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Accessing the Image Content

The Frame class provides several accessors for the actual image information.

Plane access

The memory of individual image planes with planeIndex, can be accessed with constdata() and data():

template <typename T>
const T* Frame::constdata(const unsigned int planeIndex = 0u) const;

template <typename T>
T* Frame::data(const unsigned int planeIndex = 0u);

Here, the type T denotes the underlying type of the pixel elements. For example, for FORMAT_RGB24 it will be T = uint8_t, and for FORMAT_RGB48 it will be T = uint16_t.

Row access

An individual row of an image plane, planeIndex, can be accessed with constrow() and row():

template <typename T>
const T* Frame::constrow(const unsigned int y, const unsigned int planeIndex = 0u) const;

template <typename T>
T* Frame::row(const unsigned int y, const unsigned int planeIndex = 0u);

Below is a code fragment demonstrating how to iterate over all pixels in an image and check whether all pixels are black.

#include "ocean/base/Frame.h"

bool isFrameBlack(const Frame& rgbFrame)
ocean_assert(rgbFrame.pixelFormat() == FrameType::FORMAT_RGB24);

for (unsigned int y = 0u; y < rgbFrame.height(); ++y)
const uint8_t* row = rgbFrame.constrow<uint8_t>(y);

for (unsigned int x = 0u; x < rgbFrame.width(); ++x)
if (row[0] != 0x00u || row[1] != 0x00u || row[2] != 0x00u)
return false;

row += 3;

return true;

Pixel access

In case one pixel values need to be accessed, use constpixel() and pixel():

template <typename T>
const T* Frame::constpixel(const unsigned int x, const unsigned int y, const unsigned int planeIndex = 0u) const;

template <typename T>
T* Frame::pixel(const unsigned int x, const unsigned int y, const unsigned int planeIndex = 0u);

As a rule of thumb, it is recommended to avoid accessing individual pixels and to operate on an entire row instead. This will improve the execution performance (see example above).

Below is a code fragment demonstrating how to access a specific pixel in an image.

#include "ocean/base/Frame.h"

bool isPixelBlack(const Frame& rgbFrame, unsigned int x, unsigned int y)
ocean_assert(rgbFrame.pixelFormat() == FrameType::FORMAT_RGB24);
ocean_assert(x < rgbFrame.width() && y < rgbFrame.height());

const uint8_t* pixel = rgbFrame.constpixel<uint8_t>(x, y);

return pixel[0] == 0x00u && pixel[1] == 0x00u && pixel[2] == 0x00u;