Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
3  *
4  * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5  * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
6  */
11 #include "ocean/math/Math.h"
12 #include "ocean/math/Numeric.h"
14 namespace Ocean
15 {
17 // Forward declaration.
18 template <typename T, typename TNumeric> class AutomaticDifferentiationT;
20 /**
21  * Definition of a scalar differentiation object using the data type of Scalar as parameter.
22  * @see AutomaticDifferentiationT
23  * @ingroup math
24  */
27 /**
28  * Definition of a scalar differentiation object using double as data type.
29  * @see AutomaticDifferentiationT
30  * @ingroup math
31  */
34 /**
35  * Definition of a scalar differentiation object using float as data type.
36  * @see AutomaticDifferentiationT
37  * @ingroup math
38  */
41 /**
42  * This class implements an automatic differentiation functionality.
43  * The automatic differentiation is realized by a pair of two values using the forward mode: the actual value of a function and the corresponding derivative at this location.<br>
44  * Therefore, each object holds the value of x and x' for a given parameter x.<br>
45  * Automatic differentiation is a nice tool for fast prototyping of e.g., non-linear optimization functions.<br>
46  * The accuracy of the resulting derivative is almost ideal and significantly better compared to numerical differentiation.<br>
47  * However, in general the performance of the automatic differentiation (using the forward method) will be at least two times slower than calculating the derivative directory.<br>
48  * The following code snippet shows a simple example how the AutomaticDifferentiation class can be used.
49  * @code
50  * // the following line determines the derivative f'(x) of f(x) = x^2 for x = 5.5
51  * const AutomaticDifferentiation automaticDerivative0 = AutomaticDifferentiation(5.5) * AutomaticDifferentiation(5.5);
52  * const Scalar derivative0 = automaticDerivative0.derivative();
53  *
54  * // the following line determines the derivative of f'(x) of f(x) = x * sin(x) + 7 for x = 3
55  * const AutomaticDifferentiation automaticDerivative1 = AutomaticDifferentiation(3) * AutomaticDifferentiation::sin(AutomaticDifferentiation(3)) + 7;
56  * const Scalar derivative1 = automaticDerivative1.derivative();
57  * @endcode
58  *
59  * In the case a Jacobian matrix needs to be determined the constructor with additional boolean parameter may be used for calculations:
60  * @code
61  * // we determine the 1x2 Jacobian matrix for f(x, y) = x^2 + 3y + 5
62  * // the Jacobian will have the following layout:
63  * // | df/dx df/dy |
64  *
65  * Scalar jacobian[2];
66  *
67  * Scalar x = 3; // any value for x
68  * Scalar y = 7; // any value for y
69  *
70  * for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < 2u; ++n)
71  * {
72  * const AutomaticDifferentiation dx = AutomaticDifferentiation(x, n == 0u) * AutomaticDifferentiation(x, n == 0u);
73  * const AutomaticDifferentiation dy = AutomaticDifferentiation(y, n == 1u) * 3;
74  *
75  * const AutomaticDifferentiation d = dx + dy + 5;
76  * jacobian[n] = d(); // or d.derivative();
77  * }
78  * @endcode
79  * @tparam T The data type of the scalar
80  * @tparam TNumeric The numeric class providing access to standard mathematical functions like sin, cos, sqrt, etc.
81  * @ingroup math
82  */
83 template <typename T, typename TNumeric = NumericT<T>>
85 {
86  template <typename T1, typename TNumeric1, typename T2> friend AutomaticDifferentiationT<T1, TNumeric1> operator+(const T2& left, const AutomaticDifferentiationT<T1, TNumeric1>& right);
87  template <typename T1, typename TNumeric1, typename T2> friend AutomaticDifferentiationT<T1, TNumeric1> operator-(const T2& left, const AutomaticDifferentiationT<T1, TNumeric1>& right);
88  template <typename T1, typename TNumeric1, typename T2> friend AutomaticDifferentiationT<T1, TNumeric1> operator*(const T2& left, const AutomaticDifferentiationT<T1, TNumeric1>& right);
89  template <typename T1, typename TNumeric1, typename T2> friend AutomaticDifferentiationT<T1, TNumeric1> operator/(const T2& left, const AutomaticDifferentiationT<T1, TNumeric1>& right);
91  public:
93  /**
94  * Creates a new differentiation object without initializing the parameters.
95  */
98  /**
99  * Creates a new differentiation object for a given scalar value (not a constant).
100  * The derivative for the provided scalar value will be set to 1.
101  * @param value The scalar value defining the object
102  */
103  explicit inline AutomaticDifferentiationT(const T& value);
105  /**
106  * Creates a new differentiation object by a given scalar and it's known derivative of the function at the specified location 'value'.
107  * @param value The scalar value defining the object
108  * @param derivative The derivative of the function at location 'value', e.g., 1 for a scalar parameter, 0 for a constant
109  */
110  inline AutomaticDifferentiationT(const T& value, const T& derivative);
112  /**
113  * Creates a new differentiation object by a given scalar or constant value, while a boolean state specifies whether the parameter is a scalar or a constant.
114  * @param value The scalar or constant value defining the object
115  * @param isVariable True, if the provided value is a scalar (with derivative 1); False, if the provided value is a constant (with derivative 0)
116  */
117  inline AutomaticDifferentiationT(const T& value, const bool isVariable);
119  /**
120  * Returns the actual derivative of this object.
121  * @return The object's derivative
122  */
123  inline const T& derivative() const;
125  /**
126  * Returns the value of this object.
127  * @return The object's value
128  */
129  inline const T& value() const;
131  /**
132  * Returns the actual derivative value of this object.
133  * @return The object's derivative value
134  */
135  inline const T& operator()() const;
137  /**
138  * Adds a scalar value to this differentiation object.
139  * @param right The scalar value
140  * @return The differentiation object with added scalar
141  */
142  inline AutomaticDifferentiationT<T, TNumeric> operator+(const T& right) const;
144  /**
145  * Adds a scalar value to this differentiation object.
146  * @param right The scalar value
147  * @return The reference to this object
148  */
149  inline AutomaticDifferentiationT<T, TNumeric>& operator+=(const T& right);
151  /**
152  * Adds two differentiation objects and determines the sum derivative.
153  * @param right The right differentiation object
154  * @return The sum derivative
155  */
158  /**
159  * Adds two differentiation objects and determines the sum derivative.
160  * @param right The right differentiation object
161  * @return The reference to this object
162  */
165  /**
166  * Subtracts a scalar value from this differentiation object.
167  * @param right The scalar value
168  * @return The differentiation object with subtracted scalar
169  */
170  inline AutomaticDifferentiationT<T, TNumeric> operator-(const T& right) const;
172  /**
173  * Subtracts a scalar value from this differentiation object.
174  * @param right The scalar value
175  * @return The reference to this object
176  */
177  inline AutomaticDifferentiationT<T, TNumeric>& operator-=(const T& right);
179  /**
180  * Subtracts two differentiation objects and determines the resulting derivative.
181  * @param right The right differentiation object
182  * @return The resulting derivative
183  */
186  /**
187  * Unary negation operator returns the negative of this differentiation object.
188  * @return The negative differentiation object
189  */
192  /**
193  * Subtracts two differentiation objects and determines the resulting derivative.
194  * @param right The right differentiation object
195  * @return The reference to this object
196  */
199  /**
200  * Multiplies two differentiation objects and determines the product derivative.
201  * @param right The right differentiation object
202  * @return The product derivative
203  */
206  /**
207  * Multiplies two differentiation objects and determines the product derivative.
208  * @param right The right differentiation object
209  * @return The reference to this object
210  */
213  /**
214  * Multiplies this differentiation objects with a scalar.
215  * @param right The right scalar value
216  * @return The resulting differentiation object
217  */
218  inline AutomaticDifferentiationT<T, TNumeric> operator*(const T& right) const;
220  /**
221  * Multiplies this differentiation objects with a scalar.
222  * @param right The right scalar value
223  * @return The reference to this object
224  */
225  inline AutomaticDifferentiationT<T, TNumeric>& operator*=(const T& right);
227  /**
228  * Divides two differentiation objects and determines the quotient derivative.
229  * @param right The right differentiation object, while the object's value must not be zero
230  * @return The quotient derivative
231  */
234  /**
235  * Divides two differentiation objects and determines the quotient derivative.
236  * @param right The right differentiation object, while the object's value must not be zero
237  * @return The reference to this object
238  */
241  /**
242  * Divides this differentiation object by a scalar value.
243  * @param right The right scalar value, must not be zero
244  * @return The resulting differentiation object
245  */
246  inline AutomaticDifferentiationT<T, TNumeric> operator/(const T& right) const;
248  /**
249  * Divides this differentiation object by a scalar value.
250  * @param right The right scalar value, must not be zero
251  * @return The reference to this object
252  */
253  inline AutomaticDifferentiationT<T, TNumeric>& operator/=(const T& right);
255  /**
256  * Determines the derivative of the sinus function.
257  * @param value The value for which the derivative will be determined, in radians
258  * @return The resulting derivative value
259  */
262  /**
263  * Determines the derivative of the cosine function.
264  * @param value The value for which the derivative will be determined, in radians
265  * @return The resulting derivative value
266  */
269  /**
270  * Determines the derivative of the tangent function.
271  * @param value The value for which the derivative will be determined, in radian
272  * @return The resulting derivative value
273  */
276  /**
277  * Determines the derivative of the square root function.
278  * @param value The value for which the derivative will be determined, with value range [0, infinity)
279  * @return The resulting derivative value
280  */
283  /**
284  * Determines the derivative of the square function.
285  * @param value The value for which the derivative will be determined
286  * @return The resulting derivative value
287  */
290  /**
291  * Determines the derivative of the exponential function.
292  * @param value The value for which the derivative will be determined
293  * @return The resulting derivative value
294  */
297  /**
298  * Determines the derivative of the natural logarithm.
299  * @param value The value for which the derivative will be determined, with value range (0, infinity)
300  * @return The resulting derivative value
301  */
304  /**
305  * Determines the derivative of the logarithm to the base 2.
306  * @param value The value for which the derivative will be determined, with value range (0, infinity)
307  * @return The resulting derivative value
308  */
311  /**
312  * Determines the derivative of the logarithm to the base 10.
313  * @param value The value for which the derivative will be determined, with value range (0, infinity)
314  * @return The resulting derivative value
315  */
318  /**
319  * Determines the derivative of the power function calculating x to the power of y.
320  * @param x The value for which the derivative will be determined, with value range [0, infinity)
321  * @param y The exponent, with range (-infinity, infinity)
322  * @return The resulting derivative value
323  */
326  /**
327  * Determines the derivative of the abs function.
328  * @param value The value for which the derivative will be determined
329  * @return The resulting derivative value
330  */
333  /**
334  * Determines the derivative of the min function.
335  * @param value The value for which the derivative will be determined
336  * @param second The second scalar value that will be used for minimum comparison
337  * @return The resulting derivative value
338  */
341  /**
342  * Determines the derivative of the max function.
343  * @param value The value for which the derivative will be determined
344  * @param second The second scalar value that will be used for maximum comparison
345  * @return The resulting derivative value
346  */
349  protected:
351  /// The scalar value of this object.
352  T value_ = T(0);
354  /// The actual derivative of this object.
355  T derivative_ = T(0);
356 };
358 template <typename T, typename TNumeric>
360  value_(value),
361  derivative_(value == T(0) ? T(0) : T(1))
362 {
363  // x' = 1, if x != 0
364  // x' = 1, if x == 0
365 }
367 template <typename T, typename TNumeric>
368 inline AutomaticDifferentiationT<T, TNumeric>::AutomaticDifferentiationT(const T& value, const T& derivative) :
369  value_(value),
370  derivative_(derivative)
371 {
372  // nothing to do here
373 }
375 template <typename T, typename TNumeric>
376 inline AutomaticDifferentiationT<T, TNumeric>::AutomaticDifferentiationT(const T& value, const bool isVariable) :
377  value_(value),
378  derivative_(isVariable ? T(1) : T(0))
379 {
380  // nothing to do here
381 }
383 template <typename T, typename TNumeric>
385 {
386  return derivative_;
387 }
389 template <typename T, typename TNumeric>
391 {
392  return value_;
393 }
395 template <typename T, typename TNumeric>
397 {
398  return derivative_;
399 }
401 template <typename T, typename TNumeric>
403 {
404  // f(x) = x + c
405  // f'(x) = x'
407  return AutomaticDifferentiationT<T, TNumeric>(value_ + right, derivative_);
408 }
410 template <typename T, typename TNumeric>
412 {
413  value_ += right;
414  return *this;
415 }
417 template <typename T1, typename TNumeric1, typename T2>
419 {
420  // f(x) = c + x
421  // f'(x) = x'
423  return AutomaticDifferentiationT<T1, TNumeric1>(T1(left) + right.value_, right.derivative_);
424 }
426 template <typename T, typename TNumeric>
428 {
429  // u' + v' = (u' + v')
430  return AutomaticDifferentiationT<T, TNumeric>(value_ + right.value_, derivative_ + right.derivative_);
431 }
433 template <typename T, typename TNumeric>
435 {
436  value_ += right.value_;
437  derivative_ += right.derivative_;
439  return *this;
440 }
442 template <typename T, typename TNumeric>
444 {
445  // (u - v)' = u' - v'
446  return AutomaticDifferentiationT<T, TNumeric>(value_ - right.value_, derivative_ - right.derivative_);
447 }
449 template <typename T, typename TNumeric>
451 {
452  // f(x) = -x
453  // f'(x) = -x'
455  return AutomaticDifferentiationT<T, TNumeric>(-value_, -derivative_);
456 }
458 template <typename T, typename TNumeric>
460 {
461  value_ -= right.value_;
462  derivative_ -= right.derivative_;
464  return *this;
465 }
467 template <typename T, typename TNumeric>
469 {
470  // f(x) = x - c
471  // f'(x) = x'
473  return AutomaticDifferentiationT<T, TNumeric>(value_ - right, derivative_);
474 }
476 template <typename T, typename TNumeric>
478 {
479  value_ -= right;
480  return *this;
481 }
483 template <typename T1, typename TNumeric1, typename T2>
485 {
486  // f(x) = c - x
487  // f'(x) = -x'
489  return AutomaticDifferentiationT<T1, TNumeric1>(T1(left) - right.value_, -right.derivative_);
490 }
492 template <typename T, typename TNumeric>
494 {
495  // u' * v' = u' * v + u * v'
497  return AutomaticDifferentiationT<T, TNumeric>(value_ * right.value_, derivative_ * right.value_ + value_ * right.derivative_);
498 }
500 template <typename T, typename TNumeric>
502 {
503  *this = *this * right;
504  return *this;
505 }
507 template <typename T, typename TNumeric>
509 {
510  // f(x) = x * c
511  // f'(x) = x' * c
513  return AutomaticDifferentiationT<T, TNumeric>(value_ * right, derivative_ * right);
514 }
516 template <typename T, typename TNumeric>
518 {
519  value_ *= right;
520  return *this;
521 }
523 template <typename T1, typename TNumeric1, typename T2>
525 {
526  // f(x) = c * x
527  // f'(x) = c * x'
529  return AutomaticDifferentiationT<T1, TNumeric1>(T1(left) * right.value_, T1(left) * right.derivative_);
530 }
532 template <typename T, typename TNumeric>
534 {
535  // (u / v)' = (u' * v - u * v') / v^2
537  ocean_assert((std::is_same<T, float>::value) || TNumeric::isNotEqualEps(right.value_));
539  return AutomaticDifferentiationT<T, TNumeric>(value_ / right.value_, (derivative_ * right.value_ - value_ * right.derivative_) / (right.value_ * right.value_));
540 }
542 template <typename T, typename TNumeric>
544 {
545  *this = *this / right;
546  return *this;
547 }
549 template <typename T, typename TNumeric>
551 {
552  // f(x) = x / c
553  // f'(x) = x' / c
555  ocean_assert((std::is_same<T, float>::value) || TNumeric::isNotEqualEps(right));
557  return AutomaticDifferentiationT<T, TNumeric>(value_ / right, derivative_ / right);
558 }
560 template <typename T, typename TNumeric>
562 {
563  ocean_assert((std::is_same<T, float>::value) || TNumeric::isNotEqualEps(right));
565  value_ /= right;
566  derivative_ /= right;
568  return *this;
569 }
571 template <typename T1, typename TNumeric1, typename T2>
573 {
574  // f(x) = c / x = c * x^-1
575  // f'(x) = -c / x^2
577  ocean_assert((std::is_same<T1, float>::value) || (std::is_same<T2, float>::value) || NumericT<T1>::isNotEqualEps(right.value_));
579  return AutomaticDifferentiationT<T1, TNumeric1>(T1(left) / right.value_, -T1(left) / (right.value_ * right.value_) * right.derivative_);
580 }
582 template <typename T, typename TNumeric>
584 {
585  // f(x) = sin(x)
586  // f'(x) = cos(x) * x'
588  return AutomaticDifferentiationT<T, TNumeric>(TNumeric::sin(value.value_), TNumeric::cos(value.value_) * value.derivative_);
589 }
591 template <typename T, typename TNumeric>
593 {
594  // f(x) = cos(x)
595  // f'(x) = -sin(x) * x'
597  return AutomaticDifferentiationT<T, TNumeric>(TNumeric::cos(value.value_), -TNumeric::sin(value.value_) * value.derivative_);
598 }
600 template <typename T, typename TNumeric>
602 {
603  // f(x) = tan(x)
604  // f'(x) = 1 / (cos(x) * cos(x)) * x'
606  return AutomaticDifferentiationT<T, TNumeric>(TNumeric::tan(value.value_), value.derivative_ / TNumeric::sqr(TNumeric::cos(value.value_)));
607 }
609 template <typename T, typename TNumeric>
611 {
612  // f(x) = sqrt(x)
613  // f'(x) = 1 / (2 * sqrt(x)) * x'
615  ocean_assert(value.value_ >= T(0));
617  const T sqrtValue = TNumeric::sqrt(value.value_);
619  return AutomaticDifferentiationT<T, TNumeric>(sqrtValue, T(0.5) * value.derivative_ / sqrtValue);
620 }
622 template <typename T, typename TNumeric>
624 {
625  // f(x) = x^2
626  // f'(x) = 2x * x'
628  return AutomaticDifferentiationT<T, TNumeric>(value.value_ * value.value_, T(2) * value.value_ * value.derivative_);
629 }
631 template <typename T, typename TNumeric>
633 {
634  // f(x) = exp(x) = e^x
635  // f'(x) = e^x * x'
637  const T expValue = TNumeric::exp(value.value_);
639  return AutomaticDifferentiationT<T, TNumeric>(expValue, expValue * value.derivative_);
640 }
642 template <typename T, typename TNumeric>
644 {
645  // f(x) = log(x)
646  // f'(x) = x' / x
648  ocean_assert((std::is_same<T, float>::value) || TNumeric::isNotEqualEps(value.value_));
650  return AutomaticDifferentiationT<T, TNumeric>(TNumeric::log(value.value_), value.derivative_ / value.value_);
651 }
653 template <typename T, typename TNumeric>
655 {
656  // f(x) = log_2(x)
657  // f'(x) = x' / (x * log(2))
659  ocean_assert((std::is_same<T, float>::value) || TNumeric::isNotEqualEps(value.value_));
661  return AutomaticDifferentiationT<T, TNumeric>(TNumeric::log2(value.value_), value.derivative_ / (value.value_ * T(0.69314718055994530941723212145818)));
662 }
664 template <typename T, typename TNumeric>
666 {
667  // f(x) = log_10(x)
668  // f'(x) = x' / (x * log(10))
670  ocean_assert((std::is_same<T, float>::value) || TNumeric::isNotEqualEps(value.value_));
672  return AutomaticDifferentiationT<T, TNumeric>(TNumeric::log10(value.value_), value.derivative_ / (value.value_ * T(2.3025850929940456840179914546844)));
673 }
675 template <typename T, typename TNumeric>
677 {
678  // f(x, y) = x^y
679  // f'(x) = y * x^(y - 1) * x'
681  ocean_assert(x.value_ >= T(0));
683  return AutomaticDifferentiationT<T, TNumeric>(TNumeric::pow(x.value_, y), y * TNumeric::pow(x.value_, y - T(1)) * x.derivative_);
684 }
686 template <typename T, typename TNumeric>
688 {
689  // f(x) = |x|
690  // f'(x) = sign(x) * x'
692  return AutomaticDifferentiationT<T, TNumeric>(TNumeric::abs(value.value_), value.value_ >= T(0) ? value.derivative_ : -value.derivative_);
693 }
695 template <typename T, typename TNumeric>
697 {
698  // f(x) = min(x, c)
699  // | x', x < c
700  // f'(x) = | 0, x >= c
702  if (value.value_ < second)
703  {
705  }
706  else
707  {
708  return AutomaticDifferentiationT<T, TNumeric>(second, T(0));
709  }
710 }
712 template <typename T, typename TNumeric>
714 {
715  // f(x) = max(x, c)
716  // | x', x > c
717  // f'(x) = | 0, x <= c
719  if (value.value_ > second)
720  {
722  }
723  else
724  {
725  return AutomaticDifferentiationT<T, TNumeric>(second, T(0));
726  }
727 }
729 }
This class implements an automatic differentiation functionality.
Definition: AutomaticDifferentiation.h:85
static AutomaticDifferentiationT< T, TNumeric > log10(const AutomaticDifferentiationT< T, TNumeric > &value)
Determines the derivative of the logarithm to the base 10.
Definition: AutomaticDifferentiation.h:665
T derivative_
The actual derivative of this object.
Definition: AutomaticDifferentiation.h:355
static AutomaticDifferentiationT< T, TNumeric > sqr(const AutomaticDifferentiationT< T, TNumeric > &value)
Determines the derivative of the square function.
Definition: AutomaticDifferentiation.h:623
static AutomaticDifferentiationT< T, TNumeric > abs(const AutomaticDifferentiationT< T, TNumeric > &value)
Determines the derivative of the abs function.
Definition: AutomaticDifferentiation.h:687
static AutomaticDifferentiationT< T, TNumeric > tan(const AutomaticDifferentiationT< T, TNumeric > &value)
Determines the derivative of the tangent function.
Definition: AutomaticDifferentiation.h:601
static AutomaticDifferentiationT< T, TNumeric > max(const AutomaticDifferentiationT< T, TNumeric > &value, const T &second)
Determines the derivative of the max function.
Definition: AutomaticDifferentiation.h:713
const T & derivative() const
Returns the actual derivative of this object.
Definition: AutomaticDifferentiation.h:384
static AutomaticDifferentiationT< T, TNumeric > log(const AutomaticDifferentiationT< T, TNumeric > &value)
Determines the derivative of the natural logarithm.
Definition: AutomaticDifferentiation.h:643
static AutomaticDifferentiationT< T, TNumeric > pow(const AutomaticDifferentiationT< T, TNumeric > &x, const T &y)
Determines the derivative of the power function calculating x to the power of y.
Definition: AutomaticDifferentiation.h:676
const T & value() const
Returns the value of this object.
Definition: AutomaticDifferentiation.h:390
AutomaticDifferentiationT< T, TNumeric > & operator+=(const T &right)
Adds a scalar value to this differentiation object.
Definition: AutomaticDifferentiation.h:411
friend AutomaticDifferentiationT< T1, TNumeric1 > operator*(const T2 &left, const AutomaticDifferentiationT< T1, TNumeric1 > &right)
Definition: AutomaticDifferentiation.h:524
static AutomaticDifferentiationT< T, TNumeric > cos(const AutomaticDifferentiationT< T, TNumeric > &value)
Determines the derivative of the cosine function.
Definition: AutomaticDifferentiation.h:592
static AutomaticDifferentiationT< T, TNumeric > sqrt(const AutomaticDifferentiationT< T, TNumeric > &value)
Determines the derivative of the square root function.
Definition: AutomaticDifferentiation.h:610
static AutomaticDifferentiationT< T, TNumeric > log2(const AutomaticDifferentiationT< T, TNumeric > &value)
Determines the derivative of the logarithm to the base 2.
Definition: AutomaticDifferentiation.h:654
T value_
The scalar value of this object.
Definition: AutomaticDifferentiation.h:352
AutomaticDifferentiationT< T, TNumeric > operator-() const
Unary negation operator returns the negative of this differentiation object.
Definition: AutomaticDifferentiation.h:450
friend AutomaticDifferentiationT< T1, TNumeric1 > operator/(const T2 &left, const AutomaticDifferentiationT< T1, TNumeric1 > &right)
Definition: AutomaticDifferentiation.h:572
static AutomaticDifferentiationT< T, TNumeric > min(const AutomaticDifferentiationT< T, TNumeric > &value, const T &second)
Determines the derivative of the min function.
Definition: AutomaticDifferentiation.h:696
AutomaticDifferentiationT< T, TNumeric > & operator-=(const T &right)
Subtracts a scalar value from this differentiation object.
Definition: AutomaticDifferentiation.h:477
friend AutomaticDifferentiationT< T1, TNumeric1 > operator+(const T2 &left, const AutomaticDifferentiationT< T1, TNumeric1 > &right)
Definition: AutomaticDifferentiation.h:418
static AutomaticDifferentiationT< T, TNumeric > sin(const AutomaticDifferentiationT< T, TNumeric > &value)
Determines the derivative of the sinus function.
Definition: AutomaticDifferentiation.h:583
const T & operator()() const
Returns the actual derivative value of this object.
Definition: AutomaticDifferentiation.h:396
static AutomaticDifferentiationT< T, TNumeric > exp(const AutomaticDifferentiationT< T, TNumeric > &value)
Determines the derivative of the exponential function.
Definition: AutomaticDifferentiation.h:632
Creates a new differentiation object without initializing the parameters.
AutomaticDifferentiationT< T, TNumeric > & operator/=(const AutomaticDifferentiationT< T, TNumeric > &right)
Divides two differentiation objects and determines the quotient derivative.
Definition: AutomaticDifferentiation.h:543
AutomaticDifferentiationT< T, TNumeric > & operator*=(const AutomaticDifferentiationT< T, TNumeric > &right)
Multiplies two differentiation objects and determines the product derivative.
Definition: AutomaticDifferentiation.h:501
This class provides basic numeric functionalities.
Definition: Numeric.h:57
unsigned int sqr(const char value)
Returns the square value of a given value.
Definition: base/Utilities.h:1029
AutomaticDifferentiationT< Scalar, Numeric > AutomaticDifferentiation
Definition of a scalar differentiation object using the data type of Scalar as parameter.
Definition: AutomaticDifferentiation.h:18
AutomaticDifferentiationT< float, NumericF > AutomaticDifferentiationF
Definition of a scalar differentiation object using float as data type.
Definition: AutomaticDifferentiation.h:39
AutomaticDifferentiationT< double, NumericD > AutomaticDifferentiationD
Definition of a scalar differentiation object using double as data type.
Definition: AutomaticDifferentiation.h:32
The namespace covering the entire Ocean framework.
Definition: Accessor.h:15
AutomaticDifferentiationT< T1, TNumeric1 > operator-(const T2 &left, const AutomaticDifferentiationT< T1, TNumeric1 > &right)
Definition: AutomaticDifferentiation.h:484
AutomaticDifferentiationT< T1, TNumeric1 > operator/(const T2 &left, const AutomaticDifferentiationT< T1, TNumeric1 > &right)
Definition: AutomaticDifferentiation.h:572
AutomaticDifferentiationT< T1, TNumeric1 > operator*(const T2 &left, const AutomaticDifferentiationT< T1, TNumeric1 > &right)
Definition: AutomaticDifferentiation.h:524
AutomaticDifferentiationT< T1, TNumeric1 > operator+(const T2 &left, const AutomaticDifferentiationT< T1, TNumeric1 > &right)
Definition: AutomaticDifferentiation.h:418