Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
3  *
4  * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5  * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
6  */
16 namespace Ocean
17 {
19 namespace Rendering
20 {
22 namespace GLESceneGraph
23 {
25 /**
26  * This class wraps a GLESceneGraph media texture object.
27  * @ingroup renderinggles
28  */
29 class OCEAN_RENDERING_GLES_EXPORT GLESMediaTexture2D final :
30  virtual public GLESTexture2D,
31  virtual public MediaTexture2D
32 {
33  friend class GLESFactory;
35  public:
37  /**
38  * Returns the name of the texture e.g., in a shader.
39  * @see Texture::textureName().
40  */
41  std::string textureName() const override;
43  /**
44  * Sets the name of the texture e.g., in a shader.
45  * @see Texture::setTextureName().
46  */
47  bool setTextureName(const std::string& name) override;
49  /**
50  * Returns the texture id of the primary texture.
51  * @return The id of the primary texture, 0 if invalid
52  */
53  inline GLuint primaryTextureId() const;
55  /**
56  * Returns the texture id of the secondary texture.
57  * @return The id of the primary texture, 0 if invalid
58  */
59  inline GLuint secondaryTextureId() const;
61  /**
62  * Binds this texture.
63  * @see GLESTexture::bindTexture().
64  */
65  unsigned int bindTexture(GLESShaderProgram& shaderProgram, const unsigned int id) override;
67  /**
68  * Returns whether the texture internally holds valid data.
69  * @see Texture::isValid().
70  */
71  bool isValid() const override;
73  /**
74  * Returns descriptive information about the object as string.
75  * @see Object::descriptiveInformation().
76  */
77  std::string descriptiveInformation() const override;
79  protected:
81  /**
82  * Creates a new GLESceneGraph texture 2D object.
83  */
86  /**
87  * Destructs a GLESceneGraph texture 2D object.
88  */
89  ~GLESMediaTexture2D() override;
91  /**
92  * Updates the mipmap for this texture.
93  * @see GLESTexture::createMipmap().
94  */
95  void createMipmap() override;
97  /**
98  * Creates a new GLESceneGraph texture object.
99  * @param frameType Frame type to create the new texture object for
100  * @return True, if succeeded
101  */
102  bool defineTextureObject(const FrameType& frameType);
104  /**
105  * Creates a primary GLESceneGraph texture object.
106  * @param frameType Frame type to create the new texture object for
107  * @return True, if succeeded
108  */
109  bool definePrimaryTextureObject(const FrameType& frameType);
111  /**
112  * Creates a secondary GLESceneGraph texture object.
113  * @param frameType Frame type to create the new texture object for
114  * @return True, if succeeded
115  */
116  bool defineSecondaryTextureObject(const FrameType& frameType);
118  /**
119  * Update function called by the framebuffer.
120  * @see DynamicObject::onDynamicUpdate().
121  */
122  void onDynamicUpdate(const ViewRef& view, const Timestamp timestamp) override;
124  /**
125  * Returns whether a second texture is necessary for a given frame type.
126  * @param frameType The frame type for which the check will be done, must be valid
127  * @return True, if so; False, if the frame type can be handled with just one texture
128  */
129  static bool needsSecondaryTextureObjects(const FrameType& frameType);
131  /**
132  * Returns the frame type of the internal frame for which a GL texture format exists.
133  * @param frameType The external (given) frame type for which the internal frame type will be determined, must be valid
134  * @param internalFrameType The resulting internal frame type
135  * @return True, if succeeded
136  */
137  static bool determineInternalFrameType(const FrameType& frameType, FrameType& internalFrameType);
139  /**
140  * Determines the properties of the primary texture for a given frame type.
141  * @param frameType The frame type for which the properties will be determined, must be valid
142  * @param width The resulting width of the primary texture in pixel, with range [1, infinity)
143  * @param height The resulting height of the primary texture in pixel, with range [1, infinity)
144  * @param format The resulting GL format of the primary texture
145  * @param type The resulting GL type of the primary texture
146  * @return True, if succeeded
147  */
148  static bool determinePrimaryTextureProperties(const FrameType& frameType, unsigned int& width, unsigned int& height, GLenum& format, GLenum& type);
150  /**
151  * Determines the properties of the secondary texture for a given frame type.
152  * @param frameType The frame type for which the properties will be determined, must be valid
153  * @param width The resulting width of the secondary texture in pixel, with range [1, infinity)
154  * @param height The resulting height of the secondary texture in pixel, with range [1, infinity)
155  * @param format The resulting GL format of the secondary texture
156  * @param type The resulting GL type of the secondary texture
157  * @return True, if succeeded
158  */
159  static bool determineSecondaryTextureProperties(const FrameType& frameType, unsigned int& width, unsigned int& height, GLenum& format, GLenum& type);
161  /**
162  * Returns the name of the primary texture.
163  * The input must have the format '<PRIMARY>,<SECONDARY>'.
164  * @param names The names of all textures, must be valid
165  * @param name The resulting name of the primary texture
166  * @return True, if succeeded
167  */
168  static bool primaryTextureName(const std::string& names, std::string& name);
170  /**
171  * Returns the name of the secondary texture.
172  * The input must have the format '<PRIMARY>,<SECONDARY>'.
173  * @param names The names of all textures, must be valid
174  * @param name The resulting name of the secondary texture
175  * @return True, if succeeded
176  */
177  static bool secondaryTextureName(const std::string& names, std::string& name);
179  protected:
181  /// The recent timestamp of the rendering engine.
184  /// The OpenGL ES texture id.
185  GLuint primaryTextureId_ = 0u;
187  /// Additional OpenGL ES texture id.
188  GLuint secondaryTextureId_ = 0u;
190  /// Optional temp conversion frame.
193  /// The name of the texture in the shader.
194  std::string textureName_ = std::string("primaryTexture,secondaryTexture");
195 };
198 {
199  return primaryTextureId_;
200 }
203 {
204  return secondaryTextureId_;
205 }
207 }
209 }
211 }
This class implements Ocean's image class.
Definition: Frame.h:1760
Definition of a frame type composed by the frame dimension, pixel format and pixel origin.
Definition: Frame.h:30
This class implements a class factory for all GLESceneGraph objects.
Definition: GLESFactory.h:30
This class wraps a GLESceneGraph media texture object.
Definition: GLESMediaTexture2D.h:32
std::string textureName() const override
Returns the name of the texture e.g., in a shader.
bool setTextureName(const std::string &name) override
Sets the name of the texture e.g., in a shader.
bool defineSecondaryTextureObject(const FrameType &frameType)
Creates a secondary GLESceneGraph texture object.
GLuint primaryTextureId() const
Returns the texture id of the primary texture.
Definition: GLESMediaTexture2D.h:197
static bool determineInternalFrameType(const FrameType &frameType, FrameType &internalFrameType)
Returns the frame type of the internal frame for which a GL texture format exists.
void createMipmap() override
Updates the mipmap for this texture.
void onDynamicUpdate(const ViewRef &view, const Timestamp timestamp) override
Update function called by the framebuffer.
bool isValid() const override
Returns whether the texture internally holds valid data.
bool defineTextureObject(const FrameType &frameType)
Creates a new GLESceneGraph texture object.
GLuint primaryTextureId_
The OpenGL ES texture id.
Definition: GLESMediaTexture2D.h:185
unsigned int bindTexture(GLESShaderProgram &shaderProgram, const unsigned int id) override
Binds this texture.
static bool determinePrimaryTextureProperties(const FrameType &frameType, unsigned int &width, unsigned int &height, GLenum &format, GLenum &type)
Determines the properties of the primary texture for a given frame type.
static bool determineSecondaryTextureProperties(const FrameType &frameType, unsigned int &width, unsigned int &height, GLenum &format, GLenum &type)
Determines the properties of the secondary texture for a given frame type.
Creates a new GLESceneGraph texture 2D object.
bool definePrimaryTextureObject(const FrameType &frameType)
Creates a primary GLESceneGraph texture object.
static bool primaryTextureName(const std::string &names, std::string &name)
Returns the name of the primary texture.
Timestamp renderTimestamp_
The recent timestamp of the rendering engine.
Definition: GLESMediaTexture2D.h:182
~GLESMediaTexture2D() override
Destructs a GLESceneGraph texture 2D object.
std::string descriptiveInformation() const override
Returns descriptive information about the object as string.
Frame conversionFrame_
Optional temp conversion frame.
Definition: GLESMediaTexture2D.h:191
static bool secondaryTextureName(const std::string &names, std::string &name)
Returns the name of the secondary texture.
GLuint secondaryTextureId_
Additional OpenGL ES texture id.
Definition: GLESMediaTexture2D.h:188
static bool needsSecondaryTextureObjects(const FrameType &frameType)
Returns whether a second texture is necessary for a given frame type.
GLuint secondaryTextureId() const
Returns the texture id of the secondary texture.
Definition: GLESMediaTexture2D.h:202
This class implements a container for an OpenGL ES shader program.
Definition: GLESShaderProgram.h:53
This class wraps a GLESceneGraph texture object.
Definition: GLESTexture2D.h:34
This class is the base class for all 2D textures receiving their image content from Media objects.
Definition: MediaTexture2D.h:41
This class implements a timestamp.
Definition: Timestamp.h:36
The namespace covering the entire Ocean framework.
Definition: Accessor.h:15