Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
3  *
4  * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5  * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
6  */
11 #include "ocean/media/Media.h"
13 #include "ocean/media/LiveMedium.h"
15 namespace Ocean
16 {
18 namespace Media
19 {
21 // Forward declaration.
22 class LiveVideo;
24 /**
25  * Definition of a smart medium reference holding a live video object.
26  * @see SmartMediumRef, LiveVideo.
27  * @ingroup media
28  */
31 /**
32  * This class is the base class for all live videos.
33  * @ingroup media
34  */
35 class OCEAN_MEDIA_EXPORT LiveVideo :
36  public virtual FrameMedium,
37  public virtual LiveMedium
38 {
39  public:
41  /**
42  * Definition of individual control modes.
43  * The modes are used for exposure, ISO, and focus.
44  */
45  enum ControlMode : uint32_t
46  {
47  /// An invalid control mode.
48  CM_INVALID = 0u,
49  /// The control is fixed (e.g., because the exposure, ISO, or focus was set manually).
51  /// The control is dynamic (e.g., because auto exposure, ISO, or focus is enabled).
53  };
55  /**
56  * Definition of individual stream types.
57  */
58  enum StreamType : uint32_t
59  {
60  /// An invalid stream type.
61  ST_INVALID = 0u,
62  /// A stream composed of individual uncompressed frames with individual pixel formats (e.g., FORMAT_RGB24, FORMAT_YUYV16, etc.).
64  /// A stream composed of Motion JPEG frames.
66  /// A stream composed of compressed frames with individual codecs (e.g., H264, H265).
68  };
70  /**
71  * Definition of a vector holding stream types.
72  */
73  using StreamTypes = std::vector<StreamType>;
75  /**
76  * Definition of individual codec types.
77  */
78  enum CodecType : uint32_t
79  {
80  /// An invalid codec type.
81  CT_INVALID = 0u,
82  /// Codec using H.264 for encoding or decoding.
84  /// Codec using H.265 for encoding or decoding.
85  CT_H265
86  };
88  /**
89  * This class holds the relevant information describing a video stream configuration.
90  */
91  class OCEAN_MEDIA_EXPORT StreamConfiguration
92  {
93  public:
95  /**
96  * Default constructor creating an invalid object.
97  */
98  StreamConfiguration() = default;
100  /**
101  * Creates a new stream configuration object.
102  * @param streamType The type of the stream
103  * @param width The width of the stream in pixel
104  * @param height The height of the stream in pixel
105  * @param frameRates The frame rates of the stream in Hz
106  * @param framePixelFormat The pixel format of the stream, invalid if stream type is not ST_FRAME
107  * @param codecType The type of the stream, invalid if stream type is not ST_CODEC
108  */
109  StreamConfiguration(const StreamType streamType, const unsigned int width, unsigned int height, std::vector<double>&& frameRates, const FrameType::PixelFormat framePixelFormat, const CodecType codecType);
111  /**
112  * Returns a string containing the readable information of this stream configuration.
113  * @return The readable information of this stream configuration
114  */
115  std::string toString() const;
117  /**
118  * Returns whether this configuration object holds a valid configuration.
119  * The configuration is valid if a valid stream type and a valid image resolution is defined.
120  * @return True, if so
121  */
122  inline bool isValid() const;
124  public:
126  /// The type of the stream.
127  StreamType streamType_ = ST_INVALID;
129  /// The width of the stream in pixel.
130  unsigned int width_ = 0u;
132  /// The height of the stream in pixel.
133  unsigned int height_ = 0u;
135  /// The frame rates of the stream in Hz.
136  std::vector<double> frameRates_;
138  /// The pixel format of the stream, only valid if the stream type is ST_FRAME.
141  /// The codec of the stream, only valid if the stream type is ST_CODEC.
142  CodecType codecType_ = CT_INVALID;
143  };
145  /**
146  * Definition of a vector holding stream configurations.
147  */
148  using StreamConfigurations = std::vector<StreamConfiguration>;
150  public:
152  /**
153  * Returns the supported stream types.
154  * @return The types of all supported streams, empty if this object does not allow (or does not need) to select the stream type.
155  */
158  /**
159  * Returns the supported stream configurations for a given stream type.
160  * @param streamType The type of the stream for which the supported stream configurations will be returned, ST_INVALID to return all stream configurations for all stream types
161  * @return The supported stream configurations
162  */
163  virtual StreamConfigurations supportedStreamConfigurations(const StreamType streamType = ST_INVALID) const;
165  /**
166  * Returns the current exposure duration of this device.
167  * @param minDuration Optional resulting minimal duration to set, in seconds, with range (0, infinity), -1 if unknown
168  * @param maxDuration Optional resulting maximal duration to set, in seconds, with range [minDuration, infinity), -1 if unknown
169  * @param exposureMode Optional resulting exposure mode, nullptr if not of interest
170  * @return The duration in seconds, with range [minDuration, maxDuration], -1 if unknown
171  * @see setExposureDuration().
172  */
173  virtual double exposureDuration(double* minDuration = nullptr, double* maxDuration = nullptr, ControlMode* exposureMode = nullptr) const;
175  /**
176  * Returns the current ISO of this device.
177  * @param minISO Optional resulting minimal ISO to set, with range (0, infinity), -1 if unknown
178  * @param maxISO Optional resulting maximal ISO to set, with range (0, infinity), -1 if unknown
179  * @param isoMode Optional resulting ISO mode, nullptr if not of interest
180  * @return The current ISO, with range [minISO, maxISO], -1 if unknown
181  */
182  virtual float iso(float* minISO = nullptr, float* maxISO = nullptr, ControlMode* isoMode = nullptr) const;
184  /**
185  * Returns the current focus of this device.
186  * @return The device's focus, with range [0, 1] with 0 shortest distance and 1 furthest distance
187  * @param focusMode Optional resulting focus mode, nullptr if not of interest
188  */
189  virtual float focus(ControlMode* focusMode = nullptr) const;
191  /**
192  * Sets the preferred stream type.
193  * There is no guarantee that the device will use this stream type.
194  * @param streamType The preferred stream type to be set, must be valid
195  * @return True, if succeeded
196  * @see setPreferredStreamConfiguration().
197  */
198  virtual bool setPreferredStreamType(const StreamType streamType);
200  /**
201  * Sets the preferred stream configuration.
202  * Using this function will forward some settings to the underlying FrameMedium object via setPreferredFrameDimension(), setPreferredFramePixelFormat(), and setPreferredFrameFrequency().
203  * There is no guarantee that the device will use this stream type.
204  * @param streamConfiguration The preferred stream configuration to be set, must be valid
205  * @return True, if succeeded
206  * @see setPreferredStreamType(), FrameMedium::setPreferredFrameDimension(), FrameMedium::setPreferredFramePixelFormat(), and FrameMedium::setPreferredFrameFrequency()
207  */
208  virtual bool setPreferredStreamConfiguration(const StreamConfiguration& streamConfiguration);
210  /**
211  * Sets the exposure duration of this device.
212  * @param duration The exposure duration to be set, in seconds, with range (0, infinity), 0 for auto exposure, -1 for a one-time auto exposure
213  * @return True, if succeeded
214  * @see exposureDuration().
215  */
216  virtual bool setExposureDuration(const double duration);
218  /**
219  * Sets the ISO of this device.
220  * @param iso The ISO to be set, with range (0, infinity), -1 for auto ISO
221  * @return True, if succeeded
222  * @see iso().
223  */
224  virtual bool setISO(const float iso);
226  /**
227  * Sets the focus of this device.
228  * @param position The focus position to be set, with range [0, 1] with 0 shortest distance and 1 furthest distance, -1 for auto focus
229  * @return True, if succeeded
230  * @see focus().
231  */
232  virtual bool setFocus(const float position);
234  /**
235  * Translates a control mode to a string.
236  * @param controlMode The control mode to translate
237  * @return The translated string, 'Invalid' if the control mode is invalid or unknown
238  */
239  static std::string translateControlMode(const ControlMode controlMode);
241  /**
242  * Translates a stream type to a string.
243  * @param streamType The stream type to be translated
244  * @return The translated string, 'Invalid' if the stream type is invalid or unknown
245  */
246  static std::string translateStreamType(const StreamType streamType);
248  /**
249  * Translates a codec type to a string.
250  * @param codecType The stream type to be translated
251  * @return The translated string, 'Invalid' if the codec type is invalid or unknown
252  */
253  static std::string translateCodecType(const CodecType codecType);
255  protected:
257  /**
258  * Creates a new live video source by a given url.
259  * @param url Url of the live video source
260  */
261  explicit LiveVideo(const std::string& url);
262 };
265 {
266  return streamType_ != ST_INVALID && width_ > 0u && height_ > 0u;
267 }
269 }
271 }
Definition of all pixel formats available in the Ocean framework.
Definition: Frame.h:183
Undefined pixel format.
Definition: Frame.h:187
This is the base class for all frame mediums.
Definition: FrameMedium.h:53
This class it the base class for all live mediums.
Definition: LiveMedium.h:38
This class holds the relevant information describing a video stream configuration.
Definition: LiveVideo.h:92
std::vector< double > frameRates_
The frame rates of the stream in Hz.
Definition: LiveVideo.h:136
std::string toString() const
Returns a string containing the readable information of this stream configuration.
unsigned int height_
The height of the stream in pixel.
Definition: LiveVideo.h:133
StreamType streamType_
The type of the stream.
Definition: LiveVideo.h:127
bool isValid() const
Returns whether this configuration object holds a valid configuration.
Definition: LiveVideo.h:264
unsigned int width_
The width of the stream in pixel.
Definition: LiveVideo.h:130
Default constructor creating an invalid object.
StreamConfiguration(const StreamType streamType, const unsigned int width, unsigned int height, std::vector< double > &&frameRates, const FrameType::PixelFormat framePixelFormat, const CodecType codecType)
Creates a new stream configuration object.
This class is the base class for all live videos.
Definition: LiveVideo.h:38
virtual double exposureDuration(double *minDuration=nullptr, double *maxDuration=nullptr, ControlMode *exposureMode=nullptr) const
Returns the current exposure duration of this device.
Definition of individual codec types.
Definition: LiveVideo.h:79
@ CT_H264
Codec using H.264 for encoding or decoding.
Definition: LiveVideo.h:83
LiveVideo(const std::string &url)
Creates a new live video source by a given url.
virtual bool setPreferredStreamType(const StreamType streamType)
Sets the preferred stream type.
virtual StreamConfigurations supportedStreamConfigurations(const StreamType streamType=ST_INVALID) const
Returns the supported stream configurations for a given stream type.
Definition of individual stream types.
Definition: LiveVideo.h:59
An invalid stream type.
Definition: LiveVideo.h:61
A stream composed of Motion JPEG frames.
Definition: LiveVideo.h:65
A stream composed of individual uncompressed frames with individual pixel formats (e....
Definition: LiveVideo.h:63
Definition of individual control modes.
Definition: LiveVideo.h:46
The control is fixed (e.g., because the exposure, ISO, or focus was set manually).
Definition: LiveVideo.h:50
virtual bool setFocus(const float position)
Sets the focus of this device.
virtual bool setISO(const float iso)
Sets the ISO of this device.
std::vector< StreamConfiguration > StreamConfigurations
Definition of a vector holding stream configurations.
Definition: LiveVideo.h:148
virtual StreamTypes supportedStreamTypes() const
Returns the supported stream types.
static std::string translateControlMode(const ControlMode controlMode)
Translates a control mode to a string.
virtual bool setPreferredStreamConfiguration(const StreamConfiguration &streamConfiguration)
Sets the preferred stream configuration.
virtual float iso(float *minISO=nullptr, float *maxISO=nullptr, ControlMode *isoMode=nullptr) const
Returns the current ISO of this device.
std::vector< StreamType > StreamTypes
Definition of a vector holding stream types.
Definition: LiveVideo.h:73
static std::string translateStreamType(const StreamType streamType)
Translates a stream type to a string.
virtual bool setExposureDuration(const double duration)
Sets the exposure duration of this device.
static std::string translateCodecType(const CodecType codecType)
Translates a codec type to a string.
virtual float focus(ControlMode *focusMode=nullptr) const
Returns the current focus of this device.
This class implements a smart medium reference.
Definition: MediumRef.h:33
SmartMediumRef< LiveVideo > LiveVideoRef
Definition of a smart medium reference holding a live video object.
Definition: LiveVideo.h:22
The namespace covering the entire Ocean framework.
Definition: Accessor.h:15