objects for previewing frame callback events.
452 /// The subscription objects for frame callback events.
455 /// Duration of the media in seconds.
456 double mediaDuration_ = 0.0;
458 /// Frequency of the media in Hz.
459 double mediaFrameFrequency_ = 0.0;
461 /// Average time for one frame in the media.
462 double mediaFrameTime_ = 0.0;
464 /// Actual number of frames that the provider organizes.
465 unsigned int actualFrameNumber_ = 0u;
467 /// Estimated number of frames that the provider will organize.
468 unsigned int estimatedFrameNumber_ = 0u;
470 /// Number of frames that the provider currently organizes.
471 unsigned int currentFrameNumber_ = 0u;
473 /// Maximal size of the internal intermediate frame queues.
474 unsigned int maximalQueueSize_ = 0u;
476 /// The preferred pixel format of the provider's frames.
477 FrameType::PixelFormat preferredPixelFormat_ = FrameType::FORMAT_UNDEFINED;
479 /// The preferred pixel origin of the provider's frames.
480 FrameType::PixelOrigin preferredPixelOrigin_ = FrameType::ORIGIN_INVALID;
482 /// Intermediate queue for preview frames.
485 /// Intermediate queue for frames.
488 /// Database holding the media frames.
491 /// Vector holding the preview frames.
494 /// List of frames that are explicitly requested.
497 /// Frame type of the media frames.
500 /// Preferred width of the preview frames in pixel.
501 unsigned int preferredPreviewWidth_ = 0u;
503 /// Preferred height of the preview frames in pixel.
504 unsigned int preferredPreviewHeight_ = 100u;
506 /// Frame event callback functions.
509 /// Preview frame event callback functions.
512 /// Event callback functions.
515 /// Index of the currently requested frame.
516 unsigned int frameRequestIndex_ = (unsigned int)(-1);
518 /// Timestamp as the last frame has been arrived.
521 /// Timestamp that stops the standard frame medium.
524 /// Time period that may exceed until a frame is expected to be unavailable, in seconds, with range (0, infinity)
525 double frameRequestTimeout_ = 1.0;
527 /// Provider lock.
528 mutable Lock lock_;
530 /// Frame lock.
536 return enabled_;
539inline double MovieFrameProvider::duration() const
541 return mediaDuration_;
552 const ScopedLock scopedLock(lock_);
553 return frameType_;
558 return frames_.capacity();
This class implements a container for callback functions.
Definition Callback.h:3456
This class implements an extended callbacks object and is also thread-safe.
Definition Callback.h:4124
void addCallback(const T &callback)
Adds a new callback object.
Definition Callback.h:4304
void removeCallback(const T &callback)
Removes a callback object.
Definition Callback.h:4329
This class implements Ocean's image class.
Definition Frame.h:1808
Definition of a frame type composed by the frame dimension, pixel format and pixel origin.
Definition Frame.h:30
Definition of all pixel formats available in the Ocean framework.
Definition Frame.h:183
unsigned int width() const
Returns the width of the frame format in pixel.
Definition Frame.h:3170
Defines different types of frame origin positions.
Definition Frame.h:1046
unsigned int height() const
Returns the height of the frame in pixel.
Definition Frame.h:3175
This class implements a recursive lock object.
Definition Lock.h:31
This class implements a frame provider for movie mediums.
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:43
void removeEventCallback(const EventCallback &callback)
Removes an event callback event function.
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:586
EventCallbacks eventCallbacks_
Event callback functions.
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:513
Callback< void, const unsigned int > PreviewFrameCallback
Definition of a preview frame callback function.
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:74
Dimension determinePreviewDimensions() const
Determines the current preview dimension for the current frame size and specified preferred preview d...
MovieRef moviePreview_
Movie providing the preview frames.
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:444
double mediaDuration_
Duration of the media in seconds.
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:456
std::queue< FrameRef > FrameQueue
Definition of a queue holding frames.
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:108
bool isEnabled() const
Returns whether the provider is enabled.
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:534
RequestList requestList_
List of frames that are explicitly requested.
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:495
FrameCallbacks frameCallbacks_
Frame event callback functions.
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:507
ConcurrentCallbacks< EventCallback > EventCallbacks
Definition of a callback container storing event callbacks.
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:128
Timestamp movieStopTimestamp_
Timestamp that stops the standard frame medium.
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:522
FrameRefs previewFrames(const unsigned int index, const unsigned int size, const unsigned int zoom=1u)
Returns several preview frames.
FrameQueue previewFrameQueue_
Intermediate queue for preview frames.
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:483
Lock frameLock_
Frame lock.
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:531
void removePreviewFrameCallback(const PreviewFrameCallback &callback)
Removes a preview frame callback event function.
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:581
size_t frameCapacity() const
Returns the capacity of frames that can be stored concurrently.
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:556
bool setEnabled(const bool state)
Enables or disables the provider.
std::list< unsigned int > RequestList
Definition of a list holding frame indices.
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:113
unsigned int previewProgress() const
Returns the preview progress of this frame provider.
FrameMedium::FrameCallbackScopedSubscription scopedSubscriptionFrames_
The subscription objects for frame callback events.
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:453
~MovieFrameProvider() override
Destructs the movie frame provider.
bool handlePreviewFrame(const Frame &frame, unsigned int index, const unsigned int previewWidth, const unsigned int previewHeight)
Creates a new preview frame by a given original frame.
Callback< void, const EventType, const unsigned long long > EventCallback
Definition of an event callback function.
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:81
Timestamp lastFrameEventTimestamp_
Timestamp as the last frame has been arrived.
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:519
FrameType frameType_
Frame type of the media frames.
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:498
Dimension frameDimension() const
Returns the frame dimension of the frames of this provider.
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:544
FrameRef synchronFrameRequest(const unsigned int index, const double timeout=10.0, bool *abort=nullptr)
Requests a frame synchronously.
unsigned int frameNumber()
Returns the best guess of the number of frames of this provider.
RingMapT< unsigned int, FrameRef, false > FrameDatabase
Definition of a non-thread-safe ring map mapping frame indices to frame references.
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:93
bool setMovie(const MovieRef &movie)
Sets the movie providing the frames.
FrameRef frame(const unsigned index)
Returns a frame directly if the frame is currently available.
FrameRef frameRequest(const unsigned int index)
Returns a frame directly if the frame is currently available, otherwise the frame will be requested a...
const FrameType & frameType() const
Returns the frame type of the frames of this provider.
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:550
void addEventCallback(const EventCallback &callback)
Adds a new event callback event function.
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:571
void onPreviewFrame(const Frame &frame, const SharedAnyCamera &camera)
Internal event function for new preview frames.
bool enabled_
Provider enabled state.
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:438
unsigned int timestamp2index(const double timestamp, const bool lookup=false)
Determines the frame index for a given timestamp.
ConcurrentCallbacks< FrameCallback > FrameCallbacks
Definition of a callback container storing frame callbacks.
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:118
bool setFrameCapacity(const size_t capacity)
Sets or changes the capacity of the frames to be stored concurrently.
double duration() const
Returns the current duration of the media in seconds.
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:539
Lock lock_
Provider lock.
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:528
PreviewFrames previewFrames_
Vector holding the preview frames.
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:492
void release()
Releases the frame provider.
void addPreviewFrameCallback(const PreviewFrameCallback &callback)
Adds a new preview frame callback event function.
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:566
Callback< void, const unsigned int, const bool > FrameCallback
Definition of frame callback function.
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:68
unsigned int currentFrameNumber()
Returns the current number of frames that can be provided.
bool setPreferredFrameType(const FrameType::PixelFormat pixelFormat, const FrameType::PixelOrigin pixelOrigin)
Sets the preferred frame type of the frames of this provider.
void addFrameCallback(const FrameCallback &callback)
Adds a new frame callback event function.
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:561
FrameMedium::FrameCallbackScopedSubscription scopedSubscriptionPreviewFrames_
The subscription objects for previewing frame callback events.
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:450
MovieRef movie_
Movie providing the frames.
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:447
Dimension preferredPreviewDimension() const
Returns the preferred frame dimension of the preview frames.
ConcurrentCallbacks< PreviewFrameCallback > PreviewFrameCallbacks
Definition of a callback container storing preview frame callbacks.
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:123
void threadRun() override
Thread run function.
unsigned int actualFrameNumber()
Returns the number of frames the media actually provides.
std::pair< bool, FrameRef > PreviewFrame
Definition of a preview frame composed of a finished-state and the frame data.
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:98
MovieFrameProvider(const bool enabled=true, const unsigned int maximalFrameStorage=150u, const unsigned int maximalQueueStorage=50u)
Creates a new movie frame provider.
void removeFrameCallback(const FrameCallback &callback)
Removes a frame callback event function.
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:576
IndexPair32 Dimension
Definition of a pair of sizes.
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:86
FrameDatabase frames_
Database holding the media frames.
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:489
bool setPreferredPreviewDimension(const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height)
Sets the dimension of the preview frames.
double index2timestamp(const unsigned int index)
Converts the index of a frame into the corresponding timestamp.
PreviewFrameCallbacks previewFrameCallbacks_
Preview frame event callback functions.
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:510
FrameRef previewFrame(const unsigned int index)
Returns a preview frame.
unsigned int estimatedFrameNumber()
Returns the estimated number of frames that can be provided.
void asynchronFrameRequest(const unsigned int index, const bool priority=true)
Requests a frame asynchronously.
Definition of individual event types.
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:50
The size of the frames has been changed, the parameters stores the width in the upper 32 bit and the ...
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:58
Invalid event type.
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:52
New media object assigned, the parameter is zero.
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:54
The determination of all preview frames has been completed, the parameter stores the number of frames...
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:56
FrameQueue frameQueue_
Intermediate queue for frames.
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:486
std::vector< PreviewFrame > PreviewFrames
Definition of a vector holding preview frames.
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:103
std::string url() const
Returns the url of the media.
void onFrame(const Frame &frame, const SharedAnyCamera &camera)
Internal event function for new frames.
This template class implements a object reference with an internal reference counter.
Definition base/ObjectRef.h:58
This class implements a data storage map that stores the data elements in a ring manner.
Definition RingMap.h:32
size_t capacity() const
Returns the capacity of this storage container.
Definition RingMap.h:287
This class implements a scoped lock object for recursive lock objects.
Definition Lock.h:135
This class implements a subscription object which can be used unique subscriptions to e....
Definition ScopedSubscription.h:28
This class implements a thread.
Definition Thread.h:115
This class implements a timestamp.
Definition Timestamp.h:36
std::vector< FrameRef > FrameRefs
Definition of a vector holding frame references.
Definition Frame.h:1783
std::pair< Index32, Index32 > IndexPair32
Definition of a pair holding 32 bit indices.
Definition Base.h:138
std::shared_ptr< AnyCamera > SharedAnyCamera
Definition of a shared pointer holding an AnyCamera object with Scalar precision.
Definition AnyCamera.h:60
ObjectRef< MovieFrameProvider > MovieFrameProviderRef
Definition of an object reference holding a frame provider.
Definition MovieFrameProvider.h:35
The namespace covering the entire Ocean framework.
Definition Accessor.h:15