Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
3  *
4  * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5  * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
6  */
11 #include "ocean/math/Math.h"
12 #include "ocean/math/Line2.h"
13 #include "ocean/math/Vector2.h"
15 #include <vector>
17 namespace Ocean
18 {
20 // Forward declaration.
21 template <typename T> class FiniteLineT2;
23 /**
24  * Definition of the FiniteLine2 object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with single or double precision float data type.
25  * @see FiniteLineT2
26  * @ingroup math
27  */
30 /**
31  * Instantiation of the LineT2 template class using a double precision float data type.
32  * @see FiniteLineT2
33  * @ingroup math
34  */
37 /**
38  * Instantiation of the LineT2 template class using a single precision float data type.
39  * @see FiniteLineT2
40  * @ingroup math
41  */
44 /**
45  * Definition of a typename alias for vectors with FiniteLineT2 objects.
46  * @see FiniteLineT2
47  * @ingroup math
48  */
49 template <typename T>
50 using FiniteLinesT2 = std::vector<FiniteLineT2<T>>;
52 /**
53  * Definition of a vector holding FiniteLine2 objects.
54  * @see FiniteLineF2, Line2
55  * @ingroup math
56  */
57 typedef std::vector<FiniteLine2> FiniteLines2;
59 /**
60  * Definition of a vector holding FiniteLineD2 objects.
61  * @see FiniteLineD2, Line2
62  * @ingroup math
63  */
64 typedef std::vector<FiniteLineD2> FiniteLinesD2;
66 /**
67  * Definition of a vector holding FiniteLineF2 objects.
68  * @see FiniteLineF2, Line2
69  * @ingroup math
70  */
71 typedef std::vector<FiniteLineF2> FiniteLinesF2;
73 /**
74  * This class implements an finite line in 2D space.
75  * The finite line object is invalid if both end points of the line object are identical.<br>
76  * @tparam T Data type used to represent lines
77  * @see FiniteLine2, FiniteLineF2, FiniteLineD2, LineT2, Line2
78  * @ingroup math
79  */
80 template <typename T>
82 {
83  public:
85  /**
86  * Definition of the used data type.
87  */
88  typedef T Type;
90  public:
92  /**
93  * Creates a finite line with default parameters.
94  */
95  FiniteLineT2() = default;
97  /**
98  * Creates a finite line defined by two end points of the line.
99  * @param point0 First end point of the line
100  * @param point1 Second end point of the line, must be different from point0 to create a valid line, otherwise the line is invalid
101  */
104  /**
105  * Copies a line with different data type than T.
106  * @param line The line to copy
107  * @tparam U The data type of the second line
108  */
109  template <typename U>
110  inline explicit FiniteLineT2(const FiniteLineT2<U>& line);
112  /**
113  * Returns the first end point of the line.
114  * @return First end point of the line
115  */
116  inline const VectorT2<T>& point0() const;
118  /**
119  * Returns the second end point of the line.
120  * @return Second end point of the line
121  */
122  inline const VectorT2<T>& point1() const;
124  /**
125  * Returns the first or second end point of the line.
126  * @param index The index of the point to be returned, with range [0, 1]
127  * @return First or second end point of the line
128  */
129  inline const VectorT2<T>& point(const unsigned int index) const;
131  /**
132  * Returns the midpoint of the line.
133  * @return Midpoint point of the line
134  */
135  inline VectorT2<T> midpoint() const;
137  /**
138  * Returns the direction of the line: normalized(point1() - point0())
139  * @return Direction vector with unit length, a zero vector if the line is invalid
140  * @see isValid().
141  */
142  inline const VectorT2<T>& direction() const;
144  /**
145  * Returns the normal of the line: -direction().perpendicular()
146  * The 2D cross product between the resulting normal and the direction of this line will be positive
147  * @return Normal vector with unit length
148  * @see isValid().
149  */
150  inline const VectorT2<T> normal() const;
152  /**
153  * Returns the squared length of the finite line.
154  * @return Squared distance between the end points of the line
155  */
156  inline T sqrLength() const;
158  /**
159  * Returns the length of the finite line.
160  * @return Distance between the end points of the line
161  */
162  inline T length() const;
164  /**
165  * Returns whether a given point is part of the finite line.
166  * @param point The point to check
167  * @return True, if so
168  * @see isOnInfiniteLine().
169  */
170  inline bool isOnLine(const VectorT2<T>& point) const;
172  /**
173  * Returns whether a given point lies on the infinite line defined by this finite line.
174  * @param point The point to check
175  * @return True, if so
176  * @see isOnLine().
177  */
178  inline bool isOnInfiniteLine(const VectorT2<T>& point) const;
180  /**
181  * Check if a point is in the left half-plane of the direction vector of a line
182  * A point @c p is located on the left side of a line, if the cross product of the direction of the line, @c d, and the vector pointing from starting point of the line, @c s, to the point @c p is positive: (d x (p - s)) > 0.
183  * It's on the line the cross product is zero and in the right half-plane it is negative.
184  * @note Keep in mind that if the point is not in the left half-plane, it doesn't necessarily mean that it's in the right half-plane because it could just as well be located on the line.
185  * @sa direction()
186  * @param point The point to check
187  * @return True, if the point is in the left half-plane
188  */
189  inline bool isLeftOfLine(const VectorT2<T>& point) const;
191  /**
192  * Returns the distance between the line and a given point.
193  * This function needs a unit vector as direction!
194  * @param point The point to return the distance for
195  * @return Distance between point and line
196  */
197  inline T distance(const VectorT2<T>& point) const;
199  /**
200  * Returns the square distance between the line and a given point.
201  * @param point The point to return the distance for
202  * @return The resulting square distance between point and line, with range [0, infinity)
203  */
204  inline T sqrDistance(const VectorT2<T>& point) const;
206  /**
207  * Returns the point lying on this finite line nearest to an arbitrary given point.
208  * This function needs a unit vector as direction!
209  * @param point Arbitrary point outside the line
210  * @return Nearest point on the finite line
211  * @see nearestPointOnInfiniteLine().
212  */
215  /**
216  * Returns the point on the infinite line (defined by this finite line) to an arbitrary given point.
217  * In addition to providing the projected point on the infinite line, this function can return the distance to the closest end point of the finite line when lying outside of the finite line's boundaries.
218  * A negative distance indicates a projected point close to point0(), a positive distance indicates a projected point close to point1().
219  * This function needs a unit vector as direction!
220  * @param point Arbitrary point outside the line
221  * @param outOfBoundaryDistance Optional resulting distance between the projected point on the infinite line and the closest end point of the finite line, with range (-infinity, infinity)
222  * @param finiteLineLocation Optional resulting location of the projected point in relation to the finite line so that the following holds point() + direction() * finiteLineLocation, with range (-infinity, infinity)
223  * @return Nearest point on the infinite line
224  * @see nearestPoint().
225  */
226  VectorT2<T> nearestPointOnInfiniteLine(const VectorT2<T>& point, T* outOfBoundaryDistance = nullptr, T* finiteLineLocation = nullptr) const;
228  /**
229  * Returns the unique intersection point of two finite lines.
230  * Two aligned lines do not have one common intersection point, so that the function will return 'false' in such a case.
231  * @param second The second line for intersection calculation
232  * @param point Resulting intersection point
233  * @return True, if both lines have a common intersection point
234  * @see intersects().
235  */
236  inline bool intersection(const FiniteLineT2<T>& second, VectorT2<T>& point) const;
238  /**
239  * Returns the unique intersection point of this finite line with an infinite line.
240  * Two aligned lines do not have one common intersection point, so that the function will return 'false' in such a case.
241  * @param second The second line for intersection calculation
242  * @param point Resulting intersection point
243  * @return True, if both lines have a common intersection point
244  * @see intersects().
245  */
246  inline bool intersection(const LineT2<T>& second, VectorT2<T>& point) const;
248  /**
249  * Returns whether two finite lines have a unique intersection point.
250  * @param second The second line to check
251  * @return True, if both lines intersect
252  * @see intersection().
253  */
254  inline bool intersects(const FiniteLineT2<T>& second) const;
256  /**
257  * Returns whether two finite lies have an intersection.
258  * @param second The second line to check
259  * @return True, if both lines intersect
260  * @see intersection().
261  */
262  inline bool intersects(const LineT2<T>& second) const;
264  /**
265  * Returns whether two lines are parallel up to a small epsilon.
266  * @param right Second line
267  * @return True, if so
268  */
269  inline bool isParallel(const FiniteLineT2<T>& right) const;
271  /**
272  * Check for collinearity with other line segment
273  * @param right Line to check for collinearity
274  * @param distanceEpsilon Acceptable distance of the endpoints of one line segment from the infinite line corresponding to the other line, default value: `Numeric::weakEps()`
275  * @param cosAngleEpsilon Cosine of the maximum angle that is allowed in order for the two segments to be considered parallel; default: cos(weakEps()), i.e., approx. one, range: [0, 1]
276  * @return True if the this line and the other one are collinear, otherwise false
277  */
278  inline bool isCollinear(const FiniteLineT2<T>& right, const T& distanceEpsilon = NumericT<T>::weakEps(), const T& cosAngleEpsilon = NumericT<T>::cos(NumericT<T>::weakEps())) const;
280  /**
281  * Returns whether this line has valid parameters.
282  * @return True, if so
283  */
284  inline bool isValid() const;
286  /**
287  * Returns whether two lines are equal up to a specified epsilon.
288  * Two lines are equal if both lines have the same end points (while the order of the points is not important).
289  * @param line The second line to be used for comparison, must be valid
290  * @param epsilon The maximal distance between two equal end points, with range [0, infinity)
291  * @return True, if so
292  */
293  inline bool isEqual(const FiniteLineT2<T>& line, const T& epsilon) const;
295  /**
296  * Returns whether two line are identical up to a small epsilon.
297  * Two finite lines are identical if both lines have the same endpoint (independent of the order of the end points).
298  * @param right The right line
299  * @return True, if so
300  * @see isEqual().
301  */
302  inline bool operator==(const FiniteLineT2<T>& right) const;
304  /**
305  * Returns whether two line are identical up to a small epsilon.
306  * @param right The right line
307  * @return True, if so
308  */
309  inline bool operator!=(const FiniteLineT2<T>& right) const;
311  /**
312  * Returns whether this line is valid.
313  * @return True, if so
314  */
315  explicit inline operator bool() const;
317  protected:
319  /// First end point of the line.
322  /// Second end point of the line.
325  /// Direction of the line with unit length, if the object holds valid parameters.
327 };
329 template <typename T>
331  point0_(point0),
332  point1_(point1),
333  direction_((point1 - point0).normalizedOrZero())
334 {
335  // nothing to do here
336 }
338 template <typename T>
339 template <typename U>
341 {
342  point0_ = VectorT2<T>(line.point0());
343  point1_ = VectorT2<T>(line.point1());
344  direction_ = VectorT2<T>(line.direction());
345 }
347 template <typename T>
349 {
350  return point0_;
351 }
353 template <typename T>
355 {
356  return point1_;
357 }
359 template <typename T>
360 inline const VectorT2<T>& FiniteLineT2<T>::point(const unsigned int index) const
361 {
362  ocean_assert(index <= 1u);
364  if (index == 0u)
365  {
366  return point0_;
367  }
368  else
369  {
370  return point1_;
371  }
372 }
374 template <typename T>
376 {
377  return (point0_ + point1_) * T(0.5);
378 }
380 template <typename T>
382 {
383  return direction_;
384 }
386 template <typename T>
388 {
389  ocean_assert(isValid());
390  const VectorT2<T> result = -direction_.perpendicular();
391  ocean_assert(Ocean::NumericT<T>::isEqual(result.length(), T(1)));
392  ocean_assert(result.cross(direction_) > 0);
393  return result;
394 }
396 template <typename T>
398 {
399  return (point1_ - point0_).sqr();
400 }
402 template <typename T>
403 inline T FiniteLineT2<T>::length() const
404 {
405  return (point1_ - point0_).length();
406 }
408 template <typename T>
409 inline bool FiniteLineT2<T>::isOnLine(const VectorT2<T>& point) const
410 {
411  ocean_assert(isValid());
413  return NumericT<T>::isEqualEps(sqrDistance(point));
414 }
416 template <typename T>
417 inline bool FiniteLineT2<T>::isOnInfiniteLine(const VectorT2<T>& point) const
418 {
419  ocean_assert(isValid());
421  return NumericT<T>::isEqualEps(nearestPointOnInfiniteLine(point).sqrDistance(point));
422 }
424 template <typename T>
425 inline bool FiniteLineT2<T>::isLeftOfLine(const VectorT2<T>& point) const
426 {
427  ocean_assert(isValid());
429  return LineT2<T>(point0_, direction_).isLeftOfLine(point);
430 }
432 template <typename T>
433 inline T FiniteLineT2<T>::distance(const VectorT2<T>& point) const
434 {
435  ocean_assert(isValid());
437  return NumericT<T>::sqrt(sqrDistance(point));
438 }
440 template <typename T>
441 inline T FiniteLineT2<T>::sqrDistance(const VectorT2<T>& point) const
442 {
443  ocean_assert(isValid());
445  return nearestPoint(point).sqrDistance(point);
446 }
448 template <typename T>
450 {
451  ocean_assert(isValid());
453  const VectorT2<T> lineOffset(point1_ - point0_);
454  const VectorT2<T> pointOffset(point - point0_);
456  const T dotProduct = lineOffset * pointOffset;
458  // the projected point does not lie on the finite line (before the first end point)
459  if (dotProduct <= 0)
460  {
461  return point0_;
462  }
464  // the projected point does not lie on the finite line (behind the second end point)
465  if (dotProduct >= lineOffset.sqr())
466  {
467  return point1_;
468  }
470  // the projected point lies on the finite line
471  return point0_ + direction_ * (pointOffset * direction_);
472 }
474 template <typename T>
475 VectorT2<T> FiniteLineT2<T>::nearestPointOnInfiniteLine(const VectorT2<T>& point, T* outOfBoundaryDistance, T* finiteLineLocation) const
476 {
477  ocean_assert(isValid());
479  const VectorT2<T> lineOffset(point1_ - point0_);
480  const VectorT2<T> pointOffset(point - point0_);
482  const T dotProduct = lineOffset * pointOffset;
484  if (dotProduct <= 0)
485  {
486  // the projected point does not lie on the finite line (before the first end point)
488  if (outOfBoundaryDistance)
489  {
490  // we have a negative distance
492  *outOfBoundaryDistance = std::min(pointOffset * direction_, T(0));
493  ocean_assert(*outOfBoundaryDistance <= T(0));
494  }
495  }
496  else if (dotProduct >= lineOffset.sqr())
497  {
498  // the projected point does not lie on the finite line (behind the second end point)
500  if (outOfBoundaryDistance)
501  {
502  // we have a positive distance
504  *outOfBoundaryDistance = std::max(T(0), pointOffset * direction_ - length());
505  ocean_assert(*outOfBoundaryDistance >= T(0));
506  }
507  }
508  else
509  {
510  // the projected point lies within the finite line
512  if (outOfBoundaryDistance)
513  {
514  *outOfBoundaryDistance = T(0);
515  }
516  }
518  const T length = pointOffset * direction_;
520  if (finiteLineLocation)
521  {
522  // the location in relation to the finite line is just the 1D position
523  // on the line starting at point0 with positive values towards point1
525  *finiteLineLocation = length;
526  }
528  // the projected point lies on the finite line
529  return point0_ + direction_ * length;
530 }
532 template <typename T>
533 inline bool FiniteLineT2<T>::intersection(const FiniteLineT2<T>& second, VectorT2<T>& point) const
534 {
535  ocean_assert(isValid() && second.isValid());
536  if (!LineT2<T>(point0_, direction_).intersection(LineT2<T>(second.point0_, second.direction_), point))
537  {
538  // we do not have an intersection on the infinite lines
539  return false;
540  }
542  // now we check whether the intersection points lies within the ranges [point0, point1]
544  const T lengthOnThisLine = direction_ * (point - point0_);
545  const T lengthOnSecondLine = second.direction_ * (point - second.point0_);
547  if (lengthOnThisLine < T(0) || lengthOnSecondLine < T(0) || NumericT<T>::sqr(lengthOnThisLine) > sqrLength() || NumericT<T>::sqr(lengthOnSecondLine) > second.sqrLength())
548  {
549  return false;
550  }
552  return true;
553 }
555 template <typename T>
556 inline bool FiniteLineT2<T>::intersection(const LineT2<T>& second, VectorT2<T>& point) const
557 {
558  ocean_assert(isValid() && second.isValid());
559  if (!LineT2<T>(point0_, direction_).intersection(second, point))
560  {
561  // we do not have an intersection on the infinite lines
562  return false;
563  }
565  // now we check whether the intersection points lies within the ranges [point0, point1]
567  const T lengthOnThisLine = direction_ * (point - point0_);
569  if (lengthOnThisLine < T(0) || NumericT<T>::sqr(lengthOnThisLine) > sqrLength())
570  {
571  return false;
572  }
574  return true;
575 }
577 template <typename T>
578 inline bool FiniteLineT2<T>::intersects(const FiniteLineT2<T>& second) const
579 {
580  ocean_assert(isValid() && second.isValid());
582  VectorT2<T> dummyPoint;
583  return intersection(second, dummyPoint);
584 }
586 template <typename T>
587 inline bool FiniteLineT2<T>::intersects(const LineT2<T>& second) const
588 {
589  ocean_assert(isValid() && second.isValid());
591  VectorT2<T> dummyPoint;
592  return intersection(second, dummyPoint);
593 }
595 template <typename T>
596 inline bool FiniteLineT2<T>::isParallel(const FiniteLineT2<T>& right) const
597 {
598  ocean_assert(isValid() && right.isValid());
600  return direction_ == right.direction_ || direction_ == -right.direction_;
601 }
603 template <typename T>
604 inline bool FiniteLineT2<T>::isCollinear(const FiniteLineT2<T>& right, const T& distanceEpsilon, const T& cosAngleEpsilon) const
605 {
606  ocean_assert(isValid() && right.isValid());
607  ocean_assert(NumericT<T>::isInsideRange((T)0, cosAngleEpsilon, (T)1));
609  // Distances of the end-points of one line to the other should be within the band defined by +/- epsilon.
610  const T squareDistanceEpsilon = distanceEpsilon * distanceEpsilon;
611  const bool validDistanceRightToThis = (nearestPointOnInfiniteLine(right.point0()) - right.point0()).sqr() <= squareDistanceEpsilon && (nearestPointOnInfiniteLine(right.point1()) - right.point1()).sqr() <= squareDistanceEpsilon;
612  const bool validDistanceThisToRight = (right.nearestPointOnInfiniteLine(point0()) - point0()).sqr() <= squareDistanceEpsilon && (right.nearestPointOnInfiniteLine(point1()) - point1()).sqr() <= squareDistanceEpsilon;
614  // Both normalized lines directions should be parallel and pointing into the same or opposing direction
615  const T cosAngle = normal() * right.normal();
616  const bool validNormalOrientations = NumericT<T>::abs(cosAngle) >= cosAngleEpsilon;
618  return validDistanceRightToThis && validDistanceThisToRight && validNormalOrientations;
619 }
621 template <typename T>
622 inline bool FiniteLineT2<T>::isValid() const
623 {
624  return !direction_.isNull();
625 }
627 template <typename T>
628 inline bool FiniteLineT2<T>::isEqual(const FiniteLineT2<T>& line, const T& epsilon) const
629 {
630  ocean_assert(isValid() && line.isValid());
632  const T sqrDistance = NumericT<T>::sqr(epsilon);
634  return (point0_.sqrDistance(line.point0_) <= sqrDistance && point1_.sqrDistance(line.point1_) <= sqrDistance)
635  || (point0_.sqrDistance(line.point1_) <= sqrDistance && point1_.sqrDistance(line.point0_) <= sqrDistance);
636 }
638 template <typename T>
640 {
641  return (point0_ == right.point0_ && point1_ == right.point1_)
642  || (point0_ == right.point1_ && point1_ == right.point0_);
643 }
645 template <typename T>
646 inline bool FiniteLineT2<T>::operator!=(const FiniteLineT2<T>& right) const
647 {
648  return !(*this == right);
649 }
651 template <typename T>
652 inline FiniteLineT2<T>::operator bool() const
653 {
654  return isValid();
655 }
657 }
bool isLeftOfLine(const VectorT2< T > &point) const
Check if a point is in the left half-plane of the direction vector of a line A point p is located on ...
Definition: FiniteLine2.h:425
const VectorT2< T > & point(const unsigned int index) const
Returns the first or second end point of the line.
Definition: FiniteLine2.h:360
FiniteLineT2(const FiniteLineT2< U > &line)
Copies a line with different data type than T.
Definition: FiniteLine2.h:340
bool isValid() const
Returns whether this line has valid parameters.
Definition: FiniteLine2.h:622
bool isEqual(const FiniteLineT2< T > &line, const T &epsilon) const
Returns whether two lines are equal up to a specified epsilon.
Definition: FiniteLine2.h:628
VectorT2< T > direction_
Direction of the line with unit length, if the object holds valid parameters.
Definition: FiniteLine2.h:326
bool intersects(const LineT2< T > &second) const
Returns whether two finite lies have an intersection.
Definition: FiniteLine2.h:587
bool intersection(const FiniteLineT2< T > &second, VectorT2< T > &point) const
Returns the unique intersection point of two finite lines.
Definition: FiniteLine2.h:533
Creates a finite line with default parameters.
T length() const
Returns the length of the finite line.
Definition: FiniteLine2.h:403
bool operator!=(const FiniteLineT2< T > &right) const
Returns whether two line are identical up to a small epsilon.
Definition: FiniteLine2.h:646
VectorT2< T > point1_
Second end point of the line.
Definition: FiniteLine2.h:323
bool isOnLine(const VectorT2< T > &point) const
Returns whether a given point is part of the finite line.
Definition: FiniteLine2.h:409
T Type
Definition of the used data type.
Definition: FiniteLine2.h:88
bool isOnInfiniteLine(const VectorT2< T > &point) const
Returns whether a given point lies on the infinite line defined by this finite line.
Definition: FiniteLine2.h:417
bool isParallel(const FiniteLineT2< T > &right) const
Returns whether two lines are parallel up to a small epsilon.
Definition: FiniteLine2.h:596
const VectorT2< T > & direction() const
Returns the direction of the line: normalized(point1() - point0())
Definition: FiniteLine2.h:381
FiniteLineT2(const VectorT2< T > &point0, const VectorT2< T > &point1)
Creates a finite line defined by two end points of the line.
Definition: FiniteLine2.h:330
bool intersects(const FiniteLineT2< T > &second) const
Returns whether two finite lines have a unique intersection point.
Definition: FiniteLine2.h:578
bool isCollinear(const FiniteLineT2< T > &right, const T &distanceEpsilon=NumericT< T >::weakEps(), const T &cosAngleEpsilon=NumericT< T >::cos(NumericT< T >::weakEps())) const
Check for collinearity with other line segment.
Definition: FiniteLine2.h:604
T distance(const VectorT2< T > &point) const
Returns the distance between the line and a given point.
Definition: FiniteLine2.h:433
const VectorT2< T > & point0() const
Returns the first end point of the line.
Definition: FiniteLine2.h:348
bool operator==(const FiniteLineT2< T > &right) const
Returns whether two line are identical up to a small epsilon.
Definition: FiniteLine2.h:639
T sqrDistance(const VectorT2< T > &point) const
Returns the square distance between the line and a given point.
Definition: FiniteLine2.h:441
const VectorT2< T > normal() const
Returns the normal of the line: -direction().perpendicular() The 2D cross product between the resulti...
Definition: FiniteLine2.h:387
VectorT2< T > nearestPoint(const VectorT2< T > &point) const
Returns the point lying on this finite line nearest to an arbitrary given point.
Definition: FiniteLine2.h:449
VectorT2< T > nearestPointOnInfiniteLine(const VectorT2< T > &point, T *outOfBoundaryDistance=nullptr, T *finiteLineLocation=nullptr) const
Returns the point on the infinite line (defined by this finite line) to an arbitrary given point.
Definition: FiniteLine2.h:475
VectorT2< T > point0_
First end point of the line.
Definition: FiniteLine2.h:320
const VectorT2< T > & point1() const
Returns the second end point of the line.
Definition: FiniteLine2.h:354
bool intersection(const LineT2< T > &second, VectorT2< T > &point) const
Returns the unique intersection point of this finite line with an infinite line.
Definition: FiniteLine2.h:556
VectorT2< T > midpoint() const
Returns the midpoint of the line.
Definition: FiniteLine2.h:375
T sqrLength() const
Returns the squared length of the finite line.
Definition: FiniteLine2.h:397
This class implements an infinite line in 2D space.
Definition: Line2.h:83
bool isValid() const
Returns whether this line has valid parameters.
Definition: Line2.h:405
bool isLeftOfLine(const VectorT2< T > &point) const
Check if a point is in the left half-plane of the direction vector of a line A point p is located on ...
Definition: Line2.h:455
This class provides basic numeric functionalities.
Definition: Numeric.h:57
static T abs(const T value)
Returns the absolute value of a given value.
Definition: Numeric.h:1220
static T sqrt(const T value)
Returns the square root of a given value.
Definition: Numeric.h:1533
static constexpr T sqr(const T value)
Returns the square of a given value.
Definition: Numeric.h:1495
static constexpr bool isEqualEps(const T value)
Returns whether a value is smaller than or equal to a small epsilon.
Definition: Numeric.h:2087
This class implements a vector with two elements.
Definition: Vector2.h:96
T sqr() const
Returns the square of the vector length.
Definition: Vector2.h:621
bool isNull() const
Returns whether this vector is a null vector up to a small epsilon.
Definition: Vector2.h:734
T sqrDistance(const VectorT2< T > &right) const
Returns the square distance between this 2D position and a second 2D position.
Definition: Vector2.h:633
T length() const
Returns the length of the vector.
Definition: Vector2.h:615
T cross(const VectorT2< T > &vector) const
Returns the cross product of two 2D vectors.
Definition: Vector2.h:544
VectorT2< T > perpendicular() const
Returns a vector perpendicular to this vectors.
Definition: Vector2.h:550
unsigned int sqrDistance(const char first, const char second)
Returns the square distance between two values.
Definition: base/Utilities.h:1089
unsigned int sqr(const char value)
Returns the square value of a given value.
Definition: base/Utilities.h:1029
FiniteLineT2< Scalar > FiniteLine2
Definition of the FiniteLine2 object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with si...
Definition: FiniteLine2.h:21
std::vector< FiniteLineD2 > FiniteLinesD2
Definition of a vector holding FiniteLineD2 objects.
Definition: FiniteLine2.h:64
FiniteLineT2< float > FiniteLineF2
Instantiation of the LineT2 template class using a single precision float data type.
Definition: FiniteLine2.h:42
std::vector< FiniteLine2 > FiniteLines2
Definition of a vector holding FiniteLine2 objects.
Definition: FiniteLine2.h:57
std::vector< FiniteLineF2 > FiniteLinesF2
Definition of a vector holding FiniteLineF2 objects.
Definition: FiniteLine2.h:71
std::vector< FiniteLineT2< T > > FiniteLinesT2
Definition of a typename alias for vectors with FiniteLineT2 objects.
Definition: FiniteLine2.h:50
FiniteLineT2< double > FiniteLineD2
Instantiation of the LineT2 template class using a double precision float data type.
Definition: FiniteLine2.h:35
The namespace covering the entire Ocean framework.
Definition: Accessor.h:15