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Resizing and Scaling

Ocean provides several functions to resize or scale images. Each function comes with a difference execution performance and image quality. ​ The simplest solution to resize/down-sample an image is by usage of CV::FrameInterpolator::resize(). This function allows to specified the desired resize algorithm via a function parameter. ​ Currently, the function supports the following algorithms. Floating point data types are not supported: ​

  • RM_NEAREST_PIXEL, an interpolation applying a nearest pixel (nearest neighbor) lookup.
  • RM_BILINEAR, an interpolation applying a bi-linear interpolation.
  • RM_NEAREST_PYRAMID_LAYER_11_BILINEAR, a two-step interpolation, first applying a pyramid down-sampling with a 11 filtering, followed by bilinear interpolation from pyramid layer to target image.
  • RM_NEAREST_PYRAMID_LAYER_14641_BILINEAR, a two-step interpolation, first applying a pyramid down-sampling with a 14641 filtering, followed by bi-linear interpolation from pyramid layer to target image. ​ A simple nearest neighbor lookup is commonly significantly faster than a two-step approach using a pyramid and subsequent (bi-linear) interpolation. However, pyramid-based down-sampling approaches create significantly better image qualities. ​ Below, you can find a comparison of the individual resize methods. ​
Image: Original image, size: 3000px x 3000px

​ The following table shows the resized image for a variety of resolutions and resize methods: ​

ResolutionNearest neighborBi-linearPyramid 1-1, Bi-linearPyramid 1-4-6-4-1, Bi-linear
50 x 50
100 x 100
200 x 200
300 x 300
1000 x 1000 (zoomed)

Obviously, when down-sampling an image with factor larger than 2x, a pure nearest-neighbor or bi-linear down-sampling method introduces undesired aliasing artifacts. In those cases, a two-step down-sampling strategy including a pyramid should be preferred. ​ However, all down-sampling methods have different performance characteristics. Therefore, it may make sense to use a faster down-sampling strategy when performance matters more than image quality. The following table shows the performance values measured on an iPhone 7 (single core / multi core): ​

ResolutionNearest neighborBi-linearPyramid 1-1, Bi-linearPyramid 1-4-6-4-1, Bi-linear
50 x 500.02ms / 0.02ms0.16ms / 0.16ms3.25ms / 3.26ms6.19ms / 6.21ms
100 x 1000.05ms / 0.05ms0.25ms / 0.25ms3.27ms / 3.29ms6.12ms / 6.16ms
200 x 2000.10ms / 0.12ms0.33ms / 0.25ms4.33ms / 3.32ms10.82ms / 6.17ms
300 x 3000.23ms / 0.24ms1.24ms / 0.73ms4.52ms / 3.46ms10.97ms / 6.24ms
400 x 4000.38ms / 0.23ms1.80ms / 0.94ms4.64ms / 3.46ms10.68ms / 5.98ms
500 x 5000.55ms / 0.40ms2.54ms / 1.39ms5.22ms / 3.75ms11.03ms / 5.69ms
1000 x 10001.93ms / 1.11ms4.81ms / 2.55ms8.76ms / 5.17ms13.65ms / 7.30ms
1500 x 15003.81ms / 2.01ms11.72ms / 6.10ms2.06ms / 1.90ms6.57ms / 3.30ms
2000 x 20005.89ms / 3.10ms19.29ms / 10.27ms19.30ms / 10.28ms19.40ms / 10.70ms