Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
3  *
4  * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5  * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
6  */
17 namespace Ocean
18 {
20 namespace CV
21 {
23 namespace Synthesis
24 {
26 /**
27  * This initializer creates an initial mapping by the adaption of an already existing mapping of a coarser synthesis layer.<br>
28  * The initializer supports mapping with float accuracy.<br>
29  * The coarser mapping is upsampled and adjusted to the synthesis mask.<br>
30  * @tparam tFactor Defines the dimension increase factor between the synthesis layer and the given coarser layer. A factor of 2 means that the width and height of the synthesis layer is two times larger than the width and height of the given coarser layer, with range [0, infinity)
31  * @see MappingF, LayerF1, InitializerCoarserMappingAdaptionI1.
32  * @ingroup cvsynthesis
33  */
34 template <unsigned int tFactor>
36  virtual public InitializerF,
37  virtual public InitializerRandomized,
38  virtual public InitializerSubset,
39  virtual public Initializer1
40 {
41  public:
43  /**
44  * Creates a new initializer object.
45  * @param layer The layer for that the initial mapping has to be provided
46  * @param randomGenerator Random number generator
47  * @param coarserLayer The coarser synthesis layer from the mapping will be adopted
48  */
49  inline InitializerCoarserMappingAdaptionF1(LayerF1& layer, RandomGenerator& randomGenerator, const LayerF1& coarserLayer);
51  private:
53  /**
54  * Initializes a subset of the entire mapping area.
55  * @see InitializerSubset::initializeSubset().
56  * @see initializeSubsetChannels().
57  */
58  void initializeSubset(const unsigned int firstColumn, const unsigned int numberColumns, const unsigned int firstRow, const unsigned int numberRows) const override;
60  private:
62  /// Coarser layer that has to be adopted.
64 };
66 template <unsigned int tFactor>
68  Initializer(layer),
69  InitializerF(layer),
70  InitializerRandomized(layer, randomGenerator),
71  InitializerSubset(layer),
72  Initializer1(layer),
73  coarserLayerF_(coarserLayer)
74 {
75  // nothing to do here
76 }
78 template <unsigned int tFactor>
79 inline void InitializerCoarserMappingAdaptionF1<tFactor>::initializeSubset(const unsigned int firstColumn, const unsigned int numberColumns, const unsigned int firstRow, const unsigned int numberRows) const
80 {
81  static_assert(tFactor >= 2u, "Invalid factor!");
83  const unsigned int width = layerF_.width();
84  const unsigned int height = layerF_.height();
86  const unsigned int coarserWidth = coarserLayerF_.width();
87  const unsigned int coarserHeight = coarserLayerF_.height();
89  ocean_assert(width / tFactor == coarserWidth);
90  ocean_assert(height / tFactor == coarserHeight);
92  MappingF& mapping = layerF_.mapping();
93  const MappingF& coarserMapping = coarserLayerF_.mapping();
95  RandomGenerator randomGenerator(randomGenerator_);
97  const uint8_t* const mask = layerF_.mask().template constdata<uint8_t>();
98  const uint8_t* const coarserMask = coarserLayerF_.mask().template constdata<uint8_t>();
100  const unsigned int maskStrideElements = layerF_.mask().strideElements();
101  const unsigned int coarserMaskStrideElements = coarserLayerF_.mask().strideElements();
103  for (unsigned int y = firstRow; y < firstRow + numberRows; ++y)
104  {
105  const uint8_t* maskRow = mask + y * maskStrideElements;
106  Vector2* positionRow = mapping.row(y);
108  const unsigned int yCoarser = min(y / tFactor, coarserHeight - 1u);
110  const uint8_t* coarserMaskRow = coarserMask + yCoarser * coarserMaskStrideElements;
111  const Vector2* coarserPositionRow = coarserMapping.row(yCoarser);
113  for (unsigned int x = firstColumn; x < firstColumn + numberColumns; ++x)
114  {
115  if (maskRow[x] != 0xFFu)
116  {
117  const unsigned int xCoarser = min(x / tFactor, coarserWidth - 1u);
119  // if the corresponding coarser layer pixel is a mask pixel
120  if (coarserMaskRow[xCoarser] != 0xFFu)
121  {
122  const Vector2& coarserPosition = coarserPositionRow[xCoarser];
123  ocean_assert(coarserPosition.x() < Scalar(coarserLayerF_.width()));
124  ocean_assert(coarserPosition.y() < Scalar(coarserLayerF_.height()));
126  const Scalar candidateX = Scalar(x) + (coarserPosition.x() - Scalar(xCoarser)) * Scalar(tFactor);
127  const Scalar candidateY = Scalar(y) + (coarserPosition.y() - Scalar(yCoarser)) * Scalar(tFactor);
129  const unsigned int intCandidateX = (unsigned int)(Numeric::round32(candidateX));
130  const unsigned int intCandidateY = (unsigned int)(Numeric::round32(candidateY));
132  if (mask[intCandidateY * maskStrideElements + intCandidateX] == 0xFFu)
133  {
134  positionRow[x] = Vector2(candidateX, candidateY);
135  continue;
136  }
137  }
139  Vector2 candidate;
141  while (true)
142  {
143  candidate = Random::vector2(randomGenerator, Scalar(2u), Scalar(width - 3u), Scalar(2u), Scalar(height - 3u));
145  const unsigned int intCandidateX = (unsigned int)(Numeric::round32(candidate.x()));
146  const unsigned int intCandidateY = (unsigned int)(Numeric::round32(candidate.y()));
148  if (mask[intCandidateY * maskStrideElements + intCandidateX] == 0xFFu)
149  {
150  positionRow[x] = candidate;
151  break;
152  }
153  }
154  }
155  }
156  }
157 }
159 }
161 }
163 }
This class is the base class for all initializers that are provided for a single frame only.
Definition: Initializer1.h:29
This initializer creates an initial mapping by the adaption of an already existing mapping of a coars...
Definition: InitializerCoarserMappingAdaptionF1.h:40
const LayerF1 & coarserLayerF_
Coarser layer that has to be adopted.
Definition: InitializerCoarserMappingAdaptionF1.h:63
void initializeSubset(const unsigned int firstColumn, const unsigned int numberColumns, const unsigned int firstRow, const unsigned int numberRows) const override
Initializes a subset of the entire mapping area.
Definition: InitializerCoarserMappingAdaptionF1.h:79
InitializerCoarserMappingAdaptionF1(LayerF1 &layer, RandomGenerator &randomGenerator, const LayerF1 &coarserLayer)
Creates a new initializer object.
Definition: InitializerCoarserMappingAdaptionF1.h:67
This class implements the base class for all initializer objects that are applied for mappings with f...
Definition: InitializerF.h:30
This class implements the base class for all synthesis initializers.
Definition: Initializer.h:34
This class is the base class for all initializers that mainly initialize the synthesis mapping by a h...
Definition: InitializerRandomized.h:30
This class is the base class for all initializer objects that can separate the initialization process...
Definition: InitializerSubset.h:29
This class implements a single layer for pixel synthesis within one frame and sub-pixel accuracy.
Definition: LayerF1.h:44
This class implements a mapping with float accuracy.
Definition: MappingF.h:30
const Vector2 * row(const unsigned int y) const
Returns the pointer to a mapping row.
Definition: MappingF.h:210
static constexpr int32_t round32(const T value)
Returns the rounded 32 bit integer value of a given value.
Definition: Numeric.h:2064
This class implements a generator for random numbers.
Definition: RandomGenerator.h:42
static VectorT2< T > vector2()
Returns a random 2D vector with length 1 which is equal distributed within a circle.
Definition: Random.h:472
const T & x() const noexcept
Returns the x value.
Definition: Vector2.h:698
const T & y() const noexcept
Returns the y value.
Definition: Vector2.h:710
float Scalar
Definition of a scalar type.
Definition: Math.h:128
VectorT2< Scalar > Vector2
Definition of a 2D vector.
Definition: Vector2.h:21
The namespace covering the entire Ocean framework.
Definition: Accessor.h:15